Jan Petykiewicz
Since there isn't GDS/OASIS level support for dose, this can be mostly handled by using arbitrary layers/dtypes directly. Dose scaling isn't handled as nicely that way, but it corresponds more directly to what gets written to file.
175 lines
6.6 KiB
175 lines
6.6 KiB
from typing import Tuple, Sequence
import numpy # type: ignore
from numpy import pi
from masque import layer_t, Pattern, SubPattern, Label
from masque.shapes import Polygon, Circle
from masque.builder import Device, Port
from masque.library import Library, DeviceLibrary
from masque.file.klamath import writefile
import pcgen
HOLE_SCALE: float = 1000
''' Radius for the 'hole' cell. Should be significantly bigger than
1 (minimum database unit) in order to have enough precision to
reasonably represent a polygonized circle (for GDS)
def hole(layer: layer_t,
radius: float = HOLE_SCALE * 0.35,
) -> Pattern:
Generate a pattern containing a single circular hole.
layer: Layer to draw the circle on.
radius: Circle radius.
Pattern, named `'hole'`
pat = Pattern('hole', shapes=[
Circle(radius=radius, offset=(0, 0), layer=layer)
return pat
def perturbed_l3(lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
trench_layer: layer_t = (1, 0),
shifts_a: Sequence[float] = (0.15, 0, 0.075),
shifts_r: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
xy_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 10),
perturbed_radius: float = 1.1,
trench_width: float = 1200,
) -> Device:
Generate a `Device` representing a perturbed L3 cavity.
lattice_constant: Distance between nearest neighbor holes
hole: `Pattern` object containing a single hole
trench_layer: Layer for the trenches, default `(1, 0)`.
shifts_a: passed to `pcgen.l3_shift`; specifies lattice constant
(1 - multiplicative factor) for shifting holes adjacent to
the defect (same row). Default `(0.15, 0, 0.075)` for first,
second, third holes.
shifts_r: passed to `pcgen.l3_shift`; specifies radius for perturbing
holes adjacent to the defect (same row). Default 1.0 for all holes.
Provided sequence should have same length as `shifts_a`.
xy_size: `(x, y)` number of mirror periods in each direction; total size is
`2 * n + 1` holes in each direction. Default (10, 10).
perturbed_radius: radius of holes perturbed to form an upwards-driected beam
(multiplicative factor). Default 1.1.
trench width: Width of the undercut trenches. Default 1200.
`Device` object representing the L3 design.
xyr = pcgen.l3_shift_perturbed_defect(mirror_dims=xy_size,
pat = Pattern(f'L3p-a{lattice_constant:g}rp{perturbed_radius:g}')
pat.subpatterns += [SubPattern(hole, offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y), scale=r * lattice_constant / HOLE_SCALE)
for x, y, r in xyr]
min_xy, max_xy = pat.get_bounds()
trench_dx = max_xy[0] - min_xy[0]
pat.shapes += [
Polygon.rect(ymin=max_xy[1], xmin=min_xy[0], lx=trench_dx, ly=trench_width, layer=trench_layer),
Polygon.rect(ymax=min_xy[1], xmin=min_xy[0], lx=trench_dx, ly=trench_width, layer=trench_layer),
ports = {
'input': Port((-lattice_constant * xy_size[0], 0), rotation=0, ptype=1),
'output': Port((lattice_constant * xy_size[0], 0), rotation=pi, ptype=1),
return Device(pat, ports)
def waveguide(lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
length: int,
mirror_periods: int,
) -> Device:
xy = pcgen.waveguide(length=length + 2, num_mirror=mirror_periods)
pat = Pattern(f'_wg-a{lattice_constant:g}l{length}')
pat.subpatterns += [SubPattern(hole, offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y), scale=lattice_constant / HOLE_SCALE)
for x, y in xy]
ports = {
'left': Port((-lattice_constant * length / 2, 0), rotation=0, ptype=1),
'right': Port((lattice_constant * length / 2, 0), rotation=pi, ptype=1),
return Device(pat, ports)
def bend(lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
mirror_periods: int,
) -> Device:
xy = pcgen.wgbend(num_mirror=mirror_periods)
pat_half = Pattern(f'_wgbend_half-a{lattice_constant:g}l{mirror_periods}')
pat_half.subpatterns += [SubPattern(hole, offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y), scale=lattice_constant / HOLE_SCALE)
for x, y in xy]
pat = Pattern(f'_wgbend-a{lattice_constant:g}l{mirror_periods}')
pat.addsp(pat_half, offset=(0, 0), rotation=0, mirrored=(False, False))
pat.addsp(pat_half, offset=(0, 0), rotation=-2 * pi / 3, mirrored=(True, False))
ports = {
'left': Port((-lattice_constant * mirror_periods, 0), rotation=0, ptype=1),
'right': Port((lattice_constant * mirror_periods / 2,
lattice_constant * mirror_periods * numpy.sqrt(3) / 2), rotation=pi * 4 / 3, ptype=1),
return Device(pat, ports)
def label_ports(device: Device, layer: layer_t = (3, 0)) -> Device:
for name, port in device.ports.items():
angle_deg = numpy.rad2deg(port.rotation)
device.pattern.labels += [
Label(string=f'{name} (angle {angle_deg:g})', layer=layer, offset=port.offset)
return device
def main():
hole_layer = (1, 2)
a = 512
hole_pat = hole(layer=hole_layer)
wg0 = label_ports(waveguide(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole_pat, length=10, mirror_periods=5))
wg1 = label_ports(waveguide(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole_pat, length=5, mirror_periods=5))
bend0 = label_ports(bend(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole_pat, mirror_periods=5))
l3cav = label_ports(perturbed_l3(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole_pat, xy_size=(4, 10)))
dev = Device(name='my_bend', ports={})
dev.place(wg0, offset=(0, 0), port_map={'left': 'in', 'right': 'signal'})
dev.plug(wg0, {'signal': 'left'})
dev.plug(bend0, {'signal': 'left'})
dev.plug(wg1, {'signal': 'left'})
dev.plug(bend0, {'signal': 'right'})
dev.plug(wg0, {'signal': 'left'})
dev.plug(l3cav, {'signal': 'input'})
dev.plug(wg0, {'signal': 'left'})
writefile(dev.pattern, 'phc.gds', 1e-9, 1e-3)
if __name__ == '__main__':