""" Basic PyOpenCL operations The functions are mostly concerned with creating and compiling OpenCL kernels for use by the other solvers. See kernels/ for any of the .cl files loaded in this file. """ from typing import List, Callable import numpy import jinja2 import pyopencl import pyopencl.array from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel from pyopencl.reduction import ReductionKernel # Create jinja2 env on module load jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__name__, 'kernels')) # Return type for the create_opname(...) functions operation = Callable[..., List[pyopencl.Event]] def type_to_C(float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64) -> str: """ Returns a string corresponding to the C equivalent of a numpy type. :param float_type: numpy type: float32, float64, complex64, complex128 :return: string containing the corresponding C type (eg. 'double') """ types = { numpy.float32: 'float', numpy.float64: 'double', numpy.complex64: 'cfloat_t', numpy.complex128: 'cdouble_t', } if float_type not in types: raise Exception('Unsupported type') return types[float_type] # Type names ctype = type_to_C(numpy.complex128) ctype_bare = 'cdouble' # Preamble for all OpenCL code preamble = ''' #define PYOPENCL_DEFINE_CDOUBLE #include //Defines to clean up operation and type names #define ctype {ctype}_t #define zero {ctype}_new(0.0, 0.0) #define add {ctype}_add #define sub {ctype}_sub #define mul {ctype}_mul '''.format(ctype=ctype_bare) def ptrs(*args: str) -> List[str]: return [ctype + ' *' + s for s in args] def create_a(context: pyopencl.Context, shape: numpy.ndarray, mu: bool = False, pec: bool = False, pmc: bool = False, ) -> operation: """ Return a function which performs (A @ p), where A is the FDFD wave equation for E-field. The returned function has the signature spmv(E, H, p, idxes, oeps, inv_mu, pec, pmc, Pl, Pr, e) with arguments (all except e are of type pyopencl.array.Array (or contain it)): E E-field (output) H Temporary variable for holding intermediate H-field values on GPU (same size as E) p p-vector (input vector) idxes list holding [[1/dx_e, 1/dy_e, 1/dz_e], [1/dx_h, 1/dy_h, 1/dz_h]] (complex cell widths) oeps omega * epsilon inv_mu 1/mu pec array of bytes; nonzero value indicates presence of PEC pmc array of bytes; nonzero value indicates presence of PMC Pl Left preconditioner (array containing diagonal entries only) Pr Right preconditioner (array containing diagonal entries only) e List of pyopencl.Event; execution will wait until these are finished. and returns a list of pyopencl.Event. :param context: PyOpenCL context :param shape: Dimensions of the E-field :param mu: False iff (mu == 1) everywhere :param pec: False iff no PEC anywhere :param pmc: False iff no PMC anywhere :return: Function for computing (A @ p) """ common_source = jinja_env.get_template('common.cl').render(shape=shape) pec_arg = ['char *pec'] pmc_arg = ['char *pmc'] des = [ctype + ' *inv_de' + a for a in 'xyz'] dhs = [ctype + ' *inv_dh' + a for a in 'xyz'] ''' Convert p to initial E (ie, apply right preconditioner and PEC) ''' p2e_source = jinja_env.get_template('p2e.cl').render(pec=pec) P2E_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='P2E', preamble=preamble, operation=p2e_source, arguments=', '.join(ptrs('E', 'p', 'Pr') + pec_arg)) ''' Calculate intermediate H from intermediate E ''' e2h_source = jinja_env.get_template('e2h.cl').render(mu=mu, pmc=pmc, common_cl=common_source) E2H_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='E2H', preamble=preamble, operation=e2h_source, arguments=', '.join(ptrs('E', 'H', 'inv_mu') + pmc_arg + des)) ''' Calculate final E (including left preconditioner) ''' h2e_source = jinja_env.get_template('h2e.cl').render(pec=pec, common_cl=common_source) H2E_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='H2E', preamble=preamble, operation=h2e_source, arguments=', '.join(ptrs('E', 'H', 'oeps', 'Pl') + pec_arg + dhs)) def spmv(E, H, p, idxes, oeps, inv_mu, pec, pmc, Pl, Pr, e): e2 = P2E_kernel(E, p, Pr, pec, wait_for=e) e2 = E2H_kernel(E, H, inv_mu, pmc, *idxes[0], wait_for=[e2]) e2 = H2E_kernel(E, H, oeps, Pl, pec, *idxes[1], wait_for=[e2]) return [e2] return spmv def create_xr_step(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function xr_update(x, p, r, v, alpha, e) which performs the operations x += alpha * p r -= alpha * v after waiting for all in the list e and returns a list of pyopencl.Event :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing x and r updates """ update_xr_source = ''' x[i] = add(x[i], mul(alpha, p[i])); r[i] = sub(r[i], mul(alpha, v[i])); ''' xr_args = ', '.join(ptrs('x', 'p', 'r', 'v') + [ctype + ' alpha']) xr_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='XR', preamble=preamble, operation=update_xr_source, arguments=xr_args) def xr_update(x, p, r, v, alpha, e): return [xr_kernel(x, p, r, v, alpha, wait_for=e)] return xr_update def create_rhoerr_step(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function ri_update(r, e) which performs the operations rho = r * r.conj() err = r * r after waiting for all pyopencl.Event in the list e and returns a list of pyopencl.Event :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing x and r updates """ update_ri_source = ''' (double3)(r[i].real * r[i].real, \ r[i].real * r[i].imag, \ r[i].imag * r[i].imag) ''' # Use a vector type (double3) to make the reduction simpler ri_dtype = pyopencl.array.vec.double3 ri_kernel = ReductionKernel(context, name='RHOERR', preamble=preamble, dtype_out=ri_dtype, neutral='(double3)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)', map_expr=update_ri_source, reduce_expr='a+b', arguments=ctype + ' *r') def ri_update(r, e): g = ri_kernel(r, wait_for=e).astype(ri_dtype).get() rr, ri, ii = [g[q] for q in 'xyz'] rho = rr + 2j * ri - ii err = rr + ii return rho, err return ri_update def create_p_step(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function p_update(p, r, beta, e) which performs the operation p = r + beta * p after waiting for all pyopencl.Event in the list e and returns a list of pyopencl.Event :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing the p update """ update_p_source = ''' p[i] = add(r[i], mul(beta, p[i])); ''' p_args = ptrs('p', 'r') + [ctype + ' beta'] p_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='P', preamble=preamble, operation=update_p_source, arguments=', '.join(p_args)) def p_update(p, r, beta, e): return [p_kernel(p, r, beta, wait_for=e)] return p_update def create_dot(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function for performing the dot product p @ v with the signature dot(p, v, e) -> float :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing the dot product """ dot_dtype = numpy.complex128 dot_kernel = ReductionKernel(context, name='dot', preamble=preamble, dtype_out=dot_dtype, neutral='zero', map_expr='mul(p[i], v[i])', reduce_expr='add(a, b)', arguments=ptrs('p', 'v')) def dot(p, v, e): g = dot_kernel(p, v, wait_for=e) return g.get() return dot def create_a_csr(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function for performing the operation (N @ v) where N is stored in CSR (compressed sparse row) format. The function signature is spmv(v_out, m, v_in, e) where m is an opencl_fdfd.csr.CSRMatrix and v_out, v_in are (dense) vectors (of type pyopencl.array.Array). The function waits on all the pyopencl.Event in e before running, and returns a list of pyopencl.Event. :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for sparse (M @ v) operation where M is in CSR format """ spmv_source = ''' int start = m_row_ptr[i]; int stop = m_row_ptr[i+1]; ctype dot = zero; int col_ind, d_ind; for (int j=start; j