Fix error from reading past end of file

Save chapter start times to file
Note that get_chapter_text doesn't work
jan 8 years ago
parent 20eea6848a
commit f04c214e63

@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ def main(in_file, out_file, dll_path=None):
print('c', channels, 's', sample_rate)
n_chapters = get_chapter_count(*a)
chapter_times = [get_chapter_start_time(*a, i) for i in range(n_chapters)]
with open(out_file + '.txt', 'w') as f:
[f.write(str(ti) + '\n') for ti in chapter_times]
enc_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(0x400)
dec_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(0x400 * 200)
@ -116,7 +122,8 @@ def get_encoded_audio(dll, handle, buf=None):
data_len = ctypes.c_uint()
res = dll.AAXGetEncodedAudio(handle, buf, len(buf), byref(data_len))
if res != 0:
if res not in (0, -24):
#-24 is "read past end of data"
raise Exception('AAXGetEncodedAudio: {}'.format(res))
return buf, data_len.value
@ -136,16 +143,22 @@ def decode_pcm_frame(dll, handle, in_buf, in_len, out_buf=None):
def get_chapter_text(dll, handle, chapter_num, buf=None):
Possibly doesn't exist?
if buf is None:
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(0x400)
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(0x800)
data_len = ctypes.c_uint()
res = dll.AAXGetChapterText(handle, chapter_num, buf, len(buf), byref(data_len))
res = dll.AAXGetChapterText(handle, ctypes.c_uint(chapter_num), buf, len(buf), byref(data_len))
if data_len.value == 0:
return ''
if res != 0:
raise Exception('AAXGetChapterText: {}'.format(res))
return buf, data_len.value
return bytearray(buf[:data_len.value]).decode('utf-8')
def get_metadata(dll, handle, mdn):
@ -213,7 +226,7 @@ def get_playback_position(dll, handle):
def get_chapter_start_time(dll, handle, chapter):
position = ctypes.c_uint()
res = dll.AAXGetChapterStartTime(handle, byref(position), chapter)
res = dll.AAXGetChapterStartTime(handle, ctypes.c_uint(chapter), byref(position))
if res != 0:
raise Exception('AAXGetChapterStartTime: {}'.format(res))
