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from typing import Self, Sequence, Mapping, MutableMapping
import copy
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from ..pattern import Pattern
from ..ref import Ref
from ..library import ILibrary
from ..error import PortError, BuildError
from ..ports import PortList, Port
from ..abstract import Abstract
from ..utils import SupportsBool
from .tools import Tool, RenderStep
from .utils import ell
from .builder import Builder
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RenderPather(PortList):
__slots__ = ('pattern', 'library', 'paths', 'tools', '_dead', )
pattern: Pattern
""" Layout of this device """
library: ILibrary | None
""" Library from which patterns should be referenced """
_dead: bool
""" If True, plug()/place() are skipped (for debugging) """
paths: defaultdict[str, list[RenderStep]]
tools: dict[str | None, Tool]
Tool objects are used to dynamically generate new single-use Devices
(e.g wires or waveguides) to be plugged into this device.
def ports(self) -> dict[str, Port]:
return self.pattern.ports
def ports(self, value: dict[str, Port]) -> None:
self.pattern.ports = value
def __init__(
library: ILibrary | None = None,
pattern: Pattern | None = None,
ports: str | Mapping[str, Port] | None = None,
tools: Tool | MutableMapping[str | None, Tool] | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
) -> None:
# TODO documentation for Builder() constructor
self._dead = False
self.paths = defaultdict(list)
self.library = library
if pattern is not None:
self.pattern = pattern
self.pattern = Pattern()
if ports is not None:
if self.pattern.ports:
raise BuildError('Ports supplied for pattern with pre-existing ports!')
if isinstance(ports, str):
if library is None:
raise BuildError('Ports given as a string, but `library` was `None`!')
ports = library.abstract(ports).ports
if name is not None:
if library is None:
raise BuildError('Name was supplied, but no library was given!')
library[name] = self.pattern
if tools is None: = {}
elif isinstance(tools, Tool): = {None: tools}
else: = dict(tools)
def interface(
source: PortList | Mapping[str, Port] | str,
library: ILibrary | None = None,
in_prefix: str = 'in_',
out_prefix: str = '',
port_map: dict[str, str] | Sequence[str] | None = None,
name: str | None = None,
) -> 'RenderPather':
Begin building a new device based on all or some of the ports in the
source device. Do not include the source device; instead use it
to define ports (the "interface") for the new device.
The ports specified by `port_map` (default: all ports) are copied to
new device, and additional (input) ports are created facing in the
opposite directions. The specified `in_prefix` and `out_prefix` are
prepended to the port names to differentiate them.
By default, the flipped ports are given an 'in_' prefix and unflipped
ports keep their original names, enabling intuitive construction of
a device that will "plug into" the current device; the 'in_*' ports
are used for plugging the devices together while the original port
names are used for building the new device.
Another use-case could be to build the new device using the 'in_'
ports, creating a new device which could be used in place of the
current device.
source: A collection of ports (e.g. Pattern, Builder, or dict)
from which to create the interface.
library: Used for buildin functions; if not passed and the source
library: Library from which existing patterns should be referenced,
and to which new ones should be added. If not provided,
the source's library will be used (if available).
in_prefix: Prepended to port names for newly-created ports with
reversed directions compared to the current device.
out_prefix: Prepended to port names for ports which are directly
copied from the current device.
port_map: Specification for ports to copy into the new device:
- If `None`, all ports are copied.
- If a sequence, only the listed ports are copied
- If a mapping, the listed ports (keys) are copied and
renamed (to the values).
The new builder, with an empty pattern and 2x as many ports as
listed in port_map.
`PortError` if `port_map` contains port names not present in the
current device.
`PortError` if applying the prefixes results in duplicate port
if library is None:
if hasattr(source, 'library') and isinstance(source.library, ILibrary):
library = source.library
if isinstance(source, str):
if library is None:
raise BuildError('Source given as a string, but `library` was `None`!')
orig_ports = library.abstract(source).ports
elif isinstance(source, PortList):
orig_ports = source.ports
elif isinstance(source, dict):
orig_ports = source
raise BuildError(f'Unable to get ports from {type(source)}: {source}')
if port_map:
if isinstance(port_map, dict):
missing_inkeys = set(port_map.keys()) - set(orig_ports.keys())
mapped_ports = {port_map[k]: v for k, v in orig_ports.items() if k in port_map}
port_set = set(port_map)
missing_inkeys = port_set - set(orig_ports.keys())
mapped_ports = {k: v for k, v in orig_ports.items() if k in port_set}
if missing_inkeys:
raise PortError(f'`port_map` keys not present in source: {missing_inkeys}')
mapped_ports = orig_ports
ports_in = {f'{in_prefix}{pname}': port.deepcopy().rotate(pi)
for pname, port in mapped_ports.items()}
ports_out = {f'{out_prefix}{pname}': port.deepcopy()
for pname, port in mapped_ports.items()}
duplicates = set(ports_out.keys()) & set(ports_in.keys())
if duplicates:
raise PortError(f'Duplicate keys after prefixing, try a different prefix: {duplicates}')
new = RenderPather(library=library, ports={**ports_in, **ports_out}, name=name)
return new
def plug(
other: Abstract | str,
map_in: dict[str, str],
map_out: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
mirrored: bool = False,
inherit_name: bool = True,
set_rotation: bool | None = None,
) -> Self:
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping plug() since device is dead')
return self
if isinstance(other, str):
if self.library is None:
raise BuildError('No library available, but `other` was a string!')
other = self.library.abstract(other)
# If asked to inherit a name, check that all conditions are met
if (inherit_name
and not map_out
and len(map_in) == 1
and len(other.ports) == 2):
out_port_name = next(iter(set(other.ports.keys()) - set(map_in.values())))
map_out = {out_port_name: next(iter(map_in.keys()))}
if map_out is None:
map_out = {}
map_out = copy.deepcopy(map_out)
self.check_ports(other.ports.keys(), map_in, map_out)
translation, rotation, pivot = self.find_transform(
# get rid of plugged ports
for ki, vi in map_in.items():
if ki in self.paths:
self.paths[ki].append(RenderStep('P', None, self.ports[ki].copy(), self.ports[ki].copy(), None))
del self.ports[ki]
map_out[vi] = None, offset=translation, rotation=rotation, pivot=pivot,
mirrored=mirrored, port_map=map_out, skip_port_check=True)
return self
def place(
other: Abstract | str,
offset: ArrayLike = (0, 0),
rotation: float = 0,
pivot: ArrayLike = (0, 0),
mirrored: bool = False,
port_map: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
skip_port_check: bool = False,
) -> Self:
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping place() since device is dead')
return self
if isinstance(other, str):
if self.library is None:
raise BuildError('No library available, but `other` was a string!')
other = self.library.abstract(other)
if port_map is None:
port_map = {}
if not skip_port_check:
self.check_ports(other.ports.keys(), map_in=None, map_out=port_map)
ports = {}
for name, port in other.ports.items():
new_name = port_map.get(name, name)
if new_name is None:
ports[new_name] = port
if new_name in self.paths:
self.paths[new_name].append(RenderStep('P', None, port.copy(), port.copy(), None))
for name, port in ports.items():
p = port.deepcopy()
if mirrored:
p.rotate_around(pivot, rotation)
self.ports[name] = p
ref = Ref(mirrored=mirrored)
ref.rotate_around(pivot, rotation)
return self
def path(
portspec: str,
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
length: float,
) -> Self:
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping path() since device is dead')
return self
port = self.pattern[portspec]
in_ptype = port.ptype
port_rot = port.rotation
assert port_rot is not None # TODO allow manually setting rotation?
tool =,[None])
# ask the tool for bend size (fill missing dx or dy), check feasibility, and get out_ptype
out_port, data = tool.planL(ccw, length, in_ptype=in_ptype, **kwargs)
# Update port
out_port.rotate_around((0, 0), pi + port_rot)
step = RenderStep('L', tool, port.copy(), out_port.copy(), data)
self.pattern.ports[portspec] = out_port.copy()
return self
def path_to(
portspec: str,
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
position: float,
) -> Self:
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping path_to() since device is dead')
return self
port = self.pattern[portspec]
x, y = port.offset
if port.rotation is None:
raise PortError(f'Port {portspec} has no rotation and cannot be used for path_to()')
if not numpy.isclose(port.rotation % (pi / 2), 0):
raise BuildError('path_to was asked to route from non-manhattan port')
is_horizontal = numpy.isclose(port.rotation % pi, 0)
if is_horizontal:
if numpy.sign(numpy.cos(port.rotation)) == numpy.sign(position - x):
raise BuildError(f'path_to routing to behind source port: x={x:g} to {position:g}')
length = numpy.abs(position - x)
if numpy.sign(numpy.sin(port.rotation)) == numpy.sign(position - y):
raise BuildError(f'path_to routing to behind source port: y={y:g} to {position:g}')
length = numpy.abs(position - y)
return self.path(portspec, ccw, length, **kwargs)
def mpath(
portspec: str | Sequence[str],
ccw: SupportsBool | None,
spacing: float | ArrayLike | None = None,
set_rotation: float | None = None,
) -> Self:
if self._dead:
logger.error('Skipping mpath() since device is dead')
return self
bound_types = set()
if 'bound_type' in kwargs:
bound = kwargs['bound']
for bt in ('emin', 'emax', 'pmin', 'pmax', 'min_past_furthest'):
if bt in kwargs:
bound = kwargs[bt]
if not bound_types:
raise BuildError('No bound type specified for mpath')
elif len(bound_types) > 1:
raise BuildError(f'Too many bound types specified for mpath: {bound_types}')
bound_type = tuple(bound_types)[0]
if isinstance(portspec, str):
portspec = [portspec]
ports = self.pattern[tuple(portspec)]
extensions = ell(ports, ccw, spacing=spacing, bound=bound, bound_type=bound_type, set_rotation=set_rotation)
if len(ports) == 1:
# Not a bus, so having a container just adds noise to the layout
port_name = tuple(portspec)[0]
self.path(port_name, ccw, extensions[port_name])
for port_name, length in extensions.items():
self.path(port_name, ccw, length)
return self
def render(
lib: ILibrary | None = None,
append: bool = True,
) -> Self:
lib = lib if lib is not None else self.library
assert lib is not None
tool_port_names = ('A', 'B')
bb = Builder(lib)
def render_batch(lib: ILibrary, portspec: str, batch: list[RenderStep], append: bool) -> None:
assert batch[0].tool is not None
name = lib << batch[0].tool.render(batch, port_names=tool_port_names)
bb.ports[portspec] = batch[0].start_port.copy()
bb.plug(name, {portspec: tool_port_names[0]}, append=append)
if append:
del lib[name]
for portspec, steps in self.paths.items():
batch: list[RenderStep] = []
for step in steps:
appendable_op = step.opcode in ('L', 'S', 'U')
same_tool = batch and step.tool == batch[0].tool
# If we can't continue a batch, render it
if batch and (not appendable_op or not same_tool):
render_batch(lib, portspec, batch, append)
batch = []
# batch is emptied already if we couldn't continue it
if appendable_op:
# Opcodes which break the batch go below this line
if not appendable_op:
del bb.ports[portspec]
#If the last batch didn't end yet
if batch:
render_batch(lib, portspec, batch, append)
return self
def translate(self, offset: ArrayLike) -> Self:
Translate the pattern and all ports.
offset: (x, y) distance to translate by
return self
def rotate_around(self, pivot: ArrayLike, angle: float) -> Self:
Rotate the pattern and all ports.
angle: angle (radians, counterclockwise) to rotate by
pivot: location to rotate around
self.pattern.rotate_around(pivot, angle)
return self
def mirror(self, axis: int) -> Self:
Mirror the pattern and all ports across the specified axis.
axis: Axis to mirror across (x=0, y=1)
return self
def set_dead(self) -> Self:
Disallows further changes through `plug()` or `place()`.
This is meant for debugging:
dev.plug(a, ...)
dev.set_dead() # added for debug purposes
dev.plug(b, ...) # usually raises an error, but now skipped
dev.plug(c, ...) # also skipped
dev.pattern.visualize() # shows the device as of the set_dead() call
self._dead = True
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
s = f'<RenderPather {self.pattern} >' # TODO maybe show lib and tools? in builder repr?
return s