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SVG file format readers and writers
from typing import Dict, Optional
import warnings
import numpy # type: ignore
import svgwrite # type: ignore
from .utils import mangle_name
from .. import Pattern
def writefile(pattern: Pattern,
filename: str,
custom_attributes: bool=False):
Write a Pattern to an SVG file, by first calling .polygonize() on it
to change the shapes into polygons, and then writing patterns as SVG
groups (<g>, inside <defs>), polygons as paths (<path>), and subpatterns
as <use> elements.
Note that this function modifies the Pattern.
If `custom_attributes` is `True`, non-standard `pattern_layer` and `pattern_dose` attributes
are written to the relevant elements.
It is often a good idea to run `pattern.subpatternize()` on pattern prior to
calling this function, especially if calling `.polygonize()` will result in very
many vertices.
If you want pattern polygonized with non-default arguments, just call `pattern.polygonize()`
prior to calling this function.
pattern: Pattern to write to file. Modified by this function.
filename: Filename to write to.
custom_attributes: Whether to write non-standard `pattern_layer` and
`pattern_dose` attributes to the SVG elements.
# Polygonize pattern
bounds = pattern.get_bounds()
if bounds is None:
bounds_min, bounds_max = numpy.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]])
warnings.warn('Pattern had no bounds (empty?); setting arbitrary viewbox')
bounds_min, bounds_max = bounds
viewbox = numpy.hstack((bounds_min - 1, (bounds_max - bounds_min) + 2))
viewbox_string = '{:g} {:g} {:g} {:g}'.format(*viewbox)
# Create file
svg = svgwrite.Drawing(filename, profile='full', viewBox=viewbox_string,
debug=(not custom_attributes))
# Get a dict of id(pattern) -> pattern
patterns_by_id = {**(pattern.referenced_patterns_by_id()), id(pattern): pattern} # type: Dict[int, Optional[Pattern]]
# Now create a group for each row in sd_table (ie, each pattern + dose combination)
# and add in any Boundary and Use elements
for pat in patterns_by_id.values():
if pat is None:
svg_group = svg.g(id=mangle_name(pat), fill='blue', stroke='red')
for shape in pat.shapes:
for polygon in shape.to_polygons():
path_spec = poly2path(polygon.vertices + polygon.offset)
path = svg.path(d=path_spec)
if custom_attributes:
path['pattern_layer'] = polygon.layer
path['pattern_dose'] = polygon.dose
for subpat in pat.subpatterns:
if subpat.pattern is None:
transform = f'scale({subpat.scale:g}) rotate({subpat.rotation:g}) translate({subpat.offset[0]:g},{subpat.offset[1]:g})'
use = svg.use(href='#' + mangle_name(subpat.pattern), transform=transform)
if custom_attributes:
use['pattern_dose'] = subpat.dose
svg.add(svg.use(href='#' + mangle_name(pattern)))
def writefile_inverted(pattern: Pattern, filename: str):
Write an inverted Pattern to an SVG file, by first calling `.polygonize()` and
`.flatten()` on it to change the shapes into polygons, then drawing a bounding
box and drawing the polygons with reverse vertex order inside it, all within
one `<path>` element.
Note that this function modifies the Pattern.
If you want pattern polygonized with non-default arguments, just call `pattern.polygonize()`
prior to calling this function.
pattern: Pattern to write to file. Modified by this function.
filename: Filename to write to.
# Polygonize and flatten pattern
bounds = pattern.get_bounds()
if bounds is None:
bounds_min, bounds_max = numpy.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]])
warnings.warn('Pattern had no bounds (empty?); setting arbitrary viewbox')
bounds_min, bounds_max = bounds
viewbox = numpy.hstack((bounds_min - 1, (bounds_max - bounds_min) + 2))
viewbox_string = '{:g} {:g} {:g} {:g}'.format(*viewbox)
# Create file
svg = svgwrite.Drawing(filename, profile='full', viewBox=viewbox_string)
# Draw bounding box
slab_edge = [[bounds_min[0] - 1, bounds_max[1] + 1],
[bounds_max[0] + 1, bounds_max[1] + 1],
[bounds_max[0] + 1, bounds_min[1] - 1],
[bounds_min[0] - 1, bounds_min[1] - 1]]
path_spec = poly2path(slab_edge)
# Draw polygons with reversed vertex order
for shape in pattern.shapes:
for polygon in shape.to_polygons():
path_spec += poly2path(polygon.vertices[::-1] + polygon.offset)
svg.add(svg.path(d=path_spec, fill='blue', stroke='red'))
def poly2path(vertices: numpy.ndarray) -> str:
Create an SVG path string from an Nx2 list of vertices.
vertices: Nx2 array of vertices.
SVG path-string.
commands = 'M{:g},{:g} '.format(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1])
for vertex in vertices[1:]:
commands += 'L{:g},{:g}'.format(vertex[0], vertex[1])
commands += ' Z '
return commands