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8 years ago
import processing.core.PApplet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
8 years ago
class ProjectorApplet extends PApplet {
Secondary applet for controlling what gets displayed on
the projector.
This window runs as a separate thread, so in order to draw
things, you should create a ProjectorCommand and queue it
up with projectorApplet.commandQueue.add(myCommand).
// Which screen should we display on?
8 years ago
final int projectorScreenNumber = 2;
// Center coordinates of the screen
8 years ago
final static int centerX = 860;
final static int centerY = 540;
// Background color
int bgColor = color(0, 0, 0);
// Pointer to the main applet
EuglenaApplet parent;
// Calibration component
Calibrator calibrator;
// Queue of commands to execute
ArrayList<ProjectorCommand> commandQueue;
ProjectorApplet(EuglenaApplet parent) {
this.parent = parent;
calibrator = new Calibrator(this);
commandQueue = new ArrayList<>();
8 years ago
public void settings() {
fullScreen(P2D, this.projectorScreenNumber);
public void setup() {
// smooth(); // Smooth might create artifacts when animating?
8 years ago
public void draw() {
Main draw loop for the projector window
Exectue commands from the commandQueue.
If a command finished, mark it for removal.
If we get a ProjectorCommandException, don't execute
any further commands.
ArrayList<Integer> entriesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < commandQueue.size(); i++) {
boolean done = commandQueue.get(i).run(this);
if (done) {
} catch (ProjectorCommandException e) {
// Do nothing
// Remove finished commands (have to do it in reverse order to preserve indices)
for (int i = entriesToRemove.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Let the calibration module draw anything it needs
public void reset() {
Clear the commandQueue and the screen
public void clear() {
Clear the screen
rect(0, 0, width * 4, height * 4);
public void setBgColor(int c) {
bgColor = c;
public void setBgColor(int r, int b, int g) {
bgColor = color(r, g, b);
public int getBgColor() {
return bgColor;
Functions for converting coordinates and distances from
main-window to projector-window coordinates
public float convertXCoord(float x) {
return (x / calibrator.magx + width * calibrator.offsetx);
public float convertYCoord(float y) {
return (y / calibrator.magy + height * calibrator.offsety);
public float convertXDistance(float dx) {
return (dx / calibrator.magx);
public float convertYDistance(float dy) {
return (dy / calibrator.magy);
8 years ago