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from typing import Any
from .types import annotations_t, layer_t
from ..ports import Port
from ..repetition import Repetition
def annotation2key(aaa: int | float | str) -> tuple[bool, Any]:
return (isinstance(aaa, str), aaa)
def annotations_lt(aa: annotations_t, bb: annotations_t) -> bool:
if aa is None:
return bb is not None
elif bb is None:
return False
if len(aa) != len(bb):
return len(aa) < len(bb)
keys_a = tuple(sorted(aa.keys()))
keys_b = tuple(sorted(bb.keys()))
if keys_a != keys_b:
return keys_a < keys_b
for key in keys_a:
va = aa[key]
vb = bb[key]
if len(va) != len(vb):
return len(va) < len(vb)
for aaa, bbb in zip(va, vb):
if aaa != bbb:
return annotation2key(aaa) < annotation2key(bbb)
return False
def annotations_eq(aa: annotations_t, bb: annotations_t) -> bool:
if aa is None:
return bb is None
elif bb is None:
return False
if len(aa) != len(bb):
return False
keys_a = tuple(sorted(aa.keys()))
keys_b = tuple(sorted(bb.keys()))
if keys_a != keys_b:
return keys_a < keys_b
for key in keys_a:
va = aa[key]
vb = bb[key]
if len(va) != len(vb):
return False
for aaa, bbb in zip(va, vb):
if aaa != bbb:
return False
return True
def layer2key(layer: layer_t) -> tuple[bool, bool, Any]:
is_int = isinstance(layer, int)
is_str = isinstance(layer, str)
layer_tup = (layer) if (is_str or is_int) else layer
tup = (
not is_int,
return tup
def rep2key(repetition: Repetition | None) -> tuple[bool, Repetition | None]:
return (repetition is None, repetition)
def ports_eq(aa: dict[str, Port], bb: dict[str, Port]) -> bool:
if len(aa) != len(bb):
return False
keys = sorted(aa.keys())
if keys != sorted(bb.keys()):
return False
return all(aa[kk] == bb[kk] for kk in keys)
def ports_lt(aa: dict[str, Port], bb: dict[str, Port]) -> bool:
if len(aa) != len(bb):
return len(aa) < len(bb)
aa_keys = tuple(sorted(aa.keys()))
bb_keys = tuple(sorted(bb.keys()))
if aa_keys != bb_keys:
return aa_keys < bb_keys
for key in aa_keys:
pa = aa[key]
pb = bb[key]
if pa != pb:
return pa < pb
return False