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8 years ago
* OpenCV for Processing
* Computer vision with OpenCV.
* Copyright (c) 2013 Greg Borenstein
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Greg Borenstein
* @modified 12/08/2014
* @version 0.5.2 (13)
package gab.opencv;
import gab.opencv.Contour;
import gab.opencv.ContourComparator;
import gab.opencv.Histogram;
import gab.opencv.Line;
import gab.opencv.Flow;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.CvType;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfInt;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfFloat;
import org.opencv.core.Rect;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d;
import org.opencv.core.CvException;
import org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult;
import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import processing.core.*;
* This is a template class and can be used to start a new processing library or tool.
* Make sure you rename this class as well as the name of the example package 'template'
* to your own library or tool naming convention.
* @example Hello
* (the tag @example followed by the name of an example included in folder 'examples' will
* automatically include the example in the javadoc.)
public class OpenCV {
PApplet parent;
public int width;
public int height;
private int roiWidth;
private int roiHeight;
public Mat matBGRA;
public Mat matR, matG, matB, matA;
public Mat matHSV;
public Mat matH, matS, matV;
public Mat matGray;
public Mat matROI;
public Mat nonROImat; // so that releaseROI() can return to color/gray as appropriate
private boolean useColor;
private boolean useROI;
public int colorSpace;
private PImage outputImage;
private PImage inputImage;
private boolean nativeLoaded;
private boolean isArm = false;
public CascadeClassifier classifier;
BackgroundSubtractorMOG backgroundSubtractor;
public Flow flow;
public final static String VERSION = "0.5.2";
public final static String CASCADE_FRONTALFACE = "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_PEDESTRIANS = "hogcascade_pedestrians.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_EYE = "haarcascade_eye.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_CLOCK = "haarcascade_clock.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_NOSE = "haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_MOUTH = "haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_UPPERBODY = "haarcascade_upperbody.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_LOWERBODY = "haarcascade_lowerbody.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_FULLBODY = "haarcascade_fullbody.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_PEDESTRIAN = "hogcascade_pedestrians.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_RIGHT_EAR = "haarcascade_mcs_rightear.xml";
public final static String CASCADE_PROFILEFACE = "haarcascade_profileface.xml";
// used for both Scharr edge detection orientation
// and flip(). Values are set for flip, arbitrary from POV of Scharr
public final static int HORIZONTAL = 1;
public final static int VERTICAL = 0;
public final static int BOTH = -1;
* Initialize OpenCV with the path to an image.
* The image will be loaded and prepared for processing.
* @param theParent - A PApplet representing the user sketch, i.e "this"
* @param pathToImg - A String with a path to the image to be loaded
public OpenCV(PApplet theParent, String pathToImg){
useColor = false;
loadFromString(theParent, pathToImg);
* Initialize OpenCV with the path to an image.
* The image will be loaded and prepared for processing.
* @param theParent - A PApplet representing the user sketch, i.e "this"
* @param pathToImg - A String with a path to the image to be loaded
* @param useColor - (Optional) Set to true if you want to use the color version of the image for processing.
public OpenCV(PApplet theParent, String pathToImg, boolean useColor){
this.useColor = useColor;
useColor(); // have to set the color space.
loadFromString(theParent, pathToImg);
private void loadFromString(PApplet theParent, String pathToImg){
parent = theParent;
PImage imageToLoad = parent.loadImage(pathToImg);
init(imageToLoad.width, imageToLoad.height);
* Initialize OpenCV with an image.
* The image's pixels will be copied and prepared for processing.
* @param theParent
* A PApplet representing the user sketch, i.e "this"
* @param img
* A PImage to be loaded
public OpenCV(PApplet theParent, PImage img){
useColor = false;
loadFromPImage(theParent, img);
* Initialize OpenCV with an image.
* The image's pixels will be copiedd and prepared for processing.
* @param theParent
* A PApplet representing the user sketch, i.e "this"
* @param img
* A PImage to be loaded
* @param useColor
* (Optional) Set to true if you want to use the color version of the image for processing.
public OpenCV(PApplet theParent, PImage img, boolean useColor){
this.useColor = useColor;
loadFromPImage(theParent, img);
private void loadFromPImage(PApplet theParent, PImage img){
parent = theParent;
init(img.width, img.height);
* Apply subsequent image processing to
* the color version of the loaded image.
* Note: Many OpenCV functions require a grayscale
* image. Those functions will raise an exception
* if attempted on a color image.
public void useColor(){
* Get the colorSpace of the current color image. Will be either RGB or HSB.
* @return
* The color space of the color mats. Either PApplet.RGB or PApplet.HSB
public int getColorSpace(){
return colorSpace;
* Set the main working image to be the color version of the imported image.
* Subsequent image-processing functions will be applied to the color version
* of the image. Image is assumed to be HSB or RGB based on the argument
* @param colorSpace
* The color space of the image to be processed. Either RGB or HSB.
public void useColor(int colorSpace){
useColor = true;
if(colorSpace != PApplet.RGB && colorSpace != PApplet.HSB){
PApplet.println("ERROR: color space must be either RGB or HSB");
} else {
this.colorSpace = colorSpace;
if(this.colorSpace == PApplet.HSB){
private void populateHSV(){
matHSV = imitate(matBGRA);
Imgproc.cvtColor(matBGRA, matHSV, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2HSV);
ArrayList<Mat> channels = new ArrayList<Mat>();
Core.split(matHSV, channels);
matH = channels.get(0);
matS = channels.get(1);
matV = channels.get(2);
private void populateBGRA(){
ArrayList<Mat> channels = new ArrayList<Mat>();
Core.split(matBGRA, channels);
matB = channels.get(0);
matG = channels.get(1);
matR = channels.get(2);
matA = channels.get(3);
* Set OpenCV to do image processing on the grayscale version
* of the loaded image.
public void useGray(){
useColor = false;
* Checks whether OpenCV is currently using the color version of the image
* or the grayscale version.
* @return
* True if OpenCV is currently using the color version of the image.
public boolean getUseColor(){
return useColor;
private Mat getCurrentMat(){
return matROI;
} else{
return matBGRA;
} else{
return matGray;
* Initialize OpenCV with a width and height.
* You will need to load an image in before processing.
* See copy(PImage img).
* @param theParent
* A PApplet representing the user sketch, i.e "this"
* @param width
* int
* @param height
* int
public OpenCV(PApplet theParent, int width, int height) {
parent = theParent;
init(width, height);
private void init(int w, int h){
width = w;
height = h;
matR = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
matG = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
matB = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
matA = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
matGray = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
matBGRA = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC4);
private void setupFlow(){
flow = new Flow(parent);
private void setupWorkingImages(){
outputImage = parent.createImage(width,height, PConstants.ARGB);
private String getLibPath() {
URL url = this.getClass().getResource("OpenCV.class");
if (url != null) {
// Convert URL to string, taking care of spaces represented by the "%20"
// string.
String path = url.toString().replace("%20", " ");
int n0 = path.indexOf('/');
int n1 = -1;
n1 = path.indexOf("opencv_processing.jar");
if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.WINDOWS) { //platform Windows
// In Windows, path string starts with "jar file/C:/..."
// so the substring up to the first / is removed.
if ((-1 < n0) && (-1 < n1)) {
return path.substring(n0, n1);
} else {
return "";
return "";
private void initNative(){
int bitsJVM = PApplet.parseInt(System.getProperty(""));
String osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
String nativeLibPath = getLibPath();
String path = null;
// determine the path to the platform-specific opencv libs
if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.WINDOWS) { //platform Windows
path = nativeLibPath + "windows" + bitsJVM;
if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.MACOSX) { //platform Mac
path = nativeLibPath + "macosx" + bitsJVM;
if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.LINUX) { //platform Linux
// attempt to detect arm architecture - is it fair to assume linux for ARM devices?
isArm = osArch.contains("arm");
path = isArm ? nativeLibPath + "arm7" : nativeLibPath + "linux" + bitsJVM;
// ensure the determined path exists
try {
File libDir = new File(path);
if (libDir.exists()) {
nativeLibPath = path;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// platform couldn't be determined
System.err.println("Cannot load local version of opencv_java245 : Linux 32/64, arm7, Windows 32 bits or Mac Os 64 bits are only avaible");
// this check might be redundant now...
if((PApplet.platform == PConstants.MACOSX && bitsJVM == 64) || (PApplet.platform == PConstants.WINDOWS) || (PApplet.platform == PConstants.LINUX)){
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Cannot load local version of opencv_java245 : Linux 32/64, Windows 32 bits or Mac Os 64 bits are only avaible");
nativeLoaded = true;
private void addLibraryPath(String path) throws Exception {
String originalPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path");
// If this is an arm device running linux, Processing seems to include the linux32 dirs in the path,
// which conflict with the arm-specific libs. To fix this, we remove the linux32 segments from the path.
// Alternatively, we could do one of the following:
// A) prepend to the path instead of append, forcing our libs to be used
// B) rename the libopencv_java245 in the arm7 dir and add logic to load it instead above in System.loadLibrary(...)
if (isArm) {
if (originalPath.indexOf("linux32") != -1) {
originalPath = originalPath.replaceAll(":[^:]*?linux32", "");
System.setProperty("java.library.path", originalPath +System.getProperty("path.separator")+ path);
//set sys_paths to null
final Field sysPathsField = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("sys_paths");
sysPathsField.set(null, null);
* Load a cascade file for face or object detection.
* Expects one of:
* <pre>
* </pre>
* To pass your own cascade file, provide an absolute path and a second
* argument of true, thusly:
* <pre>
* opencv.loadCascade("/path/to/my/custom/cascade.xml", true)
* </pre>
* (NB: ant build scripts copy the data folder outside of the
* jar so that this will work.)
* @param cascadeFileName
* The name of the cascade file to be loaded form within OpenCV for Processing.
* Must be one of the constants provided by this library
public void loadCascade(String cascadeFileName){
// localize path to cascade file to point at the library's data folder
String relativePath = "cascade-files/" + cascadeFileName;
String cascadePath = getLibPath();
cascadePath += relativePath;
PApplet.println("Load cascade from: " + cascadePath);
classifier = new CascadeClassifier(cascadePath);
PApplet.println("Cascade failed to load"); // raise exception here?
} else {
PApplet.println("Cascade loaded: " + cascadeFileName);
* Load a cascade file for face or object detection.
* If absolute is true, cascadeFilePath must be an
* absolute path to a cascade xml file. If it is false
* then cascadeFilePath must be one of the options provided
* by OpenCV for Processing as in the single-argument
* version of this function.
* @param cascadeFilePath
* A string. Either an absolute path to a cascade XML file or
* one of the constants provided by this library.
* @param absolute
* Whether or not the cascadeFilePath is an absolute path to an XML file.
public void loadCascade(String cascadeFilePath, boolean absolute){
classifier = new CascadeClassifier(cascadeFilePath);
PApplet.println("Cascade failed to load"); // raise exception here?
} else {
PApplet.println("Cascade loaded from absolute path: " + cascadeFilePath);
} else {
* Convert an array of OpenCV Rect objects into
* an array of java.awt.Rectangle rectangles.
* Especially useful when working with
* classifier.detectMultiScale().
* @param Rect[] rects
* @return
* A Rectangle[] of java.awt.Rectangle
public static Rectangle[] toProcessing(Rect[] rects){
Rectangle[] results = new Rectangle[rects.length];
for(int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++){
results[i] = new Rectangle(rects[i].x, rects[i].y, rects[i].width, rects[i].height);
return results;
* Detect objects using the cascade classifier. loadCascade() must already
* have been called to setup the classifier. See the OpenCV documentation
* for details on the arguments:, org.opencv.core.MatOfRect, double, int, int, org.opencv.core.Size, org.opencv.core.Size)
* A simpler version of detect() that doesn't need these arguments is also available.
* @param scaleFactor
* @param minNeighbors
* @param flags
* @param minSize
* @param maxSize
* @return
* An array of java.awt.Rectangle objects with the location, width, and height of each detected object.
public Rectangle[] detect(double scaleFactor , int minNeighbors , int flags, int minSize , int maxSize){
Size minS = new Size(minSize, minSize);
Size maxS = new Size(maxSize, maxSize);
MatOfRect detections = new MatOfRect();
classifier.detectMultiScale(getCurrentMat(), detections, scaleFactor, minNeighbors, flags, minS, maxS );
return OpenCV.toProcessing(detections.toArray());
* Detect objects using the cascade classifier. loadCascade() must already
* have been called to setup the classifier.
* @return
* An array of java.awt.Rectnangle objects with the location, width, and height of each detected object.
public Rectangle[] detect(){
MatOfRect detections = new MatOfRect();
classifier.detectMultiScale(getCurrentMat(), detections);
return OpenCV.toProcessing(detections.toArray());
* Setup background subtraction. After calling this function,
* updateBackground() must be called with each new frame
* you want to add to the running background subtraction calculation.
* For details on the arguments, see:
*, int, double)
* @param history
* @param nMixtures
* @param backgroundRatio
public void startBackgroundSubtraction(int history, int nMixtures, double backgroundRatio){
backgroundSubtractor = new BackgroundSubtractorMOG(history, nMixtures, backgroundRatio);
* Update the running background for background subtraction based on
* the current image loaded into OpenCV. startBackgroundSubtraction()
* must have been called before this to setup the background subtractor.
public void updateBackground(){
Mat foreground = imitate(getCurrentMat());
backgroundSubtractor.apply(getCurrentMat(), foreground, 0.05);
* Calculate the optical flow of the current image relative
* to a running series of images (typically frames from video).
* Optical flow is useful for detecting what parts of the image
* are moving and in what direction.
public void calculateOpticalFlow(){
* Get the total optical flow within a region of the image.
* Be sure to call calculateOpticalFlow() first.
public PVector getTotalFlowInRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
return flow.getTotalFlowInRegion(x, y, w, h);
* Get the average optical flow within a region of the image.
* Be sure to call calculateOpticalFlow() first.
public PVector getAverageFlowInRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
return flow.getAverageFlowInRegion(x,y,w,h);
* Get the total optical flow for the entire image.
* Be sure to call calculateOpticalFlow() first.
public PVector getTotalFlow() {
return flow.getTotalFlow();
* Get the average optical flow for the entire image.
* Be sure to call calculateOpticalFlow() first.
public PVector getAverageFlow() {
return flow.getAverageFlow();
* Get the optical flow at a single point in the image.
* Be sure to call calcuateOpticalFlow() first.
public PVector getFlowAt(int x, int y){
return flow.getFlowAt(x,y);
* Draw the optical flow.
* Be sure to call calcuateOpticalFlow() first.
public void drawOpticalFlow(){
* Flip the current image.
* @param direction
public void flip(int direction){
Core.flip(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), direction);
* Adjust the contrast of the image. Works on color or black and white images.
* @param amt
* Amount of contrast to apply. 0-1.0 reduces contrast. Above 1.0 increases contrast.
public void contrast(float amt){
Scalar modifier;
modifier = new Scalar(amt,amt,amt,1);
} else{
modifier = new Scalar(amt);
Core.multiply(getCurrentMat(), modifier, getCurrentMat());
* Get the x-y location of the maximum value in the current image.
* @return
* A PVector with the location of the maximum value.
public PVector max(){
MinMaxLocResult r = Core.minMaxLoc(getCurrentMat());
return OpenCV.pointToPVector(r.maxLoc);
* Get the x-y location of the minimum value in the current image.
* @return
* A PVector with the location of the minimum value.
public PVector min(){
MinMaxLocResult r = Core.minMaxLoc(getCurrentMat());
return OpenCV.pointToPVector(r.minLoc);
* Helper function to convert an OpenCV Point into a Processing PVector
* @param p
* A Point
* @return
* A PVector
public static PVector pointToPVector(Point p){
return new PVector((float)p.x, (float)p.y);
* Adjust the brightness of the image. Works on color or black and white images.
* @param amt
* The amount to brighten the image. Ranges -255 to 255.
public void brightness(int amt){
Scalar modifier;
modifier = new Scalar(amt,amt,amt, 1);
} else{
modifier = new Scalar(amt);
Core.add(getCurrentMat(), modifier, getCurrentMat());
* Helper to create a new OpenCV Mat whose channels and
* bit-depth mask an existing Mat.
* @param m
* The Mat to match
* @return
* A new Mat
public static Mat imitate(Mat m){
return new Mat(m.height(), m.width(), m.type());
* Calculate the difference between the current image
* loaded into OpenCV and a second image. The result is stored
* in the loaded image in OpenCV. Works on both color and grayscale
* images.
* @param img
* A PImage to diff against.
public void diff(PImage img){
Mat imgMat = imitate(getColor());
toCv(img, imgMat);
Mat dst = imitate(getCurrentMat());
ARGBtoBGRA(imgMat, imgMat);
Core.absdiff(getCurrentMat(), imgMat, dst);
} else {
Core.absdiff(getCurrentMat(), OpenCV.gray(imgMat), dst);
* A helper function that diffs two Mats using absdiff.
* Places the result back into mat1
* @param mat1
* The destination Mat
* @param mat2
* The Mat to diff against
public static void diff(Mat mat1, Mat mat2){
Mat dst = imitate(mat1);
Core.absdiff(mat1, mat2, dst);
* Apply a global threshold to an image. Produces a binary image
* with white pixels where the original image was above the threshold
* and black where it was below.
* @param threshold
* An int from 0-255.
public void threshold(int threshold){
Imgproc.threshold(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), threshold, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY);
* Apply an adaptive threshold to an image. Produces a binary image
* with white pixels where the original image was above the threshold
* and black where it was below.
* See:
*, org.opencv.core.Mat, double, int, int, int, double)
* @param blockSize
* The size of the pixel neighborhood to use.
* @param c
* A constant subtracted from the mean of each neighborhood.
public void adaptiveThreshold(int blockSize, int c){
Imgproc.adaptiveThreshold(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), 255, Imgproc.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY, blockSize, c);
} catch(CvException e){
PApplet.println("ERROR: adaptiveThreshold function only works on gray images.");
* Normalize the histogram of the image. This will spread the image's color
* spectrum over the full 0-255 range. Only works on grayscale images.
* See:, org.opencv.core.Mat)
public void equalizeHistogram(){
Imgproc.equalizeHist(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat());
} catch(CvException e){
PApplet.println("ERROR: equalizeHistogram only works on a gray image.");
* Invert the image.
* See:, org.opencv.core.Mat)
public void invert(){
* Dilate the image. Dilation is a morphological operation (i.e. it affects the shape) often used to
* close holes in contours. It expands white areas of the image.
* See:
*, org.opencv.core.Mat, org.opencv.core.Mat)
public void dilate(){
Imgproc.dilate(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), new Mat());
* Erode the image. Erosion is a morphological operation (i.e. it affects the shape) often used to
* close holes in contours. It contracts white areas of the image.
* See:
*, org.opencv.core.Mat, org.opencv.core.Mat)
public void erode(){
Imgproc.erode(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), new Mat());
* Blur an image symetrically by a given number of pixels.
* @param blurSize
* int - the amount to blur by in x- and y-directions.
public void blur(int blurSize){
Imgproc.blur(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), new Size(blurSize, blurSize));
* Blur an image assymetrically by a different number of pixels in x- and y-directions.
* @param blurW
* amount to blur in the x-direction
* @param blurH
* amount to blur in the y-direction
public void blur(int blurW, int blurH){
Imgproc.blur(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), new Size(blurW, blurH));
* Find edges in the image using Canny edge detection.
* @param lowThreshold
* @param highThreshold
public void findCannyEdges(int lowThreshold, int highThreshold){
Imgproc.Canny(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), lowThreshold, highThreshold);
public void findSobelEdges(int dx, int dy){
Mat sobeled = new Mat(getCurrentMat().height(), getCurrentMat().width(), CvType.CV_32F);
Imgproc.Sobel(getCurrentMat(), sobeled, CvType.CV_32F, dx, dy);
sobeled.convertTo(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat().type());
public void findScharrEdges(int direction){
if(direction == HORIZONTAL){
Imgproc.Scharr(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), -1, 1, 0 );
if(direction == VERTICAL){
Imgproc.Scharr(getCurrentMat(), getCurrentMat(), -1, 0, 1 );
if(direction == BOTH){
Mat hMat = imitate(getCurrentMat());
Mat vMat = imitate(getCurrentMat());
Imgproc.Scharr(getCurrentMat(), hMat, -1, 1, 0 );
Imgproc.Scharr(getCurrentMat(), vMat, -1, 0, 1 );
Core.add(vMat,hMat, getCurrentMat());
public ArrayList<Contour> findContours(){
return findContours(true, false);
public ArrayList<Contour> findContours(boolean findHoles, boolean sort){
ArrayList<Contour> result = new ArrayList<Contour>();
ArrayList<MatOfPoint> contourMat = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();
int contourFindingMode = (findHoles ? Imgproc.RETR_LIST : Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL);
Imgproc.findContours(getCurrentMat(), contourMat, new Mat(), contourFindingMode, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
} catch(CvException e){
PApplet.println("ERROR: findContours only works with a gray image.");
for (MatOfPoint c : contourMat) {
result.add(new Contour(parent, c));
Collections.sort(result, new ContourComparator());
return result;
public ArrayList<Line> findLines(int threshold, double minLineLength, double maxLineGap){
ArrayList<Line> result = new ArrayList<Line>();
Mat lineMat = new Mat();
Imgproc.HoughLinesP(getCurrentMat(), lineMat, 1, PConstants.PI/180.0, threshold, minLineLength, maxLineGap);
for (int i = 0; i < lineMat.width(); i++) {
double[] coords = lineMat.get(0, i);
result.add(new Line(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]));
return result;
public ArrayList<PVector> findChessboardCorners(int patternWidth, int patternHeight){
MatOfPoint2f corners = new MatOfPoint2f();
Calib3d.findChessboardCorners(getCurrentMat(), new Size(patternWidth,patternHeight), corners);
return matToPVectors(corners);
* @param mat
* The mat from which to calculate the histogram. Get this from getGray(), getR(), getG(), getB(), etc..
* By default this will normalize the histogram (scale the values to 0.0-1.0). Pass false as the third argument to keep values unormalized.
* @param numBins
* The number of bins into which divide the histogram should be divided.
* @param normalize (optional)
* Whether or not to normalize the histogram (scale the values to 0.0-1.0). Defaults to true.
* @return
* A Histogram object that you can call draw() on.
public Histogram findHistogram(Mat mat, int numBins){
return findHistogram(mat, numBins, true);
public Histogram findHistogram(Mat mat, int numBins, boolean normalize){
MatOfInt channels = new MatOfInt(0);
MatOfInt histSize = new MatOfInt(numBins);
float[] r = {0f, 256f};
MatOfFloat ranges = new MatOfFloat(r);
Mat hist = new Mat();
ArrayList<Mat> images = new ArrayList<Mat>();
Imgproc.calcHist( images, channels, new Mat(), hist, histSize, ranges);
Core.normalize(hist, hist);
return new Histogram(parent, hist);
* Filter the image for values between a lower and upper bound.
* Converts the current image into a binary image with white where pixel
* values were within bounds and black elsewhere.
* @param lowerBound
* @param upperBound
public void inRange(int lowerBound, int upperBound){
Core.inRange(getCurrentMat(), new Scalar(lowerBound), new Scalar(upperBound), getCurrentMat());
* @param src
* A Mat of type 8UC4 with channels arranged as BGRA.
* @return
* A Mat of type 8UC1 in grayscale.
public static Mat gray(Mat src){
Mat result = new Mat(src.height(), src.width(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
Imgproc.cvtColor(src, result, Imgproc.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY);
return result;
public void gray(){
matGray = gray(matBGRA);
useGray(); //???
* Set a Region of Interest within the image. Subsequent image processing
* functions will apply to this ROI rather than the full image.
* Full image will display be included in output.
* @return
* False if requested ROI exceed the bounds of the working image.
* True if ROI was successfully set.
public boolean setROI(int x, int y, int w, int h){
if(x < 0 ||
x + w > width ||
y < 0 ||
y + h > height){
return false;
} else{
roiWidth = w;
roiHeight = h;
nonROImat = matBGRA;
matROI = new Mat(matBGRA, new Rect(x, y, w, h));
} else {
nonROImat = matGray;
matROI = new Mat(matGray, new Rect(x, y, w, h));
useROI = true;
return true;
public void releaseROI(){
useROI = false;
* Load an image from a path.
* @param imgPath
* String with the path to the image
public void loadImage(String imgPath){
// NOTE: We're not handling the signed/unsigned
// conversion. Is that any issue?
public void loadImage(PImage img){
// FIXME: is there a better way to hold onto
// this?
inputImage = img;
toCv(img, matBGRA);
} else {
public static void ARGBtoBGRA(Mat rgba, Mat bgra){
ArrayList<Mat> channels = new ArrayList<Mat>();
Core.split(rgba, channels);
ArrayList<Mat> reordered = new ArrayList<Mat>();
// Starts as ARGB.
// Make into BGRA.
Core.merge(reordered, bgra);
public int getSize(){
return width * height;
* Convert a 4 channel OpenCV Mat object into
* pixels to be shoved into a 4 channel ARGB PImage's
* pixel array.
* @param m
* An RGBA Mat we want converted
* @return
* An int[] formatted to be the pixels of a PImage
public int[] matToARGBPixels(Mat m){
int pImageChannels = 4;
int numPixels = m.width()*m.height();
int[] intPixels = new int[numPixels];
byte[] matPixels = new byte[numPixels*pImageChannels];
m.get(0,0, matPixels);
return intPixels;
* Convert an OpenCV Mat object into a PImage
* to be used in other Processing code.
* Copies the Mat's pixel data into the PImage's pixel array.
* Iterates over each pixel in the Mat, i.e. expensive.
* (Mainly used internally by OpenCV. Inspired by toCv()
* from KyleMcDonald's ofxCv.)
* @param m
* A Mat you want converted
* @param img
* The PImage you want the Mat converted into.
public void toPImage(Mat m, PImage img){
if(m.channels() == 3){
Mat m2 = new Mat();
Imgproc.cvtColor(m, m2, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2RGBA);
img.pixels = matToARGBPixels(m2);
} else if(m.channels() == 1){
Mat m2 = new Mat();
Imgproc.cvtColor(m, m2, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2RGBA);
img.pixels = matToARGBPixels(m2);
} else if(m.channels() == 4){
img.pixels = matToARGBPixels(m);
* Convert a Processing PImage to an OpenCV Mat.
* (Inspired by Kyle McDonald's ofxCv's toOf())
* @param img
* The PImage to convert.
* @param m
* The Mat to receive the image data.
public static void toCv(PImage img, Mat m){
BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage)img.getNative();
int[] matPixels = ((DataBufferInt)image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(matPixels.length * 4);
IntBuffer ib = bb.asIntBuffer();
byte[] bvals = bb.array();
m.put(0,0, bvals);
public static ArrayList<PVector> matToPVectors(MatOfPoint mat){
ArrayList<PVector> result = new ArrayList<PVector>();
Point[] points = mat.toArray();
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
result.add(new PVector((float)points[i].x, (float)points[i].y));
return result;
public static ArrayList<PVector> matToPVectors(MatOfPoint2f mat){
ArrayList<PVector> result = new ArrayList<PVector>();
Point[] points = mat.toArray();
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
result.add(new PVector((float)points[i].x, (float)points[i].y));
return result;
public String matToS(Mat mat){
return CvType.typeToString(mat.type());
public PImage getInput(){
return inputImage;
public PImage getOutput(){
toPImage(matBGRA, outputImage);
} else {
toPImage(matGray, outputImage);
return outputImage;
public PImage getSnapshot(){
PImage result;
if(colorSpace == PApplet.HSB){
result = getSnapshot(matHSV);
} else {
result = getSnapshot(matBGRA);
} else {
result = getSnapshot(matGray);
return result;
public PImage getSnapshot(Mat m){
PImage result = parent.createImage(m.width(), m.height(), PApplet.ARGB);
toPImage(m, result);
return result;
public Mat getR(){
return matR;
public Mat getG(){
return matG;
public Mat getB(){
return matB;
public Mat getA(){
return matA;
public Mat getH(){
return matH;
public Mat getS(){
return matS;
public Mat getV(){
return matV;
public Mat getGray(){
return matGray;
public void setGray(Mat m){
matGray = m;
useColor = false;
public void setColor(Mat m){
matBGRA = m;
useColor = true;
public Mat getColor(){
return matBGRA;
public Mat getROI(){
return matROI;
private void welcome() {
System.out.println("OpenCV for Processing 0.5.2 by Greg Borenstein");
System.out.println("Using Java OpenCV " + Core.VERSION);
* return the version of the library.
* @return String
public static String version() {
return VERSION;