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from typing import List, Tuple, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union, Sequence, ClassVar, TypeVar
8 years ago
import numpy # type: ignore
8 years ago
from numpy import diff, floor, ceil, zeros, hstack, newaxis
import pickle
import warnings
import copy
8 years ago
from . import GridError
8 years ago
foreground_callable_type = Callable[[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]
T = TypeVar('T', bound='Grid')
8 years ago
class Grid:
8 years ago
Simulation grid metadata for finite-difference simulations.
Can be used to generate non-uniform rectangular grids (the entire grid
8 years ago
is generated based on the coordinates of the boundary points). Also does
straightforward natural <-> grid unit conversion.
This class handles data describing the grid, and should be paired with a
(separate) ndarray that contains the actual data in each cell. The `allocate()`
method can be used to create this ndarray.
The resulting `cell_data[i, a, b, c]` should correspond to the value in the
`i`-th grid, in the cell centered around
7 years ago
(xyz[0][a] + dxyz[0][a] * shifts[i, 0],
xyz[1][b] + dxyz[1][b] * shifts[i, 1],
xyz[2][c] + dxyz[2][c] * shifts[i, 2]).
You can get raw edge coordinates (`exyz`),
center coordinates (`xyz`),
cell sizes (`dxyz`),
8 years ago
from the properties named as above, or get them for a given grid by using the
`self.shifted_*xyz(which_shifts)` functions.
The sizes of adjacent cells are taken into account when applying shifts. The
total shift for each edge is chosen using `(shift * dx_of_cell_being_moved_through)`.
8 years ago
It is tricky to determine the size of the right-most cell after shifting,
since its right boundary should shift by `shifts[i][a] * dxyz[a][dxyz[a].size]`,
8 years ago
where the dxyz element refers to a cell that does not exist.
Because of this, we either assume this 'ghost' cell is the same size as the last
real cell, or, if `self.periodic[a]` is set to `True`, the same size as the first cell.
8 years ago
exyz: List[numpy.ndarray]
"""Cell edges. Monotonically increasing without duplicates."""
8 years ago
periodic: List[bool]
"""For each axis, determines how far the rightmost boundary gets shifted. """
shifts: numpy.ndarray
"""Offsets `[[x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1], ...]` for grid `0,1,...`"""
Yee_Shifts_E: ClassVar[numpy.ndarray] = 0.5 * numpy.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)
"""Default shifts for Yee grid E-field"""
Yee_Shifts_H: ClassVar[numpy.ndarray] = 0.5 * numpy.array([[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0]], dtype=float)
"""Default shifts for Yee grid H-field"""
8 years ago
from .draw import (
draw_polygons, draw_polygon, draw_slab, draw_cuboid,
draw_cylinder, draw_extrude_rectangle,
from .read import get_slice, visualize_slice, visualize_isosurface
from .position import ind2pos, pos2ind
8 years ago
def dxyz(self) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
Cell sizes for each axis, no shifts applied
List of 3 ndarrays of cell sizes
8 years ago
return [numpy.diff(ee) for ee in self.exyz]
8 years ago
def xyz(self) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
Cell centers for each axis, no shifts applied
List of 3 ndarrays of cell edges
8 years ago
return [self.exyz[a][:-1] + self.dxyz[a] / 2.0 for a in range(3)]
def shape(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
The number of cells in x, y, and z
ndarray of [x_centers.size, y_centers.size, z_centers.size]
8 years ago
return numpy.array([coord.size - 1 for coord in self.exyz], dtype=int)
def num_grids(self) -> int:
The number of grids (number of shifts)
return self.shifts.shape[0]
def cell_data_shape(self):
The shape of the cell_data ndarray (num_grids, *self.shape).
return numpy.hstack((self.num_grids, self.shape))
8 years ago
def dxyz_with_ghost(self) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
Gives dxyz with an additional 'ghost' cell at the end, whose value depends
on whether or not the axis has periodic boundary conditions. See main description
above to learn why this is necessary.
If periodic, final edge shifts same amount as first
Otherwise, final edge shifts same amount as second-to-last
list of [dxs, dys, dzs] with each element same length as elements of ``
8 years ago
el = [0 if p else -1 for p in self.periodic]
return [numpy.hstack((self.dxyz[a], self.dxyz[a][e])) for a, e in zip(range(3), el)]
8 years ago
def center(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
Center position of the entire grid, no shifts applied
ndarray of [x_center, y_center, z_center]
8 years ago
# center is just average of first and last xyz, which is just the average of the
# first two and last two exyz
centers = [(self.exyz[a][:2] + self.exyz[a][-2:]).sum() / 4.0 for a in range(3)]
8 years ago
return numpy.array(centers, dtype=float)
def dxyz_limits(self) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
Returns the minimum and maximum cell size for each axis, as a tuple of two 3-element
ndarrays. No shifts are applied, so these are extreme bounds on these values (as a
weighted average is performed when shifting).
Tuple of 2 ndarrays, `d_min=[min(dx), min(dy), min(dz)]` and `d_max=[...]`
8 years ago
d_min = numpy.array([min(self.dxyz[a]) for a in range(3)], dtype=float)
d_max = numpy.array([max(self.dxyz[a]) for a in range(3)], dtype=float)
return d_min, d_max
def shifted_exyz(self, which_shifts: Optional[int]) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
8 years ago
Returns edges for which_shifts.
which_shifts: Which grid (which shifts) to use, or `None` for unshifted
List of 3 ndarrays of cell edges
8 years ago
if which_shifts is None:
return self.exyz
dxyz = self.dxyz_with_ghost
shifts = self.shifts[which_shifts, :]
# If shift is negative, use left cell's dx to determine shift
for a in range(3):
if shifts[a] < 0:
dxyz[a] = numpy.roll(dxyz[a], 1)
8 years ago
return [self.exyz[a] + dxyz[a] * shifts[a] for a in range(3)]
def shifted_dxyz(self, which_shifts: Optional[int]) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
8 years ago
Returns cell sizes for `which_shifts`.
which_shifts: Which grid (which shifts) to use, or `None` for unshifted
8 years ago
List of 3 ndarrays of cell sizes
8 years ago
if which_shifts is None:
return self.dxyz
shifts = self.shifts[which_shifts, :]
dxyz = self.dxyz_with_ghost
# If shift is negative, use left cell's dx to determine size
sdxyz = []
for a in range(3):
if shifts[a] < 0:
roll_dxyz = numpy.roll(dxyz[a], 1)
abs_shift = numpy.abs(shifts[a])
sdxyz.append(roll_dxyz[:-1] * abs_shift + roll_dxyz[1:] * (1 - abs_shift))
sdxyz.append(dxyz[a][:-1] * (1 - shifts[a]) + dxyz[a][1:] * shifts[a])
return sdxyz
8 years ago
def shifted_xyz(self, which_shifts: Optional[int]) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
8 years ago
Returns cell centers for `which_shifts`.
8 years ago
which_shifts: Which grid (which shifts) to use, or `None` for unshifted
List of 3 ndarrays of cell centers
8 years ago
if which_shifts is None:
exyz = self.shifted_exyz(which_shifts)
dxyz = self.shifted_dxyz(which_shifts)
return [exyz[a][:-1] + dxyz[a] / 2.0 for a in range(3)]
def autoshifted_dxyz(self) -> List[numpy.ndarray]:
Return cell widths, with each dimension shifted by the corresponding shifts.
`[grid.shifted_dxyz(which_shifts=a)[a] for a in range(3)]`
if self.num_grids != 3:
raise GridError('Autoshifting requires exactly 3 grids')
return [self.shifted_dxyz(which_shifts=a)[a] for a in range(3)]
def allocate(self, fill_value: Optional[float] = 1.0, dtype=numpy.float32) -> numpy.ndarray:
Allocate an ndarray for storing grid data.
fill_value: Value to initialize the grid to. If None, an
uninitialized array is returned.
dtype: Numpy dtype for the array. Default is `numpy.float32`.
The allocated array
if fill_value is None:
return numpy.empty(self.cell_data_shape)
return numpy.full(self.cell_data_shape, fill_value)
8 years ago
def __init__(self,
pixel_edge_coordinates: Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
shifts: numpy.ndarray = Yee_Shifts_E,
periodic: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]] = False,
) -> None:
8 years ago
pixel_edge_coordinates: 3-element list of (ndarrays or lists) specifying the
coordinates of the pixel edges in each dimensions
(ie, `[[x0, x1, x2,...], [y0,...], [z0,...]]` where the first pixel has x-edges x=`x0` and
x=`x1`, the second has edges x=`x1` and x=`x2`, etc.)
shifts: Nx3 array containing `[x, y, z]` offsets for each of N grids.
E-field Yee shifts are used by default.
periodic: Specifies how the sizes of edge cells are calculated; see main class
documentation. List of 3 bool, or a single bool that gets broadcast. Default `False`.
`GridError` on invalid input
8 years ago
self.exyz = [numpy.unique(pixel_edge_coordinates[i]) for i in range(3)]
self.shifts = numpy.array(shifts, dtype=float)
5 years ago
8 years ago
for i in range(3):
if len(self.exyz[i]) != len(pixel_edge_coordinates[i]):
warnings.warn(f'Dimension {i} had duplicate edge coordinates', stacklevel=2)
8 years ago
if isinstance(periodic, bool):
self.periodic = [periodic] * 3
self.periodic = list(periodic)
8 years ago
if len(self.shifts.shape) != 2:
raise GridError('Misshapen shifts: shifts must have two axes! '
f' The given shifts has shape {self.shifts.shape}')
8 years ago
if self.shifts.shape[1] != 3:
raise GridError('Misshapen shifts; second axis size should be 3,'
f' shape is {self.shifts.shape}')
8 years ago
if (numpy.abs(self.shifts) > 1).any():
raise GridError('Only shifts in the range [-1, 1] are currently supported')
if (self.shifts < 0).any():
# TODO: Test negative shifts
warnings.warn('Negative shifts are still experimental and mostly untested, be careful!', stacklevel=2)
8 years ago
def load(filename: str) -> 'Grid':
Load a grid from a file
filename: Filename to load from.
8 years ago
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
tmp_dict = pickle.load(f)
g = Grid([[-1, 1]] * 3)
return g
def save(self: T, filename: str) -> T:
8 years ago
Save to file.
filename: Filename to save to.
8 years ago
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, protocol=2)
return self
8 years ago
def copy(self: T) -> T:
Deep copy of the grid.
return copy.deepcopy(self)