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2D bin-packing
from typing import Tuple, List, Set, Sequence, Callable, Mapping
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
from ..error import MasqueError
from ..pattern import Pattern
1 year ago
from ..ref import Ref
def pack_patterns(
library: Mapping[str, Pattern],
patterns: Sequence[str],
regions: numpy.ndarray,
spacing: Tuple[float, float],
presort: bool = True,
allow_rejects: bool = True,
packer: Callable = maxrects_bssf,
) -> Tuple[Pattern, List[str]]:
half_spacing = numpy.array(spacing) / 2
bounds = [library[pp].get_bounds() for pp in patterns]
sizes = [bb[1] - bb[0] + spacing if bb is not None else spacing for bb in bounds]
offsets = [half_spacing - bb[0] if bb is not None else (0, 0) for bb in bounds]
locations, reject_inds = packer(sizes, regions, presort=presort, allow_rejects=allow_rejects)
pat = Pattern()
1 year ago
pat.refs = [Ref(pp, offset=oo + loc)
for pp, oo, loc in zip(patterns, offsets, locations)]
rejects = [patterns[ii] for ii in reject_inds]
return pat, rejects
def maxrects_bssf(
rects: ArrayLike,
containers: ArrayLike,
presort: bool = True,
allow_rejects: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[NDArray[numpy.float64], Set[int]]:
sizes should be Nx2
regions should be Mx4 (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
regions = numpy.array(containers, copy=False, dtype=float)
rect_sizes = numpy.array(rects, copy=False, dtype=float)
rect_locs = numpy.zeros_like(rect_sizes)
rejected_inds = set()
if presort:
rotated_sizes = numpy.sort(rect_sizes, axis=0) # shortest side first
rect_order = numpy.lexsort(rotated_sizes.T)[::-1] # Descending shortest side
rect_sizes = rect_sizes[rect_order]
for rect_ind, rect_size in enumerate(rect_sizes):
''' Remove degenerate regions '''
# First remove duplicate regions (but keep one; code below would drop both)
regions = numpy.unique(regions, axis=0)
# Now remove regions enclosed in another
min_more = (regions[None, :, :2] >= regions[:, None, :2]).all(axis=2) # first axis > second axis
max_less = (regions[None, :, 2:] <= regions[:, None, 2:]).all(axis=2) # first axis < second axis
max_less &= ~numpy.eye(regions.shape[0], dtype=bool) # exclude self
degenerate = (min_more & max_less).any(axis=0)
regions = regions[~degenerate]
''' Place the rect '''
# Best short-side fit (bssf) to pick a region
bssf_scores = ((regions[:, 2:] - regions[:, :2]) - rect_size).min(axis=1).astype(float)
bssf_scores[bssf_scores < 0] = numpy.inf # doesn't fit!
rr = bssf_scores.argmin()
if numpy.isinf(bssf_scores[rr]):
if allow_rejects:
raise MasqueError(f'Failed to find a suitable location for rectangle {rect_ind}')
# Read out location
loc = regions[rr, :2]
rect_locs[rect_ind] = loc
''' Shatter regions '''
# Which regions does this rectangle intersect?
min_over = regions[:, :2] >= loc + rect_size
max_undr = regions[:, 2:] <= loc
intersects = ~(min_over | max_undr).any(axis=1)
# Which sides is there excess on?
region_past_botleft = intersects[:, None] & (regions[:, :2] < loc)
region_past_topright = intersects[:, None] & (regions[:, 2:] > loc + rect_size)
# Create new regions
r_lft = regions[region_past_botleft[:, 0]].copy()
r_bot = regions[region_past_botleft[:, 1]].copy()
r_rgt = regions[region_past_topright[:, 0]].copy()
r_top = regions[region_past_topright[:, 1]].copy()
r_lft[:, 2] = loc[0]
r_bot[:, 3] = loc[1]
r_rgt[:, 0] = loc[0] + rect_size[0]
r_top[:, 1] = loc[1] + rect_size[1]
regions = numpy.vstack((regions[~intersects], r_lft, r_bot, r_rgt, r_top))
return rect_locs, rejected_inds
def guillotine_bssf_sas(rect_sizes: numpy.ndarray,
regions: numpy.ndarray,
presort: bool = True,
allow_rejects: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, Set[int]]:
sizes should be Nx2
regions should be Mx4 (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
#TODO: test me!
3 years ago
# TODO add rectangle-merge?
rect_sizes = numpy.array(rect_sizes)
rect_locs = numpy.zeros_like(rect_sizes)
rejected_inds = set()
if presort:
rotated_sizes = numpy.sort(rect_sizes, axis=0) # shortest side first
rect_order = numpy.lexsort(rotated_sizes.T)[::-1] # Descending shortest side
rect_sizes = rect_sizes[rect_order]
for rect_ind, rect_size in enumerate(rect_sizes):
''' Place the rect '''
# Best short-side fit (bssf) to pick a region
bssf_scores = ((regions[:, 2:] - regions[:, :2]) - rect_size).min(axis=1).astype(float)
bssf_scores[bssf_scores < 0] = numpy.inf # doesn't fit!
rr = bssf_scores.argmin()
if numpy.isinf(bssf_scores[rr]):
if allow_rejects:
raise MasqueError(f'Failed to find a suitable location for rectangle {rect_ind}')
# Read out location
loc = regions[rr, :2]
rect_locs[rect_ind] = loc
region_size = regions[rr, 2:] - loc
split_horiz = region_size[0] < region_size[1]
new_region0 = regions[rr].copy()
new_region1 = new_region0.copy()
split_vert = loc + rect_size
if split_horiz:
new_region0[2] = split_vert[0]
new_region0[1] = split_vert[1]
new_region1[0] = split_vert[0]
new_region0[3] = split_vert[1]
new_region0[0] = split_vert[0]
new_region1[1] = split_vert[1]
regions = numpy.vstack((regions[:rr], regions[rr + 1:],
new_region0, new_region1))
return rect_locs, rejected_inds