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from typing import Iterable, KeysView, ValuesView, overload, Self, Mapping
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
import warnings
import traceback
import logging
from collections import Counter
2023-01-24 23:25:10 -08:00
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from .traits import PositionableImpl, Rotatable, PivotableImpl, Copyable, Mirrorable
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from .utils import rotate_offsets_around
from .error import PortError
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2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2023-01-25 23:19:25 -08:00
class Port(PositionableImpl, Rotatable, PivotableImpl, Copyable, Mirrorable):
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
A point at which a `Device` can be snapped to another `Device`.
Each port has an `offset` ((x, y) position) and may also have a
`rotation` (orientation) and a `ptype` (port type).
The `rotation` is an angle, in radians, measured counterclockwise
from the +x axis, pointing inwards into the device which owns the port.
The rotation may be set to `None`, indicating that any orientation is
allowed (e.g. for a DC electrical port). It is stored modulo 2pi.
The `ptype` is an arbitrary string, default of `unk` (unknown).
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__slots__ = (
'ptype', '_rotation',
# inherited:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
_rotation: float | None
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
""" radians counterclockwise from +x, pointing into device body.
Can be `None` to signify undirected port """
ptype: str
""" Port types must match to be plugged together if both are non-zero """
def __init__(
offset: ArrayLike,
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
rotation: float | None,
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
ptype: str = 'unk',
) -> None:
self.offset = offset
self.rotation = rotation
self.ptype = ptype
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def rotation(self) -> float | None:
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""" Rotation, radians counterclockwise, pointing into device body. Can be None. """
return self._rotation
def rotation(self, val: float) -> None:
if val is None:
self._rotation = None
if not numpy.size(val) == 1:
raise PortError('Rotation must be a scalar')
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self._rotation = val % (2 * pi)
def get_bounds(self):
return numpy.vstack((self.offset, self.offset))
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def set_ptype(self, ptype: str) -> Self:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
""" Chainable setter for `ptype` """
self.ptype = ptype
return self
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def mirror(self, axis: int) -> Self:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
self.offset[1 - axis] *= -1
if self.rotation is not None:
self.rotation *= -1
self.rotation += axis * pi
return self
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def rotate(self, rotation: float) -> Self:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
if self.rotation is not None:
self.rotation += rotation
return self
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def set_rotation(self, rotation: float | None) -> Self:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
self.rotation = rotation
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.rotation is None:
rot = 'any'
rot = str(numpy.rad2deg(self.rotation))
return f'<{self.offset}, {rot}, [{self.ptype}]>'
class PortList(metaclass=ABCMeta):
2023-01-24 23:25:10 -08:00
__slots__ = () # Allow subclasses to use __slots__
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2023-01-24 23:25:10 -08:00
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
def ports(self) -> dict[str, Port]:
2023-01-24 23:25:10 -08:00
""" Uniquely-named ports which can be used to snap to other Device instances"""
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def ports(self, value: dict[str, Port]) -> None:
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2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Port:
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
def __getitem__(self, key: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | KeysView[str] | ValuesView[str]) -> dict[str, Port]:
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2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
def __getitem__(self, key: str | Iterable[str]) -> Port | dict[str, Port]:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
For convenience, ports can be read out using square brackets:
- `pattern['A'] == Port((0, 0), 0)`
- ```
pattern[['A', 'B']] == {
'A': Port((0, 0), 0),
'B': Port((0, 0), pi),
if isinstance(key, str):
return self.ports[key]
return {k: self.ports[k] for k in key}
2023-01-23 22:58:55 -08:00
# NOTE: Didn't add keys(), items(), values(), __contains__(), etc.
# because it's weird on stuff like Pattern that contains other lists
# and because you can just grab .ports and use that instead
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
def rename_ports(
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
mapping: dict[str, str | None],
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
overwrite: bool = False,
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
) -> Self:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
Renames ports as specified by `mapping`.
Ports can be explicitly deleted by mapping them to `None`.
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mapping: dict of `{'old_name': 'new_name'}` pairs. Names can be mapped
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to `None` to perform an explicit deletion. `'new_name'` can also
overwrite an existing non-renamed port to implicitly delete it if
`overwrite` is set to `True`.
overwrite: Allows implicit deletion of ports if set to `True`; see `mapping`.
if not overwrite:
duplicates = (set(self.ports.keys()) - set(mapping.keys())) & set(mapping.values())
if duplicates:
raise PortError(f'Unrenamed ports would be overwritten: {duplicates}')
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renamed = {mapping[k]: self.ports.pop(k) for k in mapping.keys()}
if None in renamed:
del renamed[None]
self.ports.update(renamed) # type: ignore
return self
def add_port_pair(
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
2023-01-26 19:16:34 -08:00
offset: ArrayLike = (0, 0),
rotation: float = 0.0,
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
names: tuple[str, str] = ('A', 'B'),
ptype: str = 'unk',
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
) -> Self:
Add a pair of ports with opposing directions at the specified location.
offset: Location at which to add the ports
rotation: Orientation of the first port. Radians, counterclockwise.
Default 0.
names: Names for the two ports. Default 'A' and 'B'
ptype: Sets the port type for both ports.
new_ports = {
names[0]: Port(offset, rotation=rotation, ptype=ptype),
names[1]: Port(offset, rotation=rotation + pi, ptype=ptype),
return self
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
def check_ports(
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
other_names: Iterable[str],
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
map_in: dict[str, str] | None = None,
map_out: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
) -> Self:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
Given the provided port mappings, check that:
- All of the ports specified in the mappings exist
- There are no duplicate port names after all the mappings are performed
other_names: List of port names being considered for inclusion into
`self.ports` (before mapping)
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map_in: dict of `{'self_port': 'other_port'}` mappings, specifying
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port connections between the two devices.
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
map_out: dict of `{'old_name': 'new_name'}` mappings, specifying
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
new names for unconnected `other_names` ports.
`PortError` if any ports specified in `map_in` or `map_out` do not
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
exist in `self.ports` or `other_names`.
`PortError` if there are any duplicate names after `map_in` and `map_out`
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
are applied.
if map_in is None:
map_in = {}
if map_out is None:
map_out = {}
other = set(other_names)
missing_inkeys = set(map_in.keys()) - set(self.ports.keys())
if missing_inkeys:
raise PortError(f'`map_in` keys not present in device: {missing_inkeys}')
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
missing_invals = set(map_in.values()) - other
if missing_invals:
raise PortError(f'`map_in` values not present in other device: {missing_invals}')
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
missing_outkeys = set(map_out.keys()) - other
if missing_outkeys:
raise PortError(f'`map_out` keys not present in other device: {missing_outkeys}')
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
orig_remaining = set(self.ports.keys()) - set(map_in.keys())
other_remaining = other - set(map_out.keys()) - set(map_in.values())
mapped_vals = set(map_out.values())
conflicts_final = orig_remaining & (other_remaining | mapped_vals)
if conflicts_final:
raise PortError(f'Device ports conflict with existing ports: {conflicts_final}')
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conflicts_partial = other_remaining & mapped_vals
if conflicts_partial:
raise PortError(f'`map_out` targets conflict with non-mapped outputs: {conflicts_partial}')
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map_out_counts = Counter(map_out.values())
map_out_counts[None] = 0
conflicts_out = {k for k, v in map_out_counts.items() if v > 1}
if conflicts_out:
raise PortError(f'Duplicate targets in `map_out`: {conflicts_out}')
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
return self
def find_transform(
2023-02-23 13:37:34 -08:00
other: 'PortList',
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
map_in: dict[str, str],
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
2023-02-23 13:15:32 -08:00
mirrored: tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False),
set_rotation: bool | None = None,
) -> tuple[NDArray[numpy.float64], float, NDArray[numpy.float64]]:
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
Given a device `other` and a mapping `map_in` specifying port connections,
find the transform which will correctly align the specified ports.
other: a device
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map_in: dict of `{'self_port': 'other_port'}` mappings, specifying
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
port connections between the two devices.
mirrored: Mirrors `other` across the x or y axes prior to
connecting any ports.
set_rotation: If the necessary rotation cannot be determined from
the ports being connected (i.e. all pairs have at least one
port with `rotation=None`), `set_rotation` must be provided
to indicate how much `other` should be rotated. Otherwise,
`set_rotation` must remain `None`.
- The (x, y) translation (performed last)
- The rotation (radians, counterclockwise)
- The (x, y) pivot point for the rotation
The rotation should be performed before the translation.
s_ports = self[map_in.keys()]
o_ports = other[map_in.values()]
return self.find_ptransform(
def find_ptransform( # TODO needs better name
s_ports: Mapping[str, Port],
o_ports: Mapping[str, Port],
map_in: dict[str, str],
mirrored: tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False),
set_rotation: bool | None = None,
) -> tuple[NDArray[numpy.float64], float, NDArray[numpy.float64]]:
Given two sets of ports (s_ports and o_ports) and a mapping `map_in`
specifying port connections, find the transform which will correctly
align the specified o_ports onto their respective s_ports.
s_ports: A list of stationary ports
o_ports: A list of ports which are to be moved/mirrored.
map_in: dict of `{'s_port': 'o_port'}` mappings, specifying
port connections.
mirrored: Mirrors `o_ports` across the x or y axes prior to
connecting any ports.
set_rotation: If the necessary rotation cannot be determined from
the ports being connected (i.e. all pairs have at least one
port with `rotation=None`), `set_rotation` must be provided
to indicate how much `o_ports` should be rotated. Otherwise,
`set_rotation` must remain `None`.
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
- The (x, y) translation (performed last)
- The rotation (radians, counterclockwise)
- The (x, y) pivot point for the rotation
The rotation should be performed before the translation.
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
s_offsets = numpy.array([p.offset for p in s_ports.values()])
o_offsets = numpy.array([p.offset for p in o_ports.values()])
s_types = [p.ptype for p in s_ports.values()]
o_types = [p.ptype for p in o_ports.values()]
s_rotations = numpy.array([p.rotation if p.rotation is not None else 0 for p in s_ports.values()])
o_rotations = numpy.array([p.rotation if p.rotation is not None else 0 for p in o_ports.values()])
s_has_rot = numpy.array([p.rotation is not None for p in s_ports.values()], dtype=bool)
o_has_rot = numpy.array([p.rotation is not None for p in o_ports.values()], dtype=bool)
has_rot = s_has_rot & o_has_rot
if mirrored[0]:
o_offsets[:, 1] *= -1
o_rotations *= -1
if mirrored[1]:
o_offsets[:, 0] *= -1
o_rotations *= -1
o_rotations += pi
type_conflicts = numpy.array([st != ot and st != 'unk' and ot != 'unk'
for st, ot in zip(s_types, o_types)])
if type_conflicts.any():
msg = 'Ports have conflicting types:\n'
for nn, (k, v) in enumerate(map_in.items()):
if type_conflicts[nn]:
msg += f'{k} | {s_types[nn]}:{o_types[nn]} | {v}\n'
msg = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) + '\n' + msg
warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
rotations = numpy.mod(s_rotations - o_rotations - pi, 2 * pi)
if not has_rot.any():
if set_rotation is None:
PortError('Must provide set_rotation if rotation is indeterminate')
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rotations[:] = set_rotation
rotations[~has_rot] = rotations[has_rot][0]
if not numpy.allclose(rotations[:1], rotations):
rot_deg = numpy.rad2deg(rotations)
2023-01-23 22:27:26 -08:00
msg = 'Port orientations do not match:\n'
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
for nn, (k, v) in enumerate(map_in.items()):
msg += f'{k} | {rot_deg[nn]:g} | {v}\n'
raise PortError(msg)
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
pivot = o_offsets[0].copy()
rotate_offsets_around(o_offsets, pivot, rotations[0])
translations = s_offsets - o_offsets
if not numpy.allclose(translations[:1], translations):
2023-01-23 22:27:26 -08:00
msg = 'Port translations do not match:\n'
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
for nn, (k, v) in enumerate(map_in.items()):
msg += f'{k} | {translations[nn]} | {v}\n'
raise PortError(msg)
2023-01-21 21:22:11 -08:00
return translations[0], rotations[0], o_offsets[0]