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Tools are objects which dynamically generate simple single-use devices (e.g. wires or waveguides)
11 months ago
# TODO document all tools
from typing import Sequence, Literal, Callable, Any
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod # TODO any way to make Tool ok with implementing only one method?
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from numpy import pi
from ..utils import SupportsBool, rotation_matrix_2d, layer_t
from ..ports import Port
from ..pattern import Pattern
from ..abstract import Abstract
from ..library import ILibrary, Library
from ..error import BuildError
from .builder import Builder
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class RenderStep:
opcode: Literal['L', 'S', 'U', 'P']
tool: 'Tool | None'
start_port: Port
end_port: Port
data: Any
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.opcode != 'P' and self.tool is None:
raise BuildError('Got tool=None but the opcode is not "P"')
class Tool:
def path(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
) -> Pattern:
raise NotImplementedError(f'path() not implemented for {type(self)}')
def planL(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
) -> tuple[Port, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError(f'planL() not implemented for {type(self)}')
def planS(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
jog: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
) -> tuple[Port, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError(f'planS() not implemented for {type(self)}')
def render(
batch: Sequence[RenderStep],
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
port_names: Sequence[str] = ('A', 'B'),
) -> ILibrary:
assert not batch or batch[0].tool == self
raise NotImplementedError(f'render() not implemented for {type(self)}')
abstract_tuple_t = tuple[Abstract, str, str]
class BasicTool(Tool, metaclass=ABCMeta):
straight: tuple[Callable[[float], Pattern], str, str]
bend: abstract_tuple_t # Assumed to be clockwise
transitions: dict[str, abstract_tuple_t]
default_out_ptype: str
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class LData:
straight_length: float
ccw: SupportsBool | None
in_transition: abstract_tuple_t | None
out_transition: abstract_tuple_t | None
def path(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
) -> Pattern:
_out_port, data = self.planL(
gen_straight, sport_in, sport_out = self.straight
tree = Library()
bb = Builder(library=tree, name='_path').add_port_pair(names=port_names)
if data.in_transition:
ipat, iport_theirs, _iport_ours = data.in_transition
bb.plug(ipat, {port_names[1]: iport_theirs})
if not numpy.isclose(data.straight_length, 0):
straight = tree << {'_straight': gen_straight(data.straight_length)}
bb.plug(straight, {port_names[1]: sport_in})
if data.ccw is not None:
bend, bport_in, bport_out = self.bend
bb.plug(bend, {port_names[1]: bport_in}, mirrored=bool(ccw))
if data.out_transition:
opat, oport_theirs, oport_ours = data.out_transition
bb.plug(opat, {port_names[1]: oport_ours})
return bb.pattern
def planL(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
) -> tuple[Port, LData]:
# TODO check all the math for L-shaped bends
if ccw is not None:
bend, bport_in, bport_out = self.bend
angle_in = bend.ports[bport_in].rotation
angle_out = bend.ports[bport_out].rotation
assert angle_in is not None
assert angle_out is not None
bend_dxy = rotation_matrix_2d(-angle_in) @ (
- bend.ports[bport_in].offset
bend_angle = angle_out - angle_in
if bool(ccw):
bend_dxy[1] *= -1
bend_angle *= -1
bend_dxy = numpy.zeros(2)
bend_angle = 0
in_transition = self.transitions.get('unk' if in_ptype is None else in_ptype, None)
if in_transition is not None:
ipat, iport_theirs, iport_ours = in_transition
irot = ipat.ports[iport_theirs].rotation
assert irot is not None
itrans_dxy = rotation_matrix_2d(-irot) @ (
- ipat.ports[iport_theirs].offset
itrans_dxy = numpy.zeros(2)
out_transition = self.transitions.get('unk' if out_ptype is None else out_ptype, None)
if out_transition is not None:
opat, oport_theirs, oport_ours = out_transition
orot = opat.ports[oport_ours].rotation
assert orot is not None
otrans_dxy = rotation_matrix_2d(-orot + bend_angle) @ (
- opat.ports[oport_ours].offset
otrans_dxy = numpy.zeros(2)
if out_transition is not None:
out_ptype_actual = opat.ports[oport_theirs].ptype
elif ccw is not None:
out_ptype_actual = bend.ports[bport_out].ptype
out_ptype_actual = self.default_out_ptype
straight_length = length - bend_dxy[0] - itrans_dxy[0] - otrans_dxy[0]
bend_run = bend_dxy[1] + itrans_dxy[1] + otrans_dxy
if straight_length < 0:
raise BuildError(
f'Asked to draw path with total length {length:,g}, shorter than required bends and transitions:\n'
f'bend: {bend_dxy[0]:,g} in_trans: {itrans_dxy[0]:,g} out_trans: {otrans_dxy[0]:,g}'
data = self.LData(straight_length, ccw, in_transition, out_transition)
out_port = Port((length, bend_run), rotation=bend_angle, ptype=out_ptype_actual)
return out_port, data
def render(
batch: Sequence[RenderStep],
port_names: Sequence[str] = ('A', 'B'),
append: bool = True,
) -> ILibrary:
tree = Library()
bb = Builder(library=tree, name='_path').add_port_pair(names=(port_names[0], port_names[1]))
gen_straight, sport_in, _sport_out = self.straight
for step in batch:
straight_length, ccw, in_transition, out_transition =
assert step.tool == self
if step.opcode == 'L':
if in_transition:
ipat, iport_theirs, _iport_ours = in_transition
bb.plug(ipat, {port_names[1]: iport_theirs})
if not numpy.isclose(straight_length, 0):
straight_pat = gen_straight(straight_length)
if append:
bb.plug(straight_pat, {port_names[1]: sport_in}, append=True)
straight = tree << {'_straight': straight_pat}
bb.plug(straight, {port_names[1]: sport_in}, append=True)
if ccw is not None:
bend, bport_in, bport_out = self.bend
bb.plug(bend, {port_names[1]: bport_in}, mirrored=bool(ccw))
if out_transition:
opat, oport_theirs, oport_ours = out_transition
bb.plug(opat, {port_names[1]: oport_ours})
return tree
class PathTool(Tool, metaclass=ABCMeta):
layer: layer_t
width: float
ptype: str = 'unk'
#@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
#class LData:
# dxy: NDArray[numpy.float64]
#def __init__(self, layer: layer_t, width: float, ptype: str = 'unk') -> None:
# Tool.__init__(self)
# self.layer = layer
# self.width = width
# self.ptype: str
def path(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
port_names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
) -> Pattern:
out_port, dxy = self.planL(
pat = Pattern()
pat.path(layer=self.layer, width=self.width, vertices=[(0, 0), (length, 0)])
if ccw is None:
out_rot = pi
elif bool(ccw):
out_rot = -pi / 2
out_rot = pi / 2
pat.ports = {
port_names[0]: Port((0, 0), rotation=0, ptype=self.ptype),
port_names[1]: Port(dxy, rotation=out_rot, ptype=self.ptype),
return pat
def planL(
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
in_ptype: str | None = None,
out_ptype: str | None = None,
) -> tuple[Port, NDArray[numpy.float64]]:
# TODO check all the math for L-shaped bends
if out_ptype and out_ptype != self.ptype:
raise BuildError(f'Requested {out_ptype=} does not match path ptype {self.ptype}')
if ccw is not None:
bend_dxy = numpy.array([1, -1]) * self.width / 2
bend_angle = pi / 2
if bool(ccw):
bend_dxy[1] *= -1
bend_angle *= -1
bend_dxy = numpy.zeros(2)
bend_angle = pi
straight_length = length - bend_dxy[0]
bend_run = bend_dxy[1]
if straight_length < 0:
raise BuildError(
f'Asked to draw path with total length {length:,g}, shorter than required bend: {bend_dxy[0]:,g}'
data = numpy.array((length, bend_run))
out_port = Port(data, rotation=bend_angle, ptype=self.ptype)
return out_port, data
def render(
batch: Sequence[RenderStep],
port_names: Sequence[str] = ('A', 'B'),
) -> ILibrary:
path_vertices = [batch[0].start_port.offset]
for step in batch:
assert step.tool == self
port_rot = step.start_port.rotation
assert port_rot is not None
if step.opcode == 'L':
length, bend_run =
dxy = rotation_matrix_2d(port_rot + pi) @ (length, 0)
path_vertices.append(step.start_port.offset + dxy)
raise BuildError(f'Unrecognized opcode "{step.opcode}"')
tree, pat = Library.mktree('_path')
pat.path(layer=self.layer, width=self.width, vertices=path_vertices)
pat.ports = {
port_names[0]: batch[0].start_port.copy().rotate(pi),
port_names[1]: batch[-1].end_port.copy().rotate(pi),
return tree