fix mypy complaints when **expanding multiple dicts

Jan Petykiewicz 4 months ago
parent 88b2d74ad9
commit abd18d372e

@ -481,35 +481,36 @@ class Pather(Builder):
jog = rotation_matrix_2d(top2['A'].rotation) @ (top2['B'].offset - top2['A'].offset)
return jog[1]
all_dst_args = {**kwargs, **dst_args}
if src_is_horizontal and not dst_is_horizontal:
# single bend should suffice
self.path_to(portspec_src, angle > pi, x=xd, **kwargs)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, y=yd, **kwargs, **dst_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, y=yd, **all_dst_args)
elif dst_is_horizontal and not src_is_horizontal:
# single bend should suffice
self.path_to(portspec_src, angle > pi, y=yd, **kwargs)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, x=xd, **kwargs, **dst_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, x=xd, **all_dst_args)
elif numpy.isclose(angle, pi):
if src_is_horizontal and ys == yd:
# straight connector
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, x=xd, **kwargs, **dst_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, x=xd, **all_dst_args)
elif not src_is_horizontal and xs == xd:
# straight connector
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, y=yd, **kwargs, **dst_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, None, y=yd, **all_dst_args)
elif src_is_horizontal:
# figure out how much x our y-segment (2nd) takes up, then path based on that
y_len = numpy.abs(yd - ys)
ccw2 = src_ne != (yd > ys)
jog = get_jog(ccw2, y_len) * numpy.sign(xd - xs)
self.path_to(portspec_src, not ccw2, x=xd - jog, **kwargs)
self.path_to(portspec_src, ccw2, y=yd, **kwargs, **dst_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, ccw2, y=yd, **all_dst_args)
# figure out how much y our x-segment (2nd) takes up, then path based on that
x_len = numpy.abs(xd - xs)
ccw2 = src_ne != (xd < xs)
jog = get_jog(ccw2, x_len) * numpy.sign(yd - ys)
self.path_to(portspec_src, not ccw2, y=yd - jog, **kwargs)
self.path_to(portspec_src, ccw2, x=xd, **kwargs, **dst_args)
self.path_to(portspec_src, ccw2, x=xd, **all_dst_args)
elif numpy.isclose(angle, 0):
raise BuildError(f'Don\'t know how to route a U-bend at this time!')
