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Common Lisp

* Update H-field, including any PMLs.
* Also precalculate values for poynting vector if necessary.
* Template parameters:
* common_header: Rendered contents of
* pmls: [{'axis': 'x', 'polarity': 'n', 'thickness': 8}, ...] list of pml dicts containing
axes, polarities, and thicknesses.
* do_poynting: Whether to precalculate poynting vector components (boolean)
* OpenCL args:
* E, H, dt, [p{xyz}{01}h{np}, Psi_{xyz}{np}_H], [oS]
* Precalculate derivatives
ftype dExy = Ex[i + py] - Ex[i];
ftype dExz = Ex[i + pz] - Ex[i];
ftype dEyx = Ey[i + px] - Ey[i];
ftype dEyz = Ey[i + pz] - Ey[i];
ftype dEzx = Ez[i + px] - Ez[i];
ftype dEzy = Ez[i + py] - Ez[i];
{% for bloch in bloch_boundaries -%}
{%- set r = bloch['axis'] -%}
{%- set u, v = ['x', 'y', 'z'] | reject('equalto', r) -%}
if ({{r}} == s{{r}} - 1) {
ftype bloch_re = {{bloch['real']}};
ftype bloch_im = {{bloch['imag']}};
dE{{u ~ r}} = bloch_re * dE{{u ~ r}} + bloch_im * (F{{u}}[i + p{{u}}] - F{{u}}[i]);
dE{{v ~ r}} = bloch_re * dE{{v ~ r}} + bloch_im * (F{{v}}[i + p{{v}}] - F{{v}}[i]);
{%- endfor %}
{%- if do_poynting %}
* Precalculate averaged E
ftype aExy = Ex[i + py] + Ex[i];
ftype aExz = Ex[i + pz] + Ex[i];
ftype aEyx = Ey[i + px] + Ey[i];
ftype aEyz = Ey[i + pz] + Ey[i];
ftype aEzx = Ez[i + px] + Ez[i];
ftype aEzy = Ez[i + py] + Ez[i];
{%- endif %}
* PML Update
// PML contributions to H
ftype pHxi = 0;
ftype pHyi = 0;
ftype pHzi = 0;
{% for pml in pmls -%}
{%- set r = pml['axis'] -%}
{%- set p = pml['polarity'] -%}
{%- set u, v = ['x', 'y', 'z'] | reject('equalto', r) -%}
{%- set psi = 'Psi_' ~ r ~ p ~ '_H' -%}
{%- if r != 'y' -%}
{%- set se, sh = '-', '+' -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set se, sh = '+', '-' -%}
{%- endif -%}
int pml_{{r ~ p}}_thickness = {{pml['thickness']}};
{%- if p == 'n' %}
if ( {{r}} < pml_{{r ~ p}}_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = {{r}}; // index into pml parameters
{%- elif p == 'p' %}
if ( s{{r}} > {{r}} && {{r}} >= s{{r}} - pml_{{r ~ p}}_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (s{{r}} - 1) - {{r}}; // index into pml parameters
{%- endif %}
const size_t ip = {{v}} + {{u}} * s{{v}} + ir * s{{v}} * s{{u}}; // linear index into Psi
dE{{v ~ r}} *= p{{r}}2h{{p}}[ir];
dE{{u ~ r}} *= p{{r}}2h{{p}}[ir];
{{psi ~ u}}[ip] = p{{r}}0h{{p}}[ir] * {{psi ~ u}}[ip] + p{{r}}1h{{p}}[ir] * dE{{v ~ r}};
{{psi ~ v}}[ip] = p{{r}}0h{{p}}[ir] * {{psi ~ v}}[ip] + p{{r}}1h{{p}}[ir] * dE{{u ~ r}};
pH{{u}}i {{sh}}= {{psi ~ u}}[ip];
pH{{v}}i {{se}}= {{psi ~ v}}[ip];
{%- endfor %}
* Update H
{% if do_poynting -%}
// Save old H for averaging
ftype Hx_old = Hx[i];
ftype Hy_old = Hy[i];
ftype Hz_old = Hz[i];
{%- endif %}
// H update equations
Hx[i] -= dt * (dEzy - dEyz - pHxi);
Hy[i] -= dt * (dExz - dEzx - pHyi);
Hz[i] -= dt * (dEyx - dExy - pHzi);
{% if do_poynting -%}
// Average H across timesteps
ftype aHxt = Hx[i] + Hx_old;
ftype aHyt = Hy[i] + Hy_old;
ftype aHzt = Hz[i] + Hz_old;
* Calculate unscaled S components at H locations
__global ftype *oSxy = oS + 0 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSyz = oS + 1 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSzx = oS + 2 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSxz = oS + 3 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSyx = oS + 4 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSzy = oS + 5 * field_size;
oSxy[i] = aEyx * aHzt;
oSxz[i] = -aEzx * aHyt;
oSyz[i] = aEzy * aHxt;
oSyx[i] = -aExy * aHzt;
oSzx[i] = aExz * aHyt;
oSzy[i] = -aEyz * aHxt;
{%- endif -%}