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Manual wire/waveguide routing (`Pather`)
from typing import Self, Sequence, MutableMapping, Mapping
import copy
import logging
8 months ago
from pprint import pformat
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from ..pattern import Pattern
from ..library import ILibrary, SINGLE_USE_PREFIX
from ..error import PortError, BuildError
from ..ports import PortList, Port
from ..abstract import Abstract
6 months ago
from ..utils import SupportsBool, rotation_matrix_2d
from .tools import Tool
from .utils import ell
from .builder import Builder
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Pather(Builder):
An extension of `Builder` which provides functionality for routing and attaching
single-use patterns (e.g. wires or waveguides) and bundles / buses of such patterns.
`Pather` is mostly concerned with calculating how long each wire should be. It calls
out to `Tool.path` functions provided by subclasses of `Tool` to build the actual patterns.
`Tool`s are assigned on a per-port basis and stored in `.tools`; a key of `None` represents
a "default" `Tool` used for all ports which do not have a port-specific `Tool` assigned.
Examples: Creating a Pather
- `Pather(library, tools=my_tool)` makes an empty pattern with no ports. The pattern
is not added into `library` and must later be added with e.g.
`library['mypat'] = pather.pattern`.
The default wire/waveguide generating tool for all ports is set to `my_tool`.
- `Pather(library, ports={'in': Port(...), 'out': ...}, name='mypat', tools=my_tool)`
makes an empty pattern, adds the given ports, and places it into `library`
under the name `'mypat'`. The default wire/waveguide generating tool
for all ports is set to `my_tool`
- `Pather(..., tools={'in': top_metal_40um, 'out': bottom_metal_1um, None: my_tool})`
assigns specific tools to individual ports, and `my_tool` as a default for ports
which are not specified.
- `Pather.interface(other_pat, port_map=['A', 'B'], library=library, tools=my_tool)`
makes a new (empty) pattern, copies over ports 'A' and 'B' from
`other_pat`, and creates additional ports 'in_A' and 'in_B' facing
in the opposite directions. This can be used to build a device which
can plug into `other_pat` (using the 'in_*' ports) but which does not
itself include `other_pat` as a subcomponent.
- `Pather.interface(other_pather, ...)` does the same thing as
`Builder.interface(other_builder.pattern, ...)` but also uses
`other_builder.library` as its library by default.
Examples: Adding to a pattern
- `pather.path('my_port', ccw=True, distance)` creates a "wire" for which the output
port is `distance` units away along the axis of `'my_port'` and rotated 90 degrees
counterclockwise (since `ccw=True`) relative to `'my_port'`. The wire is `plug`ged
into the existing `'my_port'`, causing the port to move to the wire's output.
There is no formal guarantee about how far off-axis the output will be located;
there may be a significant width to the bend that is used to accomplish the 90 degree
turn. However, an error is raised if `distance` is too small to fit the bend.
- `pather.path('my_port', ccw=None, distance)` creates a straight wire with a length
of `distance` and `plug`s it into `'my_port'`.
- `pather.path_to('my_port', ccw=False, position)` creates a wire which starts at
`'my_port'` and has its output at the specified `position`, pointing 90 degrees
clockwise relative to the input. Again, the off-axis position or distance to the
output is not specified, so `position` takes the form of a single coordinate. To
ease debugging, position may be specified as `x=position` or `y=position` and an
error will be raised if the wrong coordinate is given.
- `pather.mpath(['A', 'B', 'C'], ..., spacing=spacing)` is a superset of `path`
and `path_to` which can act on multiple ports simultaneously. Each port's wire is
generated using its own `Tool` (or the default tool if left unspecified).
The output ports are spaced out by `spacing` along the input ports' axis, unless
`ccw=None` is specified (i.e. no bends) in which case they all end at the same
destination coordinate.
- `pather.plug(wire, {'myport': 'A'})` places port 'A' of `wire` at 'myport'
of `pather.pattern`. If `wire` has only two ports (e.g. 'A' and 'B'), no `map_out`,
argument is provided, and the `inherit_name` argument is not explicitly
set to `False`, the unconnected port of `wire` is automatically renamed to
'myport'. This allows easy extension of existing ports without changing
their names or having to provide `map_out` each time `plug` is called.
- `, offset=(10, 10), rotation=pi / 2, port_map={'A': 'gnd'})`
instantiates `pad` at the specified (x, y) offset and with the specified
rotation, adding its ports to those of `pather.pattern`. Port 'A' of `pad` is
renamed to 'gnd' so that further routing can use this signal or net name
rather than the port name on the original `pad` device.
- `pather.retool(tool)` or `pather.retool(tool, ['in', 'out', None])` can change
which tool is used for the given ports (or as the default tool). Useful
when placing vias or using multiple waveguide types along a route.
__slots__ = ('tools',)
library: ILibrary
Library from which existing patterns should be referenced, and to which
new ones should be added
tools: dict[str | None, Tool]
Tool objects are used to dynamically generate new single-use `Pattern`s
(e.g wires or waveguides) to be plugged into this device. A key of `None`
indicates the default `Tool`.
def __init__(
library: ILibrary,
pattern: Pattern | None = None,
ports: str | Mapping[str, Port] | None = None,
tools: Tool | MutableMapping[str | None, Tool] | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
) -> None:
library: The library from which referenced patterns will be taken,
and where new patterns (e.g. generated by the `tools`) will be placed.
pattern: The pattern which will be modified by subsequent operations.
If `None` (default), a new pattern is created.
ports: Allows specifying the initial set of ports, if `pattern` does
not already have any ports (or is not provided). May be a string,
in which case it is interpreted as a name in `library`.
Default `None` (no ports).
tools: A mapping of {port: tool} which specifies what `Tool` should be used
to generate waveguide or wire segments when `path`/`path_to`/`mpath`
are called. Relies on `Tool.path` implementations.
name: If specified, `library[name]` is set to `self.pattern`.
self._dead = False
self.library = library
if pattern is not None:
self.pattern = pattern
self.pattern = Pattern()
if ports is not None:
if self.pattern.ports:
raise BuildError('Ports supplied for pattern with pre-existing ports!')
if isinstance(ports, str):
ports = library.abstract(ports).ports
if name is not None:
library[name] = self.pattern
if tools is None: = {}
elif isinstance(tools, Tool): = {None: tools}
else: = dict(tools)
def from_builder(
builder: Builder,
tools: Tool | MutableMapping[str | None, Tool] | None = None,
) -> 'Pather':
Construct a `Pather` by adding tools to a `Builder`.
builder: Builder to turn into a Pather
tools: Tools for the `Pather`
A new Pather object, using `builder.library` and `builder.pattern`.
new = Pather(library=builder.library, tools=tools, pattern=builder.pattern)
return new
def interface(
source: PortList | Mapping[str, Port] | str,
library: ILibrary | None = None,
tools: Tool | MutableMapping[str | None, Tool] | None = None,
in_prefix: str = 'in_',
out_prefix: str = '',
port_map: dict[str, str] | Sequence[str] | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
) -> 'Pather':
Wrapper for `Pattern.interface()`, which returns a Pather instead.
source: A collection of ports (e.g. Pattern, Builder, or dict)
from which to create the interface. May be a pattern name if
`library` is provided.
library: Library from which existing patterns should be referenced,
and to which the new one should be added (if named). If not provided,
`source.library` must exist and will be used.
tools: `Tool`s which will be used by the pather for generating new wires
or waveguides (via `path`/`path_to`/`mpath`).
in_prefix: Prepended to port names for newly-created ports with
reversed directions compared to the current device.
out_prefix: Prepended to port names for ports which are directly
copied from the current device.
port_map: Specification for ports to copy into the new device:
- If `None`, all ports are copied.
- If a sequence, only the listed ports are copied
- If a mapping, the listed ports (keys) are copied and
renamed (to the values).
The new pather, with an empty pattern and 2x as many ports as
listed in port_map.
`PortError` if `port_map` contains port names not present in the
current device.
`PortError` if applying the prefixes results in duplicate port
if library is None:
if hasattr(source, 'library') and isinstance(source.library, ILibrary):
library = source.library
raise BuildError('No library provided (and not present in `source.library`')
if tools is None and hasattr(source, 'tools') and isinstance(, dict):
tools =
if isinstance(source, str):
source = library.abstract(source).ports
pat = Pattern.interface(source, in_prefix=in_prefix, out_prefix=out_prefix, port_map=port_map)
new = Pather(library=library, pattern=pat, name=name, tools=tools)
return new
def __repr__(self) -> str:
8 months ago
s = f'<Pather {self.pattern} L({len(self.library)}) {pformat(}>'
return s
def retool(
tool: Tool,
keys: str | Sequence[str | None] | None = None,
) -> Self:
Update the `Tool` which will be used when generating `Pattern`s for the ports
given by `keys`.
tool: The new `Tool` to use for the given ports.
keys: Which ports the tool should apply to. `None` indicates the default tool,
used when there is no matching entry in `` for the port in question.
if keys is None or isinstance(keys, str):[keys] = tool
for key in keys:[key] = tool
return self
def path(
portspec: str,
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
tool_port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
6 months ago
plug_into: str | None = None,
) -> Self:
Create a "wire"/"waveguide" and `plug` it into the port `portspec`, with the aim
of traveling exactly `length` distance.
The wire will travel `length` distance along the port's axis, an an unspecified
(tool-dependent) distance in the perpendicular direction. The output port will
be rotated (or not) based on the `ccw` parameter.
portspec: The name of the port into which the wire will be plugged.
ccw: If `None`, the output should be along the same axis as the input.
Otherwise, cast to bool and turn counterclockwise if True
and clockwise otherwise.
length: The total distance from input to output, along the input's axis only.
(There may be a tool-dependent offset along the other axis.)
tool_port_names: The names of the ports on the generated pattern. It is unlikely
that you will need to change these. The first port is the input (to be
connected to `portspec`).
6 months ago
plug_into: If not None, attempts to plug the wire's output port into the provided
port on `self`.
BuildError if `distance` is too small to fit the bend (if a bend is present).
LibraryError if no valid name could be picked for the pattern.
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping path() since device is dead')
return self
tool =,[None])
in_ptype = self.pattern[portspec].ptype
tree = tool.path(ccw, length, in_ptype=in_ptype, port_names=tool_port_names, **kwargs)
abstract = self.library << tree
6 months ago
if plug_into is not None:
output = {plug_into: tool_port_names[1]}
output = {}
return self.plug(abstract, {portspec: tool_port_names[0], **output})
def path_to(
portspec: str,
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
position: float | None = None,
x: float | None = None,
y: float | None = None,
tool_port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
6 months ago
plug_into: str | None = None,
) -> Self:
Create a "wire"/"waveguide" and `plug` it into the port `portspec`, with the aim
of ending exactly at a target position.
The wire will travel so that the output port will be placed at exactly the target
position along the input port's axis. There can be an unspecified (tool-dependent)
offset in the perpendicular direction. The output port will be rotated (or not)
based on the `ccw` parameter.
portspec: The name of the port into which the wire will be plugged.
ccw: If `None`, the output should be along the same axis as the input.
Otherwise, cast to bool and turn counterclockwise if True
and clockwise otherwise.
position: The final port position, along the input's axis only.
(There may be a tool-dependent offset along the other axis.)
Only one of `position`, `x`, and `y` may be specified.
x: The final port position along the x axis.
`portspec` must refer to a horizontal port if `x` is passed, otherwise a
BuildError will be raised.
y: The final port position along the y axis.
`portspec` must refer to a vertical port if `y` is passed, otherwise a
BuildError will be raised.
tool_port_names: The names of the ports on the generated pattern. It is unlikely
that you will need to change these. The first port is the input (to be
connected to `portspec`).
6 months ago
plug_into: If not None, attempts to plug the wire's output port into the provided
port on `self`.
BuildError if `position`, `x`, or `y` is too close to fit the bend (if a bend
is present).
BuildError if `x` or `y` is specified but does not match the axis of `portspec`.
BuildError if more than one of `x`, `y`, and `position` is specified.
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping path_to() since device is dead')
return self
pos_count = sum(vv is not None for vv in (position, x, y))
if pos_count > 1:
raise BuildError('Only one of `position`, `x`, and `y` may be specified at once')
if pos_count < 1:
raise BuildError('One of `position`, `x`, and `y` must be specified')
port = self.pattern[portspec]
if port.rotation is None:
raise PortError(f'Port {portspec} has no rotation and cannot be used for path_to()')
if not numpy.isclose(port.rotation % (pi / 2), 0):
raise BuildError('path_to was asked to route from non-manhattan port')
is_horizontal = numpy.isclose(port.rotation % pi, 0)
if is_horizontal:
if y is not None:
raise BuildError('Asked to path to y-coordinate, but port is horizontal')
if position is None:
position = x
if x is not None:
raise BuildError('Asked to path to x-coordinate, but port is vertical')
if position is None:
position = y
x0, y0 = port.offset
if is_horizontal:
if numpy.sign(numpy.cos(port.rotation)) == numpy.sign(position - x0):
raise BuildError(f'path_to routing to behind source port: x0={x0:g} to {position:g}')
length = numpy.abs(position - x0)
if numpy.sign(numpy.sin(port.rotation)) == numpy.sign(position - y0):
raise BuildError(f'path_to routing to behind source port: y0={y0:g} to {position:g}')
length = numpy.abs(position - y0)
6 months ago
return self.path(
6 months ago
def path_into(
portspec_src: str,
portspec_dst: str,
tool_port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
out_ptype: str = 'unk',
plug_destination: bool = True,
) -> Self:
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping path_into() since device is dead')
return self
port_src = self.pattern[portspec_src]
port_dst = self.pattern[portspec_dst]
if port_src.rotation is None:
raise PortError(f'Port {portspec_src} has no rotation and cannot be used for path_into()')
if port_dst.rotation is None:
raise PortError(f'Port {portspec_dst} has no rotation and cannot be used for path_into()')
if not numpy.isclose(port_src.rotation % (pi / 2), 0):
raise BuildError('path_to was asked to route from non-manhattan port')
if not numpy.isclose(port_dst.rotation % (pi / 2), 0):
raise BuildError('path_to was asked to route to non-manhattan port')
src_is_horizontal = numpy.isclose(port_src.rotation % pi, 0)
dst_is_horizontal = numpy.isclose(port_dst.rotation % pi, 0)
xs, ys = port_src.offset
xd, yd = port_dst.offset
angle = (port_dst.rotation - port_src.rotation) % (2 * pi)
src_ne = port_src.rotation % (2 * pi) > (3 * pi /4) # path from src will go north or east
def get_jog(ccw: SupportsBool, length: float) -> float:
tool =,[None])
in_ptype = 'unk' # Could use port_src.ptype, but we're assuming this is after one bend already...
tree2 = tool.path(ccw, length, in_ptype=in_ptype, port_names=('A', 'B'), out_ptype=out_ptype, **kwargs)
top2 = tree2.top_pattern()
jog = rotation_matrix_2d(top2['A'].rotation) @ (top2['B'].offset - top2['A'].offset)
return jog[1]
dst_extra_args = {'out_ptype': out_ptype}
if plug_destination:
dst_extra_args['plug_into'] = portspec_dst
src_args = {**kwargs, 'tool_port_names': tool_port_names}
dst_args = {**src_args, **dst_extra_args}
if src_is_horizontal and not dst_is_horizontal:
# single bend should suffice
self.path_to(portspec_src, angle > pi, x=xd, **src_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, y=yd, **dst_args)
elif dst_is_horizontal and not src_is_horizontal:
# single bend should suffice
self.path_to(portspec_src, angle > pi, y=yd, **src_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, x=xd, **dst_args)
elif numpy.isclose(angle, pi):
if src_is_horizontal and ys == yd:
# straight connector
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, x=xd, **dst_args)
elif not src_is_horizontal and xs == xd:
# straight connector
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, y=yd, **dst_args)
elif src_is_horizontal:
# figure out how much x our y-segment (2nd) takes up, then path based on that
y_len = numpy.abs(yd - ys)
ccw2 = src_ne != (yd > ys)
jog = get_jog(ccw2, y_len) * numpy.sign(xd - xs)
self.path_to(portspec_src, not ccw2, x=xd - jog, **src_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, ccw2, y=yd, **dst_args)
# figure out how much y our x-segment (2nd) takes up, then path based on that
x_len = numpy.abs(xd - xs)
ccw2 = src_ne != (xd < xs)
jog = get_jog(ccw2, x_len) * numpy.sign(yd - ys)
self.path_to(portspec_src, not ccw2, y=yd - jog, **src_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, ccw2, x=xd, **dst_args)
elif numpy.isclose(angle, 0):
raise BuildError(f'Don\'t know how to route a U-bend at this time!')
raise BuildError(f'Don\'t know how to route ports with relative angle {angle}')
return self
def mpath(
portspec: str | Sequence[str],
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
spacing: float | ArrayLike | None = None,
set_rotation: float | None = None,
tool_port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
force_container: bool = False,
base_name: str = SINGLE_USE_PREFIX + 'mpath',
) -> Self:
`mpath` is a superset of `path` and `path_to` which can act on bundles or buses
of "wires or "waveguides".
The wires will travel so that the output ports will be placed at well-defined
locations along the axis of their input ports, but may have arbitrary (tool-
dependent) offsets in the perpendicular direction.
If `ccw` is not `None`, the wire bundle will turn 90 degres in either the
clockwise (`ccw=False`) or counter-clockwise (`ccw=True`) direction. Within the
bundle, the center-to-center wire spacings after the turn are set by `spacing`,
which is required when `ccw` is not `None`. The final position of bundle as a
whole can be set in a number of ways:
=A>---------------------------V turn direction: `ccw=False`
=B>-------------V |
=C>-----------------------V |
=D=>----------------V |
x---x---x---x `spacing` (can be scalar or array)
<--------------> `emin=`
<------> `bound_type='min_past_furthest', bound=`
<--------------------------------> `emax=`
x `pmin=`
x `pmax=`
- `emin=`, equivalent to `bound_type='min_extension', bound=`
The total extension value for the furthest-out port (B in the diagram).
- `emax=`, equivalent to `bound_type='max_extension', bound=`:
The total extension value for the closest-in port (C in the diagram).
- `pmin=`, equivalent to `xmin=`, `ymin=`, or `bound_type='min_position', bound=`:
The coordinate of the innermost bend (D's bend).
The x/y versions throw an error if they do not match the port axis (for debug)
- `pmax=`, `xmax=`, `ymax=`, or `bound_type='max_position', bound=`:
The coordinate of the outermost bend (A's bend).
The x/y versions throw an error if they do not match the port axis (for debug)
- `bound_type='min_past_furthest', bound=`:
The distance between furthest out-port (B) and the innermost bend (D's bend).
If `ccw=None`, final output positions (along the input axis) of all wires will be
identical (i.e. wires will all be cut off evenly). In this case, `spacing=None` is
required. In this case, `emin=` and `emax=` are equivalent to each other, and
`pmin=`, `pmax=`, `xmin=`, etc. are also equivalent to each other.
portspec: The names of the ports which are to be routed.
ccw: If `None`, the outputs should be along the same axis as the inputs.
Otherwise, cast to bool and turn 90 degrees counterclockwise if `True`
and clockwise otherwise.
spacing: Center-to-center distance between output ports along the input port's axis.
Must be provided if (and only if) `ccw` is not `None`.
set_rotation: If the provided ports have `rotation=None`, this can be used
to set a rotation for them.
tool_port_names: The names of the ports on the generated pattern. It is unlikely
that you will need to change these. The first port is the input (to be
connected to `portspec`).
force_container: If `False` (default), and only a single port is provided, the
generated wire for that port will be referenced directly, rather than being
wrapped in an additonal `Pattern`.
base_name: Name to use for the generated `Pattern`. This will be passed through
`self.library.get_name()` to get a unique name for each new `Pattern`.
BuildError if the implied length for any wire is too close to fit the bend
(if a bend is requested).
BuildError if `xmin`/`xmax` or `ymin`/`ymax` is specified but does not
match the axis of `portspec`.
BuildError if an incorrect bound type or spacing is specified.
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping mpath() since device is dead')
return self
bound_types = set()
if 'bound_type' in kwargs:
bound = kwargs['bound']
del kwargs['bound_type']
del kwargs['bound']
for bt in ('emin', 'emax', 'pmin', 'pmax', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'min_past_furthest'):
if bt in kwargs:
bound = kwargs[bt]
del kwargs[bt]
if not bound_types:
raise BuildError('No bound type specified for mpath')
elif len(bound_types) > 1:
raise BuildError(f'Too many bound types specified for mpath: {bound_types}')
bound_type = tuple(bound_types)[0]
if isinstance(portspec, str):
portspec = [portspec]
ports = self.pattern[tuple(portspec)]
extensions = ell(ports, ccw, spacing=spacing, bound=bound, bound_type=bound_type, set_rotation=set_rotation)
if len(ports) == 1 and not force_container:
# Not a bus, so having a container just adds noise to the layout
port_name = tuple(portspec)[0]
return self.path(port_name, ccw, extensions[port_name], tool_port_names=tool_port_names, **kwargs)
bld = Pather.interface(source=ports, library=self.library,
for port_name, length in extensions.items():
bld.path(port_name, ccw, length, tool_port_names=tool_port_names, **kwargs)
name = self.library.get_name(base_name)
self.library[name] = bld.pattern
return self.plug(Abstract(name, bld.pattern.ports), {sp: 'in_' + sp for sp in ports.keys()}) # TODO safe to use 'in_'?
# TODO def path_join() and def bus_join()?
def flatten(self) -> Self:
Flatten the contained pattern, using the contained library to resolve references.
return self