""" Example code for running an OpenCL FDTD simulation See main() for simulation setup. """ import sys import time import logging import pyopencl import numpy import lzma import dill from opencl_fdtd import Simulation from masque import Pattern, shapes import gridlock import pcgen import fdfd_tools __author__ = 'Jan Petykiewicz' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def perturbed_l3(a: float, radius: float, **kwargs) -> Pattern: """ Generate a masque.Pattern object containing a perturbed L3 cavity. :param a: Lattice constant. :param radius: Hole radius, in units of a (lattice constant). :param kwargs: Keyword arguments: hole_dose, trench_dose, hole_layer, trench_layer: Shape properties for Pattern. Defaults *_dose=1, hole_layer=0, trench_layer=1. shifts_a, shifts_r: passed to pcgen.l3_shift; specifies lattice constant (1 - multiplicative factor) and radius (multiplicative factor) for shifting holes adjacent to the defect (same row). Defaults are 0.15 shift for first hole, 0.075 shift for third hole, and no radius change. xy_size: [x, y] number of mirror periods in each direction; total size is 2 * n + 1 holes in each direction. Default [10, 10]. perturbed_radius: radius of holes perturbed to form an upwards-driected beam (multiplicative factor). Default 1.1. trench width: Width of the undercut trenches. Default 1.2e3. :return: masque.Pattern object containing the L3 design """ default_args = {'hole_dose': 1, 'trench_dose': 1, 'hole_layer': 0, 'trench_layer': 1, 'shifts_a': (0.15, 0, 0.075), 'shifts_r': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'xy_size': (10, 10), 'perturbed_radius': 1.1, 'trench_width': 1.2e3, } kwargs = {**default_args, **kwargs} xyr = pcgen.l3_shift_perturbed_defect(mirror_dims=kwargs['xy_size'], perturbed_radius=kwargs['perturbed_radius'], shifts_a=kwargs['shifts_a'], shifts_r=kwargs['shifts_r']) xyr *= a xyr[:, 2] *= radius pat = Pattern() pat.name = 'L3p-a{:g}r{:g}rp{:g}'.format(a, radius, kwargs['perturbed_radius']) pat.shapes += [shapes.Circle(radius=r, offset=(x, y), dose=kwargs['hole_dose'], layer=kwargs['hole_layer']) for x, y, r in xyr] maxes = numpy.max(numpy.fabs(xyr), axis=0) pat.shapes += [shapes.Polygon.rectangle( lx=(2 * maxes[0]), ly=kwargs['trench_width'], offset=(0, s * (maxes[1] + a + kwargs['trench_width'] / 2)), dose=kwargs['trench_dose'], layer=kwargs['trench_layer']) for s in (-1, 1)] return pat def main(): max_t = 4000 # number of timesteps dx = 25 # discretization (nm/cell) pml_thickness = 8 # (number of cells) wl = 1550 # Excitation wavelength and fwhm dwl = 200 # Device design parameters xy_size = numpy.array([10, 10]) a = 430 r = 0.285 th = 170 # refractive indices n_slab = 3.408 # InGaAsP(80, 50) @ 1550nm n_air = 1.0 # air # Half-dimensions of the simulation grid # xy_max = (xy_size + 1) * a * [1, numpy.sqrt(3)/2] # z_max = 1.6 * a # xyz_max = numpy.hstack((xy_max, z_max)) + pml_thickness * dx # # # Coordinates of the edges of the cells. # # The fdtd package can only do square grids at the moment. # half_edge_coords = [numpy.arange(dx/2, m + dx, step=dx) for m in xyz_max] # edge_coords = [numpy.hstack((-h[::-1], h)) for h in half_edge_coords] edge_coords = [numpy.arange(-100.5, 101), numpy.arange(-1, 1), numpy.arange(-100.5, 101)] # edge_coords = [numpy.arange(-100.5, 101), numpy.arange(-100.5, 101), numpy.arange(-1, 1)] # #### Create the grid, mask, and draw the device #### grid = gridlock.Grid(edge_coords, initial=n_air**2, num_grids=3) # grid.draw_slab(surface_normal=gridlock.Direction.z, # center=[0, 0, 0], # thickness=th, # eps=n_slab**2) # mask = perturbed_l3(a, r) # # grid.draw_polygons(surface_normal=gridlock.Direction.z, # center=[0, 0, 0], # thickness=2 * th, # eps=n_air**2, # polygons=mask.as_polygons()) logger.info('grid shape: {}'.format(grid.shape)) # #### Create the simulation grid #### # pmls = [{'axis': a, 'polarity': p, 'thickness': pml_thickness} # for a in 'xyz' for p in 'np'] pmls = [{'axis': a, 'polarity': p, 'thickness': pml_thickness} for a in 'xz' for p in 'np'] #bloch = [{'axis': a, 'real': 1, 'imag': 0} for a in 'x'] bloch = [] sim = Simulation(grid.grids, do_poynting=True, pmls=pmls, bloch_boundaries=bloch) # Source parameters and function w = 2 * numpy.pi * dx / wl fwhm = dwl * w * w / (2 * numpy.pi * dx) alpha = (fwhm ** 2) / 8 * numpy.log(2) delay = 7/numpy.sqrt(2 * alpha) def field_source(i): t0 = i * sim.dt - delay return numpy.sin(w * t0) * numpy.exp(-alpha * t0**2) with open('sources.c', 'w') as f: f.write(sim.sources['E']) f.write('\n====================H======================\n') f.write(sim.sources['H']) if sim.update_S: f.write('\n=====================S=====================\n') f.write(sim.sources['S']) if bloch: f.write('\n=====================F=====================\n') f.write(sim.sources['F']) f.write('\n=====================G=====================\n') f.write(sim.sources['G']) planes = numpy.empty((max_t, 4)) planes2 = numpy.empty((max_t, 4)) Ectr = numpy.empty(max_t) u = numpy.empty(max_t) ui = numpy.empty(max_t) # #### Run a bunch of iterations #### # event = sim.whatever([prev_event]) indicates that sim.whatever should be queued # immediately and run once prev_event is finished. start = time.perf_counter() for t in range(max_t): e = sim.update_E([]) # if bloch: # e = sim.update_F([e]) e.wait() ind = numpy.ravel_multi_index(tuple(grid.shape//2), dims=grid.shape, order='C') + numpy.prod(grid.shape) # sim.E[ind] += field_source(t) if t == 2: sim.E[ind] += 1e6 h_old = sim.H.copy() e = sim.update_H([]) # if bloch: # e = sim.update_G([e]) e.wait() S = sim.S.get().reshape(grid.grids.shape) * sim.dt * dx * dx *dx m = 30 planes[t] = ( S[0][+pml_thickness+2, :, pml_thickness+3:-pml_thickness-3].sum(), S[0][-pml_thickness-2, :, pml_thickness+3:-pml_thickness-3].sum(), S[2][pml_thickness+2:-pml_thickness-2, :, +pml_thickness+2].sum(), S[2][pml_thickness+2:-pml_thickness-2, :, -pml_thickness-2].sum(), ) planes2[t] = ( S[0][grid.shape[0]//2-1, 0, grid.shape[2]//2].sum(), S[0][grid.shape[0]//2 , 0, grid.shape[2]//2].sum(), S[2][grid.shape[0]//2 , 0, grid.shape[2]//2-1].sum(), S[2][grid.shape[0]//2 , 0, grid.shape[2]//2].sum(), ) # planes[t] = ( # S[0][+pml_thickness+m, pml_thickness+m+1:-pml_thickness-m, :].sum(), # S[0][-pml_thickness-m, pml_thickness+m+1:-pml_thickness-m, :].sum(), # S[1][pml_thickness+1+m:-pml_thickness-m, +pml_thickness+m, :].sum(), # S[1][pml_thickness+1+m:-pml_thickness-m, -pml_thickness-m, :].sum(), # ) # planes2[t] = ( # S[0][grid.shape[0]//2-1, grid.shape[1]//2 , 0].sum(), # S[0][grid.shape[0]//2 , grid.shape[1]//2 , 0].sum(), # S[1][grid.shape[0]//2 , grid.shape[1]//2-1, 0].sum(), # S[1][grid.shape[0]//2 , grid.shape[1]//2 , 0].sum(), # ) Ectr[t] = sim.E[ind].get() u[t] = pyopencl.array.sum(sim.E * sim.E * sim.eps + h_old * sim.H).get() * dx * dx * dx ui[t] = (sim.E * sim.E * sim.eps + h_old * sim.H).reshape(grid.grids.shape).get()[:, pml_thickness+m:-pml_thickness-m, :, pml_thickness+m:-pml_thickness-m].sum() * dx * dx * dx # ui[t] = (sim.E * sim.E * sim.eps + h_old * sim.H).reshape(grid.grids.shape).get()[:, pml_thickness+m:-pml_thickness-m, # pml_thickness+m:-pml_thickness-m, :].sum() * dx * dx * dx if t % 100 == 0: logger.info('iteration {}: average {} iterations per sec'.format(t, (t+1)/(time.perf_counter()-start))) sys.stdout.flush() with lzma.open('saved_simulation', 'wb') as f: def unvec(f): return fdfd_tools.unvec(f, grid.shape) d = { 'grid': grid, 'E': unvec(sim.E.get()), 'H': unvec(sim.H.get()), 'dt': sim.dt, 'dx': dx, 'planes': planes, 'planes2': planes2, 'Ectr': Ectr, 'u': u, 'ui': ui, } if sim.S is not None: d['S'] = unvec(sim.S.get()) dill.dump(d, f) if __name__ == '__main__': main()