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2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
Bloch eigenmode solver/operators
This module contains functions for generating and solving the
3D Bloch eigenproblem. The approach is to transform the problem
into the (spatial) fourier domain, transforming the equation
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
1/mu * curl(1/eps * curl(H)) = (w/c)^2 H
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
conv(1/mu_k, ik x conv(1/eps_k, ik x H_k)) = (w/c)^2 H_k
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
- the `_k` subscript denotes a 3D fourier transformed field
- each component of `H_k` corresponds to a plane wave with wavevector `k`
- `x` is the cross product
- `conv()` denotes convolution
Since `k` and `H` are orthogonal for each plane wave, we can use each
`k` to create an orthogonal basis (k, m, n), with `k x m = n`, and
`|m| = |n| = 1`. The cross products are then simplified with
k @ h = kx hx + ky hy + kz hz = 0 = hk
h = hk + hm + hn = hm + hn
k = kk + km + kn = kk = |k|
k x h = (ky hz - kz hy,
kz hx - kx hz,
kx hy - ky hx)
= ((k x h) @ k, (k x h) @ m, (k x h) @ n)_kmn
= (0, (m x k) @ h, (n x k) @ h)_kmn # triple product ordering
= (0, kk (-n @ h), kk (m @ h))_kmn # (m x k) = -|k| n, etc.
= |k| (0, -h @ n, h @ m)_kmn
k x h = (km hn - kn hm,
kn hk - kk hn,
kk hm - km hk)_kmn
= (0, -kk hn, kk hm)_kmn
= (-kk hn)(mx, my, mz) + (kk hm)(nx, ny, nz)
= |k| (hm * (nx, ny, nz) - hn * (mx, my, mz))
where `h` is shorthand for `H_k`, `(...)_kmn` deontes the `(k, m, n)` basis,
and e.g. `hm` is the component of `h` in the `m` direction.
We can also simplify `conv(X_k, Y_k)` as `fftn(X * ifftn(Y_k))`.
Using these results and storing `H_k` as `h = (hm, hn)`, we have
e_xyz = fftn(1/eps * ifftn(|k| (hm * n - hn * m)))
b_mn = |k| (-e_xyz @ n, e_xyz @ m)
h_mn = fftn(1/mu * ifftn(b_m * m + b_n * n))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
which forms the operator from the left side of the equation.
We can then use a preconditioned block Rayleigh iteration algorithm, as in
SG Johnson and JD Joannopoulos, Block-iterative frequency-domain methods
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
for Maxwell's equations in a planewave basis, Optics Express 8, 3, 173-190 (2001)
(similar to that used in MPB) to find the eigenvectors for this operator.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
Typically you will want to do something like
recip_lattice = numpy.diag(1/numpy.array(epsilon[0].shape * dx))
n, v = bloch.eigsolve(5, k0, recip_lattice, epsilon)
f = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n[0]))
n_eff = norm(recip_lattice @ k0) / f
v2e = bloch.hmn_2_exyz(k0, recip_lattice, epsilon)
e_field = v2e(v[0])
k, f = find_k(frequency=1/1550,
tolerance=(1/1550 - 1/1551),
2017-12-17 21:32:59 -08:00
direction=[1, 0, 0],
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
from typing import Tuple, Callable
import logging
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
import numpy
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
from numpy import pi, real, trace
2018-01-15 22:43:59 -08:00
from numpy.fft import fftfreq
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
from scipy.linalg import norm
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spalg
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
from ..fdmath import fdfield_t
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2018-01-15 22:43:59 -08:00
import pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft
import pyfftw.interfaces
import multiprocessing
2019-07-09 20:07:44 -07:00
logger.info('Using pyfftw')
2018-01-15 22:43:59 -08:00
fftw_args = {
'threads': multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
'overwrite_input': True,
'planner_effort': 'FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE',
def fftn(*args, **kwargs):
return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(*args, **kwargs, **fftw_args)
def ifftn(*args, **kwargs):
return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.ifftn(*args, **kwargs, **fftw_args)
except ImportError:
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn
2019-07-09 20:07:44 -07:00
logger.info('Using numpy fft')
2018-01-15 22:43:59 -08:00
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
def generate_kmn(k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
shape: numpy.ndarray
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
Generate a (k, m, n) orthogonal basis for each k-vector in the simulation grid.
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
k0: [k0x, k0y, k0z], Bloch wavevector, in G basis.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
shape: [nx, ny, nz] shape of the simulation grid.
`(|k|, m, n)` where `|k|` has shape `tuple(shape) + (1,)`
and `m`, `n` have shape `tuple(shape) + (3,)`.
All are given in the xyz basis (e.g. `|k|[0,0,0] = norm(G_matrix @ k0)`).
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
k0 = numpy.array(k0)
Gi_grids = numpy.meshgrid(*(fftfreq(n, 1/n) for n in shape[:3]), indexing='ij')
Gi = numpy.stack(Gi_grids, axis=3)
k_G = k0[None, None, None, :] - Gi
k_xyz = numpy.rollaxis(G_matrix @ numpy.rollaxis(k_G, 3, 2), 3, 2)
m = numpy.broadcast_to([0, 1, 0], tuple(shape[:3]) + (3,)).astype(float)
n = numpy.broadcast_to([0, 0, 1], tuple(shape[:3]) + (3,)).astype(float)
xy_non0 = numpy.any(k_xyz[:, :, :, 0:1] != 0, axis=3)
if numpy.any(xy_non0):
u = numpy.cross(k_xyz[xy_non0], [0, 0, 1])
m[xy_non0, :] = u / norm(u, axis=1)[:, None]
z_non0 = numpy.any(k_xyz != 0, axis=3)
if numpy.any(z_non0):
v = numpy.cross(k_xyz[z_non0], m[z_non0])
n[z_non0, :] = v / norm(v, axis=1)[:, None]
k_mag = norm(k_xyz, axis=3)[:, :, :, None]
return k_mag, m, n
def maxwell_operator(k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
epsilon: fdfield_t,
mu: fdfield_t = None
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
) -> Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]:
Generate the Maxwell operator
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
conv(1/mu_k, ik x conv(1/eps_k, ik x ___))
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
which is the spatial-frequency-space representation of
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
1/mu * curl(1/eps * curl(___))
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
The operator is a function that acts on a vector h_mn of size `2 * epsilon[0].size`
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
See the `meanas.fdfd.bloch` docstring for more information.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
k0: Bloch wavevector, `[k0x, k0y, k0z]`.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
mu: Magnetic permability distribution for the simulation.
Default None (1 everywhere).
Function which applies the maxwell operator to h_mn.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
shape = epsilon[0].shape + (1,)
k_mag, m, n = generate_kmn(k0, G_matrix, shape)
epsilon = numpy.stack(epsilon, 3)
if mu is not None:
mu = numpy.stack(mu, 3)
def operator(h: numpy.ndarray):
Maxwell operator for Bloch eigenmode simulation.
h is complex 2-field in (m, n) basis, vectorized
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
h: Raveled h_mn; size `2 * epsilon[0].size`.
Raveled conv(1/mu_k, ik x conv(1/eps_k, ik x h_mn)).
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
hin_m, hin_n = [hi.reshape(shape) for hi in numpy.split(h, 2)]
#{d,e,h}_xyz fields are complex 3-fields in (1/x, 1/y, 1/z) basis
# cross product and transform into xyz basis
d_xyz = (n * hin_m -
m * hin_n) * k_mag
# divide by epsilon
2017-12-17 21:32:29 -08:00
e_xyz = fftn(ifftn(d_xyz, axes=range(3)) / epsilon, axes=range(3))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
# cross product and transform into mn basis
b_m = numpy.sum(e_xyz * n, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] * -k_mag
b_n = numpy.sum(e_xyz * m, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] * +k_mag
if mu is None:
h_m, h_n = b_m, b_n
# transform from mn to xyz
b_xyz = (m * b_m[:, :, :, None] +
n * b_n[:, :, :, None])
# divide by mu
2017-12-17 21:32:29 -08:00
h_xyz = fftn(ifftn(b_xyz, axes=range(3)) / mu, axes=range(3))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
# transform back to mn
h_m = numpy.sum(h_xyz * m, axis=3)
h_n = numpy.sum(h_xyz * n, axis=3)
return numpy.hstack((h_m.ravel(), h_n.ravel()))
return operator
def hmn_2_exyz(k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
epsilon: fdfield_t,
) -> Callable[[numpy.ndarray], fdfield_t]:
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
Generate an operator which converts a vectorized spatial-frequency-space
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
`h_mn` into an E-field distribution, i.e.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
ifft(conv(1/eps_k, ik x h_mn))
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
The operator is a function that acts on a vector `h_mn` of size `2 * epsilon[0].size`.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
See the `meanas.fdfd.bloch` docstring for more information.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
k0: Bloch wavevector, `[k0x, k0y, k0z]`.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
Function for converting `h_mn` into `E_xyz`
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
shape = epsilon[0].shape + (1,)
epsilon = numpy.stack(epsilon, 3)
k_mag, m, n = generate_kmn(k0, G_matrix, shape)
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
def operator(h: numpy.ndarray) -> fdfield_t:
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
hin_m, hin_n = [hi.reshape(shape) for hi in numpy.split(h, 2)]
d_xyz = (n * hin_m -
m * hin_n) * k_mag
# divide by epsilon
2017-12-17 21:32:29 -08:00
return [ei for ei in numpy.rollaxis(ifftn(d_xyz, axes=range(3)) / epsilon, 3)]
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
return operator
def hmn_2_hxyz(k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
epsilon: fdfield_t
) -> Callable[[numpy.ndarray], fdfield_t]:
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
Generate an operator which converts a vectorized spatial-frequency-space
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
`h_mn` into an H-field distribution, i.e.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
The operator is a function that acts on a vector `h_mn` of size `2 * epsilon[0].size`.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
See the `meanas.fdfd.bloch` docstring for more information.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
k0: Bloch wavevector, `[k0x, k0y, k0z]`.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
Only `epsilon[0].shape` is used.
Function for converting `h_mn` into `H_xyz`
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
shape = epsilon[0].shape + (1,)
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
_k_mag, m, n = generate_kmn(k0, G_matrix, shape)
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
def operator(h: numpy.ndarray):
hin_m, hin_n = [hi.reshape(shape) for hi in numpy.split(h, 2)]
h_xyz = (m * hin_m +
n * hin_n)
2017-12-17 21:32:29 -08:00
return [ifftn(hi) for hi in numpy.rollaxis(h_xyz, 3)]
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
return operator
def inverse_maxwell_operator_approx(k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
epsilon: fdfield_t,
mu: fdfield_t = None
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
) -> Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]:
Generate an approximate inverse of the Maxwell operator,
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
ik x conv(eps_k, ik x conv(mu_k, ___))
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
which can be used to improve the speed of ARPACK in shift-invert mode.
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
See the `meanas.fdfd.bloch` docstring for more information.
k0: Bloch wavevector, `[k0x, k0y, k0z]`.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
mu: Magnetic permability distribution for the simulation.
Default None (1 everywhere).
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
Function which applies the approximate inverse of the maxwell operator to `h_mn`.
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
shape = epsilon[0].shape + (1,)
epsilon = numpy.stack(epsilon, 3)
k_mag, m, n = generate_kmn(k0, G_matrix, shape)
if mu is not None:
mu = numpy.stack(mu, 3)
def operator(h: numpy.ndarray):
Approximate inverse Maxwell operator for Bloch eigenmode simulation.
h is complex 2-field in (m, n) basis, vectorized
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
h: Raveled h_mn; size `2 * epsilon[0].size`.
Raveled ik x conv(eps_k, ik x conv(mu_k, h_mn))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
hin_m, hin_n = [hi.reshape(shape) for hi in numpy.split(h, 2)]
#{d,e,h}_xyz fields are complex 3-fields in (1/x, 1/y, 1/z) basis
if mu is None:
b_m, b_n = hin_m, hin_n
# transform from mn to xyz
h_xyz = (m * hin_m[:, :, :, None] +
n * hin_n[:, :, :, None])
# multiply by mu
2017-12-17 21:32:29 -08:00
b_xyz = fftn(ifftn(h_xyz, axes=range(3)) * mu, axes=range(3))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
# transform back to mn
b_m = numpy.sum(b_xyz * m, axis=3)
b_n = numpy.sum(b_xyz * n, axis=3)
# cross product and transform into xyz basis
e_xyz = (n * b_m -
m * b_n) / k_mag
# multiply by epsilon
2017-12-17 21:32:29 -08:00
d_xyz = fftn(ifftn(e_xyz, axes=range(3)) * epsilon, axes=range(3))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
# cross product and transform into mn basis crossinv_t2c
2018-01-15 22:44:14 -08:00
h_m = numpy.sum(d_xyz * n, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] / +k_mag
h_n = numpy.sum(d_xyz * m, axis=3)[:, :, :, None] / -k_mag
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
return numpy.hstack((h_m.ravel(), h_n.ravel()))
return operator
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
def find_k(frequency: float,
tolerance: float,
direction: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
epsilon: fdfield_t,
mu: fdfield_t = None,
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
band: int = 0,
k_min: float = 0,
k_max: float = 0.5,
solve_callback: Callable = None
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]:
Search for a bloch vector that has a given frequency.
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
frequency: Target frequency.
tolerance: Target frequency tolerance.
direction: k-vector direction to search along.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
mu: Magnetic permability distribution for the simulation.
Default None (1 everywhere).
band: Which band to search in. Default 0 (lowest frequency).
`(k, actual_frequency)`
The found k-vector and its frequency.
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
direction = numpy.array(direction) / norm(direction)
def get_f(k0_mag: float, band: int = 0):
k0 = direction * k0_mag
n, v = eigsolve(band + 1, k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
f = numpy.sqrt(numpy.abs(numpy.real(n[band])))
if solve_callback:
solve_callback(k0_mag, n, v, f)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
return f
res = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda x: abs(get_f(x, band) - frequency),
(k_min + k_max) / 2,
bounds=(k_min, k_max),
options={'xatol': abs(tolerance)})
return res.x * direction, res.fun + frequency
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
def eigsolve(num_modes: int,
k0: numpy.ndarray,
G_matrix: numpy.ndarray,
2019-11-27 22:59:52 -08:00
epsilon: fdfield_t,
mu: fdfield_t = None,
2018-01-08 23:33:22 -08:00
tolerance: float = 1e-20,
max_iters: int = 10000,
reset_iters: int = 100,
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
Find the first (lowest-frequency) num_modes eigenmodes with Bloch wavevector
k0 of the specified structure.
2020-01-07 21:31:16 -08:00
k0: Bloch wavevector, `[k0x, k0y, k0z]`.
G_matrix: 3x3 matrix, with reciprocal lattice vectors as columns.
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution for the simulation.
All fields are sampled at cell centers (i.e., NOT Yee-gridded)
mu: Magnetic permability distribution for the simulation.
Default `None` (1 everywhere).
tolerance: Solver stops when fractional change in the objective
`trace(Z.H @ A @ Z @ inv(Z Z.H))` is smaller than the tolerance
`(eigenvalues, eigenvectors)` where `eigenvalues[i]` corresponds to the
vector `eigenvectors[i, :]`
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
h_size = 2 * epsilon[0].size
kmag = norm(G_matrix @ k0)
Generate the operators
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
mop = maxwell_operator(k0=k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
imop = inverse_maxwell_operator_approx(k0=k0, G_matrix=G_matrix, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu)
scipy_op = spalg.LinearOperator(dtype=complex, shape=(h_size, h_size), matvec=mop)
scipy_iop = spalg.LinearOperator(dtype=complex, shape=(h_size, h_size), matvec=imop)
y_shape = (h_size, num_modes)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
prev_E = 0
d_scale = 1
prev_traceGtKG = 0
#prev_theta = 0.5
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
D = numpy.zeros(shape=y_shape, dtype=complex)
y0 = None
if y0 is None:
Z = numpy.random.rand(*y_shape) + 1j * numpy.random.rand(*y_shape)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
Z = y0
while True:
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
Z *= num_modes / norm(Z)
ZtZ = Z.conj().T @ Z
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
U = numpy.linalg.inv(ZtZ)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
Z = numpy.random.rand(*y_shape) + 1j * numpy.random.rand(*y_shape)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
trace_U = real(trace(U))
if trace_U > 1e8 * num_modes:
Z = Z @ scipy.linalg.sqrtm(U).conj().T
prev_traceGtKG = 0
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
for i in range(max_iters):
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
ZtZ = Z.conj().T @ Z
U = numpy.linalg.inv(ZtZ)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
AZ = scipy_op @ Z
AZU = AZ @ U
ZtAZU = Z.conj().T @ AZU
2018-01-08 23:33:22 -08:00
E_signed = real(trace(ZtAZU))
sgn = numpy.sign(E_signed)
E = numpy.abs(E_signed)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
G = (AZU - Z @ U @ ZtAZU) * sgn
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
if i > 0 and abs(E - prev_E) < tolerance * 0.5 * (E + prev_E + 1e-7):
2019-07-09 20:07:44 -07:00
logger.info('Optimization succeded: {} - 5e-8 < {} * {} / 2'.format(abs(E - prev_E), tolerance, E + prev_E))
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
KG = scipy_iop @ G
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
traceGtKG = _rtrace_AtB(G, KG)
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
if prev_traceGtKG == 0 or i % reset_iters == 0:
2018-01-08 23:33:22 -08:00
logger.info('CG reset')
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
gamma = 0
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
gamma = traceGtKG / prev_traceGtKG
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
D = gamma / d_scale * D + KG
d_scale = num_modes / norm(D)
D *= d_scale
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
ZtAZ = Z.conj().T @ AZ
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
AD = scipy_op @ D
DtD = D.conj().T @ D
DtAD = D.conj().T @ AD
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
symZtD = _symmetrize(Z.conj().T @ D)
symZtAD = _symmetrize(Z.conj().T @ AD)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
2018-01-15 22:44:59 -08:00
Qi_memo = [None, None]
def Qi_func(theta):
nonlocal Qi_memo
if Qi_memo[0] == theta:
return Qi_memo[1]
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
c = numpy.cos(theta)
s = numpy.sin(theta)
Q = c*c * ZtZ + s*s * DtD + 2*s*c * symZtD
Qi = numpy.linalg.inv(Q)
except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
logger.info('taylor Qi')
# if c or s small, taylor expand
if c < 1e-4 * s and c != 0:
2018-01-15 22:44:59 -08:00
DtDi = numpy.linalg.inv(DtD)
Qi = DtDi / (s*s) - 2*c/(s*s*s) * (DtDi @ (DtDi @ symZtD).conj().T)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
elif s < 1e-4 * c and s != 0:
2018-01-15 22:44:59 -08:00
ZtZi = numpy.linalg.inv(ZtZ)
Qi = ZtZi / (c*c) - 2*s/(c*c*c) * (ZtZi @ (ZtZi @ symZtD).conj().T)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
raise Exception('Inexplicable singularity in trace_func')
2018-01-15 22:44:59 -08:00
Qi_memo[0] = theta
Qi_memo[1] = Qi
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
return Qi
def trace_func(theta):
c = numpy.cos(theta)
s = numpy.sin(theta)
Qi = Qi_func(theta)
R = c*c * ZtAZ + s*s * DtAD + 2*s*c * symZtAD
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
trace = _rtrace_AtB(R, Qi)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
return numpy.abs(trace)
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
def trace_deriv(theta):
Qi = Qi_func(theta)
c2 = numpy.cos(2 * theta)
s2 = numpy.sin(2 * theta)
F = -0.5*s2 * (ZtAZ - DtAD) + c2 * symZtAD
trace_deriv = _rtrace_AtB(Qi, F)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
G = Qi @ F.conj().T @ Qi.conj().T
H = -0.5*s2 * (ZtZ - DtD) + c2 * symZtD
trace_deriv -= _rtrace_AtB(G, H)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
trace_deriv *= 2
return trace_deriv * sgn
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
U_sZtD = U @ symZtD
dE = 2.0 * (_rtrace_AtB(U, symZtAD) -
_rtrace_AtB(ZtAZU, U_sZtD))
d2E = 2 * (_rtrace_AtB(U, DtAD) -
_rtrace_AtB(ZtAZU, U @ (DtD - 4 * symZtD @ U_sZtD)) -
4 * _rtrace_AtB(U, symZtAD @ U_sZtD))
# Newton-Raphson to find a root of the first derivative:
theta = -dE/d2E
if d2E < 0 or abs(theta) >= pi:
theta = -abs(prev_theta) * numpy.sign(dE)
# theta, new_E, new_dE = linmin(theta, E, dE, 0.1, min(tolerance, 1e-6), 1e-14, 0, -numpy.sign(dE) * K_PI, trace_func)
theta, n, _, new_E, _, _new_dE = scipy.optimize.line_search(trace_func, trace_deriv, xk=theta, pk=numpy.ones((1,1)), gfk=dE, old_fval=E, c1=min(tolerance, 1e-6), c2=0.1, amax=pi)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
result = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(trace_func, bounds=(0, pi), tol=tolerance)
new_E = result.fun
theta = result.x
improvement = numpy.abs(E - new_E) * 2 / numpy.abs(E + new_E)
logger.info('linmin improvement {}'.format(improvement))
Z *= numpy.cos(theta)
Z += D * numpy.sin(theta)
prev_traceGtKG = traceGtKG
#prev_theta = theta
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
prev_E = E
Recover eigenvectors from Z
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
U = numpy.linalg.inv(Z.conj().T @ Z)
Y = Z @ scipy.linalg.sqrtm(U)
W = Y.conj().T @ (scipy_op @ Y)
2018-01-08 16:16:26 -08:00
eigvals, W_eigvecs = numpy.linalg.eig(W)
eigvecs = Y @ W_eigvecs
for i in range(len(eigvals)):
v = eigvecs[:, i]
n = eigvals[i]
v /= norm(v)
eigness = norm(scipy_op @ v - (v.conj() @ (scipy_op @ v)) * v )
f = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n))
df = numpy.sqrt(-numpy.real(n + eigness))
neff_err = kmag * (1/df - 1/f)
logger.info('eigness {}: {}\n neff_err: {}'.format(i, eigness, neff_err))
order = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(eigvals))
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00
return eigvals[order], eigvecs.T[order]
2018-01-15 22:43:33 -08:00
def linmin(x_guess, f0, df0, x_max, f_tol=0.1, df_tol=min(tolerance, 1e-6), x_tol=1e-14, x_min=0, linmin_func):
if df0 > 0:
x0, f0, df0 = linmin(-x_guess, f0, -df0, -x_max, f_tol, df_tol, x_tol, -x_min, lambda q, dq: -linmin_func(q, dq))
return -x0, f0, -df0
elif df0 == 0:
return 0, f0, df0
x = x_guess
fx = f0
dfx = df0
isave = numpy.zeros((2,), numpy.intc)
dsave = numpy.zeros((13,), float)
x, fx, dfx, task = minpack2.dsrch(x, fx, dfx, f_tol, df_tol, x_tol, task,
x_min, x_max, isave, dsave)
for i in range(int(1e6)):
if task != 'F':
logging.info('search converged in {} iterations'.format(i))
fx = f(x, dfx)
x, fx, dfx, task = minpack2.dsrch(x, fx, dfx, f_tol, df_tol, x_tol, task,
x_min, x_max, isave, dsave)
return x, fx, dfx
2018-01-08 23:28:57 -08:00
def _rtrace_AtB(A, B):
return real(numpy.sum(A.conj() * B))
def _symmetrize(A):
return (A + A.conj().T) * 0.5
2017-12-09 18:21:37 -08:00