""" Functionality for reading/writing elements (geometry, text labels, structure references) and associated properties. """ from typing import Dict, Tuple, Optional, IO, TypeVar, Type, Union from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass import numpy # type: ignore from .basic import KlamathError from .record import Record from .records import BOX, BOUNDARY, NODE, PATH, TEXT, SREF, AREF from .records import DATATYPE, PATHTYPE, BOXTYPE, NODETYPE, TEXTTYPE from .records import LAYER, XY, WIDTH, COLROW, PRESENTATION, STRING from .records import STRANS, MAG, ANGLE, PROPATTR, PROPVALUE from .records import ENDEL, BGNEXTN, ENDEXTN, SNAME E = TypeVar('E', bound='Element') R = TypeVar('R', bound='Reference') B = TypeVar('B', bound='Boundary') P = TypeVar('P', bound='Path') N = TypeVar('N', bound='Node') T = TypeVar('T', bound='Text') X = TypeVar('X', bound='Box') def read_properties(stream: IO[bytes]) -> Dict[int, bytes]: """ Read element properties. Assumes PROPATTR records have unique values. Stops reading after consuming ENDEL record. Args: stream: Stream to read from. Returns: {propattr: b'propvalue'} mapping. """ properties = {} size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != ENDEL.tag: if tag == PROPATTR.tag: key = PROPATTR.read_data(stream, size)[0] value = PROPVALUE.read(stream) if key in properties: raise KlamathError(f'Duplicate property key: {key!r}') properties[key] = value size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) return properties def write_properties(stream: IO[bytes], properties: Dict[int, bytes]) -> int: """ Write element properties. This is does _not_ write the ENDEL record. Args: stream: Stream to write to. """ b = 0 for key, value in properties.items(): b += PROPATTR.write(stream, key) b += PROPVALUE.write(stream, value) return b class Element(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract method definition for GDS structure contents """ @classmethod @abstractmethod def read(cls: Type[E], stream: IO[bytes]) -> E: """ Read from a stream to construct this object. Consumes up to (and including) the ENDEL record. Args: Stream to read from. Returns: Constructed object. """ pass @abstractmethod def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: """ Write this element to a stream. Finishes with an ENDEL record. Args: Stream to write to. Returns: Number of bytes written """ pass @dataclass class Reference(Element): """ Datastructure representing an instance of a structure (SREF / structure reference) or an array of instances (AREF / array reference). Type is determined by the presence of the `colrow` tuple. Transforms are applied to each individual instance (_not_ to the instance's origin location or array vectors). """ __slots__ = ('struct_name', 'invert_y', 'mag', 'angle_deg', 'xy', 'colrow', 'properties') struct_name: bytes """ Name of the structure being referenced. """ invert_y: bool """ Whether to mirror the pattern (negate y-values / flip across x-axis). Default False. """ mag: float """ Scaling factor (default 1) """ angle_deg: float """ Rotation (degrees counterclockwise) """ xy: numpy.ndarray """ (For SREF) Location in the parent structure corresponding to the instance's origin (0, 0). (For AREF) 3 locations: [`offset`, `offset + col_basis_vector * colrow[0]`, `offset + row_basis_vector * colrow[1]`] which define the first instance's offset and the array's basis vectors. Note that many GDS implementations only support manhattan basis vectors, and some assume a certain axis mapping (e.g. x->columns, y->rows) and "reinterpret" the basis vectors to match it. """ colrow: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int], numpy.ndarray]] """ Number of columns and rows (AREF) or None (SREF) """ properties: Dict[int, bytes] """ Properties associated with this reference. """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[R], stream: IO[bytes]) -> R: invert_y = False mag = 1 angle_deg = 0 colrow = None struct_name = SNAME.skip_and_read(stream) size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != XY.tag: if tag == STRANS.tag: strans = STRANS.read_data(stream, size) invert_y = bool(0x8000 & strans) elif tag == MAG.tag: mag = MAG.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == ANGLE.tag: angle_deg = ANGLE.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == COLROW.tag: colrow = COLROW.read_data(stream, size) else: raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected tag {tag:04x}') size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) xy = XY.read_data(stream, size).reshape(-1, 2) properties = read_properties(stream) return cls(struct_name=struct_name, xy=xy, properties=properties, colrow=colrow, invert_y=invert_y, mag=mag, angle_deg=angle_deg) def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: b = 0 if self.colrow is None: b += SREF.write(stream, None) else: b += AREF.write(stream, None) b += SNAME.write(stream, self.struct_name) if self.angle_deg != 0 or self.mag != 1 or self.invert_y: b += STRANS.write(stream, int(self.invert_y) << 15) if self.mag != 1: b += MAG.write(stream, self.mag) if self.angle_deg != 0: b += ANGLE.write(stream, self.angle_deg) if self.colrow is not None: b += COLROW.write(stream, self.colrow) b += XY.write(stream, self.xy) b += write_properties(stream, self.properties) b += ENDEL.write(stream, None) return b def check(self) -> None: if self.colrow is not None: if self.xy.size != 6: raise KlamathError(f'colrow is not None, so expected size-6 xy. Got {self.xy}') else: if self.xy.size != 2: raise KlamathError(f'Expected size-2 xy. Got {self.xy}') @dataclass class Boundary(Element): """ Datastructure representing a Boundary element. """ __slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties') layer: Tuple[int, int] """ (layer, data_type) tuple """ xy: numpy.ndarray """ Ordered vertices of the shape. First and last points should be identical. """ properties: Dict[int, bytes] """ Properties for the element. """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[B], stream: IO[bytes]) -> B: layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0] dtype = DATATYPE.read(stream)[0] xy = XY.read(stream).reshape(-1, 2) properties = read_properties(stream) return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties) def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: b = BOUNDARY.write(stream, None) b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0]) b += DATATYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1]) b += XY.write(stream, self.xy) b += write_properties(stream, self.properties) b += ENDEL.write(stream, None) return b @dataclass class Path(Element): """ Datastructure representing a Path element. If `path_type < 4`, `extension` values are not written. During read, `exension` defaults to (0, 0) even if unused. """ __slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties', 'path_type', 'width', 'extension') layer: Tuple[int, int] """ (layer, data_type) tuple """ path_type: int """ End-cap type (0: flush, 1: circle, 2: square, 4: custom) """ width: int """ Path width """ extension: Tuple[int, int] """ Extension when using path_type=4. Ignored otherwise. """ xy: numpy.ndarray """ Path centerline coordinates """ properties: Dict[int, bytes] """ Properties for the element. """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[P], stream: IO[bytes]) -> P: path_type = 0 width = 0 bgn_ext = 0 end_ext = 0 layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0] dtype = DATATYPE.read(stream)[0] size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != XY.tag: if tag == PATHTYPE.tag: path_type = PATHTYPE.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == WIDTH.tag: width = WIDTH.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == BGNEXTN.tag: bgn_ext = BGNEXTN.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == ENDEXTN.tag: end_ext = ENDEXTN.read_data(stream, size)[0] else: raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected tag {tag:04x}') size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) xy = XY.read_data(stream, size).reshape(-1, 2) properties = read_properties(stream) return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties, extension=(bgn_ext, end_ext), path_type=path_type, width=width) def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: b = PATH.write(stream, None) b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0]) b += DATATYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1]) if self.path_type != 0: b += PATHTYPE.write(stream, self.path_type) if self.width != 0: b += WIDTH.write(stream, self.width) if self.path_type < 4: bgn_ext, end_ext = self.extension if bgn_ext != 0: b += BGNEXTN.write(stream, bgn_ext) if end_ext != 0: b += ENDEXTN.write(stream, end_ext) b += XY.write(stream, self.xy) b += write_properties(stream, self.properties) b += ENDEL.write(stream, None) return b @dataclass class Box(Element): """ Datastructure representing a Box element. Rarely used. """ __slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties') layer: Tuple[int, int] """ (layer, box_type) tuple """ xy: numpy.ndarray """ Box coordinates (5 pairs) """ properties: Dict[int, bytes] """ Properties for the element. """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[X], stream: IO[bytes]) -> X: layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0] dtype = BOXTYPE.read(stream)[0] xy = XY.read(stream).reshape(-1, 2) properties = read_properties(stream) return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties) def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: b = BOX.write(stream, None) b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0]) b += BOXTYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1]) b += XY.write(stream, self.xy) b += write_properties(stream, self.properties) b += ENDEL.write(stream, None) return b @dataclass class Node(Element): """ Datastructure representing a Node element. Rarely used. """ __slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties') layer: Tuple[int, int] """ (layer, node_type) tuple """ xy: numpy.ndarray """ 1-50 pairs of coordinates. """ properties: Dict[int, bytes] """ Properties for the element. """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[N], stream: IO[bytes]) -> N: layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0] dtype = NODETYPE.read(stream)[0] xy = XY.read(stream).reshape(-1, 2) properties = read_properties(stream) return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties) def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: b = NODE.write(stream, None) b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0]) b += NODETYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1]) b += XY.write(stream, self.xy) b += write_properties(stream, self.properties) b += ENDEL.write(stream, None) return b @dataclass class Text(Element): """ Datastructure representing a text label. """ __slots__ = ('layer', 'xy', 'properties', 'presentation', 'path_type', 'width', 'invert_y', 'mag', 'angle_deg', 'string') layer: Tuple[int, int] """ (layer, node_type) tuple """ presentation: int """ Bit array. Default all zeros. bits 0-1: 00 left/01 center/10 right bits 2-3: 00 top/01 middle/10 bottom bits 4-5: font number """ path_type: int """ Default 0 """ width: int """ Default 0 """ invert_y: bool """ Vertical inversion. Default False. """ mag: float """ Scaling factor. Default 1. """ angle_deg: float """ Rotation (ccw). Default 0. """ xy: numpy.ndarray """ Position (1 pair only) """ string: bytes """ Text content """ properties: Dict[int, bytes] """ Properties for the element. """ @classmethod def read(cls: Type[T], stream: IO[bytes]) -> T: path_type = 0 presentation = 0 invert_y = False width = 0 mag = 1 angle_deg = 0 layer = LAYER.skip_and_read(stream)[0] dtype = TEXTTYPE.read(stream)[0] size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) while tag != XY.tag: if tag == PRESENTATION.tag: presentation = PRESENTATION.read_data(stream, size) elif tag == PATHTYPE.tag: path_type = PATHTYPE.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == WIDTH.tag: width = WIDTH.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == STRANS.tag: strans = STRANS.read_data(stream, size) invert_y = bool(0x8000 & strans) elif tag == MAG.tag: mag = MAG.read_data(stream, size)[0] elif tag == ANGLE.tag: angle_deg = ANGLE.read_data(stream, size)[0] else: raise KlamathError(f'Unexpected tag {tag:04x}') size, tag = Record.read_header(stream) xy = XY.read_data(stream, size).reshape(-1, 2) string = STRING.read(stream) properties = read_properties(stream) return cls(layer=(layer, dtype), xy=xy, properties=properties, string=string, presentation=presentation, path_type=path_type, width=width, invert_y=invert_y, mag=mag, angle_deg=angle_deg) def write(self, stream: IO[bytes]) -> int: b = TEXT.write(stream, None) b += LAYER.write(stream, self.layer[0]) b += TEXTTYPE.write(stream, self.layer[1]) if self.presentation != 0: b += PRESENTATION.write(stream, self.presentation) if self.path_type != 0: b += PATHTYPE.write(stream, self.path_type) if self.width != 0: b += WIDTH.write(stream, self.width) if self.angle_deg != 0 or self.mag != 1 or self.invert_y: b += STRANS.write(stream, int(self.invert_y) << 15) if self.mag != 1: b += MAG.write(stream, self.mag) if self.angle_deg != 0: b += ANGLE.write(stream, self.angle_deg) b += XY.write(stream, self.xy) b += STRING.write(stream, self.string) b += write_properties(stream, self.properties) b += ENDEL.write(stream, None) return b