Add _create_context(), _create_operation(), and _create_pmls(), and generalize initial field value args
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ class Simulation(object):
epsilon: List[numpy.ndarray],
pmls: List[Dict[str, int or float]],
dt: float = .99/numpy.sqrt(3),
initial_E: List[numpy.ndarray] = None,
initial_H: List[numpy.ndarray] = None,
initial_fields: Dict[str, List[numpy.ndarray]] = None,
context: pyopencl.Context = None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue = None,
float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64 = numpy.float32,
@ -113,21 +112,14 @@ class Simulation(object):
* GPU memory requirements are approximately doubled, since S and the intermediate
products must be stored.
if initial_fields is None:
initial_fields = {}
if len(epsilon) != 3:
Exception('Epsilon must be a list with length of 3')
if not all((e.shape == epsilon[0].shape for e in epsilon[1:])):
Exception('All epsilon grids must have the same shape. Shapes are {}', [e.shape for e in epsilon])
if context is None:
self.context = pyopencl.create_some_context()
self.context = context
if queue is None:
self.queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(self.context)
self.queue = queue
self.shape = epsilon[0].shape
self.arg_type = float_type
self.sources = {}
self._create_context(context, queue)
if dt > .99/numpy.sqrt(3):
warnings.warn('Warning: unstable dt: {}'.format(dt))
@ -136,27 +128,8 @@ class Simulation(object):
self.dt = dt
self.arg_type = float_type
self.sources = {}
self.eps = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, vec(epsilon).astype(float_type))
if initial_E is None:
self.E = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.eps)
if len(initial_E) != 3:
Exception('Initial_E must be a list of length 3')
if not all((E.shape == epsilon[0].shape for E in initial_E)):
Exception('Initial_E list elements must have same shape as epsilon elements')
self.E = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, vec(E).astype(float_type))
if initial_H is None:
self.H = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.eps)
if len(initial_H) != 3:
Exception('Initial_H must be a list of length 3')
if not all((H.shape == epsilon[0].shape for H in initial_H)):
Exception('Initial_H list elements must have same shape as epsilon elements')
self.H = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, vec(H).astype(float_type))
self.E = self._create_field(initial_fields.get('E', None))
self.H = self._create_field(initial_fields.get('H', None))
for pml in pmls:
pml.setdefault('thickness', 8)
@ -181,7 +154,7 @@ class Simulation(object):
common_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(
jinja_args = {
'common_header': common_source,
@ -194,21 +167,37 @@ class Simulation(object):
self.sources['E'] = E_source
self.sources['H'] = H_source
S_fields = OrderedDict()
if do_poynting:
S_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(**jinja_args)
self.sources['S'] = S_source
self.oS = pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, self.E.shape + (2,), dtype=float_type)
self.oS = pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, self.E.shape + (2,), dtype=self.arg_type)
self.S = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.E)
S_fields = OrderedDict()
S_fields[ptr('oS')] = self.oS
S_fields[ptr('S')] = self.S
S_fields = OrderedDict()
pml_e_fields, pml_h_fields = self._create_pmls(pmls)
Create operations
self.update_E = self._create_operation(E_source, (base_fields, eps_field, pml_e_fields))
self.update_H = self._create_operation(H_source, (base_fields, pml_h_fields, S_fields))
if do_poynting:
self.update_S = self._create_operation(S_source, (base_fields, S_fields))
def _create_pmls(self, pmls):
ctype = type_to_C(self.arg_type)
def ptr(arg: str) -> str:
return ctype + ' *' + arg
pml_e_fields = OrderedDict()
pml_h_fields = OrderedDict()
for pml in pmls:
@ -225,7 +214,7 @@ class Simulation(object):
p1 = sigma / (sigma + alpha) * (p0 - 1)
return p0, p1
xe, xh = (numpy.arange(1, pml['thickness'] + 1, dtype=float_type)[::-1] for _ in range(2))
xe, xh = (numpy.arange(1, pml['thickness'] + 1, dtype=self.arg_type)[::-1] for _ in range(2))
if pml['polarity'] == 'p':
xe -= 0.5
elif pml['polarity'] == 'n':
@ -240,39 +229,34 @@ class Simulation(object):
psi_base = 'Psi_' + pml['axis'] + pml['polarity'] + '_'
psi_names = [[psi_base + eh + c for c in uv] for eh in 'EH']
psi_shape = list(epsilon[0].shape)
psi_shape = list(self.shape)
psi_shape[a] = pml['thickness']
for ne, nh in zip(*psi_names):
pml_e_fields[ptr(ne)] = pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, tuple(psi_shape), dtype=self.arg_type)
pml_h_fields[ptr(nh)] = pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, tuple(psi_shape), dtype=self.arg_type)
return pml_e_fields, pml_h_fields
self.pml_e_fields = pml_e_fields
self.pml_h_fields = pml_h_fields
def _create_operation(self, source, args_fields):
args = OrderedDict()
[args.update(d) for d in args_fields]
update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=source,
arguments=', '.join(args.keys()))
return lambda e: update(*args.values(), wait_for=e)
Create operations
E_args = OrderedDict()
[E_args.update(d) for d in (base_fields, eps_field, pml_e_fields)]
E_update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=E_source,
arguments=', '.join(E_args.keys()))
def _create_context(self, context: pyopencl.Context = None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue = None):
if context is None:
self.context = pyopencl.create_some_context()
self.context = context
H_args = OrderedDict()
[H_args.update(d) for d in (base_fields, pml_h_fields, S_fields)]
H_update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=H_source,
arguments=', '.join(H_args.keys()))
self.update_E = lambda e: E_update(*E_args.values(), wait_for=e)
self.update_H = lambda e: H_update(*H_args.values(), wait_for=e)
if queue is None:
self.queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(self.context)
self.queue = queue
if do_poynting:
S_args = OrderedDict()
[S_args.update(d) for d in (base_fields, S_fields)]
S_update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=S_source,
arguments=', '.join(S_args.keys()))
self.update_S = lambda e: S_update(*S_args.values(), wait_for=e)
def _create_eps(self, epsilon: List[numpy.ndarray]):
if len(epsilon) != 3:
raise Exception('Epsilon must be a list with length of 3')
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