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DXF file format readers and writers
* Gzip modification time is set to 0 (start of current epoch, usually 1970-01-01)
from typing import List, Any, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Union, Iterable, Mapping, TextIO
import re
import io
import base64
import struct
import logging
import pathlib
import gzip
import numpy
import ezdxf # type: ignore
1 year ago
from .. import Pattern, Ref, PatternError, Label, Shape
from ..shapes import Polygon, Path
from ..repetition import Grid
from ..utils import rotation_matrix_2d, layer_t
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
4 years ago
logger.warning('DXF support is experimental and only slightly tested!')
def write(
top_name: str,
library: Mapping[str, Pattern],
stream: io.TextIOBase,
) -> None:
Write a `Pattern` to a DXF file, by first calling `.polygonize()` to change the shapes
into polygons, and then writing patterns as DXF `Block`s, polygons as `LWPolyline`s,
1 year ago
and refs as `Insert`s.
The top level pattern's name is not written to the DXF file. Nested patterns keep their
Layer numbers are translated as follows:
int: 1 -> '1'
tuple: (1, 2) -> '1.2'
str: '1.2' -> '1.2' (no change)
DXF does not support shape repetition (only block repeptition). Please call
library.wrap_repeated_shapes() before writing to file.
Other functions you may want to call:
- `masque.file.oasis.check_valid_names(library.keys())` to check for invalid names
- `library.dangling_references()` to check for references to missing patterns
- `pattern.polygonize()` for any patterns with shapes other
than `masque.shapes.Polygon` or `masque.shapes.Path`
Only `Grid` repetition objects with manhattan basis vectors are preserved as arrays. Since DXF
rotations apply to basis vectors while `masque`'s rotations do not, the basis vectors of an
array with rotated instances must be manhattan _after_ having a compensating rotation applied.
top_name: Name of the top-level pattern to write.
library: A {name: Pattern} mapping of patterns. Only `top_name` and patterns referenced
by it are written.
stream: Stream object to write to.
disambiguate_func: Function which takes a list of patterns and alters them
to make their names valid and unique. Default is `disambiguate_pattern_names`.
WARNING: No additional error checking is performed on the results.
#TODO consider supporting DXF arcs?
1 year ago
pattern = library[top_name]
# Create library
lib =, setup=True)
msp = lib.modelspace()
_shapes_to_elements(msp, pattern.shapes)
_labels_to_texts(msp, pattern.labels)
1 year ago
_mrefs_to_drefs(msp, pattern.refs)
# Now create a block for each referenced pattern, and add in any shapes
1 year ago
for name, pat in library.items():
assert pat is not None
block =
_shapes_to_elements(block, pat.shapes)
_labels_to_texts(block, pat.labels)
1 year ago
_mrefs_to_drefs(block, pat.refs)
def writefile(
top_name: str,
library: Mapping[str, Pattern],
filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
) -> None:
Wrapper for `dxf.write()` that takes a filename or path instead of a stream.
Will automatically compress the file if it has a .gz suffix.
top_name: Name of the top-level pattern to write.
library: A {name: Pattern} mapping of patterns. Only `top_name` and patterns referenced
by it are written.
filename: Filename to save to.
*args: passed to `dxf.write`
**kwargs: passed to `dxf.write`
path = pathlib.Path(filename)
streams: Tuple[Any, ...]
stream: TextIO
if path.suffix == '.gz':
base_stream = open(path, mode='wb')
gz_stream = gzip.GzipFile(filename='', mtime=0, fileobj=base_stream)
stream = io.TextIOWrapper(gz_stream) # type: ignore
streams = (stream, gz_stream, base_stream)
stream = open(path, mode='wt')
streams = (stream,)
write(library, top_name, stream, *args, **kwargs)
for ss in streams:
def readfile(
filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Pattern], Dict[str, Any]]:
Wrapper for `` that takes a filename or path instead of a stream.
Will automatically decompress gzipped files.
filename: Filename to save to.
*args: passed to ``
**kwargs: passed to ``
path = pathlib.Path(filename)
if is_gzipped(path):
open_func: Callable =
open_func = open
with open_func(path, mode='rt') as stream:
results = read(stream, *args, **kwargs)
return results
def read(
stream: TextIO,
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Pattern], Dict[str, Any]]:
Read a dxf file and translate it into a dict of `Pattern` objects. DXF `Block`s are
translated into `Pattern` objects; `LWPolyline`s are translated into polygons, and `Insert`s
1 year ago
are translated into `Ref` objects.
If an object has no layer it is set to this module's `DEFAULT_LAYER` ("DEFAULT").
stream: Stream to read from.
- Top level pattern
lib =
msp = lib.modelspace()
npat = _read_block(msp, clean_vertices)
patterns_dict = dict(
[npat] + [_read_block(bb, clean_vertices) for bb in lib.blocks if != '*Model_Space']
library_info = {
'layers': [ll.dxfattribs() for ll in lib.layers]
return patterns_dict, library_info
def _read_block(block, clean_vertices: bool) -> Tuple[str, Pattern]:
name =
pat = Pattern()
for element in block:
eltype = element.dxftype()
if eltype in ('POLYLINE', 'LWPOLYLINE'):
if eltype == 'LWPOLYLINE':
points = numpy.array(tuple(element.lwpoints))
4 years ago
points = numpy.array(tuple(element.points()))
attr = element.dxfattribs()
layer = attr.get('layer', DEFAULT_LAYER)
if points.shape[1] == 2:
raise PatternError('Invalid or unimplemented polygon?')
#shape = Polygon(layer=layer)
elif points.shape[1] > 2:
if (points[0, 2] != points[:, 2]).any():
raise PatternError('PolyLine has non-constant width (not yet representable in masque!)')
elif points.shape[1] == 4 and (points[:, 3] != 0).any():
raise PatternError('LWPolyLine has bulge (not yet representable in masque!)')
width = points[0, 2]
if width == 0:
width = attr.get('const_width', 0)
shape: Union[Path, Polygon]
if width == 0 and len(points) > 2 and numpy.array_equal(points[0], points[-1]):
shape = Polygon(layer=layer, vertices=points[:-1, :2])
shape = Path(layer=layer, width=width, vertices=points[:, :2])
if clean_vertices:
except PatternError:
elif eltype in ('TEXT',):
2 years ago
args = {'offset': numpy.array(element.get_pos()[1])[:2],
'layer': element.dxfattribs().get('layer', DEFAULT_LAYER),
string = element.dxfattribs().get('text', '')
# height = element.dxfattribs().get('height', 0)
# if height != 0:
# logger.warning('Interpreting DXF TEXT as a label despite nonzero height. '
# 'This could be changed in the future by setting a font path in the masque DXF code.')
pat.labels.append(Label(string=string, **args))
# else:
# pat.shapes.append(Text(string=string, height=height, font_path=????))
elif eltype in ('INSERT',):
attr = element.dxfattribs()
xscale = attr.get('xscale', 1)
yscale = attr.get('yscale', 1)
if abs(xscale) != abs(yscale):
logger.warning('Masque does not support per-axis scaling; using x-scaling only!')
scale = abs(xscale)
mirrored = (yscale < 0, xscale < 0)
rotation = numpy.deg2rad(attr.get('rotation', 0))
offset = numpy.array(attr.get('insert', (0, 0, 0)))[:2]
args = {
'target': (attr.get('name', None),),
'offset': offset,
'scale': scale,
'mirrored': mirrored,
'rotation': rotation,
'pattern': None,
if 'column_count' in attr:
args['repetition'] = Grid(a_vector=(attr['column_spacing'], 0),
b_vector=(0, attr['row_spacing']),
1 year ago
logger.warning(f'Ignoring DXF element {element.dxftype()} (not implemented).')
return name, pat
1 year ago
def _mrefs_to_drefs(
block: Union[ezdxf.layouts.BlockLayout, ezdxf.layouts.Modelspace],
1 year ago
refs: List[Ref],
) -> None:
1 year ago
for ref in refs:
if is None:
1 year ago
encoded_name =
1 year ago
rotation = (ref.rotation * 180 / numpy.pi) % 360
attribs = {
1 year ago
'xscale': ref.scale * (-1 if ref.mirrored[1] else 1),
'yscale': ref.scale * (-1 if ref.mirrored[0] else 1),
'rotation': rotation,
1 year ago
rep = ref.repetition
if rep is None:
1 year ago
block.add_blockref(encoded_name, ref.offset, dxfattribs=attribs)
elif isinstance(rep, Grid):
a = rep.a_vector
b = rep.b_vector if rep.b_vector is not None else numpy.zeros(2)
1 year ago
rotated_a = rotation_matrix_2d(-ref.rotation) @ a
rotated_b = rotation_matrix_2d(-ref.rotation) @ b
if rotated_a[1] == 0 and rotated_b[0] == 0:
attribs['column_count'] = rep.a_count
attribs['row_count'] = rep.b_count
attribs['column_spacing'] = rotated_a[0]
attribs['row_spacing'] = rotated_b[1]
1 year ago
block.add_blockref(encoded_name, ref.offset, dxfattribs=attribs)
elif rotated_a[0] == 0 and rotated_b[1] == 0:
attribs['column_count'] = rep.b_count
attribs['row_count'] = rep.a_count
attribs['column_spacing'] = rotated_b[0]
attribs['row_spacing'] = rotated_a[1]
1 year ago
block.add_blockref(encoded_name, ref.offset, dxfattribs=attribs)
#NOTE: We could still do non-manhattan (but still orthogonal) grids by getting
# creative with counter-rotated nested patterns, but probably not worth it.
# Instead, just break appart the grid into individual elements:
for dd in rep.displacements:
1 year ago
block.add_blockref(encoded_name, ref.offset + dd, dxfattribs=attribs)
for dd in rep.displacements:
1 year ago
block.add_blockref(encoded_name, ref.offset + dd, dxfattribs=attribs)
def _shapes_to_elements(
block: Union[ezdxf.layouts.BlockLayout, ezdxf.layouts.Modelspace],
shapes: List[Shape],
polygonize_paths: bool = False,
) -> None:
# Add `LWPolyline`s for each shape.
# Could set do paths with width setting, but need to consider endcaps.
for shape in shapes:
if shape.repetition is not None:
raise PatternError(
'Shape repetitions are not supported by DXF.'
' Please call library.wrap_repeated_shapes() before writing to file.'
attribs = {'layer': _mlayer2dxf(shape.layer)}
for polygon in shape.to_polygons():
xy_open = polygon.vertices + polygon.offset
xy_closed = numpy.vstack((xy_open, xy_open[0, :]))
block.add_lwpolyline(xy_closed, dxfattribs=attribs)
def _labels_to_texts(
block: Union[ezdxf.layouts.BlockLayout, ezdxf.layouts.Modelspace],
labels: List[Label],
) -> None:
for label in labels:
attribs = {'layer': _mlayer2dxf(label.layer)}
xy = label.offset
block.add_text(label.string, dxfattribs=attribs).set_pos(xy, align='BOTTOM_LEFT')
def _mlayer2dxf(layer: layer_t) -> str:
if isinstance(layer, str):
return layer
if isinstance(layer, int):
return str(layer)
if isinstance(layer, tuple):
return f'{layer[0]}.{layer[1]}'
raise PatternError(f'Unknown layer type: {layer} ({type(layer)})')
def disambiguate_pattern_names(
names: Iterable[str],
max_name_length: int = 32,
suffix_length: int = 6,
) -> List[str]:
names: List of pattern names to disambiguate
max_name_length: Names longer than this will be truncated
suffix_length: Names which get truncated are truncated by this many extra characters. This is to
leave room for a suffix if one is necessary.
new_names = []
for name in names:
sanitized_name = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_\?\$]').sub('_', name)
i = 0
suffixed_name = sanitized_name
while suffixed_name in new_names or suffixed_name == '':
suffix = base64.b64encode(struct.pack('>Q', i), b'$?').decode('ASCII')
suffixed_name = sanitized_name + '$' + suffix[:-1].lstrip('A')
i += 1
if sanitized_name == '':
4 years ago
logger.warning(f'Empty pattern name saved as "{suffixed_name}"')
if len(suffixed_name) == 0:
# Should never happen since zero-length names are replaced
raise PatternError(f'Zero-length name after sanitize,\n originally "{name}"')
if len(suffixed_name) > max_name_length:
raise PatternError(f'Pattern name "{suffixed_name!r}" length > {max_name_length} after encode,\n'
+ f' originally "{name}"')
return new_names