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Position-related methods for Grid class
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy # type: ignore
from . import GridError
def ind2pos(self,
ind: numpy.ndarray,
which_shifts: Optional[int] = None,
round_ind: bool = True,
check_bounds: bool = True
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Returns the natural position corresponding to the specified cell center indices.
The resulting position is clipped to the bounds of the grid
(to cell centers if `round_ind=True`, or cell outer edges if `round_ind=False`)
ind: Indices of the position. Can be fractional. (3-element ndarray or list)
which_shifts: which grid number (`shifts`) to use
round_ind: Whether to round ind to the nearest integer position before indexing
(default `True`)
check_bounds: Whether to raise an `GridError` if the provided ind is outside of
the grid, as defined above (centers if `round_ind`, else edges) (default `True`)
3-element ndarray specifying the natural position
`GridError` if invalid `which_shifts`
`GridError` if `check_bounds` and out of bounds
if which_shifts is not None and which_shifts >= self.shifts.shape[0]:
raise GridError('Invalid shifts')
ind = numpy.array(ind, dtype=float)
if check_bounds:
if round_ind:
low_bound = 0.0
high_bound = -1.0
low_bound = -0.5
high_bound = -0.5
if (ind < low_bound).any() or (ind > self.shape - high_bound).any():
raise GridError('Position outside of grid: {}'.format(ind))
if round_ind:
rind = numpy.clip(numpy.round(ind).astype(int), 0, self.shape - 1)
sxyz = self.shifted_xyz(which_shifts)
position = [sxyz[a][rind[a]].astype(int) for a in range(3)]
sexyz = self.shifted_exyz(which_shifts)
position = [numpy.interp(ind[a], numpy.arange(sexyz[a].size) - 0.5, sexyz[a])
for a in range(3)]
return numpy.array(position, dtype=float)
def pos2ind(self,
r: numpy.ndarray,
which_shifts: Optional[int],
round_ind: bool = True,
check_bounds: bool = True
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Returns the cell-center indices corresponding to the specified natural position.
The resulting position is clipped to within the outer centers of the grid.
r: Natural position that we will convert into indices (3-element ndarray or list)
which_shifts: which grid number (`shifts`) to use
round_ind: Whether to round the returned indices to the nearest integers.
check_bounds: Whether to throw an `GridError` if `r` is outside the grid edges
3-element ndarray specifying the indices
`GridError` if invalid `which_shifts`
`GridError` if `check_bounds` and out of bounds
r = numpy.squeeze(r)
if r.size != 3:
raise GridError('r must be 3-element vector: {}'.format(r))
if (which_shifts is not None) and (which_shifts >= self.shifts.shape[0]):
raise GridError('Invalid which_shifts: {}'.format(which_shifts))
sexyz = self.shifted_exyz(which_shifts)
if check_bounds:
for a in range(3):
if self.shape[a] > 1 and (r[a] < sexyz[a][0] or r[a] > sexyz[a][-1]):
raise GridError('Position[{}] outside of grid!'.format(a))
grid_pos = numpy.zeros((3,))
for a in range(3):
xi = numpy.digitize(r[a], sexyz[a]) - 1 # Figure out which cell we're in
xi_clipped = numpy.clip(xi, 0, sexyz[a].size - 2) # Clip back into grid bounds
# No need to interpolate if round_ind is true or we were outside the grid
if round_ind or xi != xi_clipped:
grid_pos[a] = xi_clipped
# Interpolate
x = self.shifted_xyz(which_shifts)[a][xi]
dx = self.shifted_dxyz(which_shifts)[a][xi]
f = (r[a] - x) / dx
# Clip to centers
grid_pos[a] = numpy.clip(xi + f, 0, self.shape[a] - 1)
return grid_pos