type modernization

Jan Petykiewicz 4 months ago
parent 654f9c165b
commit d0011cb1f9

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Class for constructing and holding the basic FDTD operations and fields
from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Type, Union, Optional, Sequence
from typing import Callable, Type, Sequence
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray
@ -62,29 +62,29 @@ class Simulation(object):
S: pyopencl.array.Array
eps: pyopencl.array.Array
dt: float
inv_dxes: List[pyopencl.array.Array]
inv_dxes: list[pyopencl.array.Array]
arg_type: Type
context: pyopencl.Context
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue
update_E: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_H: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_S: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_J: Callable[[List[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
sources: Dict[str, str]
update_E: Callable[[list[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_H: Callable[[list[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_S: Callable[[list[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
update_J: Callable[[list[pyopencl.Event]], pyopencl.Event]
sources: dict[str, str]
def __init__(
epsilon: NDArray,
pmls: Sequence[Dict[str, float]],
bloch_boundaries: Sequence[Dict[str, float]] = (),
dxes: Union[List[List[NDArray]], float, None] = None,
dt: Optional[float] = None,
initial_fields: Optional[Dict[str, NDArray]] = None,
context: Optional[pyopencl.Context] = None,
queue: Optional[pyopencl.CommandQueue] = None,
pmls: Sequence[dict[str, float]],
bloch_boundaries: Sequence[dict[str, float]] = (),
dxes: list[list[NDArray]] | float | None = None,
dt: float | None = None,
initial_fields: dict[str, NDArray] | None = None,
context: pyopencl.Context | None = None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue | None = None,
float_type: Type = numpy.float32,
do_poynting: bool = True,
do_fieldsrc: bool = False,
@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ class Simulation(object):
def _create_context(
context: Optional[pyopencl.Context] = None,
queue: Optional[pyopencl.CommandQueue] = None,
context: pyopencl.Context | None = None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue | None = None,
) -> None:
if context is None:
self.context = pyopencl.create_some_context()
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class Simulation(object):
raise Exception(f'Epsilon shape mismatch. Expected {self.shape}, got {epsilon[0].shape}')
self.eps = pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, vec(epsilon).astype(self.arg_type))
def _create_field(self, initial_value: Optional[NDArray] = None) -> pyopencl.array.Array:
def _create_field(self, initial_value: NDArray | None = None) -> pyopencl.array.Array:
if initial_value is None:
return pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.eps)
