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from typing import List, Tuple, Iterable
from itertools import chain
from io import BytesIO
import pytest # type: ignore
from ..basic import read_uint, read_sint, write_uint, write_sint
uints = (
( 0, '00'),
( 127, '7f'),
( 128, '80 01'),
(16_383, 'ff 7f'),
(16_384, '80 80 01'),
uints_readonly = (
( 0, '80 80 00'),
sints = (
( 0, '00'),
( 1, '02'),
( -1, '03'),
( 63, '7e'),
( -64, '81 01'),
( 8191, 'fe 7f'),
( -8192, '81 80 01'),
sints_readonly = (
def test_read_uint() -> None:
buffer = BytesIO(bytes.fromhex(
''.join([hh for _ii, hh in chain(uints, uints_readonly)])))
for ii, _hh in chain(uints, uints_readonly):
assert read_uint(buffer) == ii
def test_write_uint() -> None:
buffer = BytesIO()
for ii, _hh in uints:
write_uint(buffer, ii)
correct_bytes = bytes.fromhex(
''.join([hh for _ii, hh in uints]))
assert buffer.getbuffer() == correct_bytes
def test_read_sint() -> None:
buffer = BytesIO(bytes.fromhex(
''.join([hh for _ii, hh in chain(sints, sints_readonly)])))
for ii, _hh in chain(sints, sints_readonly):
assert read_sint(buffer) == ii
def test_write_sint() -> None:
buffer = BytesIO()
for ii, _hh in sints:
write_sint(buffer, ii)
correct_bytes = bytes.fromhex(
''.join([hh for _ii, hh in sints]))
assert buffer.getbuffer() == correct_bytes