import numpy from numpy.linalg import norm import pyopencl import pyopencl.array import time import fdfd_tools.operators from . import ops def cg_solver(omega, dxes, J, epsilon, mu=None, pec=None, pmc=None, adjoint=False, max_iters=40000, err_thresh=1e-6, context=None, verbose=False): start_time = time.perf_counter() b = -1j * omega * J shape = [d.size for d in dxes[0]] ''' ** In this comment, I use the notation M* = conj(M), M.T = transpose(M), M' = ctranspose(M), M N = dot(M, N) This solver uses a symmetrized wave operator M = (L A R) = (L A R).T (where L = inv(R) are diagonal preconditioner matrices) when solving the wave equation; therefore, it solves the problem M y = d => (L A R) (inv(R) x) = (L b) => A x = b with x = R y From the fact that M is symmetric, we can write (L A R)* = M* = M' = (L A R)' = R' A' L' = R* A' L* We obtain M* by conjugating all of our arguments (except J). Then we solve (R* A' L*) v = (R* b) and obtain x: x = L* v We can accomplish all this simply by conjugating everything (except J) and reversing the order of L and R ''' if adjoint: # Conjugate everything dxes = [[numpy.conj(d) for d in dd] for dd in dxes] omega = numpy.conj(omega) epsilon = numpy.conj(epsilon) if mu is not None: mu = numpy.conj(mu) L, R = fdfd_tools.operators.e_full_preconditioners(dxes) if adjoint: b_preconditioned = R @ b else: b_preconditioned = L @ b ''' Allocate GPU memory and load in data ''' if context is None: context = pyopencl.create_some_context(False) queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(context) def load_field(v, dtype=numpy.complex128): return pyopencl.array.to_device(queue, v.astype(dtype)) r = load_field(b_preconditioned) # load preconditioned b into r H = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r) x = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r) v = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r) p = pyopencl.array.zeros_like(r) alpha = 1.0 + 0j rho = 1.0 + 0j errs = [] inv_dxes = [[load_field(1 / d) for d in dd] for dd in dxes] oeps = load_field(-omega ** 2 * epsilon) Pl = load_field(L.diagonal()) Pr = load_field(R.diagonal()) if mu is None: invm = load_field(numpy.array([])) else: invm = load_field(1 / mu) if pec is None: gpec = load_field(numpy.array([]), dtype=numpy.int8) else: gpec = load_field(pec, dtype=numpy.int8) if pmc is None: gpmc = load_field(numpy.array([]), dtype=numpy.int8) else: gpmc = load_field(pmc, dtype=numpy.int8) ''' Generate OpenCL kernels ''' has_mu, has_pec, has_pmc = [q is not None for q in (mu, pec, pmc)] a_step_full = ops.create_a(context, shape, has_mu, has_pec, has_pmc) xr_step = ops.create_xr_step(context) rhoerr_step = ops.create_rhoerr_step(context) p_step = ops.create_p_step(context) dot = ops.create_dot(context) def a_step(E, H, p, events): return a_step_full(E, H, p, inv_dxes, oeps, invm, gpec, gpmc, Pl, Pr, events) ''' Start the solve ''' start_time2 = time.perf_counter() _, err2 = rhoerr_step(r, []) b_norm = numpy.sqrt(err2) print('b_norm check: ', b_norm) success = False for k in range(max_iters): if verbose: print('[{:06d}] rho {:.4} alpha {:4.4}'.format(k, rho, alpha), end=' ') rho_prev = rho e = xr_step(x, p, r, v, alpha, []) rho, err2 = rhoerr_step(r, e) errs += [numpy.sqrt(err2) / b_norm] if verbose: print('err', errs[-1]) if errs[-1] < err_thresh: success = True break e = p_step(p, r, rho/rho_prev, []) e = a_step(v, H, p, e) alpha = rho / dot(p, v, e) if k % 1000 == 0: print(k) ''' Done solving ''' time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start_time # Undo preconditioners if adjoint: x = (Pl * x).get() else: x = (Pr * x).get() if success: print('Success', end='') else: print('Failure', end=', ') print(', {} iterations in {} sec: {} iterations/sec \ '.format(k, time_elapsed, k / time_elapsed)) print('final error', errs[-1]) print('overhead {} sec'.format(start_time2 - start_time)) A0 = fdfd_tools.operators.e_full(omega, dxes, epsilon, mu).tocsr() if adjoint: # Remember we conjugated all the contents of A earlier A0 = A0.T print('Post-everything residual:', norm(A0 @ x - b) / norm(b)) return x