adaptiveThreshold(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Apply an adaptive threshold to an image.
angle - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line
angleBetween(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class gab.opencv.Line
angleFrom(Line) - Method in class gab.opencv.Line
area() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
The area of the Contour's bounding box.
ARGBtoBGRA(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


blur(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Blur an image symetrically by a given number of pixels.
blur(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Blur an image assymetrically by a different number of pixels in x- and y-directions.
BOTH - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
brightness(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Adjust the brightness of the image.


calculateOpticalFlow(Mat) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
calculateOpticalFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Calculate the optical flow of the current image relative to a running series of images (typically frames from video).
CASCADE_CLOCK - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_EYE - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_FRONTALFACE - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_FULLBODY - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_LOWERBODY - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_MOUTH - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_NOSE - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_PEDESTRIAN - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_PEDESTRIANS - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_PROFILEFACE - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_RIGHT_EAR - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
CASCADE_UPPERBODY - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
classifier - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
colorSpace - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
compare(Contour, Contour) - Method in class gab.opencv.ContourComparator
containsPoint(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Check if the Contour contains a given x-y point.
Contour - Class in gab.opencv
Contour(PApplet, MatOfPoint) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.Contour
Contour(PApplet, MatOfPoint2f) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.Contour
ContourComparator - Class in gab.opencv
ContourComparator() - Constructor for class gab.opencv.ContourComparator
contrast(float) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Adjust the contrast of the image.


detect(double, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Detect objects using the cascade classifier.
detect() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Detect objects using the cascade classifier.
diff(PImage) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Calculate the difference between the current image loaded into OpenCV and a second image.
diff(Mat, Mat) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
A helper function that diffs two Mats using absdiff.
dilate() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Dilate the image.
draw() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Draw the Contour as a closed shape with one vertex per-point.
draw() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
draw(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Histogram
drawOpticalFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


end - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line
equalizeHistogram() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Normalize the histogram of the image.
erode() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Erode the image.


findCannyEdges(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Find edges in the image using Canny edge detection.
findChessboardCorners(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findContours() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findContours(boolean, boolean) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findHistogram(Mat, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findHistogram(Mat, int, boolean) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findLines(int, double, double) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findScharrEdges(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
findSobelEdges(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
flip(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Flip the current image.
Flow - Class in gab.opencv
Flow(PApplet) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.Flow
flow - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


gab.opencv - package gab.opencv
getA() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getAverageFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getAverageFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getAverageFlowInRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getAverageFlowInRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getB() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getBoundingBox() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Get the bounding box for the Contour.
getColor() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getColorSpace() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Get the colorSpace of the current color image.
getConvexHull() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Calculate a convex hull from the current Contour.
getFlowAt(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getFlowAt(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getG() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getGray() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getH() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getInput() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getIterations() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getLevels() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getMat() - Method in class gab.opencv.Histogram
getOutput() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getPoints() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Get the points that make up the Contour.
getPolygonApproximation() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Get a new Contour that results from calculating the polygon approximation of the current Contour.
getPolygonApproximationFactor() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
Access the current polygonApproximationFactor.
getPolyN() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getPolySigma() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getPyramidScale() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getR() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getROI() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getS() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getSize() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getSnapshot() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getSnapshot(Mat) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getTotalFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getTotalFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getTotalFlowInRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
getTotalFlowInRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getUseColor() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Checks whether OpenCV is currently using the color version of the image or the grayscale version.
getV() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
getWindowSize() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
gray(Mat) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
gray() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


hasFlow() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
height() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
height - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Histogram - Class in gab.opencv
Histogram(PApplet, Mat) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.Histogram
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


imitate(Mat) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Helper to create a new OpenCV Mat whose channels and bit-depth mask an existing Mat.
inRange(int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Filter the image for values between a lower and upper bound.
invert() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Invert the image.


Line - Class in gab.opencv
Line(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.Line
loadCascade(String) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Load a cascade file for face or object detection.
loadCascade(String, boolean) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Load a cascade file for face or object detection.
loadImage(String) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Load an image from a path.
loadImage(PImage) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
loadPoints(Point[]) - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour


matA - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matB - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matBGRA - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matG - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matGray - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matH - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matHSV - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matR - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matROI - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matS - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matToARGBPixels(Mat) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Convert a 4 channel OpenCV Mat object into pixels to be shoved into a 4 channel ARGB PImage's pixel array.
matToPVectors(MatOfPoint) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matToPVectors(MatOfPoint2f) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matToS(Mat) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
matV - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
max() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Get the x-y location of the maximum value in the current image.
min() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Get the x-y location of the minimum value in the current image.


nonROImat - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
numPoints() - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
The number of points in the Contour.


OpenCV - Class in gab.opencv
This is a template class and can be used to start a new processing library or tool.
OpenCV(PApplet, String) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Initialize OpenCV with the path to an image.
OpenCV(PApplet, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Initialize OpenCV with the path to an image.
OpenCV(PApplet, PImage) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Initialize OpenCV with an image.
OpenCV(PApplet, PImage, boolean) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Initialize OpenCV with an image.
OpenCV(PApplet, int, int) - Constructor for class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Initialize OpenCV with a width and height.


pointMat - Variable in class gab.opencv.Contour
pointToPVector(Point) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Helper function to convert an OpenCV Point into a Processing PVector


releaseROI() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


setColor(Mat) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
setGray(Mat) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
setIterations(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
setLevels(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
setPolygonApproximationFactor(double) - Method in class gab.opencv.Contour
The polygonApproximationFactor is used to determine how strictly to follow a curvy polygon when converting it into a simpler polygon with getPolygonApproximation().
setPolyN(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
setPolySigma(double) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
setPyramidScale(double) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
setROI(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Set a Region of Interest within the image.
setWindowSize(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
start - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line
startBackgroundSubtraction(int, int, double) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Setup background subtraction.


threshold(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Apply a global threshold to an image.
toCv(PImage, Mat) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Convert a Processing PImage to an OpenCV Mat.
toPImage(Mat, PImage) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Convert an OpenCV Mat object into a PImage to be used in other Processing code.
toProcessing(Rect[]) - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Convert an array of OpenCV Rect objects into an array of java.awt.Rectangle rectangles.


updateBackground() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Update the running background for background subtraction based on the current image loaded into OpenCV.
useColor() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Apply subsequent image processing to the color version of the loaded image.
useColor(int) - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Set the main working image to be the color version of the imported image.
useGray() - Method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
Set OpenCV to do image processing on the grayscale version of the loaded image.


VERSION - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
version() - Static method in class gab.opencv.OpenCV
return the version of the library.
VERTICAL - Static variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


width() - Method in class gab.opencv.Flow
width - Variable in class gab.opencv.OpenCV


x1 - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line
x2 - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line


y1 - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line
y2 - Variable in class gab.opencv.Line


Processing library opencv_processing by Greg Borenstein. (c) 2013