1485 lines
55 KiB
1485 lines
55 KiB
Object representing a one multi-layer lithographic layout.
A single level of hierarchical references is included.
from typing import cast, Self, Any, TypeVar
from collections.abc import Sequence, Mapping, MutableMapping, Iterable, Callable
import copy
import logging
import functools
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy
from numpy import inf, pi, nan
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
# .visualize imports matplotlib and matplotlib.collections
from .ref import Ref
from .abstract import Abstract
from .shapes import Shape, Polygon, Path, DEFAULT_POLY_NUM_VERTICES
from .label import Label
from .utils import rotation_matrix_2d, annotations_t, layer_t, annotations_eq, annotations_lt, layer2key
from .utils import ports_eq, ports_lt
from .error import PatternError, PortError
from .traits import AnnotatableImpl, Scalable, Mirrorable, Rotatable, Positionable, Repeatable, Bounded
from .ports import Port, PortList
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Pattern(PortList, AnnotatableImpl, Mirrorable):
2D layout consisting of some set of shapes, labels, and references to other
Pattern objects (via Ref). Shapes are assumed to inherit from `masque.shapes.Shape`
or provide equivalent functions.
`Pattern` also stores a dict of `Port`s, which can be used to "snap" together points.
See `Pattern.plug()` and `Pattern.place()`, as well as the helper classes
`builder.Builder`, `builder.Pather`, `builder.RenderPather`, and `ports.PortsList`.
For convenience, ports can be read out using square brackets:
- `pattern['A'] == Port((0, 0), 0)`
- `pattern[['A', 'B']] == {'A': Port((0, 0), 0), 'B': Port((0, 0), pi)}`
Examples: Making a Pattern
- `pat = Pattern()` just creates an empty pattern, with no geometry or ports
- To immediately set some of the pattern's contents,
pat = Pattern(
shapes={'layer1': [shape0, ...], 'layer2': [shape,...], ...},
labels={'layer1': [...], ...},
refs={'name1': [ref0, ...], 'name2': [ref, ...], ...},
ports={'in': Port(...), 'out': Port(...)},
- `Pattern.interface(other_pat, port_map=['A', 'B'])` makes a new
(empty) pattern, copies over ports 'A' and 'B' from `other_pat`, and
creates additional ports 'in_A' and 'in_B' facing in the opposite
directions. This can be used to build a device which can plug into
`other_pat` (using the 'in_*' ports) but which does not itself include
`other_pat` as a subcomponent.
Examples: Adding to a pattern
- `pat.plug(subdevice, {'A': 'C', 'B': 'B'}, map_out={'D': 'myport'})`
instantiates `subdevice` into `pat`, plugging ports 'A' and 'B'
of `pat` into ports 'C' and 'B' of `subdevice`. The connected ports
are removed and any unconnected ports from `subdevice` are added to
`pat`. Port 'D' of `subdevice` (unconnected) is renamed to 'myport'.
- `pat.plug(wire, {'myport': 'A'})` places port 'A' of `wire` at 'myport'
of `pat`. If `wire` has only two ports (e.g. 'A' and 'B'), since no `map_out`
argument is provided and the `inherit_name` argument is not explicitly
set to `False`, the unconnected port of `wire` is automatically renamed to
'myport'. This allows easy extension of existing ports without changing
their names or having to provide `map_out` each time `plug` is called.
- `pat.place(pad, offset=(10, 10), rotation=pi / 2, port_map={'A': 'gnd'})`
instantiates `pad` at the specified (x, y) offset and with the specified
rotation, adding its ports to those of `pat`. Port 'A' of `pad` is
renamed to 'gnd' so that further routing can use this signal or net name
rather than the port name on the original `pad` device.
__slots__ = (
'shapes', 'labels', 'refs', '_ports',
# inherited
shapes: defaultdict[layer_t, list[Shape]]
""" Stores of all shapes in this Pattern, indexed by layer.
Elements in this list are assumed to inherit from Shape or provide equivalent functions.
labels: defaultdict[layer_t, list[Label]]
""" List of all labels in this Pattern. """
refs: defaultdict[str | None, list[Ref]]
""" List of all references to other patterns (`Ref`s) in this `Pattern`.
Multiple objects in this list may reference the same Pattern object
(i.e. multiple instances of the same object).
_ports: dict[str, Port]
""" Uniquely-named ports which can be used to snap to other Pattern instances"""
def ports(self) -> dict[str, Port]:
return self._ports
def ports(self, value: dict[str, Port]) -> None:
self._ports = value
def __init__(
shapes: Mapping[layer_t, Sequence[Shape]] | None = None,
labels: Mapping[layer_t, Sequence[Label]] | None = None,
refs: Mapping[str | None, Sequence[Ref]] | None = None,
annotations: annotations_t | None = None,
ports: Mapping[str, 'Port'] | None = None
) -> None:
Basic init; arguments get assigned to member variables.
Non-list inputs for shapes and refs get converted to lists.
shapes: Initial shapes in the Pattern
labels: Initial labels in the Pattern
refs: Initial refs in the Pattern
annotations: Initial annotations for the pattern
ports: Any ports in the pattern
self.shapes = defaultdict(list)
self.labels = defaultdict(list)
self.refs = defaultdict(list)
if shapes:
for layer, sseq in shapes.items():
if labels:
for layer, lseq in labels.items():
if refs:
for target, rseq in refs.items():
if ports is not None:
self.ports = dict(copy.deepcopy(ports))
self.ports = {}
self.annotations = annotations if annotations is not None else {}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
nshapes = sum(len(seq) for seq in self.shapes.values())
nrefs = sum(len(seq) for seq in self.refs.values())
nlabels = sum(len(seq) for seq in self.labels.values())
s = f'<Pattern: s{nshapes} r{nrefs} l{nlabels} ['
for name, port in self.ports.items():
s += f'\n\t{name}: {port}'
s += ']>'
return s
def __copy__(self) -> 'Pattern':
logger.warning('Making a shallow copy of a Pattern... old shapes are re-referenced!')
new = Pattern(
for target, rseq in self.refs.items():
for layer, sseq in self.shapes.items():
for layer, lseq in self.labels.items():
return new
# def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict | None = None) -> 'Pattern':
# memo = {} if memo is None else memo
# new = Pattern(
# shapes=copy.deepcopy(self.shapes, memo),
# labels=copy.deepcopy(self.labels, memo),
# refs=copy.deepcopy(self.refs, memo),
# annotations=copy.deepcopy(self.annotations, memo),
# ports=copy.deepcopy(self.ports),
# )
# return new
def __lt__(self, other: 'Pattern') -> bool:
self_nonempty_targets = [target for target, reflist in self.refs.items() if reflist]
other_nonempty_targets = [target for target, reflist in self.refs.items() if reflist]
self_tgtkeys = tuple(sorted((target is None, target) for target in self_nonempty_targets))
other_tgtkeys = tuple(sorted((target is None, target) for target in other_nonempty_targets))
if self_tgtkeys != other_tgtkeys:
return self_tgtkeys < other_tgtkeys
for _, target in self_tgtkeys:
refs_ours = tuple(sorted(self.refs[target]))
refs_theirs = tuple(sorted(other.refs[target]))
if refs_ours != refs_theirs:
return refs_ours < refs_theirs
self_nonempty_layers = [ll for ll, elems in self.shapes.items() if elems]
other_nonempty_layers = [ll for ll, elems in self.shapes.items() if elems]
self_layerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in self_nonempty_layers))
other_layerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in other_nonempty_layers))
if self_layerkeys != other_layerkeys:
return self_layerkeys < other_layerkeys
for _, _, layer in self_layerkeys:
shapes_ours = tuple(sorted(self.shapes[layer]))
shapes_theirs = tuple(sorted(self.shapes[layer]))
if shapes_ours != shapes_theirs:
return shapes_ours < shapes_theirs
self_nonempty_txtlayers = [ll for ll, elems in self.labels.items() if elems]
other_nonempty_txtlayers = [ll for ll, elems in self.labels.items() if elems]
self_txtlayerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in self_nonempty_txtlayers))
other_txtlayerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in other_nonempty_txtlayers))
if self_txtlayerkeys != other_txtlayerkeys:
return self_txtlayerkeys < other_txtlayerkeys
for _, _, layer in self_layerkeys:
labels_ours = tuple(sorted(self.labels[layer]))
labels_theirs = tuple(sorted(self.labels[layer]))
if labels_ours != labels_theirs:
return labels_ours < labels_theirs
if not annotations_eq(self.annotations, other.annotations):
return annotations_lt(self.annotations, other.annotations)
if not ports_eq(self.ports, other.ports):
return ports_lt(self.ports, other.ports)
return False
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if type(self) is not type(other):
return False
self_nonempty_targets = [target for target, reflist in self.refs.items() if reflist]
other_nonempty_targets = [target for target, reflist in self.refs.items() if reflist]
self_tgtkeys = tuple(sorted((target is None, target) for target in self_nonempty_targets))
other_tgtkeys = tuple(sorted((target is None, target) for target in other_nonempty_targets))
if self_tgtkeys != other_tgtkeys:
return False
for _, target in self_tgtkeys:
refs_ours = tuple(sorted(self.refs[target]))
refs_theirs = tuple(sorted(other.refs[target]))
if refs_ours != refs_theirs:
return False
self_nonempty_layers = [ll for ll, elems in self.shapes.items() if elems]
other_nonempty_layers = [ll for ll, elems in self.shapes.items() if elems]
self_layerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in self_nonempty_layers))
other_layerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in other_nonempty_layers))
if self_layerkeys != other_layerkeys:
return False
for _, _, layer in self_layerkeys:
shapes_ours = tuple(sorted(self.shapes[layer]))
shapes_theirs = tuple(sorted(self.shapes[layer]))
if shapes_ours != shapes_theirs:
return False
self_nonempty_txtlayers = [ll for ll, elems in self.labels.items() if elems]
other_nonempty_txtlayers = [ll for ll, elems in self.labels.items() if elems]
self_txtlayerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in self_nonempty_txtlayers))
other_txtlayerkeys = tuple(sorted(layer2key(ll) for ll in other_nonempty_txtlayers))
if self_txtlayerkeys != other_txtlayerkeys:
return False
for _, _, layer in self_layerkeys:
labels_ours = tuple(sorted(self.labels[layer]))
labels_theirs = tuple(sorted(self.labels[layer]))
if labels_ours != labels_theirs:
return False
if not annotations_eq(self.annotations, other.annotations):
return False
if not ports_eq(self.ports, other.ports): # noqa: SIM103
return False
return True
def sort(self, sort_elements: bool = True) -> Self:
Sort the element dicts (shapes, labels, refs) and (optionally) their contained lists.
This is primarily useful for making builds more reproducible.
sort_elements: Whether to sort all the shapes/labels/refs within each layer/target.
if sort_elements:
def maybe_sort(xx): # noqa:ANN001,ANN202
return sorted(xx)
def maybe_sort(xx): # noqa:ANN001,ANN202
return xx
self.refs = defaultdict(list, sorted(
(tgt, maybe_sort(rrs)) for tgt, rrs in self.refs.items()
self.labels = defaultdict(list, sorted(
((layer, maybe_sort(lls)) for layer, lls in self.labels.items()),
key=lambda tt: layer2key(tt[0]),
self.shapes = defaultdict(list, sorted(
((layer, maybe_sort(sss)) for layer, sss in self.shapes.items()),
key=lambda tt: layer2key(tt[0]),
self.ports = dict(sorted(self.ports.items()))
self.annotations = dict(sorted(self.annotations.items()))
return self
def append(self, other_pattern: 'Pattern') -> Self:
Appends all shapes, labels and refs from other_pattern to self's shapes,
labels, and supbatterns.
other_pattern: The Pattern to append
for target, rseq in other_pattern.refs.items():
for layer, sseq in other_pattern.shapes.items():
for layer, lseq in other_pattern.labels.items():
annotation_conflicts = set(self.annotations.keys()) & set(other_pattern.annotations.keys())
if annotation_conflicts:
raise PatternError(f'Annotation keys overlap: {annotation_conflicts}')
port_conflicts = set(self.ports.keys()) & set(other_pattern.ports.keys())
if port_conflicts:
raise PatternError(f'Port names overlap: {port_conflicts}')
return self
def subset(
shapes: Callable[[layer_t, Shape], bool] | None = None,
labels: Callable[[layer_t, Label], bool] | None = None,
refs: Callable[[str | None, Ref], bool] | None = None,
annotations: Callable[[str, list[int | float | str]], bool] | None = None,
ports: Callable[[str, Port], bool] | None = None,
default_keep: bool = False
) -> 'Pattern':
Returns a Pattern containing only the entities (e.g. shapes) for which the
given entity_func returns True.
Self is _not_ altered, but shapes, labels, and refs are _not_ copied, just referenced.
shapes: Given a layer and shape, returns a boolean denoting whether the shape is a
member of the subset.
labels: Given a layer and label, returns a boolean denoting whether the label is a
member of the subset.
refs: Given a target and ref, returns a boolean denoting if it is a member of the subset.
annotations: Given an annotation, returns a boolean denoting if it is a member of the subset.
ports: Given a port, returns a boolean denoting if it is a member of the subset.
default_keep: If `True`, keeps all elements of a given type if no function is supplied.
Default `False` (discards all elements).
A Pattern containing all the shapes and refs for which the parameter
functions return True
pat = Pattern()
if shapes is not None:
for layer in self.shapes:
pat.shapes[layer] = [ss for ss in self.shapes[layer] if shapes(layer, ss)]
elif default_keep:
pat.shapes = copy.copy(self.shapes)
if labels is not None:
for layer in self.labels:
pat.labels[layer] = [ll for ll in self.labels[layer] if labels(layer, ll)]
elif default_keep:
pat.labels = copy.copy(self.labels)
if refs is not None:
for target in self.refs:
pat.refs[target] = [rr for rr in self.refs[target] if refs(target, rr)]
elif default_keep:
pat.refs = copy.copy(self.refs)
if annotations is not None:
pat.annotations = {k: v for k, v in self.annotations.items() if annotations(k, v)}
elif default_keep:
pat.annotations = copy.copy(self.annotations)
if ports is not None:
pat.ports = {k: v for k, v in self.ports.items() if ports(k, v)}
elif default_keep:
pat.ports = copy.copy(self.ports)
return pat
def polygonize(
num_vertices: int | None = DEFAULT_POLY_NUM_VERTICES,
max_arclen: float | None = None,
) -> Self:
Calls `.to_polygons(...)` on all the shapes in this Pattern, replacing them with the returned polygons.
Arguments are passed directly to `shape.to_polygons(...)`.
num_vertices: Number of points to use for each polygon. Can be overridden by
`max_arclen` if that results in more points. Optional, defaults to shapes'
internal defaults.
max_arclen: Maximum arclength which can be approximated by a single line
segment. Optional, defaults to shapes' internal defaults.
for layer in self.shapes:
self.shapes[layer] = list(chain.from_iterable(
ss.to_polygons(num_vertices, max_arclen)
for ss in self.shapes[layer]
return self
def manhattanize(
grid_x: ArrayLike,
grid_y: ArrayLike,
) -> Self:
Calls `.polygonize()` on the pattern, then calls `.manhattanize()` on all the
resulting shapes, replacing them with the returned Manhattan polygons.
grid_x: List of allowed x-coordinates for the Manhattanized polygon edges.
grid_y: List of allowed y-coordinates for the Manhattanized polygon edges.
for layer in self.shapes:
self.shapes[layer] = list(chain.from_iterable(
ss.manhattanize(grid_x, grid_y)
for ss in self.shapes[layer]
return self
def as_polygons(self, library: Mapping[str, 'Pattern']) -> list[NDArray[numpy.float64]]:
Represents the pattern as a list of polygons.
Deep-copies the pattern, then calls `.polygonize()` and `.flatten()` on the copy in order to
generate the list of polygons.
A list of `(Ni, 2)` `numpy.ndarray`s specifying vertices of the polygons. Each ndarray
is of the form `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1],...]`.
pat = self.deepcopy().polygonize().flatten(library=library)
polys = [
cast(Polygon, shape).vertices + cast(Polygon, shape).offset
for shape in chain_elements(pat.shapes)
return polys
def referenced_patterns(self) -> set[str | None]:
Get all pattern namers referenced by this pattern. Non-recursive.
A set of all pattern names referenced by this pattern.
return set(self.refs.keys())
def get_bounds(
library: Mapping[str, 'Pattern'] | None = None,
recurse: bool = True,
cache: MutableMapping[str, NDArray[numpy.float64] | None] | None = None,
) -> NDArray[numpy.float64] | None:
Return a `numpy.ndarray` containing `[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]`, corresponding to the
extent of the Pattern's contents in each dimension.
Returns `None` if the Pattern is empty.
library: If `recurse=True`, any referenced patterns are loaded from this library.
recurse: If `False`, do not evaluate the bounds of any refs (i.e. assume they are empty).
If `True`, evaluate the bounds of all refs and their conained geometry recursively.
Default `True`.
cache: Mapping of `{name: bounds}` for patterns for which the bounds have already been calculated.
Modified during the run (any referenced pattern's bounds are added).
`[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]` or `None`
if self.is_empty():
return None
n_elems = sum(1 for _ in chain_elements(self.shapes, self.labels))
ebounds = numpy.full((n_elems, 2, 2), nan)
for ee, entry in enumerate(chain_elements(self.shapes, self.labels)):
maybe_ebounds = cast(Bounded, entry).get_bounds()
if maybe_ebounds is not None:
ebounds[ee] = maybe_ebounds
mask = ~numpy.isnan(ebounds[:, 0, 0])
if mask.any():
cbounds = numpy.vstack((
numpy.min(ebounds[mask, 0, :], axis=0),
numpy.max(ebounds[mask, 1, :], axis=0),
cbounds = numpy.array((
(+inf, +inf),
(-inf, -inf),
if recurse and self.has_refs():
if library is None:
raise PatternError('Must provide a library to get_bounds() to resolve refs')
if cache is None:
cache = {}
for target, refs in self.refs.items():
if target is None:
if not refs:
if target in cache:
unrot_bounds = cache[target]
elif any(numpy.isclose(ref.rotation % (pi / 2), 0) for ref in refs):
unrot_bounds = library[target].get_bounds(library=library, recurse=recurse, cache=cache)
cache[target] = unrot_bounds
for ref in refs:
if numpy.isclose(ref.rotation % (pi / 2), 0):
if unrot_bounds is None:
bounds = None
ubounds = unrot_bounds.copy()
if ref.mirrored:
ubounds[:, 1] *= -1
corners = (rotation_matrix_2d(ref.rotation) @ ubounds.T).T
bounds = numpy.vstack((numpy.min(corners, axis=0),
numpy.max(corners, axis=0))) * ref.scale + [ref.offset]
if ref.repetition is not None:
bounds += ref.repetition.get_bounds()
# Non-manhattan rotation, have to figure out bounds by rotating the pattern
bounds = ref.get_bounds(library[target], library=library)
if bounds is None:
cbounds[0] = numpy.minimum(cbounds[0], bounds[0])
cbounds[1] = numpy.maximum(cbounds[1], bounds[1])
if (cbounds[1] < cbounds[0]).any():
return None
return cbounds
def get_bounds_nonempty(
library: Mapping[str, 'Pattern'] | None = None,
recurse: bool = True,
) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
Convenience wrapper for `get_bounds()` which asserts that the Pattern as non-None bounds.
library: If `recurse=True`, any referenced patterns are loaded from this library.
recurse: If `False`, do not evaluate the bounds of any refs (i.e. assume they are empty).
If `True`, evaluate the bounds of all refs and their conained geometry recursively.
Default `True`.
cache: Mapping of `{name: bounds}` for patterns for which the bounds have already been calculated.
Modified during the run (any referenced pattern's bounds are added).
`[[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]]`
bounds = self.get_bounds(library, recurse=recurse)
assert bounds is not None
return bounds
def translate_elements(self, offset: ArrayLike) -> Self:
Translates all shapes, label, refs, and ports by the given offset.
offset: (x, y) to translate by
for entry in chain(chain_elements(self.shapes, self.labels, self.refs), self.ports.values()):
cast(Positionable, entry).translate(offset)
return self
def scale_elements(self, c: float) -> Self:
Scales all shapes and refs by the given value.
c: factor to scale by
for entry in chain_elements(self.shapes, self.refs):
cast(Scalable, entry).scale_by(c)
return self
def scale_by(self, c: float) -> Self:
Scale this Pattern by the given value
(all shapes and refs and their offsets are scaled,
as are all label and port offsets)
c: factor to scale by
for entry in chain_elements(self.shapes, self.refs):
cast(Positionable, entry).offset *= c
cast(Scalable, entry).scale_by(c)
rep = cast(Repeatable, entry).repetition
if rep:
for label in chain_elements(self.labels):
cast(Positionable, label).offset *= c
rep = cast(Repeatable, label).repetition
if rep:
for port in self.ports.values():
port.offset *= c
return self
def rotate_around(self, pivot: ArrayLike, rotation: float) -> Self:
Rotate the Pattern around the a location.
pivot: (x, y) location to rotate around
rotation: Angle to rotate by (counter-clockwise, radians)
pivot = numpy.asarray(pivot, dtype=float)
return self
def rotate_element_centers(self, rotation: float) -> Self:
Rotate the offsets of all shapes, labels, refs, and ports around (0, 0)
rotation: Angle to rotate by (counter-clockwise, radians)
for entry in chain(chain_elements(self.shapes, self.refs, self.labels), self.ports.values()):
old_offset = cast(Positionable, entry).offset
cast(Positionable, entry).offset = numpy.dot(rotation_matrix_2d(rotation), old_offset)
return self
def rotate_elements(self, rotation: float) -> Self:
Rotate each shape, ref, and port around its origin (offset)
rotation: Angle to rotate by (counter-clockwise, radians)
for entry in chain(chain_elements(self.shapes, self.refs), self.ports.values()):
cast(Rotatable, entry).rotate(rotation)
return self
def mirror_element_centers(self, across_axis: int = 0) -> Self:
Mirror the offsets of all shapes, labels, and refs across an axis
across_axis: Axis to mirror across
(0: mirror across x axis, 1: mirror across y axis)
for entry in chain(chain_elements(self.shapes, self.refs, self.labels), self.ports.values()):
cast(Positionable, entry).offset[across_axis - 1] *= -1
return self
def mirror_elements(self, across_axis: int = 0) -> Self:
Mirror each shape, ref, and pattern across an axis, relative
to its offset
across_axis: Axis to mirror across
(0: mirror across x axis, 1: mirror across y axis)
for entry in chain(chain_elements(self.shapes, self.refs), self.ports.values()):
cast(Mirrorable, entry).mirror(across_axis)
return self
def mirror(self, across_axis: int = 0) -> Self:
Mirror the Pattern across an axis
across_axis: Axis to mirror across
(0: mirror across x axis, 1: mirror across y axis)
return self
def copy(self) -> Self:
Convenience method for `copy.deepcopy(pattern)` (same as `Pattern.deepcopy()`).
See also: `Pattern.deepcopy()`
A deep copy of the current Pattern.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def deepcopy(self) -> Self:
Convenience method for `copy.deepcopy(pattern)`
A deep copy of the current Pattern.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
True if the pattern is contains no shapes, labels, or refs.
return not (self.has_refs() or self.has_shapes() or self.has_labels())
def has_refs(self) -> bool:
True if the pattern contains any refs.
return any(True for _ in chain.from_iterable(self.refs.values()))
def has_shapes(self) -> bool:
True if the pattern contains any shapes.
return any(True for _ in chain.from_iterable(self.shapes.values()))
def has_labels(self) -> bool:
True if the pattern contains any labels.
return any(True for _ in chain.from_iterable(self.labels.values()))
def has_ports(self) -> bool:
True if the pattern contains any ports.
return bool(self.ports)
def ref(self, target: str | Abstract | None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
Convenience function which constructs a `Ref` object and adds it
to this pattern.
target: Target for the ref
*args: Passed to `Ref()`
**kwargs: Passed to `Ref()`
if isinstance(target, Abstract):
target = target.name
self.refs[target].append(Ref(*args, **kwargs))
return self
def polygon(self, layer: layer_t, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
Convenience function which constructs a `Polygon` object and adds it
to this pattern.
layer: Layer for the polygon
*args: Passed to `Polygon()`
**kwargs: Passed to `Polygon()`
self.shapes[layer].append(Polygon(*args, **kwargs))
return self
def rect(self, layer: layer_t, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
Convenience function which calls `Polygon.rect` to construct a
rectangle and adds it to this pattern.
layer: Layer for the rectangle
*args: Passed to `Polygon.rect()`
**kwargs: Passed to `Polygon.rect()`
self.shapes[layer].append(Polygon.rect(*args, **kwargs))
return self
def path(self, layer: layer_t, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
Convenience function which constructs a `Path` object and adds it
to this pattern.
layer: Layer for the path
*args: Passed to `Path()`
**kwargs: Passed to `Path()`
self.shapes[layer].append(Path(*args, **kwargs))
return self
def label(self, layer: layer_t, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
Convenience function which constructs a `Label` object
and adds it to this pattern.
layer: Layer for the label
*args: Passed to `Label()`
**kwargs: Passed to `Label()`
self.labels[layer].append(Label(*args, **kwargs))
return self
def prune_layers(self) -> Self:
Remove empty layers (empty lists) in `self.shapes` and `self.labels`.
for layer in list(self.shapes):
if not self.shapes[layer]:
del self.shapes[layer]
for layer in list(self.labels):
if not self.labels[layer]:
del self.labels[layer]
return self
def prune_refs(self) -> Self:
Remove empty ref lists in `self.refs`.
for target in list(self.refs):
if not self.refs[target]:
del self.refs[target]
return self
def flatten(
library: Mapping[str, 'Pattern'],
flatten_ports: bool = False,
) -> 'Pattern':
Removes all refs (recursively) and adds equivalent shapes.
Alters the current pattern in-place.
For a version which creates copies, see `Library.flatten`.
library: Source for referenced patterns.
flatten_ports: If `True`, keep ports from any referenced
patterns; otherwise discard them.
flattened: dict[str | None, Pattern | None] = {}
def flatten_single(name: str | None) -> None:
if name is None:
pat = self
pat = library[name].deepcopy()
flattened[name] = None
for target, refs in pat.refs.items():
if target is None:
if not refs:
if target not in flattened:
target_pat = flattened[target]
if target_pat is None:
raise PatternError(f'Circular reference in {name} to {target}')
if target_pat.is_empty(): # avoid some extra allocations
for ref in refs:
p = ref.as_pattern(pattern=target_pat)
if not flatten_ports:
flattened[name] = pat
return self
def visualize(
library: Mapping[str, 'Pattern'] | None = None,
offset: ArrayLike = (0., 0.),
line_color: str = 'k',
fill_color: str = 'none',
overdraw: bool = False,
) -> None:
Draw a picture of the Pattern and wait for the user to inspect it
Imports `matplotlib`.
Note that this can be slow; it is often faster to export to GDSII and use
klayout or a different GDS viewer!
offset: Coordinates to offset by before drawing
line_color: Outlines are drawn with this color (passed to `matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`)
fill_color: Interiors are drawn with this color (passed to `matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`)
overdraw: Whether to create a new figure or draw on a pre-existing one
# TODO: add text labels to visualize()
from matplotlib import pyplot # type: ignore
import matplotlib.collections # type: ignore
except ImportError:
logger.exception('Pattern.visualize() depends on matplotlib!\n'
+ 'Make sure to install masque with the [visualize] option to pull in the needed dependencies.')
if self.has_refs() and library is None:
raise PatternError('Must provide a library when visualizing a pattern with refs')
offset = numpy.asarray(offset, dtype=float)
if not overdraw:
figure = pyplot.figure()
figure = pyplot.gcf()
axes = figure.gca()
polygons = []
for shape in chain.from_iterable(self.shapes.values()):
polygons += [offset + s.offset + s.vertices for s in shape.to_polygons()]
mpl_poly_collection = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(
for target, refs in self.refs.items():
if target is None:
if not refs:
assert library is not None
target_pat = library[target]
for ref in refs:
if not overdraw:
# @overload
# def place(
# self,
# other: 'Pattern',
# *,
# offset: ArrayLike,
# rotation: float,
# pivot: ArrayLike,
# mirrored: bool,
# port_map: dict[str, str | None] | None,
# skip_port_check: bool,
# append: bool,
# ) -> Self:
# pass
# @overload
# def place(
# self,
# other: Abstract,
# *,
# offset: ArrayLike,
# rotation: float,
# pivot: ArrayLike,
# mirrored: bool,
# port_map: dict[str, str | None] | None,
# skip_port_check: bool,
# append: Literal[False],
# ) -> Self:
# pass
def place(
other: 'Abstract | Pattern',
offset: ArrayLike = (0, 0),
rotation: float = 0,
pivot: ArrayLike = (0, 0),
mirrored: bool = False,
port_map: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
skip_port_check: bool = False,
append: bool = False,
) -> Self:
Instantiate or append the pattern `other` into the current pattern, adding its
ports to those of the current pattern (but not connecting/removing any ports).
Mirroring is applied before rotation; translation (`offset`) is applied last.
- `my_pat.place(pad_pat, offset=(10, 10), rotation=pi / 2, port_map={'A': 'gnd'})`
instantiates `pad` at the specified (x, y) offset and with the specified
rotation, adding its ports to those of `my_pat`. Port 'A' of `pad` is
renamed to 'gnd' so that further routing can use this signal or net name
rather than the port name on the original `pad_pat` pattern.
other: An `Abstract` or `Pattern` describing the device to be instatiated.
offset: Offset at which to place the instance. Default (0, 0).
rotation: Rotation applied to the instance before placement. Default 0.
pivot: Rotation is applied around this pivot point (default (0, 0)).
Rotation is applied prior to translation (`offset`).
mirrored: Whether theinstance should be mirrored across the x axis.
Mirroring is applied before translation and rotation.
port_map: dict of `{'old_name': 'new_name'}` mappings, specifying
new names for ports in the instantiated pattern. New names can be
`None`, which will delete those ports.
skip_port_check: Can be used to skip the internal call to `check_ports`,
in case it has already been performed elsewhere.
append: If `True`, `other` is appended instead of being referenced.
Note that this does not flatten `other`, so its refs will still
be refs (now inside `self`).
`PortError` if any ports specified in `map_in` or `map_out` do not
exist in `self.ports` or `other.ports`.
`PortError` if there are any duplicate names after `map_in` and `map_out`
are applied.
if port_map is None:
port_map = {}
if not skip_port_check:
self.check_ports(other.ports.keys(), map_in=None, map_out=port_map)
ports = {}
for name, port in other.ports.items():
new_name = port_map.get(name, name)
if new_name is None:
ports[new_name] = port
for name, port in ports.items():
p = port.deepcopy()
if mirrored:
p.rotate_around(pivot, rotation)
self.ports[name] = p
if append:
if isinstance(other, Abstract):
raise PatternError('Must provide a full `Pattern` (not an `Abstract`) when appending!')
other_copy = other.deepcopy()
if mirrored:
other_copy.rotate_around(pivot, rotation)
assert not isinstance(other, Pattern)
ref = Ref(mirrored=mirrored)
ref.rotate_around(pivot, rotation)
return self
# @overload
# def plug(
# self,
# other: Abstract,
# map_in: dict[str, str],
# map_out: dict[str, str | None] | None,
# *,
# mirrored: bool,
# inherit_name: bool,
# set_rotation: bool | None,
# append: Literal[False],
# ) -> Self:
# pass
# @overload
# def plug(
# self,
# other: 'Pattern',
# map_in: dict[str, str],
# map_out: dict[str, str | None] | None,
# *,
# mirrored: bool,
# inherit_name: bool,
# set_rotation: bool | None,
# append: bool,
# ) -> Self:
# pass
def plug(
other: 'Abstract | Pattern',
map_in: dict[str, str],
map_out: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
mirrored: bool = False,
inherit_name: bool = True,
set_rotation: bool | None = None,
append: bool = False,
ok_connections: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] = (),
) -> Self:
Instantiate or append a pattern into the current pattern, connecting
the ports specified by `map_in` and renaming the unconnected
ports specified by `map_out`.
======list, ===
- `my_pat.plug(subdevice, {'A': 'C', 'B': 'B'}, map_out={'D': 'myport'})`
instantiates `subdevice` into `my_pat`, plugging ports 'A' and 'B'
of `my_pat` into ports 'C' and 'B' of `subdevice`. The connected ports
are removed and any unconnected ports from `subdevice` are added to
`my_pat`. Port 'D' of `subdevice` (unconnected) is renamed to 'myport'.
- `my_pat.plug(wire, {'myport': 'A'})` places port 'A' of `wire` at 'myport'
of `my_pat`.
If `wire` has only two ports (e.g. 'A' and 'B'), no `map_out` argument is
provided, and the `inherit_name` argument is not explicitly set to `False`,
the unconnected port of `wire` is automatically renamed to 'myport'. This
allows easy extension of existing ports without changing their names or
having to provide `map_out` each time `plug` is called.
other: A `Pattern` or `Abstract` describing the subdevice to be instatiated.
map_in: dict of `{'self_port': 'other_port'}` mappings, specifying
port connections between the current pattern and the subdevice.
map_out: dict of `{'old_name': 'new_name'}` mappings, specifying
new names for ports in `other`.
mirrored: Enables mirroring `other` across the x axis prior to connecting
any ports.
inherit_name: If `True`, and `map_in` specifies only a single port,
and `map_out` is `None`, and `other` has only two ports total,
then automatically renames the output port of `other` to the
name of the port from `self` that appears in `map_in`. This
makes it easy to extend a pattern with simple 2-port devices
(e.g. wires) without providing `map_out` each time `plug` is
called. See "Examples" above for more info. Default `True`.
set_rotation: If the necessary rotation cannot be determined from
the ports being connected (i.e. all pairs have at least one
port with `rotation=None`), `set_rotation` must be provided
to indicate how much `other` should be rotated. Otherwise,
`set_rotation` must remain `None`.
append: If `True`, `other` is appended instead of being referenced.
Note that this does not flatten `other`, so its refs will still
be refs (now inside `self`).
ok_connections: Set of "allowed" ptype combinations. Identical
ptypes are always allowed to connect, as is `'unk'` with
any other ptypte. Non-allowed ptype connections will emit a
warning. Order is ignored, i.e. `(a, b)` is equivalent to
`(b, a)`.
`PortError` if any ports specified in `map_in` or `map_out` do not
exist in `self.ports` or `other_names`.
`PortError` if there are any duplicate names after `map_in` and `map_out`
are applied.
`PortError` if the specified port mapping is not achieveable (the ports
do not line up)
# If asked to inherit a name, check that all conditions are met
if (inherit_name
and not map_out
and len(map_in) == 1
and len(other.ports) == 2):
out_port_name = next(iter(set(other.ports.keys()) - set(map_in.values())))
map_out = {out_port_name: next(iter(map_in.keys()))}
if map_out is None:
map_out = {}
map_out = copy.deepcopy(map_out)
self.check_ports(other.ports.keys(), map_in, map_out)
translation, rotation, pivot = self.find_transform(
# get rid of plugged ports
for ki, vi in map_in.items():
del self.ports[ki]
map_out[vi] = None
if isinstance(other, Pattern):
assert append, 'Got a name (not an abstract) but was asked to reference (not append)'
return self
def interface(
cls: type['Pattern'],
source: PortList | Mapping[str, Port],
in_prefix: str = 'in_',
out_prefix: str = '',
port_map: dict[str, str] | Sequence[str] | None = None,
) -> 'Pattern':
Generate an empty pattern with ports based on all or some of the ports
in the `source`. Do not include the source device istelf; instead use
it to define ports (the "interface") for the new device.
The ports specified by `port_map` (default: all ports) are copied to
new device, and additional (input) ports are created facing in the
opposite directions. The specified `in_prefix` and `out_prefix` are
prepended to the port names to differentiate them.
By default, the flipped ports are given an 'in_' prefix and unflipped
ports keep their original names, enabling intuitive construction of
a device that will "plug into" the current device; the 'in_*' ports
are used for plugging the devices together while the original port
names are used for building the new device.
Another use-case could be to build the new device using the 'in_'
ports, creating a new device which could be used in place of the
current device.
source: A collection of ports (e.g. Pattern, Builder, or dict)
from which to create the interface.
in_prefix: Prepended to port names for newly-created ports with
reversed directions compared to the current device.
out_prefix: Prepended to port names for ports which are directly
copied from the current device.
port_map: Specification for ports to copy into the new device:
- If `None`, all ports are copied.
- If a sequence, only the listed ports are copied
- If a mapping, the listed ports (keys) are copied and
renamed (to the values).
The new empty pattern, with 2x as many ports as listed in port_map.
`PortError` if `port_map` contains port names not present in the
current device.
`PortError` if applying the prefixes results in duplicate port
if isinstance(source, PortList):
orig_ports = source.ports
elif isinstance(source, dict):
orig_ports = source
raise PatternError(f'Unable to get ports from {type(source)}: {source}')
if port_map:
if isinstance(port_map, dict):
missing_inkeys = set(port_map.keys()) - set(orig_ports.keys())
mapped_ports = {port_map[k]: v for k, v in orig_ports.items() if k in port_map}
port_set = set(port_map)
missing_inkeys = port_set - set(orig_ports.keys())
mapped_ports = {k: v for k, v in orig_ports.items() if k in port_set}
if missing_inkeys:
raise PortError(f'`port_map` keys not present in source: {missing_inkeys}')
mapped_ports = orig_ports
ports_in = {f'{in_prefix}{name}': port.deepcopy().rotate(pi)
for name, port in mapped_ports.items()}
ports_out = {f'{out_prefix}{name}': port.deepcopy()
for name, port in mapped_ports.items()}
duplicates = set(ports_out.keys()) & set(ports_in.keys())
if duplicates:
raise PortError(f'Duplicate keys after prefixing, try a different prefix: {duplicates}')
new = Pattern(ports={**ports_in, **ports_out})
return new
TT = TypeVar('TT')
def chain_elements(*args: Mapping[Any, Iterable[TT]]) -> Iterable[TT]:
Iterate over each element in one or more {layer: elements} mappings.
Useful when you want to do some operation on all shapes and/or labels,
disregarding which layer they are on.
*args: One or more {layer: [element0, ...]} mappings.
Can also be applied to e.g. {target: [ref0, ...]} mappings.
An iterable containing all elements, regardless of layer.
return chain(*(chain.from_iterable(aa.values()) for aa in args))
def map_layers(
elements: Mapping[layer_t, Sequence[TT]],
map_layer: Callable[[layer_t], layer_t],
) -> defaultdict[layer_t, list[TT]]:
Move all the elements from one layer onto a different layer.
Can also handle multiple such mappings simultaneously.
elements: Mapping of {old_layer: geometry_or_labels}.
map_layer: Callable which may be called with each layer present in `elements`,
and should return the new layer to which it will be mapped.
A simple example which maps `old_layer` to `new_layer` and leaves all others
as-is would look like `lambda layer: {old_layer: new_layer}.get(layer, layer)`
Mapping of {new_layer: geometry_or_labels}
new_elements: defaultdict[layer_t, list[TT]] = defaultdict(list)
for old_layer, seq in elements.items():
new_layer = map_layer(old_layer)
return new_elements
def map_targets(
refs: Mapping[str | None, Sequence[Ref]],
map_target: Callable[[str | None], str | None],
) -> defaultdict[str | None, list[Ref]]:
Change the target of all references to a given cell.
Can also handle multiple such mappings simultaneously.
refs: Mapping of {old_target: ref_objects}.
map_target: Callable which may be called with each target present in `refs`,
and should return the new target to which it will be mapped.
A simple example which maps `old_target` to `new_target` and leaves all others
as-is would look like `lambda target: {old_target: new_target}.get(target, target)`
Mapping of {new_target: ref_objects}
new_refs: defaultdict[str | None, list[Ref]] = defaultdict(list)
for old_target, seq in refs.items():
new_target = map_target(old_target)
return new_refs