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Drawing-related methods for Grid class
from typing import List
import numpy
from numpy import diff, floor, ceil, zeros, hstack, newaxis
from float_raster import raster
from . import GridError, Direction
from ._helpers import is_scalar
def draw_polygons(self,
surface_normal: Direction or int,
center: List or numpy.ndarray,
polygons: List[numpy.ndarray or List],
thickness: float,
eps: List[float or eps_callable_type] or float or eps_callable_type):
Draw polygons on an axis-aligned plane.
:param surface_normal: Axis normal to the plane we're drawing on. Can be a Direction or
integer in range(3)
:param center: 3-element ndarray or list specifying an offset applied to all the polygons
:param polygons: List of Nx2 or Nx3 ndarrays, each specifying the vertices of a polygon
(non-closed, clockwise). If Nx3, the surface_normal coordinate is ignored. Each polygon
must have at least 3 vertices.
:param thickness: Thickness of the layer to draw
:param eps: Value to draw with ('epsilon'). Can be scalar, callable, or a list
of any of these (1 per grid). Callable values should take ndarrays x, y, z of equal
shape and return an ndarray of equal shape containing the eps value at the given x, y,
and z (natural, not grid coordinates).
:raises: GridError
# Turn surface_normal into its integer representation
if isinstance(surface_normal, Direction):
surface_normal = surface_normal.value
if surface_normal not in range(3):
raise GridError('Invalid surface_normal direction')
center = numpy.squeeze(center)
# Check polygons, and remove redundant coordinates
surface = numpy.delete(range(3), surface_normal)
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
malformed = 'Malformed polygon: (%i)' % i
if polygon.shape[1] not in (2, 3):
raise GridError(malformed + 'must be a Nx2 or Nx3 ndarray')
if polygon.shape[1] == 3:
polygon = polygon[surface, :]
if not polygon.shape[0] > 2:
raise GridError(malformed + 'must consist of more than 2 points')
if polygon.ndim > 2 and not numpy.unique(polygon[:, surface_normal]).size == 1:
raise GridError(malformed + 'must be in plane with surface normal %s'
% 'xyz'[surface_normal])
# Broadcast eps where necessary
if is_scalar(eps):
eps = [eps] * len(self.grids)
elif isinstance(eps, numpy.ndarray):
raise GridError('ndarray not supported for eps')
# ## Compute sub-domain of the grid occupied by polygons
# 1) Compute outer bounds (bd) of polygons
bd_2d_min = [0, 0]
bd_2d_max = [0, 0]
for polygon in polygons:
bd_2d_min = numpy.minimum(bd_2d_min, polygon.min(axis=0))
bd_2d_max = numpy.maximum(bd_2d_max, polygon.max(axis=0))
bd_min = numpy.insert(bd_2d_min, surface_normal, -thickness / 2.0) + center
bd_max = numpy.insert(bd_2d_max, surface_normal, +thickness / 2.0) + center
# 2) Find indices (bdi) just outside bd elements
buf = 2 # size of safety buffer
# Use s_min and s_max with unshifted pos2ind to get absolute limits on
# the indices the polygons might affect
s_min = self.shifts.min(axis=0)
s_max = self.shifts.max(axis=0)
bdi_min = self.pos2ind(bd_min + s_min, None, round_ind=False, check_bounds=False) - buf
bdi_max = self.pos2ind(bd_max + s_max, None, round_ind=False, check_bounds=False) + buf
bdi_min = numpy.maximum(floor(bdi_min), 0).astype(int)
bdi_max = numpy.minimum(ceil(bdi_max), self.shape - 1).astype(int)
# 3) Adjust polygons for center
polygons = [poly + center[surface] for poly in polygons]
# iterate over grids
for (i, grid) in enumerate(self.grids):
# ## Evaluate or expand eps[i]
if callable(eps[i]):
# meshgrid over the (shifted) domain
domain = [self.shifted_xyz(i)[k][bdi_min[k]:bdi_max[k]+1] for k in range(3)]
(x0, y0, z0) = numpy.meshgrid(*domain, indexing='ij')
# evaluate on the meshgrid
eps[i] = eps[i](x0, y0, z0)
if not numpy.isfinite(eps[i]).all():
raise GridError('Non-finite values in eps[%u]' % i)
elif not is_scalar(eps[i]):
raise GridError('Unsupported eps[{}]: {}'.format(i, type(eps[i])))
# do nothing if eps[i] is scalar non-callable
# ## Generate weighing function
def to_3d(vector: List or numpy.ndarray, val: float=0.0):
v_2d = numpy.array(vector, dtype=float)
return numpy.insert(v_2d, surface_normal, (val,))
w_xy = zeros((bdi_max - bdi_min + 1)[surface].astype(int))
# Draw each polygon separately
for polygon in polygons:
# Get the boundaries of the polygon
pbd_min = polygon.min(axis=0)
pbd_max = polygon.max(axis=0)
# Find indices in w_xy just outside polygon
# using per-grid xy-weights (self.shifted_xyz())
corner_min = self.pos2ind(to_3d(pbd_min), i,
corner_max = self.pos2ind(to_3d(pbd_max), i,
# Find indices in w_xy which are modified by polygon
# First for the edge coordinates (+1 since we're indexing edges)
edge_slices = [numpy.s_[i:f + 2] for i, f in zip(corner_min, corner_max)]
# Then for the pixel centers (-bdi_min since we're
# calculating weights within a subspace)
centers_slice = tuple(numpy.s_[i:f + 1] for i, f in zip(corner_min - bdi_min[surface],
corner_max - bdi_min[surface]))
aa_x, aa_y = (self.shifted_exyz(i)[a][s] for a, s in zip(surface, edge_slices))
w_xy[centers_slice] += raster(polygon.T, aa_x, aa_y)
# Clamp overlapping polygons to 1
w_xy = numpy.minimum(w_xy, 1.0)
# 2) Generate weights in z-direction
w_z = numpy.zeros(((bdi_max - bdi_min + 1)[surface_normal], ))
def get_zi(offset):
edges = self.shifted_exyz(i)[surface_normal]
point = center[surface_normal] + offset
grid_coord = numpy.digitize(point, edges) - 1
w_coord = grid_coord - bdi_min[surface_normal]
if w_coord < 0:
w_coord = 0
f = 0
elif w_coord >= w_z.size:
w_coord = w_z.size - 1
f = 1
dz = self.shifted_dxyz(i)[surface_normal][grid_coord]
f = (point - edges[grid_coord]) / dz
return f, w_coord
zi_top_f, zi_top = get_zi(+thickness / 2.0)
zi_bot_f, zi_bot = get_zi(-thickness / 2.0)
w_z[zi_bot + 1:zi_top] = 1
if zi_bot < zi_top:
w_z[zi_top] = zi_top_f
w_z[zi_bot] = 1 - zi_bot_f
w_z[zi_bot] = zi_top_f - zi_bot_f
# 3) Generate total weight function
w = (w_xy[:, :, newaxis] * w_z).transpose(numpy.insert([0, 1], surface_normal, (2,)))
# ## Modify the grid
g_slice = (i,) + tuple(numpy.s_[bdi_min[a]:bdi_max[a] + 1] for a in range(3))
self.grids[g_slice] = (1 - w) * self.grids[g_slice] + w * eps[i]
def draw_polygon(self,
surface_normal: Direction or int,
center: List or numpy.ndarray,
polygon: List or numpy.ndarray,
thickness: float,
eps: List[float or eps_callable_type] or float or eps_callable_type):
Draw a polygon on an axis-aligned plane.
:param surface_normal: Axis normal to the plane we're drawing on. Can be a Direction or
integer in range(3)
:param center: 3-element ndarray or list specifying an offset applied to the polygon
:param polygon: Nx2 or Nx3 ndarray specifying the vertices of a polygon (non-closed,
clockwise). If Nx3, the surface_normal coordinate is ignored. Must have at least 3
:param thickness: Thickness of the layer to draw
:param eps: Value to draw with ('epsilon'). See draw_polygons() for details.
self.draw_polygons(surface_normal, center, [polygon], thickness, eps)
def draw_slab(self,
surface_normal: Direction or int,
center: List or numpy.ndarray,
thickness: float,
eps: List[float or eps_callable_type] or float or eps_callable_type):
Draw an axis-aligned infinite slab.
:param surface_normal: Axis normal to the plane we're drawing on. Can be a Direction or
integer in range(3)
:param center: Surface_normal coordinate at the center of the slab
:param thickness: Thickness of the layer to draw
:param eps: Value to draw with ('epsilon'). See draw_polygons() for details.
# Turn surface_normal into its integer representation
if isinstance(surface_normal, Direction):
surface_normal = surface_normal.value
if surface_normal not in range(3):
raise GridError('Invalid surface_normal direction')
if not is_scalar(center):
center = numpy.squeeze(center)
if len(center) == 3:
center = center[surface_normal]
raise GridError('Bad center: {}'.format(center))
# Find center of slab
center_shift =
center_shift[surface_normal] = center
surface = numpy.delete(range(3), surface_normal)
xyz_min = numpy.array([[a][0] for a in range(3)], dtype=float)[surface]
xyz_max = numpy.array([[a][-1] for a in range(3)], dtype=float)[surface]
dxyz = numpy.array([max(self.dxyz[i]) for i in surface], dtype=float)
xyz_min -= 4 * dxyz
xyz_max += 4 * dxyz
p = numpy.array([[xyz_min[0], xyz_max[1]],
[xyz_max[0], xyz_max[1]],
[xyz_max[0], xyz_min[1]],
[xyz_min[0], xyz_min[1]]], dtype=float)
self.draw_polygon(surface_normal, center_shift, p, thickness, eps)
def draw_cuboid(self,
center: List or numpy.ndarray,
dimensions: List or numpy.ndarray,
eps: List[float or eps_callable_type] or float or eps_callable_type):
Draw an axis-aligned cuboid
:param center: 3-element ndarray or list specifying the cuboid's center
:param dimensions: 3-element list or ndarray containing the x, y, and z edge-to-edge
sizes of the cuboid
:param eps: Value to draw with ('epsilon'). See draw_polygons() for details.
p = numpy.array([[-dimensions[0], +dimensions[1]],
[+dimensions[0], +dimensions[1]],
[+dimensions[0], -dimensions[1]],
[-dimensions[0], -dimensions[1]]], dtype=float) / 2.0
thickness = dimensions[2]
self.draw_polygon(Direction.z, center, p, thickness, eps)
def draw_cylinder(self,
surface_normal: Direction or int,
center: List or numpy.ndarray,
radius: float,
thickness: float,
num_points: int,
eps: List[float or eps_callable_type] or float or eps_callable_type):
Draw an axis-aligned cylinder. Approximated by a num_points-gon
:param surface_normal: Axis normal to the plane we're drawing on. Can be a Direction or
integer in range(3)
:param center: 3-element ndarray or list specifying the cylinder's center
:param radius: cylinder radius
:param thickness: Thickness of the layer to draw
:param num_points: The circle is approximated by a polygon with num_points vertices
:param eps: Value to draw with ('epsilon'). See draw_polygons() for details.
theta = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num_points, endpoint=False)
x = radius * numpy.sin(theta)
y = radius * numpy.cos(theta)
polygon = hstack((x[:, newaxis], y[:, newaxis]))
self.draw_polygon(surface_normal, center, polygon, thickness, eps)
def draw_extrude_rectangle(self,
rectangle: List or numpy.ndarray,
direction: Direction or int,
polarity: int,
distance: float):
Extrude a rectangle of a previously-drawn structure along an axis.
:param rectangle: 2x3 ndarray or list specifying the rectangle's corners
:param direction: Direction to extrude in. Direction enum or int in range(3)
:param polarity: +1 or -1, direction along axis to extrude in
:param distance: How far to extrude
# Turn extrude_direction into its integer representation
if isinstance(direction, Direction):
direction = direction.value
if abs(direction) not in range(3):
raise GridError('Invalid extrude_direction')
s = numpy.sign(polarity)
surface = numpy.delete(range(3), direction)
rectangle = numpy.array(rectangle, dtype=float)
if s == 0:
raise GridError('0 is not a valid polarity')
if direction not in range(3):
raise GridError('Invalid direction: {}'.format(direction))
if rectangle[0, direction] != rectangle[1, direction]:
raise GridError('Rectangle entries along extrusion direction do not match.')
center = rectangle.sum(axis=0) / 2.0
center[direction] += s * distance / 2.0
dim = numpy.fabs(diff(rectangle, axis=0).T)[surface]
p = numpy.vstack((numpy.array([-1, -1, 1, 1], dtype=float) * dim[0]/2.0,
numpy.array([-1, 1, 1, -1], dtype=float) * dim[1]/2.0)).T
thickness = distance
eps_func = [None] * len(self.grids)
for i, grid in enumerate(self.grids):
z = self.pos2ind(rectangle[0, :], i, round_ind=False, check_bounds=False)[direction]
ind = [int(floor(z)) if i == direction else slice(None) for i in range(3)]
fpart = z - floor(z)
mult = [1-fpart, fpart][::s] # reverses if s negative
eps = mult[0] * grid[ind]
ind[direction] += 1
eps += mult[1] * grid[ind]
def f_eps(xs, ys, zs):
# transform from natural position to index
xyzi = numpy.array([self.pos2ind(qrs, which_shifts=i)
for qrs in zip(xs.flat, ys.flat, zs.flat)], dtype=int)
# reshape to original shape and keep only in-plane components
(qi, ri) = [numpy.reshape(xyzi[:, k], xs.shape) for k in surface]
return eps[qi, ri]
eps_func[i] = f_eps
self.draw_polygon(direction, center, p, thickness, eps_func)