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8 years ago
Class for constructing and holding the basic FDTD operations and fields
from typing import List, Dict, Callable
from collections import OrderedDict
8 years ago
import numpy
import jinja2
8 years ago
import warnings
import pyopencl
import pyopencl.array
from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel
from meanas.fdmath import vec
__author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz'
# Create jinja2 env on module load
jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__name__, 'kernels'))
8 years ago
class Simulation(object):
8 years ago
Constructs and holds the basic FDTD operations and related fields
7 years ago
After constructing this object, call the (update_E, update_H, update_S) members
7 years ago
to perform FDTD updates on the stored (E, H, S) fields:
pmls = [{'axis': a, 'polarity': p} for a in 'xyz' for p in 'np']
sim = Simulation(grid.grids, do_poynting=True, pmls=pmls)
3 years ago
with open('sources.c', 'wt') as f:
7 years ago
for t in range(max_t):
# Find the linear index for the center point, for Ey
ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index(tuple(grid.shape//2), dims=grid.shape, order='C') + \ * 1
# Perturb the field (i.e., add a soft current source)
sim.E[ind] += numpy.sin(omega * t * sim.dt)
event = sim.update_H([])
if sim.update_S:
event = sim.update_S([event])
7 years ago
with'saved_simulation', 'wb') as f:
dill.dump(meanas.fdmath.unvec(sim.E.get(), grid.shape), f)
7 years ago
Code in the form
event2 = sim.update_H([event0, event1])
indicates that the update_H operation should be prepared immediately, but wait for
event0 and event1 to occur (i.e. previous operations to finish) before starting execution.
event2 can then be used to prepare further operations to be run after update_H.
8 years ago
E = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
H = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
S = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
eps = None # type: pyopencl.array.Array
dt = None # type: float
inv_dxes = None # type: List[pyopencl.array.Array]
8 years ago
arg_type = None # type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64
context = None # type: pyopencl.Context
queue = None # type: pyopencl.CommandQueue
7 years ago
update_E = None # type: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_H = None # type: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_S = None # type: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_J = None # type: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
sources = None # type: Dict[str, str]
8 years ago
def __init__(self,
epsilon: List[numpy.ndarray],
pmls: List[Dict[str, int or float]],
bloch_boundaries: List[Dict[str, int or float]] = (),
dxes: List[List[numpy.ndarray]] or float = None,
dt: float = None,
initial_fields: Dict[str, List[numpy.ndarray]] = None,
context: pyopencl.Context = None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue = None,
float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64 = numpy.float32,
do_poynting: bool = True,
do_poynting_halves: bool = False,
do_fieldsrc: bool = False,
) -> None:
8 years ago
Initialize the simulation.
epsilon: List containing [eps_r,xx, eps_r,yy, eps_r,zz], where each element is a Yee-shifted ndarray
8 years ago
spanning the simulation domain. Relative epsilon is used.
pmls: List of dicts with keys:
'axis': One of 'x', 'y', 'z'.
'direction': One of 'n', 'p'.
'thickness': Number of layers, default 8.
'epsilon_eff': Effective epsilon to match to. Default 1.0.
'mu_eff': Effective mu to match to. Default 1.0.
'ln_R_per_layer': Desired (ln(R) / thickness) value. Default -1.6.
'm': Polynomial grading exponent. Default 3.5.
'ma': Exponent for alpha. Default 1.
bloch_boundaries: List of dicts with keys:
'axis': One of 'x', 'y', 'z'.
'real': Real part of bloch phase factor (i.e. real(exp(i * phase)))
'imag': Imaginary part of bloch phase factor (i.e. imag(exp(i * phase)))
dt: Time step. Default is min(dxes) * .99/sqrt(3).
initial_fields: Dict with optional keys ('E', 'H', 'F', 'G') containing initial values for the
specified fields (default is 0 everywhere). Fields have same format as epsilon.
context: pyOpenCL context. If not given, pyopencl.create_some_context(False) is called.
queue: pyOpenCL command queue. If not given, pyopencl.CommandQueue(context) is called.
float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64. Default numpy.float32.
do_poynting: If true, enables calculation of the poynting vector, S.
7 years ago
Poynting vector calculation adds the following computational burdens:
* During update_H, ~6 extra additions/cell are performed in order to temporally
sum H. The results are then multiplied by E (6 multiplications/cell) and
then stored (6 writes/cell, cache-friendly). The E-field components are
reused from the H-field update and do not require additional H
* GPU memory requirements increase by 50% (for storing S)
do_poynting_halves: TODO DOCUMENT
8 years ago
if initial_fields is None:
initial_fields = {}
8 years ago
self.shape = epsilon[0].shape
self.arg_type = float_type
self.sources = {}
self._create_context(context, queue)
8 years ago
if dxes is None:
dxes = 1.0
if isinstance(dxes, (float, int)):
uniform_dx = dxes
min_dx = dxes
uniform_dx = False
self.inv_dxes = [self._create_field(1 / dxn) for dxn in dxes[0] + dxes[1]]
min_dx = min(min(dxn) for dxn in dxes[0] + dxes[1])
max_dt = min_dx * .99 / numpy.sqrt(3)
if dt is None:
self.dt = max_dt
elif dt > max_dt:
8 years ago
warnings.warn('Warning: unstable dt: {}'.format(dt))
elif dt <= 0:
raise Exception('Invalid dt: {}'.format(dt))
self.dt = dt
self.E = self._create_field(initial_fields.get('E', None))
self.H = self._create_field(initial_fields.get('H', None))
if bloch_boundaries:
self.F = self._create_field(initial_fields.get('F', None))
self.G = self._create_field(initial_fields.get('G', None))
8 years ago
for pml in pmls:
pml.setdefault('thickness', 8)
pml.setdefault('epsilon_eff', 1.0)
pml.setdefault('mu_eff', 1.0)
pml.setdefault('ln_R_per_layer', -1.6)
pml.setdefault('m', 3.5)
pml.setdefault('cfs_alpha', 0)
pml.setdefault('ma', 1)
8 years ago
ctype = type_to_C(self.arg_type)
8 years ago
def ptr(arg: str) -> str:
return ctype + ' *' + arg
base_fields = OrderedDict()
base_fields[ptr('E')] = self.E
base_fields[ptr('H')] = self.H
base_fields[ctype + ' dt'] = self.dt
if uniform_dx is False:
inv_dx_names = ['inv_d' + eh + r for eh in 'eh' for r in 'xyz']
for name, field in zip(inv_dx_names, self.inv_dxes):
base_fields[ptr(name)] = field
eps_field = OrderedDict()
eps_field[ptr('eps')] = self.eps
if bloch_boundaries:
base_fields[ptr('F')] = self.F
base_fields[ptr('G')] = self.G
bloch_fields = OrderedDict()
bloch_fields[ptr('E')] = self.F
bloch_fields[ptr('H')] = self.G
bloch_fields[ctype + ' dt'] = self.dt
bloch_fields[ptr('F')] = self.E
bloch_fields[ptr('G')] = self.H
common_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(
jinja_args = {
'common_header': common_source,
'pmls': pmls,
'do_poynting': do_poynting,
'do_poynting_halves': do_poynting_halves,
'bloch': bloch_boundaries,
'uniform_dx': uniform_dx,
E_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(**jinja_args)
H_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(**jinja_args)
self.sources['E'] = E_source
self.sources['H'] = H_source
if bloch_boundaries:
bloch_args = jinja_args.copy()
bloch_args['do_poynting'] = False
bloch_args['bloch'] = [{'axis': b['axis'],
'real': b['imag'],
'imag': b['real']}
for b in bloch_boundaries]
F_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(**bloch_args)
G_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(**bloch_args)
self.sources['F'] = F_source
self.sources['G'] = G_source
S_fields = OrderedDict()
if do_poynting:
self.S = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.E)
S_fields[ptr('S')] = self.S
if do_poynting_halves:
self.S0 = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.E)
self.S1 = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.E)
S_fields[ptr('S0')] = self.S0
S_fields[ptr('S1')] = self.S1
J_fields = OrderedDict()
if do_fieldsrc:
J_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(**jinja_args)
self.sources['J'] = J_source
self.Ji = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.E)
self.Jr = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.E)
J_fields[ptr('Jr')] = self.Jr
J_fields[ptr('Ji')] = self.Ji
pml_e_fields, pml_h_fields = self._create_pmls(pmls)
if bloch_boundaries:
pml_f_fields, pml_g_fields = self._create_pmls(pmls)
Create operations
self.update_E = self._create_operation(E_source, (base_fields, eps_field, pml_e_fields))
self.update_H = self._create_operation(H_source, (base_fields, pml_h_fields, S_fields))
if bloch_boundaries:
self.update_F = self._create_operation(F_source, (bloch_fields, eps_field, pml_f_fields))
self.update_G = self._create_operation(G_source, (bloch_fields, pml_g_fields))
if do_fieldsrc:
args = OrderedDict()
[args.update(d) for d in (base_fields, J_fields)]
var_args = [ctype + ' ' + v for v in 'cs'] + ['uint ' + r + m for r in 'xyz' for m in ('min', 'max')]
update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=J_source,
arguments=', '.join(list(args.keys()) + var_args))
self.update_J = lambda e, *a: update(*args.values(), *a, wait_for=e)
def _create_pmls(self, pmls):
ctype = type_to_C(self.arg_type)
def ptr(arg: str) -> str:
return ctype + ' *' + arg
pml_e_fields = OrderedDict()
pml_h_fields = OrderedDict()
for pml in pmls:
a = 'xyz'.find(pml['axis'])
sigma_max = -pml['ln_R_per_layer'] / 2 * (pml['m'] + 1)
kappa_max = numpy.sqrt(pml['mu_eff'] * pml['epsilon_eff'])
alpha_max = pml['cfs_alpha']
def par(x):
5 years ago
scaling = (x / pml['thickness']) ** pml['m']
sigma = scaling * sigma_max
kappa = 1 + scaling * (kappa_max - 1)
alpha = ((1 - x / pml['thickness']) ** pml['ma']) * alpha_max
p0 = numpy.exp(-(sigma / kappa + alpha) * self.dt)
p1 = sigma / (sigma + kappa * alpha) * (p0 - 1)
5 years ago
p2 = 1 / kappa
return p0, p1, p2
xe, xh = (numpy.arange(1, pml['thickness'] + 1, dtype=self.arg_type)[::-1] for _ in range(2))
if pml['polarity'] == 'p':
xe -= 0.5
elif pml['polarity'] == 'n':
xh -= 0.5
pml_p_names = [['p' + pml['axis'] + i + eh + pml['polarity'] for i in '012'] for eh in 'eh']
for name_e, name_h, pe, ph in zip(pml_p_names[0], pml_p_names[1], par(xe), par(xh)):
pml_e_fields[ptr(name_e)] = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, pe)
pml_h_fields[ptr(name_h)] = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, ph)
uv = 'xyz'.replace(pml['axis'], '')
psi_base = 'Psi_' + pml['axis'] + pml['polarity'] + '_'
psi_names = [[psi_base + eh + c for c in uv] for eh in 'EH']
psi_shape = list(self.shape)
psi_shape[a] = pml['thickness']
for ne, nh in zip(*psi_names):
pml_e_fields[ptr(ne)] = pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, tuple(psi_shape), dtype=self.arg_type)
pml_h_fields[ptr(nh)] = pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, tuple(psi_shape), dtype=self.arg_type)
return pml_e_fields, pml_h_fields
7 years ago
def _create_operation(self, source, args_fields):
args = OrderedDict()
[args.update(d) for d in args_fields]
update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=source,
arguments=', '.join(args.keys()))
return lambda e: update(*args.values(), wait_for=e)
def _create_context(self, context: pyopencl.Context = None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue = None):
if context is None:
self.context = pyopencl.create_some_context()
self.context = context
8 years ago
if queue is None:
self.queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(self.context)
self.queue = queue
8 years ago
def _create_eps(self, epsilon: List[numpy.ndarray]):
if len(epsilon) != 3:
raise Exception('Epsilon must be a list with length of 3')
if not all((e.shape == epsilon[0].shape for e in epsilon[1:])):
raise Exception('All epsilon grids must have the same shape. Shapes are {}', [e.shape for e in epsilon])
if not epsilon[0].shape == self.shape:
raise Exception('Epsilon shape mismatch. Expected {}, got {}'.format(self.shape, epsilon[0].shape))
self.eps = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, vec(epsilon).astype(self.arg_type))
def _create_field(self, initial_value: List[numpy.ndarray] = None):
if initial_value is None:
return pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.eps)
if len(initial_value) != 3:
Exception('Initial field value must be a list of length 3')
if not all((f.shape == self.shape for f in initial_value)):
Exception('Initial field list elements must have same shape as epsilon elements')
return pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, vec(initial_value).astype(self.arg_type))
8 years ago
def type_to_C(float_type: numpy.dtype) -> str:
Returns a string corresponding to the C equivalent of a numpy type.
Only works for float16, float32, float64.
8 years ago
:param float_type: e.g. numpy.float32
:return: string containing the corresponding C type (eg. 'double')
if float_type == numpy.float16:
arg_type = 'half'
elif float_type == numpy.float32:
arg_type = 'float'
elif float_type == numpy.float64:
arg_type = 'double'
raise Exception('Unsupported type')
return arg_type
5 years ago
# def par(x):
# scaling = ((x / (pml['thickness'])) ** pml['m'])
# print('scaling', scaling)
# print('sigma_max * dt / 2', sigma_max * self.dt / 2)
# print('kappa_max', kappa_max)
# print('m', pml['m'])
# sigma = scaling * sigma_max
# kappa = 1 + scaling * (kappa_max - 1)
# alpha = ((1 - x / pml['thickness']) ** pml['ma']) * alpha_max
# p0 = 1/(1 + self.dt * (alpha + sigma / kappa))
# p1 = self.dt * sigma / kappa * p0
# p2 = 1/kappa
# print(p0.min(), p0.max(), p1.min(), p1.max())
# return p0, p1, p2