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Vertex list operations
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
def remove_duplicate_vertices(vertices: ArrayLike, closed_path: bool = True) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
Given a list of vertices, remove any consecutive duplicates.
vertices: `[[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...]`
closed_path: If True, `vertices` is interpreted as an implicity-closed path
(i.e. the last vertex will be removed if it is the same as the first)
`vertices` with no consecutive duplicates.
vertices = numpy.array(vertices)
duplicates = (vertices == numpy.roll(vertices, 1, axis=0)).all(axis=1)
if not closed_path:
duplicates[0] = False
return vertices[~duplicates]
def remove_colinear_vertices(vertices: ArrayLike, closed_path: bool = True) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
Given a list of vertices, remove any superflous vertices (i.e.
those which lie along the line formed by their neighbors)
vertices: Nx2 ndarray of vertices
closed_path: If `True`, the vertices are assumed to represent an implicitly
closed path. If `False`, the path is assumed to be open. Default `True`.
`vertices` with colinear (superflous) vertices removed.
vertices = remove_duplicate_vertices(vertices)
# Check for dx0/dy0 == dx1/dy1
dv = numpy.roll(vertices, -1, axis=0) - vertices # [y1-y0, y2-y1, ...]
dxdy = dv * numpy.roll(dv, 1, axis=0)[:, ::-1] # [[dx0*(dy_-1), (dx_-1)*dy0], dx1*dy0, dy1*dx0]]
dxdy_diff = numpy.abs(numpy.diff(dxdy, axis=1))[:, 0]
err_mult = 2 * numpy.abs(dxdy).sum(axis=1) + 1e-40
slopes_equal = (dxdy_diff / err_mult) < 1e-15
if not closed_path:
slopes_equal[[0, -1]] = False
return vertices[~slopes_equal]
def poly_contains_points(
vertices: ArrayLike,
points: ArrayLike,
include_boundary: bool = True,
) -> NDArray[numpy.int_]:
Tests whether the provided points are inside the implicitly closed polygon
described by the provided list of vertices.
vertices: Nx2 Arraylike of form [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...], describing an implicitly-
closed polygon. Note that this should include any offsets.
points: Nx2 ArrayLike of form [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...] containing the points to test.
include_boundary: True if points on the boundary should be count as inside the shape.
Default True.
ndarray of booleans, [point0_is_in_shape, point1_is_in_shape, ...]
points = numpy.array(points, copy=False)
vertices = numpy.array(vertices, copy=False)
if points.size == 0:
return numpy.zeros(0, dtype=numpy.int8)
min_bounds = numpy.min(vertices, axis=0)[None, :]
max_bounds = numpy.max(vertices, axis=0)[None, :]
trivially_outside = ((points < min_bounds).any(axis=1)
| (points > max_bounds).any(axis=1)) # noqa: E128
nontrivial = ~trivially_outside
if trivially_outside.all():
inside = numpy.zeros_like(trivially_outside, dtype=bool)
return inside
ntpts = points[None, nontrivial, :] # nontrivial points, along axis 1 of ndarray
verts = vertices[:, :, None]
y0_le = verts[:, 1] <= ntpts[..., 1] # (axis 0) y_vertex <= y_point (axis 1)
y1_le = numpy.roll(y0_le, -1, axis=0) # rolled by 1 vertex
upward = y0_le & ~y1_le
downward = ~y0_le & y1_le
dv = numpy.roll(verts, -1, axis=0) - verts
is_left = (dv[:, 0] * (ntpts[..., 1] - verts[:, 1]) # >0 if left of dv, <0 if right, 0 if on the line
- dv[:, 1] * (ntpts[..., 0] - verts[:, 0])) # noqa: E128
winding_number = ((upward & (is_left > 0)).sum(axis=0)
- (downward & (is_left < 0)).sum(axis=0)) # noqa: E128
nontrivial_inside = winding_number != 0 # filter nontrivial points based on winding number
if include_boundary:
nontrivial_inside[(is_left == 0).any(axis=0)] = True # check if point lies on any edge
inside = nontrivial.copy()
inside[nontrivial] = nontrivial_inside
return inside