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2019-08-04 03:21:54 -07:00
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: lethe
Version: 0.6
Summary: Git-based snapshotting
Home-page: https://mpxd.net/code/jan/lethe
Author: Jan Petykiewicz
Author-email: anewusername@gmail.com
License: UNKNOWN
Description: # lethe README
```lethe``` is a Python module for git-based snapshotting.
```lethe``` is intended as a mechanism for creating commits outside
the standard git branching/tagging workflows. It is meant to enable
additional use-cases without disrupting the standard workflows.
Use cases include:
- Short-lived:
- On-disk **undo log**
- **Syncing work-in-progress** between computers before it's ready
- Long-lived:
- **lab notebook**: Recording the code / configuration state that resulted in a given output
- **incremental backup**: Space-efficient time-based backups of a codebase
## Usage
### Creating a commit from the command line
$ cd path/to/repo
$ lethe
This effectively snapshots the current state of the repository (as would be seen by
```git add --all```) and creates a new commit (```122d058e375274a186c407f28602c3b14a2cab95```)
which points to it. The current branch and index are not changed.
### Flags:
- ```-p my_parent_ref``` is used to provide "parent" refs which become the parents of the created commit.
If a parent ref is a symbolic ref, *both* the provided ref and the ref it points to are used as parents.
If not present, defaults to ```-p HEAD```.
- ```-t ref/lethe/my_target_ref``` is used to provide "target" refs which will be created/updated
to point to the created commit.
If not present, defaults to adding an entry of the form ```-t refs/lethe/my_branch``` for each
parent ref of the form ```refs/heads/my_branch```, and ```-t refs/lethe/my/refpath``` for non-head
refs of the form ```refs/my/refpath```. All provided parent refs *and* any dereferenced parent refs
are used to generate default target refs.
If any of the target refs already exist, the commits they point to become parents of the created commit.
- ```-m "my message"``` sets the commit message for the snapshot. By default, "snapshot <current datetime>" is used.
- ```-r path/to/repo``` can be provided to specify a repository outside of the current working directory.
$ cd path/to/repo
$ git branch
* master
$ lethe
is equivalent to
lethe -r path/to/repo -p HEAD
lethe -r path/to/repo -p HEAD -p refs/heads/master -t refs/lethe/HEAD -t refs/lethe/master
### Creating a commit programmatically
import lethe
REPO = '/path/to/repo'
commit_sha = lethe.snap(cwd=REPO)
tree_sha = lethe.get_tree(commit_sha, cwd=REPO)
print('Created new commit with hash ' + commit_sha + ' aka refs/lethe/HEAD')
print('Code (tree) state is ' + tree_sha)
## Installation
* python 3 (written and tested with 3.6)
* git (accessible on the system ```PATH```)
Install with pip:
pip install lethe
Keywords: git,snapshot,commit,refs,backup,undo,log,lab notebook,traceability
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
Classifier: Environment :: Other Environment
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Git
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown