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from typing import TypeVar
from types import MappingProxyType
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import copy
from ..utils import annotations_t
from ..error import PatternError
T = TypeVar('T', bound='Annotatable')
I = TypeVar('I', bound='AnnotatableImpl')
class Annotatable(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Abstract class for all annotatable entities
Annotations correspond to GDS/OASIS "properties"
__slots__ = ()
---- Properties
def annotations(self) -> annotations_t:
Dictionary mapping annotation names to values
class AnnotatableImpl(Annotatable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Simple implementation of `Annotatable`.
__slots__ = ()
_annotations: annotations_t
""" Dictionary storing annotation name/value pairs """
---- Non-abstract properties
def annotations(self) -> annotations_t:
# TODO: Find a way to make sure the subclass implements Lockable without dealing with diamond inheritance or this extra hasattr
if hasattr(self, 'is_locked') and self.is_locked():
return MappingProxyType(self._annotations)
return self._annotations
def annotations(self, annotations: annotations_t):
if not isinstance(annotations, dict):
raise PatternError(f'annotations expected dict, got {type(annotations)}')
self._annotations = annotations