
346 lines
10 KiB

Repetitions provides support for efficiently nesting multiple identical
instances of a Pattern in the same parent Pattern.
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Tuple
import copy
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from .error import PatternError
from .utils import is_scalar, rotation_matrix_2d, vector2
__author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz'
# TODO need top-level comment about what order rotation/scale/offset/mirror/array are applied
class GridRepetition:
GridRepetition provides support for efficiently embedding multiple copies of a Pattern
into another Pattern at regularly-spaced offsets.
__slots__ = ('pattern',
pattern: 'Pattern'
_offset: numpy.ndarray
_rotation: float
_dose: float
_scale: float
_mirrored: List[bool]
_a_vector: numpy.ndarray
_b_vector: numpy.ndarray or None
_a_count: int
_b_count: int
identifier: Tuple
def __init__(self,
pattern: 'Pattern',
a_vector: numpy.ndarray,
a_count: int,
b_vector: numpy.ndarray = None,
b_count: int = 1,
offset: vector2 = (0.0, 0.0),
rotation: float = 0.0,
mirrored: List[bool] = None,
dose: float = 1.0,
scale: float = 1.0):
:param a_vector: First lattice vector, of the form [x, y].
Specifies center-to-center spacing between adjacent elements.
:param a_count: Number of elements in the a_vector direction.
:param b_vector: Second lattice vector, of the form [x, y].
Specifies center-to-center spacing between adjacent elements.
Can be omitted when specifying a 1D array.
:param b_count: Number of elements in the b_vector direction.
Should be omitted if b_vector was omitted.
:raises: InvalidDataError if b_* inputs conflict with each other
or a_count < 1.
if b_vector is None:
if b_count > 1:
raise PatternError('Repetition has b_count > 1 but no b_vector')
b_vector = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0])
if a_count < 1:
raise InvalidDataError('Repetition has too-small a_count: '
if b_count < 1:
raise InvalidDataError('Repetition has too-small b_count: '
self.a_vector = a_vector
self.b_vector = b_vector
self.a_count = a_count
self.b_count = b_count
self.identifier = ()
self.pattern = pattern
self.offset = offset
self.rotation = rotation
self.dose = dose
self.scale = scale
if mirrored is None:
mirrored = [False, False]
self.mirrored = mirrored
def __copy__(self) -> 'GridRepetition':
new = GridRepetition(pattern=self.pattern,
return new
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Dict = None) -> 'GridReptition':
memo = {} if memo is None else memo
new = copy.copy(self)
new.pattern = copy.deepcopy(self.pattern, memo)
return new
# offset property
def offset(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
return self._offset
def offset(self, val: vector2):
if not isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float)
if val.size != 2:
raise PatternError('Offset must be convertible to size-2 ndarray')
self._offset = val.flatten().astype(float)
# dose property
def dose(self) -> float:
return self._dose
def dose(self, val: float):
if not is_scalar(val):
raise PatternError('Dose must be a scalar')
if not val >= 0:
raise PatternError('Dose must be non-negative')
self._dose = val
# scale property
def scale(self) -> float:
return self._scale
def scale(self, val: float):
if not is_scalar(val):
raise PatternError('Scale must be a scalar')
if not val > 0:
raise PatternError('Scale must be positive')
self._scale = val
# Rotation property [ccw]
def rotation(self) -> float:
return self._rotation
def rotation(self, val: float):
if not is_scalar(val):
raise PatternError('Rotation must be a scalar')
self._rotation = val % (2 * pi)
# Mirrored property
def mirrored(self) -> List[bool]:
return self._mirrored
def mirrored(self, val: List[bool]):
if is_scalar(val):
raise PatternError('Mirrored must be a 2-element list of booleans')
self._mirrored = numpy.array(val, dtype=bool)
# a_vector property
def a_vector(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
return self._a_vector
def a_vector(self, val: vector2):
if not isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float)
if val.size != 2:
raise PatternError('a_vector must be convertible to size-2 ndarray')
self._a_vector = val.flatten()
# b_vector property
def b_vector(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
return self._b_vector
def b_vector(self, val: vector2):
if not isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
val = numpy.array(val, dtype=float)
if val.size != 2:
raise PatternError('b_vector must be convertible to size-2 ndarray')
self._b_vector = val.flatten()
# a_count property
def a_count(self) -> int:
return self._a_count
def a_count(self, val: int):
if val != int(val):
raise PatternError('a_count must be convertable to an int!')
self._a_count = int(val)
# b_count property
def b_count(self) -> int:
return self._b_count
def b_count(self, val: int):
if val != int(val):
raise PatternError('b_count must be convertable to an int!')
self._b_count = int(val)
def as_pattern(self) -> 'Pattern':
Returns a copy of self.pattern which has been scaled, rotated, repeated, etc.
etc. according to this GridRepetitions's properties.
:return: Copy of self.pattern that has been repeated / altered as implied by
this object's other properties.
patterns = []
for a in range(self.a_count):
for b in range(self.b_count):
offset = a * self.a_vector + b * self.b_vector
newPat = self.pattern.deepcopy()
combined = patterns[0]
for p in patterns[1:]:
[combined.mirror(ax) for ax, do in enumerate(self.mirrored) if do]
combined.rotate_around((0.0, 0.0), self.rotation)
return combined
def translate(self, offset: vector2) -> 'GridRepetition':
Translate by the given offset
:param offset: Translate by this offset
:return: self
self.offset += offset
return self
def rotate_around(self, pivot: vector2, rotation: float) -> 'GridRepetition':
Rotate around a point
:param pivot: Point to rotate around
:param rotation: Angle to rotate by (counterclockwise, radians)
:return: self
pivot = numpy.array(pivot, dtype=float)
self.offset =, self.offset)
return self
def rotate(self, rotation: float) -> 'GridRepetition':
Rotate around (0, 0)
:param rotation: Angle to rotate by (counterclockwise, radians)
:return: self
self.rotation += rotation
return self
def mirror(self, axis: int) -> 'GridRepetition':
Mirror the GridRepetition across an axis.
:param axis: Axis to mirror across.
:return: self
self.mirrored[axis] = not self.mirrored[axis]
self.rotation *= -1
self.a_vector[axis] *= -1
if self.b_vector is not None:
self.b_vector[axis] *= -1
return self
def get_bounds(self) -> numpy.ndarray or None:
Return a numpy.ndarray containing [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], corresponding to the
extent of the GridRepetition in each dimension.
Returns None if the contained Pattern is empty.
:return: [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]] or None
return self.as_pattern().get_bounds()
def scale_by(self, c: float) -> 'GridRepetition':
Scale the GridRepetition by a factor
:param c: scaling factor
self.scale *= c
return self
def copy(self) -> 'GridRepetition':
Return a shallow copy of the repetition.
:return: copy.copy(self)
return copy.copy(self)
def deepcopy(self) -> 'GridRepetition':
Return a deep copy of the repetition.
:return: copy.copy(self)
return copy.deepcopy(self)