Jan Petykiewicz
Since there isn't GDS/OASIS level support for dose, this can be mostly handled by using arbitrary layers/dtypes directly. Dose scaling isn't handled as nicely that way, but it corresponds more directly to what gets written to file.
308 lines
11 KiB
308 lines
11 KiB
from typing import Tuple, Sequence, Dict
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from masque import layer_t, Pattern, SubPattern, Label
from masque.shapes import Polygon
from masque.builder import Device, Port, port_utils
from masque.file.gdsii import writefile
import pcgen
import basic_shapes
from basic_shapes import GDS_OPTS
def dev2pat(dev: Device) -> Pattern:
Bake port information into the device.
This places a label at each port location on layer (3, 0) with text content
'name:ptype angle_deg'
return port_utils.dev2pat(dev, layer=(3, 0))
def pat2dev(pat: Pattern) -> Device:
Scans the Pattern to determine port locations. Same format as `dev2pat`
return port_utils.pat2dev(pat, layers=[(3, 0)])
def perturbed_l3(
lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
trench_layer: layer_t = (1, 0),
shifts_a: Sequence[float] = (0.15, 0, 0.075),
shifts_r: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
xy_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 10),
perturbed_radius: float = 1.1,
trench_width: float = 1200,
) -> Device:
Generate a `Device` representing a perturbed L3 cavity.
lattice_constant: Distance between nearest neighbor holes
hole: `Pattern` object containing a single hole
trench_layer: Layer for the trenches, default `(1, 0)`.
shifts_a: passed to `pcgen.l3_shift`; specifies lattice constant
(1 - multiplicative factor) for shifting holes adjacent to
the defect (same row). Default `(0.15, 0, 0.075)` for first,
second, third holes.
shifts_r: passed to `pcgen.l3_shift`; specifies radius for perturbing
holes adjacent to the defect (same row). Default 1.0 for all holes.
Provided sequence should have same length as `shifts_a`.
xy_size: `(x, y)` number of mirror periods in each direction; total size is
`2 * n + 1` holes in each direction. Default (10, 10).
perturbed_radius: radius of holes perturbed to form an upwards-driected beam
(multiplicative factor). Default 1.1.
trench width: Width of the undercut trenches. Default 1200.
`Device` object representing the L3 design.
# Get hole positions and radii
xyr = pcgen.l3_shift_perturbed_defect(mirror_dims=xy_size,
# Build L3 cavity, using references to the provided hole pattern
pat = Pattern(f'L3p-a{lattice_constant:g}rp{perturbed_radius:g}')
pat.subpatterns += [
SubPattern(hole, scale=r,
offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y))
for x, y, r in xyr]
# Add rectangular undercut aids
min_xy, max_xy = pat.get_bounds_nonempty()
trench_dx = max_xy[0] - min_xy[0]
pat.shapes += [
Polygon.rect(ymin=max_xy[1], xmin=min_xy[0], lx=trench_dx, ly=trench_width, layer=trench_layer),
Polygon.rect(ymax=min_xy[1], xmin=min_xy[0], lx=trench_dx, ly=trench_width, layer=trench_layer),
# Ports are at outer extents of the device (with y=0)
extent = lattice_constant * xy_size[0]
ports = {
'input': Port((-extent, 0), rotation=0, ptype='pcwg'),
'output': Port((extent, 0), rotation=pi, ptype='pcwg'),
return Device(pat, ports)
def waveguide(
lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
length: int,
mirror_periods: int,
) -> Device:
Generate a `Device` representing a photonic crystal line-defect waveguide.
lattice_constant: Distance between nearest neighbor holes
hole: `Pattern` object containing a single hole
length: Distance (number of mirror periods) between the input and output ports.
Ports are placed at lattice sites.
mirror_periods: Number of hole rows on each side of the line defect
`Device` object representing the waveguide.
# Generate hole locations
xy = pcgen.waveguide(length=length, num_mirror=mirror_periods)
# Build the pattern
pat = Pattern(f'_wg-a{lattice_constant:g}l{length}')
pat.subpatterns += [SubPattern(hole, offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y))
for x, y in xy]
# Ports are at outer edges, with y=0
extent = lattice_constant * length / 2
ports = {
'left': Port((-extent, 0), rotation=0, ptype='pcwg'),
'right': Port((extent, 0), rotation=pi, ptype='pcwg'),
return Device(pat, ports)
def bend(
lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
mirror_periods: int,
) -> Device:
Generate a `Device` representing a 60-degree counterclockwise bend in a photonic crystal
line-defect waveguide.
lattice_constant: Distance between nearest neighbor holes
hole: `Pattern` object containing a single hole
mirror_periods: Minimum number of mirror periods on each side of the line defect.
`Device` object representing the waveguide bend.
Ports are named 'left' (input) and 'right' (output).
# Generate hole locations
xy = pcgen.wgbend(num_mirror=mirror_periods)
# Build the pattern
pat= Pattern(f'_wgbend-a{lattice_constant:g}l{mirror_periods}')
pat.subpatterns += [
SubPattern(hole, offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y))
for x, y in xy]
# Figure out port locations.
extent = lattice_constant * mirror_periods
ports = {
'left': Port((-extent, 0), rotation=0, ptype='pcwg'),
'right': Port((extent / 2,
extent * numpy.sqrt(3) / 2),
rotation=pi * 4 / 3, ptype='pcwg'),
return Device(pat, ports)
def y_splitter(
lattice_constant: float,
hole: Pattern,
mirror_periods: int,
) -> Device:
Generate a `Device` representing a photonic crystal line-defect waveguide y-splitter.
lattice_constant: Distance between nearest neighbor holes
hole: `Pattern` object containing a single hole
mirror_periods: Minimum number of mirror periods on each side of the line defect.
`Device` object representing the y-splitter.
Ports are named 'in', 'top', and 'bottom'.
# Generate hole locations
xy = pcgen.y_splitter(num_mirror=mirror_periods)
# Build pattern
pat = Pattern(f'_wgsplit_half-a{lattice_constant:g}l{mirror_periods}')
pat.subpatterns += [
SubPattern(hole, offset=(lattice_constant * x,
lattice_constant * y))
for x, y in xy]
# Determine port locations
extent = lattice_constant * mirror_periods
ports = {
'in': Port((-extent, 0), rotation=0, ptype='pcwg'),
'top': Port((extent / 2, extent * numpy.sqrt(3) / 2), rotation=pi * 4 / 3, ptype='pcwg'),
'bot': Port((extent / 2, -extent * numpy.sqrt(3) / 2), rotation=pi * 2 / 3, ptype='pcwg'),
return Device(pat, ports)
def main(interactive: bool = True):
# Generate some basic hole patterns
smile = basic_shapes.smile(RADIUS)
hole = basic_shapes.hole(RADIUS)
# Build some devices
wg10 = waveguide(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole, length=10, mirror_periods=5).rename('wg10')
wg05 = waveguide(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole, length=5, mirror_periods=5).rename('wg05')
wg28 = waveguide(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole, length=28, mirror_periods=5).rename('wg28')
bend0 = bend(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole, mirror_periods=5).rename('bend0')
ysplit = y_splitter(lattice_constant=a, hole=hole, mirror_periods=5).rename('ysplit')
l3cav = perturbed_l3(lattice_constant=a, hole=smile, xy_size=(4, 10)).rename('l3cav') # uses smile :)
# Autogenerate port labels so that GDS will also contain port data
for device in [wg10, wg05, wg28, l3cav, ysplit, bend0]:
# Build a circuit
circ = Device(name='my_circuit', ports={})
# Start by placing a waveguide. Call its ports "in" and "signal".
circ.place(wg10, offset=(0, 0), port_map={'left': 'in', 'right': 'signal'})
# Extend the signal path by attaching the "left" port of a waveguide.
# Since there is only one other port ("right") on the waveguide we
# are attaching (wg10), it automatically inherits the name "signal".
circ.plug(wg10, {'signal': 'left'})
# Attach a y-splitter to the signal path.
# Since the y-splitter has 3 ports total, we can't auto-inherit the
# port name, so we have to specify what we want to name the unattached
# ports. We can call them "signal1" and "signal2".
circ.plug(ysplit, {'signal': 'in'}, {'top': 'signal1', 'bot': 'signal2'})
# Add a waveguide to both signal ports, inheriting their names.
circ.plug(wg05, {'signal1': 'left'})
circ.plug(wg05, {'signal2': 'left'})
# Add a bend to both ports.
# Our bend's ports "left" and "right" refer to the original counterclockwise
# orientation. We want the bends to turn in opposite directions, so we attach
# the "right" port to "signal1" to bend clockwise, and the "left" port
# to "signal2" to bend counterclockwise.
# We could also use `mirrored=(True, False)` to mirror one of the devices
# and then use same device port on both paths.
circ.plug(bend0, {'signal1': 'right'})
circ.plug(bend0, {'signal2': 'left'})
# We add some waveguides and a cavity to "signal1".
circ.plug(wg10, {'signal1': 'left'})
circ.plug(l3cav, {'signal1': 'input'})
circ.plug(wg10, {'signal1': 'left'})
# "signal2" just gets a single of equivalent length
circ.plug(wg28, {'signal2': 'left'})
# Now we bend both waveguides back towards each other
circ.plug(bend0, {'signal1': 'right'})
circ.plug(bend0, {'signal2': 'left'})
circ.plug(wg05, {'signal1': 'left'})
circ.plug(wg05, {'signal2': 'left'})
# To join the waveguides, we attach a second y-junction.
# We plug "signal1" into the "bot" port, and "signal2" into the "top" port.
# The remaining port gets named "signal_out".
# This operation would raise an exception if the ports did not line up
# correctly (i.e. they required different rotations or translations of the
# y-junction device).
circ.plug(ysplit, {'signal1': 'bot', 'signal2': 'top'}, {'in': 'signal_out'})
# Finally, add some more waveguide to "signal_out".
circ.plug(wg10, {'signal_out': 'left'})
# We can visualize the design. Usually it's easier to just view the GDS.
if interactive:
print('Visualizing... this step may be slow')
# We can also add text labels for our circuit's ports.
# They will appear at the uppermost hierarchy level, while the individual
# device ports will appear further down, in their respective cells.
# Write out to GDS
writefile(circ.pattern, 'circuit.gds', **GDS_OPTS)
if __name__ == '__main__':