Clean up comments

jan 8 years ago
parent cd72219d0b
commit a6e601b648

@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ def main():
z_max = 1.6 * a
xyz_max = numpy.hstack((xy_max, z_max)) + pml_thickness * dx
# Coordinates of the edges of the cells. The fdtd package can only do square grids at the moment.
# Coordinates of the edges of the cells.
# The fdtd package can only do square grids at the moment.
half_edge_coords = [numpy.arange(dx/2, m + dx, step=dx) for m in xyz_max]
edge_coords = [numpy.hstack((-h[::-1], h)) for h in half_edge_coords]
@ -139,8 +140,8 @@ def main():
return numpy.sin(w * t0) * numpy.exp(-alpha * t0**2)
# #### Run a bunch of iterations ####
# event = sim.whatever([prev_event]) indicates that sim.whatever should be queued immediately and run
# once prev_event is finished.
# event = sim.whatever([prev_event]) indicates that sim.whatever should be queued
# immediately and run once prev_event is finished.
output_file = h5py.File('simulation_output.h5', 'w')
start = time.perf_counter()
for t in range(max_t):
