snarled README ============ Layout connectivity checker. `snarled` is a python package for checking electrical connectivity in multi-layer layouts. It is intended to be "poor-man's LVS" (layout-versus-schematic), for when poverty has deprived the man of both a schematic and a better connectivity tool. - [Source repository]( - [PyPI]( ## Installation Requirements: * python >= 3.9 (written and tested with 3.10) * numpy * klayout (python package only) Install with pip: ```bash pip install snarled ``` Alternatively, install from git ```bash pip install git+ ``` ## Example See `examples/` (python interface) or `examples/` (command-line interface). Command line: ```bash snarled connectivity.oas connectivity.txt -m layermap.txt ``` Python interface: ```python3 from pprint import pformat import logging import snarled from snarled.types import layer_t logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger('snarled').setLevel(logging.INFO) connectivity = [ ((1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0)), # M1 to M2 (via V12) ((1, 0), (1, 3), (3, 0)), # M1 to M3 (via V13) ((2, 0), (2, 3), (3, 0)), # M2 to M3 (via V23) ] labels_map: dict[layer_t, layer_t] = { (1, 0): (1, 0), (2, 0): (2, 0), (3, 0): (3, 0), } filename = 'connectivity.oas' nets = snarled.trace_layout(filename, connectivity, topcell='top', labels_map=labels_map) result = snarled.TraceAnalysis(nets) print('\n') print(result) ``` this prints the following: ``` INFO:snarled.trace:Adding layer (3, 0) INFO:snarled.trace:Adding layer (2, 3) INFO:snarled.trace:Adding layer (1, 3) INFO:snarled.trace:Adding layer (1, 2) INFO:snarled.trace:Adding layer (1, 0) INFO:snarled.trace:Adding layer (2, 0) Trace analysis ============= Nets (groups of electrically connected labels) SignalA,SignalB SignalC,SignalD,SignalI SignalE,SignalF SignalG,SignalH SignalK SignalK SignalL Opens (2+ nets containing the same name) SignalK : 2 nets Shorts (2+ unique names for the same net) SignalA,SignalB SignalC,SignalD,SignalI SignalE,SignalF SignalG,SignalH ============= ``` ## Code organization - The primary functionality is in `trace`; specifically `trace.trace_layout()`. - `main` provides a command-line interface, supported by the functions in `utils`.