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5 years ago
import unittest
from gdsii.record import _parse_real8, _pack_real8, _int_to_real, _real_to_int
from gdsii import exceptions
import struct
class TestReal8(unittest.TestCase):
data = {
0x4110000000000000: 1.0,
0x4120000000000000: 2.0,
0x4130000000000000: 3.0,
0xC110000000000000: -1.0,
0xC120000000000000: -2.0,
0xC130000000000000: -3.0,
0x4080000000000000: 0.5,
0x4099999999999999: 0.6,
0x40B3333333333333: 0.7,
0x4118000000000000: 1.5,
0x4119999999999999: 1.6,
0x411B333333333333: 1.7,
0x0000000000000000: 0.0,
0x41A0000000000000: 10.0,
0x4264000000000000: 100.0,
0x433E800000000000: 1000.0, # there is error in doc?
0x4427100000000000: 10000.0,
0x45186A0000000000: 100000.0
def test_from_int(self):
for int_val, real_val in
self.assertAlmostEqual(_int_to_real(int_val), real_val)
def test_to_int(self):
for int_val, real_val in
self.assertAlmostEqual(real_val, _int_to_real(_real_to_int(real_val)))
def test_parse(self):
packed_data = struct.pack('>{0}Q'.format(len(, *
unpacked = _parse_real8(packed_data)
expected_results = list(
self.assertEqual(len(unpacked), len(expected_results))
for i in range(len(unpacked)):
self.assertAlmostEqual(unpacked[i], expected_results[i])
def test_pack(self):
packed_data = _pack_real8(
unpacked = _parse_real8(packed_data)
expected_results = list(
self.assertEqual(len(unpacked), len(expected_results))
for i in range(len(unpacked)):
self.assertAlmostEqual(unpacked[i], expected_results[i])
def test_exceptions(self):
for i in range(8):
self.assertRaises(exceptions.IncorrectDataSize, _parse_real8, b' '*i)
test_cases = (TestReal8,)
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for test_class in test_cases:
tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':