""" Functionality for extracting geometry and label info from `masque` patterns. """ from typing import Sequence, Dict, List, Any, Tuple, Optional, Mapping from collections import defaultdict import numpy from numpy.typing import NDArray from masque import Pattern from masque.file import oasis, gdsii from masque.shapes import Polygon from ..types import layer_t from ..utils import connectivity2layers def read_cell( cell: Pattern, connectivity: Sequence[Tuple[layer_t, Optional[layer_t], layer_t]], label_mapping: Optional[Mapping[layer_t, layer_t]] = None, ) -> Tuple[ defaultdict[layer_t, List[NDArray[numpy.float64]]], defaultdict[layer_t, List[Tuple[float, float, str]]]]: """ Extract `polys` and `labels` from a `masque.Pattern`. This function extracts the data needed by `snarl.trace_connectivity`. Args: cell: A `masque` `Pattern` object. Usually your topcell. connectivity: A sequence of 3-tuples specifying the layer connectivity. Same as what is provided to `snarl.trace_connectivity`. label_mapping: A mapping of `{label_layer: metal_layer}`. This allows labels to refer to nets on metal layers without the labels themselves being on that layer. Returns: `polys` and `labels` data structures, to be passed to `snarl.trace_connectivity`. """ metal_layers, via_layers = connectivity2layers(connectivity) poly_layers = metal_layers | via_layers if label_mapping is None: label_mapping = {layer: layer for layer in metal_layers} label_layers = {label_layer for label_layer in label_mapping.keys()} cell = cell.deepcopy().subset( shapes_func=lambda ss: ss.layer in poly_layers, labels_func=lambda ll: ll.layer in label_layers, subpatterns_func=lambda ss: True, ) cell = cell.flatten() polys = load_polys(cell, list(poly_layers)) metal_labels = defaultdict(list) for label_layer, metal_layer in label_mapping.items(): labels = [] for ll in cell.labels: if ll.layer != label_layer: continue if ll.repetition is None: displacements = [(0, 0)] else: displacements = ll.repetition.displacements for displacement in displacements: offset = ll.offset + displacement metal_labels[metal_layer].append( (*offset, ll.string) ) return polys, metal_labels def load_polys( cell: Pattern, layers: Sequence[layer_t], ) -> defaultdict[layer_t, List[NDArray[numpy.float64]]]: """ Given a *flat* `masque.Pattern`, extract the polygon info into the format used by `snarl`. Args: cell: The `Pattern` object to extract from. layers: The layers to extract. Returns: `{layer0: [poly0, [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...], poly2, ...]}` `polys` structure usable by `snarl.trace_connectivity`. """ polys = defaultdict(list) for ss in cell.shapes: if ss.layer not in layers: continue assert(isinstance(ss, Polygon)) if ss.repetition is None: displacements = [(0, 0)] else: displacements = ss.repetition.displacements for displacement in displacements: polys[ss.layer].append( ss.vertices + ss.offset + displacement ) return polys