""" 2D bin-packing """ from typing import Tuple, List, Set, Sequence, Callable, Mapping import numpy from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike from ..error import MasqueError from ..pattern import Pattern from ..ref import Ref def pack_patterns( library: Mapping[str, Pattern], patterns: Sequence[str], regions: numpy.ndarray, spacing: Tuple[float, float], presort: bool = True, allow_rejects: bool = True, packer: Callable = maxrects_bssf, ) -> Tuple[Pattern, List[str]]: half_spacing = numpy.array(spacing) / 2 bounds = [library[pp].get_bounds() for pp in patterns] sizes = [bb[1] - bb[0] + spacing if bb is not None else spacing for bb in bounds] offsets = [half_spacing - bb[0] if bb is not None else (0, 0) for bb in bounds] locations, reject_inds = packer(sizes, regions, presort=presort, allow_rejects=allow_rejects) pat = Pattern() pat.refs = [Ref(pp, offset=oo + loc) for pp, oo, loc in zip(patterns, offsets, locations)] rejects = [patterns[ii] for ii in reject_inds] return pat, rejects def maxrects_bssf( rects: ArrayLike, containers: ArrayLike, presort: bool = True, allow_rejects: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[NDArray[numpy.float64], Set[int]]: """ sizes should be Nx2 regions should be Mx4 (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) """ regions = numpy.array(containers, copy=False, dtype=float) rect_sizes = numpy.array(rects, copy=False, dtype=float) rect_locs = numpy.zeros_like(rect_sizes) rejected_inds = set() if presort: rotated_sizes = numpy.sort(rect_sizes, axis=0) # shortest side first rect_order = numpy.lexsort(rotated_sizes.T)[::-1] # Descending shortest side rect_sizes = rect_sizes[rect_order] for rect_ind, rect_size in enumerate(rect_sizes): ''' Remove degenerate regions ''' # First remove duplicate regions (but keep one; code below would drop both) regions = numpy.unique(regions, axis=0) # Now remove regions enclosed in another min_more = (regions[None, :, :2] >= regions[:, None, :2]).all(axis=2) # first axis > second axis max_less = (regions[None, :, 2:] <= regions[:, None, 2:]).all(axis=2) # first axis < second axis max_less &= ~numpy.eye(regions.shape[0], dtype=bool) # exclude self degenerate = (min_more & max_less).any(axis=0) regions = regions[~degenerate] ''' Place the rect ''' # Best short-side fit (bssf) to pick a region bssf_scores = ((regions[:, 2:] - regions[:, :2]) - rect_size).min(axis=1).astype(float) bssf_scores[bssf_scores < 0] = numpy.inf # doesn't fit! rr = bssf_scores.argmin() if numpy.isinf(bssf_scores[rr]): if allow_rejects: rejected_inds.add(rect_ind) continue else: raise MasqueError(f'Failed to find a suitable location for rectangle {rect_ind}') # Read out location loc = regions[rr, :2] rect_locs[rect_ind] = loc ''' Shatter regions ''' # Which regions does this rectangle intersect? min_over = regions[:, :2] >= loc + rect_size max_undr = regions[:, 2:] <= loc intersects = ~(min_over | max_undr).any(axis=1) # Which sides is there excess on? region_past_botleft = intersects[:, None] & (regions[:, :2] < loc) region_past_topright = intersects[:, None] & (regions[:, 2:] > loc + rect_size) # Create new regions r_lft = regions[region_past_botleft[:, 0]].copy() r_bot = regions[region_past_botleft[:, 1]].copy() r_rgt = regions[region_past_topright[:, 0]].copy() r_top = regions[region_past_topright[:, 1]].copy() r_lft[:, 2] = loc[0] r_bot[:, 3] = loc[1] r_rgt[:, 0] = loc[0] + rect_size[0] r_top[:, 1] = loc[1] + rect_size[1] regions = numpy.vstack((regions[~intersects], r_lft, r_bot, r_rgt, r_top)) return rect_locs, rejected_inds def guillotine_bssf_sas(rect_sizes: numpy.ndarray, regions: numpy.ndarray, presort: bool = True, allow_rejects: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, Set[int]]: """ sizes should be Nx2 regions should be Mx4 (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #TODO: test me! # TODO add rectangle-merge? """ rect_sizes = numpy.array(rect_sizes) rect_locs = numpy.zeros_like(rect_sizes) rejected_inds = set() if presort: rotated_sizes = numpy.sort(rect_sizes, axis=0) # shortest side first rect_order = numpy.lexsort(rotated_sizes.T)[::-1] # Descending shortest side rect_sizes = rect_sizes[rect_order] for rect_ind, rect_size in enumerate(rect_sizes): ''' Place the rect ''' # Best short-side fit (bssf) to pick a region bssf_scores = ((regions[:, 2:] - regions[:, :2]) - rect_size).min(axis=1).astype(float) bssf_scores[bssf_scores < 0] = numpy.inf # doesn't fit! rr = bssf_scores.argmin() if numpy.isinf(bssf_scores[rr]): if allow_rejects: rejected_inds.add(rect_ind) continue else: raise MasqueError(f'Failed to find a suitable location for rectangle {rect_ind}') # Read out location loc = regions[rr, :2] rect_locs[rect_ind] = loc region_size = regions[rr, 2:] - loc split_horiz = region_size[0] < region_size[1] new_region0 = regions[rr].copy() new_region1 = new_region0.copy() split_vert = loc + rect_size if split_horiz: new_region0[2] = split_vert[0] new_region0[1] = split_vert[1] new_region1[0] = split_vert[0] else: new_region0[3] = split_vert[1] new_region0[0] = split_vert[0] new_region1[1] = split_vert[1] regions = numpy.vstack((regions[:rr], regions[rr + 1:], new_region0, new_region1)) return rect_locs, rejected_inds