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4 years ago
Functionality for reading/writing elements (geometry, text labels,
structure references) and associated properties.
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Optional, IO, TypeVar, Type, Union
4 years ago
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy # type: ignore
from .basic import KlamathError
from .record import Record
from .records import BOX, BOUNDARY, NODE, PATH, TEXT, SREF, AREF
from .records import ENDEL, BGNEXTN, ENDEXTN, SNAME
E = TypeVar('E', bound='Element')
R = TypeVar('R', bound='Reference')
B = TypeVar('B', bound='Boundary')
P = TypeVar('P', bound='Path')
N = TypeVar('N', bound='Node')
T = TypeVar('T', bound='Text')
X = TypeVar('X', bound='Box')
def read_properties(stream: IO[bytes]) -> Dict[int, bytes]:
4 years ago
Read element properties.
Assumes PROPATTR records have unique values.
Stops reading after consuming ENDEL record.
stream: Stream to read from.
{propattr: b'propvalue'} mapping.
properties = {}
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
while tag != ENDEL.tag:
if tag == PROPATTR.tag:
key = PROPATTR.read_data(stream, size)[0]
value =
if key in properties:
raise KlamathError(f'Duplicate property key: {key!r}')
properties[key] = value
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
return properties
def write_properties(stream: IO[bytes], properties: Dict[int, bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
Write element properties.
This is does _not_ write the ENDEL record.
stream: Stream to write to.
b = 0
for key, value in properties.items():
b += PROPATTR.write(stream, key)
b += PROPVALUE.write(stream, value)
return b
class Element(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Abstract method definition for GDS structure contents
def read(cls: Type[E], stream: IO[bytes]) -> E:
4 years ago
Read from a stream to construct this object.
Consumes up to (and including) the ENDEL record.
Stream to read from.
Constructed object.
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
Write this element to a stream.
Finishes with an ENDEL record.
Stream to write to.
Number of bytes written
class Reference(Element):
Datastructure representing
an instance of a structure (SREF / structure reference) or
an array of instances (AREF / array reference).
Type is determined by the presence of the `colrow` tuple.
Transforms are applied to each individual instance (_not_
to the instance's origin location or array vectors).
__slots__ = ('struct_name', 'invert_y', 'mag', 'angle_deg', 'xy', 'colrow', 'properties')
struct_name: bytes
""" Name of the structure being referenced. """
invert_y: bool
""" Whether to mirror the pattern (negate y-values / flip across x-axis). Default False. """
mag: float
""" Scaling factor (default 1) """
angle_deg: float
""" Rotation (degrees counterclockwise) """
xy: numpy.ndarray
(For SREF) Location in the parent structure corresponding to the instance's origin (0, 0).
(For AREF) 3 locations:
`offset + col_basis_vector * colrow[0]`,
`offset + row_basis_vector * colrow[1]`]
which define the first instance's offset and the array's basis vectors.
Note that many GDS implementations only support manhattan basis vectors, and some
assume a certain axis mapping (e.g. x->columns, y->rows) and "reinterpret" the
basis vectors to match it.
colrow: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int], numpy.ndarray]]
4 years ago
""" Number of columns and rows (AREF) or None (SREF) """
properties: Dict[int, bytes]
""" Properties associated with this reference. """
def read(cls: Type[R], stream: IO[bytes]) -> R:
4 years ago
invert_y = False
mag = 1
angle_deg = 0
colrow = None
struct_name = SNAME.skip_and_read(stream)
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
while tag != XY.tag:
if tag == STRANS.tag:
strans = STRANS.read_data(stream, size)
invert_y = bool(0x8000 & strans)
elif tag == MAG.tag:
mag = MAG.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == ANGLE.tag:
angle_deg = ANGLE.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == COLROW.tag:
colrow = COLROW.read_data(stream, size)
raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected tag {tag:04x}')
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
xy = XY.read_data(stream, size).reshape(-1, 2)
properties = read_properties(stream)
return cls(struct_name=struct_name, xy=xy, properties=properties, colrow=colrow,
invert_y=invert_y, mag=mag, angle_deg=angle_deg)
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
b = 0
if self.colrow is None:
b += SREF.write(stream, None)
b += AREF.write(stream, None)
b += SNAME.write(stream, self.struct_name)
if self.angle_deg != 0 or self.mag != 1 or self.invert_y:
b += STRANS.write(stream, int(self.invert_y) << 15)
if self.mag != 1:
b += MAG.write(stream, self.mag)
if self.angle_deg != 0:
4 years ago
b += ANGLE.write(stream, self.angle_deg)
if self.colrow is not None:
b += COLROW.write(stream, self.colrow)
b += XY.write(stream, self.xy)
b += write_properties(stream,
b += ENDEL.write(stream, None)
return b
def check(self) -> None:
if self.colrow is not None:
if self.xy.size != 6:
raise KlamathError(f'colrow is not None, so expected size-6 xy. Got {self.xy}')
if self.xy.size != 2:
raise KlamathError(f'Expected size-2 xy. Got {self.xy}')
class Boundary(Element):
Datastructure representing a Boundary element.
__slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties')
layer: Tuple[int, int]
""" (layer, data_type) tuple """
xy: numpy.ndarray
""" Ordered vertices of the shape. First and last points should be identical. """
properties: Dict[int, bytes]
""" Properties for the element. """
def read(cls: Type[B], stream: IO[bytes]) -> B:
4 years ago
layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0]
dtype =[0]
xy =, 2)
properties = read_properties(stream)
return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties)
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
b = BOUNDARY.write(stream, None)
b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0])
b += DATATYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1])
b += XY.write(stream, self.xy)
b += write_properties(stream,
b += ENDEL.write(stream, None)
return b
class Path(Element):
Datastructure representing a Path element.
If `path_type < 4`, `extension` values are not written.
During read, `exension` defaults to (0, 0) even if unused.
__slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties', 'path_type', 'width', 'extension')
layer: Tuple[int, int]
""" (layer, data_type) tuple """
path_type: int
""" End-cap type (0: flush, 1: circle, 2: square, 4: custom) """
width: int
""" Path width """
extension: Tuple[int, int]
""" Extension when using path_type=4. Ignored otherwise. """
xy: numpy.ndarray
""" Path centerline coordinates """
properties: Dict[int, bytes]
""" Properties for the element. """
def read(cls: Type[P], stream: IO[bytes]) -> P:
4 years ago
path_type = 0
width = 0
bgn_ext = 0
end_ext = 0
layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0]
dtype =[0]
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
while tag != XY.tag:
if tag == PATHTYPE.tag:
path_type = PATHTYPE.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == WIDTH.tag:
width = WIDTH.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == BGNEXTN.tag:
bgn_ext = BGNEXTN.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == ENDEXTN.tag:
end_ext = ENDEXTN.read_data(stream, size)[0]
raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected tag {tag:04x}')
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
xy = XY.read_data(stream, size).reshape(-1, 2)
properties = read_properties(stream)
return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy,
properties=properties, extension=(bgn_ext, end_ext),
path_type=path_type, width=width)
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
b = PATH.write(stream, None)
b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0])
b += DATATYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1])
if self.path_type != 0:
b += PATHTYPE.write(stream, self.path_type)
if self.width != 0:
b += WIDTH.write(stream, self.width)
if self.path_type < 4:
bgn_ext, end_ext = self.extension
if bgn_ext != 0:
b += BGNEXTN.write(stream, bgn_ext)
if end_ext != 0:
b += ENDEXTN.write(stream, end_ext)
b += XY.write(stream, self.xy)
b += write_properties(stream,
b += ENDEL.write(stream, None)
return b
class Box(Element):
Datastructure representing a Box element. Rarely used.
__slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties')
layer: Tuple[int, int]
""" (layer, box_type) tuple """
xy: numpy.ndarray
""" Box coordinates (5 pairs) """
properties: Dict[int, bytes]
""" Properties for the element. """
def read(cls: Type[X], stream: IO[bytes]) -> X:
layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0]
dtype =[0]
4 years ago
xy =, 2)
properties = read_properties(stream)
return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties)
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
b = BOX.write(stream, None)
b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0])
b += BOXTYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1])
b += XY.write(stream, self.xy)
b += write_properties(stream,
b += ENDEL.write(stream, None)
return b
class Node(Element):
Datastructure representing a Node element. Rarely used.
__slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties')
layer: Tuple[int, int]
""" (layer, node_type) tuple """
xy: numpy.ndarray
""" 1-50 pairs of coordinates. """
properties: Dict[int, bytes]
""" Properties for the element. """
def read(cls: Type[N], stream: IO[bytes]) -> N:
layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0]
dtype =[0]
4 years ago
xy =, 2)
properties = read_properties(stream)
return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties)
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
b = NODE.write(stream, None)
b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0])
b += NODETYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1])
b += XY.write(stream, self.xy)
b += write_properties(stream,
b += ENDEL.write(stream, None)
return b
class Text(Element):
2 years ago
Datastructure representing a text label.
4 years ago
__slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties', 'presentation', 'path_type',
'width', 'invert_y', 'mag', 'angle_deg', 'string')
layer: Tuple[int, int]
""" (layer, node_type) tuple """
presentation: int
""" Bit array. Default all zeros.
bits 0-1: 00 left/01 center/10 right
bits 2-3: 00 top/01 middle/10 bottom
bits 4-5: font number
path_type: int
""" Default 0 """
width: int
""" Default 0 """
invert_y: bool
""" Vertical inversion. Default False. """
mag: float
""" Scaling factor. Default 1. """
angle_deg: float
""" Rotation (ccw). Default 0. """
xy: numpy.ndarray
""" Position (1 pair only) """
string: bytes
""" Text content """
properties: Dict[int, bytes]
""" Properties for the element. """
def read(cls: Type[T], stream: IO[bytes]) -> T:
4 years ago
path_type = 0
presentation = 0
invert_y = False
width = 0
mag = 1
angle_deg = 0
layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0]
dtype =[0]
4 years ago
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
while tag != XY.tag:
if tag == PRESENTATION.tag:
presentation = PRESENTATION.read_data(stream, size)
elif tag == PATHTYPE.tag:
path_type = PATHTYPE.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == WIDTH.tag:
width = WIDTH.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == STRANS.tag:
strans = STRANS.read_data(stream, size)
invert_y = bool(0x8000 & strans)
elif tag == MAG.tag:
mag = MAG.read_data(stream, size)[0]
elif tag == ANGLE.tag:
angle_deg = ANGLE.read_data(stream, size)[0]
raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected tag {tag:04x}')
size, tag = Record.read_header(stream)
xy = XY.read_data(stream, size).reshape(-1, 2)
string =
properties = read_properties(stream)
return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties,
string=string, presentation=presentation, path_type=path_type,
width=width, invert_y=invert_y, mag=mag, angle_deg=angle_deg)
def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int:
4 years ago
b = TEXT.write(stream, None)
b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0])
b += TEXTTYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1])
if self.presentation != 0:
b += PRESENTATION.write(stream, self.presentation)
if self.path_type != 0:
b += PATHTYPE.write(stream, self.path_type)
if self.width != 0:
b += WIDTH.write(stream, self.width)
if self.angle_deg != 0 or self.mag != 1 or self.invert_y:
b += STRANS.write(stream, int(self.invert_y) << 15)
if self.mag != 1:
b += MAG.write(stream, self.mag)
if self.angle_deg != 0:
4 years ago
b += ANGLE.write(stream, self.angle_deg)
b += XY.write(stream, self.xy)
b += STRING.write(stream, self.string)
4 years ago
b += write_properties(stream,
b += ENDEL.write(stream, None)
return b