
397 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
2019-04-20 15:25:19 -07:00
import copy
from enum import Enum
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from . import Shape, normalized_shape_tuple, Polygon, Circle
from .. import PatternError
from ..utils import is_scalar, rotation_matrix_2d, vector2
from ..utils import remove_colinear_vertices, remove_duplicate_vertices
__author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz'
class Path(Shape):
A path, consisting of a bunch of vertices (Nx2 ndarray), a width, an end-cap shape,
and an offset.
A normalized_form(...) is available, but can be quite slow with lots of vertices.
__slots__ = ('_vertices', '_width', '_cap', '_cap_extensions')
_vertices: numpy.ndarray
_width: float
_cap: 'Path.Cap'
_cap_extensions: numpy.ndarray or None
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class Cap(Enum):
Flush = 0 # Path ends at final vertices
Circle = 1 # Path extends past final vertices with a semicircle of radius width/2
Square = 2 # Path extends past final vertices with a width-by-width/2 rectangle
SquareCustom = 4 # Path extends past final vertices with a rectangle of length
# defined by path.cap_extensions
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# width property
def width(self) -> float:
Path width (float, >= 0)
:return: width
return self._width
def width(self, val: float):
if not is_scalar(val):
raise PatternError('Width must be a scalar')
if not val >= 0:
raise PatternError('Width must be non-negative')
self._width = val
# cap property
def cap(self) -> 'Path.Cap':
Path end-cap
:return: Path.Cap enum
return self._cap
def cap(self, val: 'Path.Cap'):
# TODO: Document that setting cap can change cap_extensions
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self._cap = Path.Cap(val)
if self.cap != Path.Cap.SquareCustom:
self.cap_extensions = None
elif self.cap_extensions is None:
# just got set to SquareCustom
self.cap_extensions = numpy.zeros(2)
# cap_extensions property
def cap_extensions(self) -> numpy.ndarray or None:
Path end-cap extensionf
:return: 2-element ndarray or None
return self._cap_extensions
def cap_extensions(self, vals: numpy.ndarray or None):
custom_caps = (Path.Cap.SquareCustom,)
if self.cap in custom_caps:
if vals is None:
raise Exception('Tried to set cap extensions to None on path with custom cap type')
self._cap_extensions = numpy.array(vals, dtype=float)
if vals is not None:
raise Exception('Tried to set custom cap extensions on path with non-custom cap type')
self._cap_extensions = vals
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# vertices property
def vertices(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
Vertices of the path (Nx2 ndarray: [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...]
:return: vertices
return self._vertices
def vertices(self, val: numpy.ndarray):
val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float)
if len(val.shape) < 2 or val.shape[1] != 2:
raise PatternError('Vertices must be an Nx2 array')
if val.shape[0] < 2:
raise PatternError('Must have at least 2 vertices (Nx2 where N>1)')
self._vertices = val
# xs property
def xs(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
All vertex x coords as a 1D ndarray
return self.vertices[:, 0]
def xs(self, val: numpy.ndarray):
val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float).flatten()
if val.size != self.vertices.shape[0]:
raise PatternError('Wrong number of vertices')
self.vertices[:, 0] = val
# ys property
def ys(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
All vertex y coords as a 1D ndarray
return self.vertices[:, 1]
def ys(self, val: numpy.ndarray):
val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float).flatten()
if val.size != self.vertices.shape[0]:
raise PatternError('Wrong number of vertices')
self.vertices[:, 1] = val
def __init__(self,
vertices: numpy.ndarray,
width: float = 0.0,
cap: 'Path.Cap' = Cap.Flush,
cap_extensions: numpy.ndarray = None,
offset: vector2 = (0.0, 0.0),
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rotation: float = 0,
mirrored: Tuple[bool] = (False, False),
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layer: int = 0,
dose: float = 1.0,
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) -> 'Path':
self._cap_extensions = None # Since .cap setter might access it
self.identifier = ()
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self.offset = offset
self.layer = layer
self.dose = dose
self.vertices = vertices
self.width = width
self.cap = cap
if cap_extensions is not None:
self.cap_extensions = cap_extensions
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[self.mirror(a) for a, do in enumerate(mirrored) if do]
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Dict = None) -> 'Path':
memo = {} if memo is None else memo
new = copy.copy(self)
new._offset = self._offset.copy()
new._vertices = self._vertices.copy()
new._cap = copy.deepcopy(self._cap, memo)
new._cap_extensions = copy.deepcopy(self._cap_extensions, memo)
return new
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def travel(travel_pairs: Tuple[Tuple[float, float]],
width: float = 0.0,
cap: 'Path.Cap' = Cap.Flush,
cap_extensions = None,
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offset: vector2 = (0.0, 0.0),
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rotation: float = 0,
mirrored: Tuple[bool] = (False, False),
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layer: int = 0,
dose: float = 1.0,
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) -> 'Path':
Build a path by specifying the turn angles and travel distances
rather than setting the distances directly.
:param travel_pairs: A list of (angle, distance) pairs that define
the path. Angles are counterclockwise, in radians, and are relative
to the previous segment's direction (the initial angle is relative
to the +x axis).
:param width: Path width, default 0
:param cap: End-cap type, default Path.Cap.Flush (no end-cap)
:param cap_extensions: End-cap extension distances, when using Path.Cap.CustomSquare.
Default (0, 0) or None, depending on cap type
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:param offset: Offset, default (0, 0)
:param rotation: Rotation counterclockwise, in radians. Default 0
:param mirrored: Whether to mirror across the x or y axes. For example,
mirrored=(True, False) results in a reflection across the x-axis,
multiplying the path's y-coordinates by -1. Default (False, False)
:param layer: Layer, default 0
:param dose: Dose, default 1.0
:return: The resulting Path object
#TODO: needs testing
direction = numpy.array([1, 0])
verts = [[0, 0]]
for angle, distance in travel_pairs:
direction =, direction.T).T
verts.append(verts[-1] + direction * distance)
return Path(vertices=verts, width=width, cap=cap, cap_extensions=cap_extensions,
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offset=offset, rotation=rotation, mirrored=mirrored,
layer=layer, dose=dose)
def to_polygons(self,
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poly_num_points: int = None,
poly_max_arclen: float = None,
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) -> List['Polygon']:
extensions = self._calculate_cap_extensions()
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v = remove_colinear_vertices(self.vertices, closed_path=False)
dv = numpy.diff(v, axis=0)
dvdir = dv / numpy.sqrt((dv * dv).sum(axis=1))[:, None]
if self.width == 0:
verts = numpy.vstack((v, v[::-1]))
return [Polygon(offset=self.offset, vertices=verts, dose=self.dose, layer=self.layer)]
perp = dvdir[:, ::-1] * [[1, -1]] * self.width / 2
# add extensions
if (extensions != 0).any():
v[0] -= dvdir[0] * extensions[0]
v[-1] += dvdir[-1] * extensions[1]
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dv = numpy.diff(v, axis=0) # recalculate dv; dvdir and perp should stay the same
# Find intersections of expanded sides
As = numpy.stack((dv[:-1], -dv[1:]), axis=2)
bs = v[1:-1] - v[:-2] + perp[1:] - perp[:-1]
ds = v[1:-1] - v[:-2] - perp[1:] + perp[:-1]
rp = numpy.linalg.solve(As, bs)[:, 0, None]
rn = numpy.linalg.solve(As, ds)[:, 0, None]
intersection_p = v[:-2] + rp * dv[:-1] + perp[:-1]
intersection_n = v[:-2] + rn * dv[:-1] - perp[:-1]
towards_perp = (dv[1:] * perp[:-1]).sum(axis=1) > 0 # path bends towards previous perp?
# straight = (dv[1:] * perp[:-1]).sum(axis=1) == 0 # path is straight
acute = (dv[1:] * dv[:-1]).sum(axis=1) < 0 # angle is acute?
# Build vertices
o0 = [v[0] + perp[0]]
o1 = [v[0] - perp[0]]
for i in range(dv.shape[0] - 1):
if towards_perp[i]:
if acute[i]:
# Opposite is >270
pt0 = v[i + 1] - perp[i + 0] + dvdir[i + 0] * self.width / 2
pt1 = v[i + 1] - perp[i + 1] - dvdir[i + 1] * self.width / 2
o1 += [pt0, pt1]
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if acute[i]:
# > 270
pt0 = v[i + 1] + perp[i + 0] + dvdir[i + 0] * self.width / 2
pt1 = v[i + 1] + perp[i + 1] - dvdir[i + 1] * self.width / 2
o0 += [pt0, pt1]
o0.append(v[-1] + perp[-1])
o1.append(v[-1] - perp[-1])
verts = numpy.vstack((o0, o1[::-1]))
polys = [Polygon(offset=self.offset, vertices=verts, dose=self.dose, layer=self.layer)]
if self.cap == Path.Cap.Circle:
#for vert in v: # not sure if every vertex, or just ends?
for vert in [v[0], v[-1]]:
circ = Circle(offset=vert, radius=self.width / 2, dose=self.dose, layer=self.layer)
polys += circ.to_polygons(poly_num_points=poly_num_points, poly_max_arclen=poly_max_arclen)
return polys
def get_bounds(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
if self.cap == Path.Cap.Circle:
bounds = self.offset + numpy.vstack((numpy.min(self.vertices, axis=0) - self.width / 2,
numpy.max(self.vertices, axis=0) + self.width / 2))
elif self.cap in (Path.Cap.Flush,
extensions = self._calculate_cap_extensions()
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v = remove_colinear_vertices(self.vertices, closed_path=False)
dv = numpy.diff(v, axis=0)
dvdir = dv / numpy.sqrt((dv * dv).sum(axis=1))[:, None]
perp = dvdir[:, ::-1] * [[1, -1]] * self.width / 2
v[0] -= dvdir * extensions[0]
v[-1] += dvdir * extensions[1]
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bounds = self.offset + numpy.vstack((numpy.min(v - numpy.abs(perp), axis=0),
numpy.max(v + numpy.abs(perp), axis=0)))
raise PatternError('get_bounds() not implemented for endcaps: {}'.format(self.cap))
return bounds
def rotate(self, theta: float) -> 'Path':
self.vertices =, self.vertices.T).T
return self
def mirror(self, axis: int) -> 'Path':
self.vertices[:, axis - 1] *= -1
return self
def scale_by(self, c: float) -> 'Path':
self.vertices *= c
self.width *= c
return self
def normalized_form(self, norm_value: float) -> normalized_shape_tuple:
# Note: this function is going to be pretty slow for many-vertexed paths, relative to
# other shapes
offset = self.vertices.mean(axis=0) + self.offset
zeroed_vertices = self.vertices - offset
scale = zeroed_vertices.std()
normed_vertices = zeroed_vertices / scale
_, _, vertex_axis = numpy.linalg.svd(zeroed_vertices)
rotation = numpy.arctan2(vertex_axis[0][1], vertex_axis[0][0]) % (2 * pi)
rotated_vertices = numpy.vstack([, v)
for v in normed_vertices])
# Reorder the vertices so that the one with lowest x, then y, comes first.
x_min = rotated_vertices[:, 0].argmin()
if not is_scalar(x_min):
y_min = rotated_vertices[x_min, 1].argmin()
x_min = x_min[y_min]
reordered_vertices = numpy.roll(rotated_vertices, -x_min, axis=0)
width0 = self.width / norm_value
return (type(self),, width0, self.cap, self.layer), \
(offset, scale/norm_value, rotation, self.dose), \
lambda: Polygon(reordered_vertices*norm_value, width=self.width*norm_value,
cap=self.cap, layer=self.layer)
def clean_vertices(self) -> 'Path':
Removes duplicate, co-linear and otherwise redundant vertices.
:returns: self
return self
def remove_duplicate_vertices(self) -> 'Path':
Removes all consecutive duplicate (repeated) vertices.
:returns: self
self.vertices = remove_duplicate_vertices(self.vertices, closed_path=False)
return self
def remove_colinear_vertices(self) -> 'Path':
Removes consecutive co-linear vertices.
:returns: self
self.vertices = remove_colinear_vertices(self.vertices, closed_path=False)
return self
def _calculate_cap_extensions(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
if self.cap == Path.Cap.Square:
extensions = numpy.full(2, self.width / 2)
elif self.cap == Path.Cap.SquareCustom:
extensions = self.cap_extensions
# Flush or Circle
extensions = numpy.zeros(2)
return extensions