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Solvers and solver interface for FDFD problems.
from typing import List, Callable, Dict, Any
import logging
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
import scipy.sparse.linalg
from . import operators
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _scipy_qmr(A: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,
2016-10-31 18:43:01 -07:00
b: numpy.ndarray,
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Wrapper for scipy.sparse.linalg.qmr
A: Sparse matrix
b: Right-hand-side vector
kwargs: Passed as **kwargs to the wrapped function
Guess for solution (returned even if didn't converge)
Report on our progress
iter = 0
def log_residual(xk):
nonlocal iter
iter += 1
if iter % 100 == 0:
logger.info('Solver residual at iteration {} : {}'.format(iter, norm(A @ xk - b)))
if 'callback' in kwargs:
def augmented_callback(xk):
kwargs['callback'] = augmented_callback
kwargs['callback'] = log_residual
Run the actual solve
x, _ = scipy.sparse.linalg.qmr(A, b, **kwargs)
return x
def generic(omega: complex,
dxes: List[List[numpy.ndarray]],
J: numpy.ndarray,
epsilon: numpy.ndarray,
mu: numpy.ndarray = None,
pec: numpy.ndarray = None,
pmc: numpy.ndarray = None,
adjoint: bool = False,
matrix_solver: Callable[..., numpy.ndarray] = _scipy_qmr,
matrix_solver_opts: Dict[str, Any] = None,
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Conjugate gradient FDFD solver using CSR sparse matrices.
All ndarray arguments should be 1D arrays, as returned by `meanas.vec()`.
omega: Complex frequency to solve at.
dxes: `[[dx_e, dy_e, dz_e], [dx_h, dy_h, dz_h]]` (complex cell sizes) as
discussed in `meanas.types`
J: Electric current distribution (at E-field locations)
epsilon: Dielectric constant distribution (at E-field locations)
mu: Magnetic permeability distribution (at H-field locations)
pec: Perfect electric conductor distribution
(at E-field locations; non-zero value indicates PEC is present)
pmc: Perfect magnetic conductor distribution
(at H-field locations; non-zero value indicates PMC is present)
adjoint: If true, solves the adjoint problem.
matrix_solver: Called as `matrix_solver(A, b, **matrix_solver_opts) -> x`,
where `A`: `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`;
`b`: `numpy.ndarray`;
`x`: `numpy.ndarray`;
Default is a wrapped version of `scipy.sparse.linalg.qmr()`
which doesn't return convergence info and logs the residual
every 100 iterations.
matrix_solver_opts: Passed as kwargs to `matrix_solver(...)`
E-field which solves the system.
if matrix_solver_opts is None:
matrix_solver_opts = dict()
b0 = -1j * omega * J
A0 = operators.e_full(omega, dxes, epsilon=epsilon, mu=mu, pec=pec, pmc=pmc)
Pl, Pr = operators.e_full_preconditioners(dxes)
if adjoint:
A = (Pl @ A0 @ Pr).H
b = Pr.H @ b0
A = Pl @ A0 @ Pr
b = Pl @ b0
x = matrix_solver(A.tocsr(), b, **matrix_solver_opts)
if adjoint:
x0 = Pl.H @ x
x0 = Pr @ x
return x0