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2 years ago
Main connectivity-checking functionality for `snarled`
2 years ago
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Set, Optional, Union, Sequence, Mapping, Callable
2 years ago
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pformat
import logging
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
from pyclipper import scale_to_clipper, scale_from_clipper, PyPolyNode
from .types import connectivity_t, layer_t, contour_t
2 years ago
from .poly import poly_contains_points
from .clipper import union_nonzero, union_evenodd, intersection_evenodd, hier2oriented
from .tracker import NetsInfo, NetName
2 years ago
from .utils import connectivity2layers
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def trace_connectivity_preloaded(
2 years ago
polys: Mapping[layer_t, Sequence[ArrayLike]],
labels: Mapping[layer_t, Sequence[Tuple[float, float, str]]],
connectivity: Sequence[Tuple[layer_t, Optional[layer_t], layer_t]],
clipper_scale_factor: int = int(2 ** 24),
) -> NetsInfo:
2 years ago
Analyze the electrical connectivity of the provided layout.
2 years ago
The resulting `NetsInfo` will contain only disjoint `nets`, and its `net_aliases` can be used to
understand which nets are shorted (and therefore known by more than one name).
polys: A full description of all conducting paths in the layout. Consists of lists of polygons
(Nx2 arrays of vertices), indexed by layer. The structure looks roughly like
`{layer0: [poly0, poly1, ..., [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...]], ...}`
labels: A list of "named points" which are used to assign names to the nets they touch.
A collection of lists of (x, y, name) tuples, indexed *by the layer they target*.
`{layer0: [(x0, y0, name0), (x1, y1, name1), ...], ...}`
connectivity: A sequence of 3-tuples specifying the electrical connectivity between layers.
Each 3-tuple looks like `(top_layer, via_layer, bottom_layer)` and indicates that
`top_layer` and `bottom_layer` are electrically connected at any location where
shapes are present on all three (top, via, and bottom) layers.
`via_layer` may be `None`, in which case any overlap between shapes on `top_layer`
and `bottom_layer` is automatically considered a short (with no third shape necessary).
clipper_scale_factor: `pyclipper` uses 64-bit integer math, while we accept either floats or ints.
The coordinates from `polys` are scaled by this factor to put them roughly in the middle of
the range `pyclipper` wants; you may need to adjust this if you are already using coordinates
with large integer values.
`NetsInfo` object describing the various nets and their connectivities.
def get_layer(layer: layer_t) -> Tuple[Sequence[ArrayLike], Sequence[Tuple[float, float, str]]]:
return polys[layer], labels[layer]
return trace_connectivity(get_layer, connectivity, clipper_scale_factor)
def trace_connectivity(
get_layer: Callable[[layer_t], Tuple[Sequence[ArrayLike], Sequence[Tuple[float, float, str]]]],
connectivity: Sequence[Tuple[layer_t, Optional[layer_t], layer_t]],
clipper_scale_factor: int = int(2 ** 24),
) -> NetsInfo:
Analyze the electrical connectivity of a layout.
The resulting `NetsInfo` will contain only disjoint `nets`, and its `net_aliases` can be used to
understand which nets are shorted (and therefore known by more than one name).
This function attempts to reduce memory usage by lazy-loading layout data (layer-by-layer) and
pruning away layers for which all interactions have already been computed.
TODO: In the future, this will be extended to cover partial loading of spatial extents in
addition to layers.
get_layer: When called, `polys, labels = get_layer(layer)` should return the geometry and labels
on that layer. Returns
polys, A list of polygons (Nx2 arrays of vertices) on the layer. The structure looks like
`[poly0, poly1, ..., [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...]]`
labels, A list of "named points" which are used to assign names to the nets they touch.
A list of (x, y, name) tuples targetting this layer.
`[(x0, y0, name0), (x1, y1, name1), ...]`
connectivity: A sequence of 3-tuples specifying the electrical connectivity between layers.
Each 3-tuple looks like `(top_layer, via_layer, bottom_layer)` and indicates that
`top_layer` and `bottom_layer` are electrically connected at any location where
shapes are present on all three (top, via, and bottom) layers.
`via_layer` may be `None`, in which case any overlap between shapes on `top_layer`
and `bottom_layer` is automatically considered a short (with no third shape necessary).
NOTE that the order in which connectivity is specified (i.e. top-level ordering of the
tuples) directly sets the order in which the layers are loaded and merged, and thus
has a significant impact on memory usage by determining when layers can be pruned away.
Try to group entries by the layers they affect!
clipper_scale_factor: `pyclipper` uses 64-bit integer math, while we accept either floats or ints.
The coordinates from `polys` are scaled by this factor to put them roughly in the middle of
the range `pyclipper` wants; you may need to adjust this if you are already using coordinates
with large integer values.
`NetsInfo` object describing the various nets and their connectivities.
loaded_layers = set()
2 years ago
nets_info = NetsInfo()
for ii, (top_layer, via_layer, bot_layer) in enumerate(connectivity):
for metal_layer in (top_layer, bot_layer):
if metal_layer in loaded_layers:
# Load and run initial union on each layer
raw_polys, labels = get_layer(metal_layer)
polys = union_input_polys(scale_to_clipper(raw_polys, clipper_scale_factor))
2 years ago
# Check each polygon for labels, and assign it to a net (possibly anonymous).
nets_on_layer, merge_groups = label_polys(polys, labels, clipper_scale_factor)
for name, net_polys in nets_on_layer.items():
nets_info.nets[name][metal_layer] += hier2oriented(net_polys)
2 years ago
# Merge any nets that were shorted by having their labels on the same polygon
for group in merge_groups:
logger.warning(f'Nets {group} are shorted on layer {metal_layer}')
first_net, *defunct_nets = group
for defunct_net in defunct_nets:
nets_info.merge(first_net, defunct_net)
# Load and union vias
via_raw_polys, _labels = get_layer(via_layer)
via_polys = hier2oriented(union_input_polys(
scale_to_clipper(via_raw_polys, clipper_scale_factor)
# Figure out which nets are shorted by vias, then merge them
merge_pairs = find_merge_pairs(nets_info.nets, top_layer, bot_layer, via_polys)
for net_a, net_b in merge_pairs:
nets_info.merge(net_a, net_b)
remaining_layers = set()
for layer_a, _, layer_b in connectivity[ii + 1:]:
finished_layers = loaded_layers - remaining_layers
for layer in finished_layers:
2 years ago
return nets_info
2 years ago
def union_input_polys(polys: Sequence[ArrayLike]) -> List[PyPolyNode]:
Perform a union operation on the provided sequence of polygons, and return
a list of `PyPolyNode`s corresponding to all of the outer (i.e. non-hole)
Note that while islands are "outer" contours and returned in the list, they
also are still available through the `.Childs` property of the "hole" they
appear in. Meanwhile, "hole" contours are only accessible through the `.Childs`
property of their parent "outer" contour, and are not returned in the list.
polys: A sequence of polygons, `[[(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...], poly1, poly2, ...]`
Polygons may be implicitly closed.
List of PyPolyNodes, representing all "outer" contours (including islands) in
the union of `polys`.
2 years ago
for poly in polys:
if (numpy.abs(poly) % 1).any():
logger.warning('Warning: union_polys got non-integer coordinates; all values will be truncated.')
2 years ago
#TODO: check if we need to reverse the order of points in some polygons
# via sum((x2-x1)(y2+y1)) (-ve means ccw)
2 years ago
poly_tree = union_nonzero(polys)
if poly_tree is None:
return []
# Partially flatten the tree, reclassifying all the "outer" (non-hole) nodes as new root nodes
unvisited_nodes = [poly_tree]
outer_nodes = []
while unvisited_nodes:
node = unvisited_nodes.pop() # node will be the tree parent node (a container), or a hole
for poly in node.Childs:
for hole in poly.Childs: # type: ignore
return outer_nodes
def label_polys(
polys: Sequence[PyPolyNode],
labels: Sequence[Tuple[float, float, str]],
clipper_scale_factor: int,
) -> Tuple[
defaultdict[NetName, List[PyPolyNode]],
merge_groups = []
point_xys = []
point_names = []
nets = defaultdict(list)
for x, y, point_name in labels:
point_xys.append((x, y))
for poly in polys:
found_nets = label_poly(poly, point_xys, point_names, clipper_scale_factor)
if found_nets:
name = NetName(found_nets[0])
name = NetName() # Anonymous net
if len(found_nets) > 1:
# Found a short
poly = pformat(scale_from_clipper(poly.Contour, clipper_scale_factor))
merge_groups.append([name] + [NetName(nn) for nn in found_nets[1:]])
return nets, merge_groups
2 years ago
def label_poly(
poly: PyPolyNode,
point_xys: ArrayLike,
point_names: Sequence[str],
clipper_scale_factor: int,
2 years ago
) -> List[str]:
2 years ago
Given a `PyPolyNode` (a polygon, possibly with holes) and a sequence of named points,
return the list of point names contained inside the polygon.
poly: A polygon, possibly with holes. "Islands" inside the holes (and deeper-nested
structures) are not considered (i.e. only one non-hole contour is considered).
point_xys: A sequence of point coordinates (Nx2, `[(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...]`).
point_names: A sequence of point names (same length N as point_xys)
clipper_scale_factor: The PyPolyNode structure is from `pyclipper` and likely has
a scale factor applied in order to use integer arithmetic. Due to precision
limitations in `poly_contains_points`, it's prefereable to undo this scaling
rather than asking for similarly-scaled `point_xys` coordinates.
NOTE: This could be fixed by using `numpy.longdouble` in
`poly_contains_points`, but the exact length of long-doubles is platform-
dependent and so probably best avoided.
All the `point_names` which correspond to points inside the polygon (but not in
its holes).
2 years ago
poly_contour = scale_from_clipper(poly.Contour, clipper_scale_factor)
inside = poly_contains_points(poly_contour, point_xys)
for hole in poly.Childs:
hole_contour = scale_from_clipper(hole.Contour, clipper_scale_factor)
inside &= ~poly_contains_points(hole_contour, point_xys)
inside_nets = sorted([net_name for net_name, ii in zip(point_names, inside) if ii])
if inside.any():
return inside_nets
return []
def find_merge_pairs(
nets: Mapping[NetName, Mapping[layer_t, Sequence[contour_t]]],
top_layer: layer_t,
bot_layer: layer_t,
via_polys: Optional[Sequence[contour_t]],
) -> Set[Tuple[NetName, NetName]]:
2 years ago
Given a collection of (possibly anonymous) nets, figure out which pairs of
nets are shorted through a via (and thus should be merged).
nets: A collection of all nets (seqences of polygons in mappings indexed by `NetName`
and layer). See `NetsInfo.nets`.
top_layer: Layer name of first layer
bot_layer: Layer name of second layer
via_polys: Sequence of via contours. `None` denotes to vias necessary (overlap is sufficent).
2 years ago
A set containing pairs of `NetName`s for each pair of nets which are shorted.
2 years ago
merge_pairs = set()
if via_polys is not None and not via_polys:
logger.warning(f'No vias between layers {top_layer}, {bot_layer}')
return merge_pairs
2 years ago
for top_name in nets.keys():
top_polys = nets[top_name][top_layer]
if not top_polys:
2 years ago
for bot_name in nets.keys():
if bot_name == top_name:
2 years ago
name_pair: Tuple[NetName, NetName] = tuple(sorted((top_name, bot_name))) #type: ignore
if name_pair in merge_pairs:
2 years ago
bot_polys = nets[bot_name][bot_layer]
if not bot_polys:
2 years ago
if via_polys is not None:
via_top = intersection_evenodd(top_polys, via_polys)
overlap = intersection_evenodd(via_top, bot_polys)
overlap = intersection_evenodd(top_polys, bot_polys) # TODO verify there aren't any suspicious corner cases for this
2 years ago
if overlap:
2 years ago
2 years ago
return merge_pairs