add Library functions for finding instances and extracting hierarchy
added child_graph, parent_graph, child_order, find_refs_local and find_refs_global
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ import copy
from pprint import pformat
from collections import defaultdict
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from graphlib import TopologicalSorter
import numpy
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from .error import LibraryError, PatternError
from .utils import rotation_matrix_2d, layer_t
from .utils import layer_t, apply_transforms
from .shapes import Shape, Polygon
from .label import Label
from .abstract import Abstract
@ -474,24 +475,21 @@ class ILibraryView(Mapping[str, 'Pattern'], metaclass=ABCMeta):
raise LibraryError(f'.dfs() called on pattern with circular reference to "{target}"')
for ref in pattern.refs[target]:
ref_transforms: list[bool] | NDArray[numpy.float64]
if transform is not False:
sign = numpy.ones(2)
if transform[3]:
sign[1] = -1
xy =[2]), ref.offset * sign)
ref_transform = transform + (xy[0], xy[1], ref.rotation, ref.mirrored)
ref_transform[3] %= 2
ref_transforms = apply_transforms(transform, ref.as_transforms())
ref_transform = False
ref_transforms = [False]
hierarchy=hierarchy + (target,),
for ref_transform in ref_transforms:
hierarchy=hierarchy + (target,),
if visit_after is not None:
pattern = visit_after(pattern, hierarchy=hierarchy, memo=memo, transform=transform)
@ -510,6 +508,143 @@ class ILibraryView(Mapping[str, 'Pattern'], metaclass=ABCMeta):
return self
def child_graph(self) -> dict[str, set[str | None]]:
Return a mapping from pattern name to a set of all child patterns
(patterns it references).
Mapping from pattern name to a set of all pattern names it references.
graph = {name: set(pat.refs.keys()) for name, pat in self.items()}
return graph
def parent_graph(self) -> dict[str, set[str]]:
Return a mapping from pattern name to a set of all parent patterns
(patterns which reference it).
Mapping from pattern name to a set of all patterns which reference it.
igraph: dict[str, set[str]] = {name: set() for name in self}
for name, pat in self.items():
for child, reflist in pat.refs.items():
if reflist and child is not None:
return igraph
def child_order(self) -> list[str]:
Return a topologically sorted list of all contained pattern names.
Child (referenced) patterns will appear before their parents.
Topologically sorted list of pattern names.
return list(TopologicalSorter(self.child_graph()).static_order())
def find_refs_local(
name: str,
parent_graph: dict[str, set[str]] | None = None,
) -> dict[str, list[NDArray[numpy.float64]]]:
Find the location and orientation of all refs pointing to `name`.
Refs with a `repetition` are resolved into multiple instances (locations).
name: Name of the referenced pattern.
parent_graph: Mapping from pattern name to the set of patterns which
reference it. Default (`None`) calls `self.parent_graph()`.
The provided graph may be for a superset of `self` (i.e. it may
contain additional patterns which are not present in self; they
will be ignored).
Mapping of {parent_name: transform_list}, where transform_list
is an Nx4 ndarray with rows
`(x_offset, y_offset, rotation_ccw_rad, mirror_across_x)`.
instances = defaultdict(list)
if parent_graph is None:
parent_graph = self.parent_graph()
for parent in parent_graph[name]:
if parent not in self: # parent_graph may be a for a superset of self
for ref in self[parent].refs[name]:
return instances
def find_refs_global(
name: str,
order: list[str] | None = None,
parent_graph: dict[str, set[str]] | None = None,
) -> dict[tuple[str, ...], NDArray[numpy.float64]]:
Find the absolute (top-level) location and orientation of all refs (including
repetitions) pointing to `name`.
name: Name of the referenced pattern.
order: List of pattern names in which children are guaranteed
to appear before their parents (i.e. topologically sorted).
Default (`None`) calls `self.child_order()`.
parent_graph: Passed to `find_refs_local`.
Mapping from pattern name to the set of patterns which
reference it. Default (`None`) calls `self.parent_graph()`.
The provided graph may be for a superset of `self` (i.e. it may
contain additional patterns which are not present in self; they
will be ignored).
Mapping of `{hierarchy: transform_list}`, where `hierarchy` is a tuple of the form
`(toplevel_pattern, lvl1_pattern, ..., name)` and `transform_list` is an Nx4 ndarray
with rows `(x_offset, y_offset, rotation_ccw_rad, mirror_across_x)`.
if name not in self:
return {}
if order is None:
order = self.child_order()
if parent_graph is None:
parent_graph = self.parent_graph()
self_keys = set(self.keys())
transforms: dict[str, list[tuple[
tuple[str, ...],
transforms = defaultdict(list)
for parent, vals in self.find_refs_local(name, parent_graph=parent_graph).items():
transforms[parent] = [((name,), numpy.concatenate(vals))]
for next_name in order:
if next_name not in transforms:
if not parent_graph[next_name] & self_keys:
outers = self.find_refs_local(next_name, parent_graph=parent_graph)
inners = transforms.pop(next_name)
for parent, outer in outers.items():
for path, inner in inners:
combined = apply_transforms(numpy.concatenate(outer), inner)
(next_name,) + path,
result = {}
for parent, targets in transforms.items():
for path, instances in targets:
full_path = (parent,) + path
assert full_path not in result
result[full_path] = instances
return result
class ILibrary(ILibraryView, MutableMapping[str, 'Pattern'], metaclass=ABCMeta):
@ -183,6 +183,16 @@ class Ref(
self.rotation += pi
return self
def as_transforms(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
xys = self.offset[None, :]
if self.repetition is not None:
xys = xys + self.repetition.displacements
transforms = numpy.empty((xys.shape[0], 4))
transforms[:, :2] = xys
transforms[:, 2] = self.rotation
transforms[:, 3] = self.mirrored
return transforms
def get_bounds_single(
pattern: 'Pattern',
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from .transform import (
rotation_matrix_2d as rotation_matrix_2d,
normalize_mirror as normalize_mirror,
rotate_offsets_around as rotate_offsets_around,
apply_transforms as apply_transforms,
from .comparisons import (
annotation2key as annotation2key,
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from import Sequence
from functools import lru_cache
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
from numpy import pi
@ -57,8 +57,62 @@ def rotate_offsets_around(
) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
Rotates offsets around a pivot point.
offsets: Nx2 array, rows are (x, y) offsets
pivot: (x, y) location to rotate around
angle: rotation angle in radians
Nx2 ndarray of (x, y) position after the rotation is applied.
offsets -= pivot
offsets[:] = (rotation_matrix_2d(angle) @ offsets.T).T
offsets += pivot
return offsets
def apply_transforms(
outer: ArrayLike,
inner: ArrayLike,
tensor: bool = False,
) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
Apply a set of transforms (`outer`) to a second set (`inner`).
This is used to find the "absolute" transform for nested `Ref`s.
The two transforms should be of shape Ox4 and Ix4.
Rows should be of the form `(x_offset, y_offset, rotation_ccw_rad, mirror_across_x)`.
The output will be of the form (O*I)x4 (if `tensor=False`) or OxIx4 (`tensor=True`).
outer: Transforms for the container refs. Shape Ox4.
inner: Transforms for the contained refs. Shape Ix4.
tensor: If `True`, an OxIx4 array is returned, with `result[oo, ii, :]` corresponding
to the `oo`th `outer` transform applied to the `ii`th inner transform.
If `False` (default), this is concatenated into `(O*I)x4` to allow simple
chaining into additional `apply_transforms()` calls.
OxIx4 or (O*I)x4 array. Final dimension is
`(total_x, total_y, total_rotation_ccw_rad, net_mirrored_x)`.
outer = numpy.atleast_2d(outer).astype(float, copy=False)
inner = numpy.atleast_2d(inner).astype(float, copy=False)
# If mirrored, flip y's
xy_mir = numpy.tile(inner[:, :2], (outer.shape[0], 1, 1)) # dims are outer, inner, xyrm
xy_mir[outer[:, 3].astype(bool), :, 1] *= -1
rot_mats = [rotation_matrix_2d(angle) for angle in outer[:, 2]]
xy = numpy.einsum('ort,oit->oir', rot_mats, xy_mir)
tot = numpy.empty((outer.shape[0], inner.shape[0], 4))
tot[:, :, :2] = outer[:, None, :2] + xy
tot[:, :, 2:] = outer[:, None, 2:] + inner[None, :, 2:] # sum rotations and mirrored
tot[:, :, 2] %= 2 * pi # clamp rot
tot[:, :, 3] %= 2 # clamp mirrored
if tensor:
return tot
return numpy.concatenate(tot)
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