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import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
import pyopencl
import pyopencl.array
import time
8 years ago
import fdfd_tools.operators
from . import ops
class CSRMatrix(object):
row_ptr = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
col_ind = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
data = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
def __init__(self, queue, m):
self.row_ptr = pyopencl.array.to_device(queue, m.indptr)
self.col_ind = pyopencl.array.to_device(queue, m.indices) = pyopencl.array.to_device(queue,
def cg(a, b, max_iters=10000, err_thresh=1e-6, context=None, queue=None, verbose=False):
start_time = time.perf_counter()
if context is None:
context = pyopencl.create_some_context(False)
if queue is None:
queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(context)
def load_field(v, dtype=numpy.complex128):
return pyopencl.array.to_device(queue, v.astype(dtype))
r = load_field(b)
x = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r)
v = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r)
p = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r)
alpha = 1.0 + 0j
rho = 1.0 + 0j
errs = []
m = CSRMatrix(queue, a)
Generate OpenCL kernels
a_step = ops.create_a_csr(context)
xr_step = ops.create_xr_step(context)
rhoerr_step = ops.create_rhoerr_step(context)
p_step = ops.create_p_step(context)
dot = ops.create_dot(context)
def a_step(E, H, p, events):
return a_step_full(E, H, p, inv_dxes, oeps, invm, gpec, gpmc, Pl, Pr, events)
Start the solve
start_time2 = time.perf_counter()
_, err2 = rhoerr_step(r, [])
b_norm = numpy.sqrt(err2)
print('b_norm check: ', b_norm)
success = False
for k in range(max_iters):
if verbose:
print('[{:06d}] rho {:.4} alpha {:4.4}'.format(k, rho, alpha), end=' ')
rho_prev = rho
e = xr_step(x, p, r, v, alpha, [])
rho, err2 = rhoerr_step(r, e)
errs += [numpy.sqrt(err2) / b_norm]
if verbose:
print('err', errs[-1])
if errs[-1] < err_thresh:
success = True
e = p_step(p, r, rho/rho_prev, [])
e = a_step(v, m, p, e)
alpha = rho / dot(p, v, e)
if k % 1000 == 0:
Done solving
time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start_time
x = x.get()
if success:
print('Success', end='')
print('Failure', end=', ')
print(', {} iterations in {} sec: {} iterations/sec \
'.format(k, time_elapsed, k / time_elapsed))
print('final error', errs[-1])
print('overhead {} sec'.format(start_time2 - start_time))
8 years ago
print('Final residual:', norm(a @ x - b) / norm(b))
return x
8 years ago
def cg_solver(omega, dxes, J, epsilon, mu=None, pec=None, pmc=None, adjoint=False, solver_opts=None):
b0 = -1j * omega * J
A0 = fdfd_tools.operators.e_full(omega, dxes, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu, pec=pec, pmc=pmc)
Pl, Pr = fdfd_tools.operators.e_full_preconditioners(dxes)
if adjoint:
A = (Pl @ A0 @ Pr).H
b = Pr.H @ b0
A = Pl @ A0 @ Pr
b = Pl @ b0
x = cg(A.tocsr(), b, **solver_opts)
if adjoint:
x0 = Pl.H @ x
x0 = Pr @ x
return x0