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Readback and visualization methods for Grid class
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Any
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray, ArrayLike
from . import GridError
# .visualize_* uses matplotlib
# .visualize_isosurface uses skimage
# .visualize_isosurface uses mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
def get_slice(
cell_data: NDArray,
surface_normal: int,
center: float,
which_shifts: int = 0,
sample_period: int = 1
) -> NDArray:
Retrieve a slice of a grid.
Interpolates if given a position between two planes.
cell_data: Cell data to slice
surface_normal: Axis normal to the plane we're displaying. Integer in `range(3)`.
center: Scalar specifying position along surface_normal axis.
which_shifts: Which grid to display. Default is the first grid (0).
sample_period: Period for down-sampling the image. Default 1 (disabled)
Array containing the portion of the grid.
if numpy.size(center) != 1 or not numpy.isreal(center):
raise GridError('center must be a real scalar')
sp = round(sample_period)
if sp <= 0:
raise GridError('sample_period must be positive')
if numpy.size(which_shifts) != 1 or which_shifts < 0:
raise GridError('Invalid which_shifts')
if surface_normal not in range(3):
raise GridError('Invalid surface_normal direction')
surface = numpy.delete(range(3), surface_normal)
# Extract indices and weights of planes
center3 = numpy.insert([0, 0], surface_normal, (center,))
center_index = self.pos2ind(center3, which_shifts,
round_ind=False, check_bounds=False)[surface_normal]
centers = numpy.unique([numpy.floor(center_index), numpy.ceil(center_index)]).astype(int)
if len(centers) == 2:
fpart = center_index - numpy.floor(center_index)
w = [1 - fpart, fpart] # longer distance -> less weight
w = [1]
c_min, c_max = ([surface_normal][i] for i in [0, -1])
if center < c_min or center > c_max:
raise GridError('Coordinate of selected plane must be within simulation domain')
# Extract grid values from planes above and below visualized slice
sliced_grid = numpy.zeros(self.shape[surface])
for ci, weight in zip(centers, w):
s = tuple(ci if a == surface_normal else numpy.s_[::sp] for a in range(3))
sliced_grid += weight * cell_data[which_shifts][tuple(s)]
# Remove extra dimensions
sliced_grid = numpy.squeeze(sliced_grid)
return sliced_grid
def visualize_slice(
cell_data: NDArray,
surface_normal: int,
center: float,
which_shifts: int = 0,
sample_period: int = 1,
finalize: bool = True,
pcolormesh_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
Visualize a slice of a grid.
Interpolates if given a position between two planes.
surface_normal: Axis normal to the plane we're displaying. Integer in `range(3)`.
center: Scalar specifying position along surface_normal axis.
which_shifts: Which grid to display. Default is the first grid (0).
sample_period: Period for down-sampling the image. Default 1 (disabled)
finalize: Whether to call `` after constructing the plot. Default `True`
from matplotlib import pyplot
if pcolormesh_args is None:
pcolormesh_args = {}
grid_slice = self.get_slice(cell_data=cell_data,
surface = numpy.delete(range(3), surface_normal)
x, y = (self.shifted_exyz(which_shifts)[a] for a in surface)
xmesh, ymesh = numpy.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
x_label, y_label = ('xyz'[a] for a in surface)
pyplot.pcolormesh(xmesh, ymesh, grid_slice, **pcolormesh_args)
pyplot.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
if finalize:
def visualize_isosurface(
cell_data: NDArray,
level: Optional[float] = None,
which_shifts: int = 0,
sample_period: int = 1,
show_edges: bool = True,
finalize: bool = True,
) -> None:
Draw an isosurface plot of the device.
cell_data: Cell data to visualize
level: Value at which to find isosurface. Default (None) uses mean value in grid.
which_shifts: Which grid to display. Default is the first grid (0).
sample_period: Period for down-sampling the image. Default 1 (disabled)
show_edges: Whether to draw triangle edges. Default `True`
finalize: Whether to call `` after constructing the plot. Default `True`
from matplotlib import pyplot
import skimage.measure
# Claims to be unused, but needed for subplot(projection='3d')
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Get data from cell_data
grid = cell_data[which_shifts][::sample_period, ::sample_period, ::sample_period]
if level is None:
level = grid.mean()
# Find isosurface with marching cubes
verts, faces, _normals, _values = skimage.measure.marching_cubes(grid, level)
# Convert vertices from index to position
pos_verts = numpy.array([self.ind2pos(verts[i, :], which_shifts, round_ind=False)
for i in range(verts.shape[0])], dtype=float)
xs, ys, zs = (pos_verts[:, a] for a in range(3))
# Draw the plot
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
if show_edges:
ax.plot_trisurf(xs, ys, faces, zs)
ax.plot_trisurf(xs, ys, faces, zs, edgecolor='none')
# Add a fake plot of a cube to force the axes to be equal lengths
max_range = numpy.array([xs.max() - xs.min(),
ys.max() - ys.min(),
zs.max() - zs.min()], dtype=float).max()
mg = numpy.mgrid[-1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2]
xbs = 0.5 * max_range * mg[0].flatten() + 0.5 * (xs.max() + xs.min())
ybs = 0.5 * max_range * mg[1].flatten() + 0.5 * (ys.max() + ys.min())
zbs = 0.5 * max_range * mg[2].flatten() + 0.5 * (zs.max() + zs.min())
# Comment or uncomment following both lines to test the fake bounding box:
for xb, yb, zb in zip(xbs, ybs, zbs):
ax.plot([xb], [yb], [zb], 'w')
if finalize: