snapshot 2022-11-24 22:29:08.023001

jan 1 year ago
parent 689b3176cc
commit 5805f24ece

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* Update E-field, including any PMLs.
* Template parameters:
* common_header: Rendered contents of
* pmls: [('x', 'n'), ('z', 'p'),...] list of pml axes and polarities
* pml_thickness: Number of cells (integer)
* OpenCL args:
* E, H, dt, eps, [p{01}e{np}, Psi_{xyz}{np}_E]
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : enable
#define read_field(E, x, y, z) read_imagef(E, sampler, (int4)(z, y, x, 0))
#define write_field(E, x, y, z, E__) write_imagef(E, (int4)(z, y, x, 0), E__)
const sampler_t sampler = CLK_FILTER_NEAREST | \
__kernel void update_e(
__global float* E,
__read_only image3d_t H,
const float dt,
__read_only image3d_t eps,
const size_t n
) {
size_t lid = get_local_id(0);
size_t gsize = get_global_size(0);
size_t work_group_start = get_local_size(0) * get_group_id(0);
size_t i;
for (i = work_group_start + lid; i < n; i += gsize) {
{{common_header | indent(8, False)}}
float4 eps__ = read_field(eps, x, y, z);
float4 H__ = read_field(H, x, y, z);
float4 Hmx = read_field(H, x + mx, y, z);
float4 Hmy = read_field(H, x, y + my, z);
float4 Hmz = read_field(H, x, y, z + mz);
{% if pmls -%}
const int pml_thickness = {{pml_thickness}};
{%- endif %}
* Precalclate derivatives
float dHxy = H__.x - Hmy.x;
float dHxz = H__.x - Hmz.x;
float dHyx = H__.y - Hmx.y;
float dHyz = H__.y - Hmz.y;
float dHzx = H__.z - Hmx.z;
float dHzy = H__.z - Hmy.z;
* PML Update
// PML effects on E
float pExi = 0;
float pEyi = 0;
float pEzi = 0;
{% for r, p in pmls -%}
{%- set u, v = ['x', 'y', 'z'] | reject('equalto', r) -%}
{%- set psi = 'Psi_' ~ r ~ p ~ '_E' -%}
{%- if r != 'y' -%}
{%- set se, sh = '-', '+' -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set se, sh = '+', '-' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if p == 'n' %}
if ( {{r}} < pml_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = {{r}}; // index into pml parameters
{%- elif p == 'p' %}
if ( s{{r}} > {{r}} && {{r}} >= s{{r}} - pml_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (s{{r}} - 1) - {{r}}; // index into pml parameters
{%- endif %}
const size_t ip = {{v}} + {{u}} * s{{v}} + ir * s{{v}} * s{{u}}; // linear index into Psi
{{psi ~ u}}[ip] = p0e{{p}}[ir] * {{psi ~ u}}[ip] + p1e{{p}}[ir] * dH{{v ~ r}};
{{psi ~ v}}[ip] = p0e{{p}}[ir] * {{psi ~ v}}[ip] + p1e{{p}}[ir] * dH{{u ~ r}};
pE{{u}}i {{se}}= {{psi ~ u}}[ip];
pE{{v}}i {{sh}}= {{psi ~ v}}[ip];
{%- endfor %}
* Update E
float4 E__ = vload4(i, E);
E__.x += dt / eps__.x * (dHzy - dHyz + pExi);
E__.y += dt / eps__.y * (dHxz - dHzx + pEyi);
E__.z += dt / eps__.z * (dHyx - dHxy + pEzi);
vstore4(E__, i, E);

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
* Update H-field, including any PMLs.
* Also precalculate values for poynting vector if necessary.
* Template parameters:
* common_header: Rendered contents of
* pmls: [('x', 'n'), ('z', 'p'),...] list of pml axes and polarities
* pml_thickness: Number of cells (integer)
* do_poynting: Whether to precalculate poynting vector components (boolean)
* OpenCL args:
* E, H, dt, [p{01}h{np}, Psi_{xyz}{np}_H], [oS]
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_3d_image_writes : enable
#define read_field(E, x, y, z) read_imagef(E, sampler, (int4)(z, y, x, 0))
#define write_field(E, x, y, z, E__) write_imagef(E, (int4)(z, y, x, 0), E__)
const sampler_t sampler = CLK_FILTER_NEAREST | \
__kernel void update_h(
__read_only image3d_t E,
__global float* H,
const float dt,
const size_t n
{% if pmls -%}
__global float* S,
{%- endif %}
) {
size_t lid = get_local_id(0);
size_t gsize = get_global_size(0);
size_t work_group_start = get_local_size(0) * get_group_id(0);
size_t i;
for (i = work_group_start + lid; i < n; i += gsize) {
{{common_header | indent(8, False)}}
float4 E__ = read_field(E, x, y, z);
float4 Epx = read_field(E, x + px, y, z);
float4 Epy = read_field(E, x, y + py, z);
float4 Epz = read_field(E, x, y, z + pz);
{% if pmls -%}
const int pml_thickness = {{pml_thickness}};
{%- endif %}
* Precalculate derivatives
float dExy = Epy.x - E__.x;
float dExz = Epz.x - E__.x;
float dEyx = Epx.y - E__.y;
float dEyz = Epz.y - E__.y;
float dEzx = Epx.z - E__.z;
float dEzy = Epy.z - E__.z;
* PML Update
// PML contributions to H
float pHxi = 0;
float pHyi = 0;
float pHzi = 0;
{%- for r, p in pmls -%}
{%- set u, v = ['x', 'y', 'z'] | reject('equalto', r) -%}
{%- set psi = 'Psi_' ~ r ~ p ~ '_H' -%}
{%- if r != 'y' -%}
{%- set se, sh = '-', '+' -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set se, sh = '+', '-' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if p == 'n' %}
if ( {{r}} < pml_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = {{r}}; // index into pml parameters
{%- elif p == 'p' %}
if ( s{{r}} > {{r}} && {{r}} >= s{{r}} - pml_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (s{{r}} - 1) - {{r}}; // index into pml parameters
{%- endif %}
const size_t ip = {{v}} + {{u}} * s{{v}} + ir * s{{v}} * s{{u}}; // linear index into Psi
{{psi ~ u}}[ip] = p0h{{p}}[ir] * {{psi ~ u}}[ip] + p1h{{p}}[ir] * dE{{v ~ r}};
{{psi ~ v}}[ip] = p0h{{p}}[ir] * {{psi ~ v}}[ip] + p1h{{p}}[ir] * dE{{u ~ r}};
pH{{u}}i {{sh}}= {{psi ~ u}}[ip];
pH{{v}}i {{se}}= {{psi ~ v}}[ip];
{%- endfor %}
* Update H
{% if do_poynting -%}
// Save old H for averaging
float Hx_old = Hx[i];
float Hy_old = Hy[i];
float Hz_old = Hz[i];
{%- endif %}
// H update equations
float4 H__ = vload4(i, H);
H__.x -= dt * (dEzy - dEyz + pHxi);
H__.y -= dt * (dExz - dEzx + pHyi);
H__.z -= dt * (dEyx - dExy + pHzi);
vstore4(H__, i, H);
{% if do_poynting -%}
// Average H across timesteps
float aHxt = Hx[i] + Hx_old;
float aHyt = Hy[i] + Hy_old;
float aHzt = Hz[i] + Hz_old;
* Calculate unscaled S components at H locations
float4 S__;
S__.x = Epx.y * aHzt - Epx.z * aHyt;
S__.y = Epy.z * aHxt - Epy.x * aHzt;
S__.z = Epz.x * aHyt - Epz.y * aHxt;
write_field(S, x, y, z, S__);
{%- endif -%}

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
* Update E-field, including any PMLs.
* Template parameters:
* common_header: Rendered contents of
* pmls: [{'axis': 'x', 'polarity': 'n', 'thickness': 8}, ...] list of pml dicts containing
axes, polarities, and thicknesses.
* OpenCL args:
* E, H, dt, eps, [p{01}e{np}, Psi_{xyz}{np}_E]
typedef float ftype;
* Field size info
const size_t sx = 395;
const size_t sy = 345;
const size_t sz = 73;
const size_t field_size = sx * sy * sz;
//Since we use i to index into Ex[], Ey[], ... rather than E[], do nothing if
// i is outside the bounds of Ex[].
if (i >= field_size) {
* Array indexing
// Given a linear index i and shape (sx, sy, sz), defines x, y, and z
// as the 3D indices of the current element (i).
// (ie, converts linear index [i] to field indices (x, y, z)
const size_t x = i / (sz * sy);
const size_t y = (i - x * sz * sy) / sz;
const size_t z = (i - y * sz - x * sz * sy);
// Calculate linear index offsets corresponding to offsets in 3D
// (ie, if E[i] <-> E(x, y, z), then E[i + diy] <-> E(x, y + 1, z)
const size_t dix = sz * sy;
const size_t diy = sz;
const size_t diz = 1;
* Pointer math
//Pointer offsets into the components of a linearized vector-field
// (eg. Hx = H + XX, where H and Hx are pointers)
const size_t XX = 0;
const size_t YY = field_size;
const size_t ZZ = field_size * 2;
//Define pointers to vector components of each field (eg. Hx = H + XX)
__global ftype *Ex = E + XX;
__global ftype *Ey = E + YY;
__global ftype *Ez = E + ZZ;
__global ftype *Hx = H + XX;
__global ftype *Hy = H + YY;
__global ftype *Hz = H + ZZ;
* Implement periodic boundary conditions
* mx ([m]inus [x]) gives the index offset of the adjacent cell in the minus-x direction.
* In the event that we start at x == 0, we actually want to wrap around and grab the cell
* x_{-1} == (sx - 1) instead, ie. mx = (sx - 1) * dix .
* px ([p]lus [x]) gives the index offset of the adjacent cell in the plus-x direction.
* In the event that we start at x == (sx - 1), we actually want to wrap around and grab
* the cell x_{+1} == 0 instead, ie. px = -(sx - 1) * dix .
int mx = -dix;
int px = +dix;
int wrap_x = (sx - 1) * dix;
if ( x == 0 ) {
mx = wrap_x;
} else if ( x == sx - 1 ) {
px = -wrap_x;
int my = -diy;
int py = +diy;
int wrap_y = (sy - 1) * diy;
if ( y == 0 ) {
my = wrap_y;
} else if ( y == sy - 1 ) {
py = -wrap_y;
int mz = -diz;
int pz = +diz;
int wrap_z = (sz - 1) * diz;
if ( z == 0 ) {
mz = wrap_z;
} else if ( z == sz - 1 ) {
pz = -wrap_z;
__global ftype *epsx = eps + XX;
__global ftype *epsy = eps + YY;
__global ftype *epsz = eps + ZZ;
* Precalclate derivatives
ftype dHxy = Hx[i] - Hx[i + my];
ftype dHxz = Hx[i] - Hx[i + mz];
ftype dHyx = Hy[i] - Hy[i + mx];
ftype dHyz = Hy[i] - Hy[i + mz];
ftype dHzx = Hz[i] - Hz[i + mx];
ftype dHzy = Hz[i] - Hz[i + my];
* PML Update
// PML effects on E
ftype pExi = 0;
ftype pEyi = 0;
ftype pEzi = 0;
int pml_xn_thickness = 8;
if ( x < pml_xn_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = x; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + y * sz + ir * sz * sy; // linear index into Psi
Psi_xn_Ey[ip] = px0en[ir] * Psi_xn_Ey[ip] + px1en[ir] * dHzx;
Psi_xn_Ez[ip] = px0en[ir] * Psi_xn_Ez[ip] + px1en[ir] * dHyx;
pEyi -= Psi_xn_Ey[ip];
pEzi += Psi_xn_Ez[ip];
}int pml_xp_thickness = 8;
if ( sx > x && x >= sx - pml_xp_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (sx - 1) - x; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + y * sz + ir * sz * sy; // linear index into Psi
Psi_xp_Ey[ip] = px0ep[ir] * Psi_xp_Ey[ip] + px1ep[ir] * dHzx;
Psi_xp_Ez[ip] = px0ep[ir] * Psi_xp_Ez[ip] + px1ep[ir] * dHyx;
pEyi -= Psi_xp_Ey[ip];
pEzi += Psi_xp_Ez[ip];
}int pml_yn_thickness = 8;
if ( y < pml_yn_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = y; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + x * sz + ir * sz * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_yn_Ex[ip] = py0en[ir] * Psi_yn_Ex[ip] + py1en[ir] * dHzy;
Psi_yn_Ez[ip] = py0en[ir] * Psi_yn_Ez[ip] + py1en[ir] * dHxy;
pExi += Psi_yn_Ex[ip];
pEzi -= Psi_yn_Ez[ip];
}int pml_yp_thickness = 8;
if ( sy > y && y >= sy - pml_yp_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (sy - 1) - y; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + x * sz + ir * sz * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_yp_Ex[ip] = py0ep[ir] * Psi_yp_Ex[ip] + py1ep[ir] * dHzy;
Psi_yp_Ez[ip] = py0ep[ir] * Psi_yp_Ez[ip] + py1ep[ir] * dHxy;
pExi += Psi_yp_Ex[ip];
pEzi -= Psi_yp_Ez[ip];
}int pml_zn_thickness = 8;
if ( z < pml_zn_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = z; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = y + x * sy + ir * sy * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_zn_Ex[ip] = pz0en[ir] * Psi_zn_Ex[ip] + pz1en[ir] * dHyz;
Psi_zn_Ey[ip] = pz0en[ir] * Psi_zn_Ey[ip] + pz1en[ir] * dHxz;
pExi -= Psi_zn_Ex[ip];
pEyi += Psi_zn_Ey[ip];
}int pml_zp_thickness = 8;
if ( sz > z && z >= sz - pml_zp_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (sz - 1) - z; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = y + x * sy + ir * sy * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_zp_Ex[ip] = pz0ep[ir] * Psi_zp_Ex[ip] + pz1ep[ir] * dHyz;
Psi_zp_Ey[ip] = pz0ep[ir] * Psi_zp_Ey[ip] + pz1ep[ir] * dHxz;
pExi -= Psi_zp_Ex[ip];
pEyi += Psi_zp_Ey[ip];
* Update E
Ex[i] += dt / epsx[i] * (dHzy - dHyz + pExi);
Ey[i] += dt / epsy[i] * (dHxz - dHzx + pEyi);
Ez[i] += dt / epsz[i] * (dHyx - dHxy + pEzi);
* Update H-field, including any PMLs.
* Also precalculate values for poynting vector if necessary.
* Template parameters:
* common_header: Rendered contents of
* pmls: [{'axis': 'x', 'polarity': 'n', 'thickness': 8}, ...] list of pml dicts containing
axes, polarities, and thicknesses.
* do_poynting: Whether to precalculate poynting vector components (boolean)
* OpenCL args:
* E, H, dt, [p{xyz}{01}h{np}, Psi_{xyz}{np}_H], [oS]
typedef float ftype;
* Field size info
const size_t sx = 395;
const size_t sy = 345;
const size_t sz = 73;
const size_t field_size = sx * sy * sz;
//Since we use i to index into Ex[], Ey[], ... rather than E[], do nothing if
// i is outside the bounds of Ex[].
if (i >= field_size) {
* Array indexing
// Given a linear index i and shape (sx, sy, sz), defines x, y, and z
// as the 3D indices of the current element (i).
// (ie, converts linear index [i] to field indices (x, y, z)
const size_t x = i / (sz * sy);
const size_t y = (i - x * sz * sy) / sz;
const size_t z = (i - y * sz - x * sz * sy);
// Calculate linear index offsets corresponding to offsets in 3D
// (ie, if E[i] <-> E(x, y, z), then E[i + diy] <-> E(x, y + 1, z)
const size_t dix = sz * sy;
const size_t diy = sz;
const size_t diz = 1;
* Pointer math
//Pointer offsets into the components of a linearized vector-field
// (eg. Hx = H + XX, where H and Hx are pointers)
const size_t XX = 0;
const size_t YY = field_size;
const size_t ZZ = field_size * 2;
//Define pointers to vector components of each field (eg. Hx = H + XX)
__global ftype *Ex = E + XX;
__global ftype *Ey = E + YY;
__global ftype *Ez = E + ZZ;
__global ftype *Hx = H + XX;
__global ftype *Hy = H + YY;
__global ftype *Hz = H + ZZ;
* Implement periodic boundary conditions
* mx ([m]inus [x]) gives the index offset of the adjacent cell in the minus-x direction.
* In the event that we start at x == 0, we actually want to wrap around and grab the cell
* x_{-1} == (sx - 1) instead, ie. mx = (sx - 1) * dix .
* px ([p]lus [x]) gives the index offset of the adjacent cell in the plus-x direction.
* In the event that we start at x == (sx - 1), we actually want to wrap around and grab
* the cell x_{+1} == 0 instead, ie. px = -(sx - 1) * dix .
int mx = -dix;
int px = +dix;
int wrap_x = (sx - 1) * dix;
if ( x == 0 ) {
mx = wrap_x;
} else if ( x == sx - 1 ) {
px = -wrap_x;
int my = -diy;
int py = +diy;
int wrap_y = (sy - 1) * diy;
if ( y == 0 ) {
my = wrap_y;
} else if ( y == sy - 1 ) {
py = -wrap_y;
int mz = -diz;
int pz = +diz;
int wrap_z = (sz - 1) * diz;
if ( z == 0 ) {
mz = wrap_z;
} else if ( z == sz - 1 ) {
pz = -wrap_z;
* Precalculate derivatives
ftype dExy = Ex[i + py] - Ex[i];
ftype dExz = Ex[i + pz] - Ex[i];
ftype dEyx = Ey[i + px] - Ey[i];
ftype dEyz = Ey[i + pz] - Ey[i];
ftype dEzx = Ez[i + px] - Ez[i];
ftype dEzy = Ez[i + py] - Ez[i];
* Precalculate averaged E
ftype aExy = Ex[i + py] + Ex[i];
ftype aExz = Ex[i + pz] + Ex[i];
ftype aEyx = Ey[i + px] + Ey[i];
ftype aEyz = Ey[i + pz] + Ey[i];
ftype aEzx = Ez[i + px] + Ez[i];
ftype aEzy = Ez[i + py] + Ez[i];
* PML Update
// PML contributions to H
ftype pHxi = 0;
ftype pHyi = 0;
ftype pHzi = 0;
int pml_xn_thickness = 8;
if ( x < pml_xn_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = x; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + y * sz + ir * sz * sy; // linear index into Psi
Psi_xn_Hy[ip] = px0hn[ir] * Psi_xn_Hy[ip] + px1hn[ir] * dEzx;
Psi_xn_Hz[ip] = px0hn[ir] * Psi_xn_Hz[ip] + px1hn[ir] * dEyx;
pHyi += Psi_xn_Hy[ip];
pHzi -= Psi_xn_Hz[ip];
}int pml_xp_thickness = 8;
if ( sx > x && x >= sx - pml_xp_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (sx - 1) - x; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + y * sz + ir * sz * sy; // linear index into Psi
Psi_xp_Hy[ip] = px0hp[ir] * Psi_xp_Hy[ip] + px1hp[ir] * dEzx;
Psi_xp_Hz[ip] = px0hp[ir] * Psi_xp_Hz[ip] + px1hp[ir] * dEyx;
pHyi += Psi_xp_Hy[ip];
pHzi -= Psi_xp_Hz[ip];
}int pml_yn_thickness = 8;
if ( y < pml_yn_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = y; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + x * sz + ir * sz * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_yn_Hx[ip] = py0hn[ir] * Psi_yn_Hx[ip] + py1hn[ir] * dEzy;
Psi_yn_Hz[ip] = py0hn[ir] * Psi_yn_Hz[ip] + py1hn[ir] * dExy;
pHxi -= Psi_yn_Hx[ip];
pHzi += Psi_yn_Hz[ip];
}int pml_yp_thickness = 8;
if ( sy > y && y >= sy - pml_yp_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (sy - 1) - y; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = z + x * sz + ir * sz * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_yp_Hx[ip] = py0hp[ir] * Psi_yp_Hx[ip] + py1hp[ir] * dEzy;
Psi_yp_Hz[ip] = py0hp[ir] * Psi_yp_Hz[ip] + py1hp[ir] * dExy;
pHxi -= Psi_yp_Hx[ip];
pHzi += Psi_yp_Hz[ip];
}int pml_zn_thickness = 8;
if ( z < pml_zn_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = z; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = y + x * sy + ir * sy * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_zn_Hx[ip] = pz0hn[ir] * Psi_zn_Hx[ip] + pz1hn[ir] * dEyz;
Psi_zn_Hy[ip] = pz0hn[ir] * Psi_zn_Hy[ip] + pz1hn[ir] * dExz;
pHxi += Psi_zn_Hx[ip];
pHyi -= Psi_zn_Hy[ip];
}int pml_zp_thickness = 8;
if ( sz > z && z >= sz - pml_zp_thickness ) {
const size_t ir = (sz - 1) - z; // index into pml parameters
const size_t ip = y + x * sy + ir * sy * sx; // linear index into Psi
Psi_zp_Hx[ip] = pz0hp[ir] * Psi_zp_Hx[ip] + pz1hp[ir] * dEyz;
Psi_zp_Hy[ip] = pz0hp[ir] * Psi_zp_Hy[ip] + pz1hp[ir] * dExz;
pHxi += Psi_zp_Hx[ip];
pHyi -= Psi_zp_Hy[ip];
* Update H
// Save old H for averaging
ftype Hx_old = Hx[i];
ftype Hy_old = Hy[i];
ftype Hz_old = Hz[i];
// H update equations
Hx[i] -= dt * (dEzy - dEyz + pHxi);
Hy[i] -= dt * (dExz - dEzx + pHyi);
Hz[i] -= dt * (dEyx - dExy + pHzi);
// Average H across timesteps
ftype aHxt = Hx[i] + Hx_old;
ftype aHyt = Hy[i] + Hy_old;
ftype aHzt = Hz[i] + Hz_old;
* Calculate unscaled S components at H locations
__global ftype *oSxy = oS + 0 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSyz = oS + 1 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSzx = oS + 2 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSxz = oS + 3 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSyx = oS + 4 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSzy = oS + 5 * field_size;
oSxy[i] = aEyx * aHzt;
oSxz[i] = -aEzx * aHyt;
oSyz[i] = aEzy * aHxt;
oSyx[i] = -aExy * aHzt;
oSzx[i] = aExz * aHyt;
oSzy[i] = -aEyz * aHxt;
* Update E-field, including any PMLs.
* Template parameters:
* common_header: Rendered contents of
* pmls: [('x', 'n'), ('z', 'p'),...] list of pml axes and polarities
* pml_thickness: Number of cells (integer)
* OpenCL args:
* E, H, dt, S, oS
typedef float ftype;
* Field size info
const size_t sx = 395;
const size_t sy = 345;
const size_t sz = 73;
const size_t field_size = sx * sy * sz;
//Since we use i to index into Ex[], Ey[], ... rather than E[], do nothing if
// i is outside the bounds of Ex[].
if (i >= field_size) {
* Array indexing
// Given a linear index i and shape (sx, sy, sz), defines x, y, and z
// as the 3D indices of the current element (i).
// (ie, converts linear index [i] to field indices (x, y, z)
const size_t x = i / (sz * sy);
const size_t y = (i - x * sz * sy) / sz;
const size_t z = (i - y * sz - x * sz * sy);
// Calculate linear index offsets corresponding to offsets in 3D
// (ie, if E[i] <-> E(x, y, z), then E[i + diy] <-> E(x, y + 1, z)
const size_t dix = sz * sy;
const size_t diy = sz;
const size_t diz = 1;
* Pointer math
//Pointer offsets into the components of a linearized vector-field
// (eg. Hx = H + XX, where H and Hx are pointers)
const size_t XX = 0;
const size_t YY = field_size;
const size_t ZZ = field_size * 2;
//Define pointers to vector components of each field (eg. Hx = H + XX)
__global ftype *Ex = E + XX;
__global ftype *Ey = E + YY;
__global ftype *Ez = E + ZZ;
__global ftype *Hx = H + XX;
__global ftype *Hy = H + YY;
__global ftype *Hz = H + ZZ;
* Implement periodic boundary conditions
* mx ([m]inus [x]) gives the index offset of the adjacent cell in the minus-x direction.
* In the event that we start at x == 0, we actually want to wrap around and grab the cell
* x_{-1} == (sx - 1) instead, ie. mx = (sx - 1) * dix .
* px ([p]lus [x]) gives the index offset of the adjacent cell in the plus-x direction.
* In the event that we start at x == (sx - 1), we actually want to wrap around and grab
* the cell x_{+1} == 0 instead, ie. px = -(sx - 1) * dix .
int mx = -dix;
int px = +dix;
int wrap_x = (sx - 1) * dix;
if ( x == 0 ) {
mx = wrap_x;
} else if ( x == sx - 1 ) {
px = -wrap_x;
int my = -diy;
int py = +diy;
int wrap_y = (sy - 1) * diy;
if ( y == 0 ) {
my = wrap_y;
} else if ( y == sy - 1 ) {
py = -wrap_y;
int mz = -diz;
int pz = +diz;
int wrap_z = (sz - 1) * diz;
if ( z == 0 ) {
mz = wrap_z;
} else if ( z == sz - 1 ) {
pz = -wrap_z;
* Calculate S from oS (pre-calculated components)
__global ftype *Sx = S + XX;
__global ftype *Sy = S + YY;
__global ftype *Sz = S + ZZ;
// Use unscaled S components from H locations
__global ftype *oSxy = oS + 0 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSyz = oS + 1 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSzx = oS + 2 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSxz = oS + 3 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSyx = oS + 4 * field_size;
__global ftype *oSzy = oS + 5 * field_size;
ftype s_factor = dt * 0.125;
Sx[i] = (oSxy[i] + oSxz[i] + oSxy[i + my] + oSxz[i + mz]) * s_factor;
Sy[i] = (oSyz[i] + oSyx[i] + oSyz[i + mz] + oSyx[i + mx]) * s_factor;
Sz[i] = (oSzx[i] + oSzy[i] + oSzx[i + mx] + oSzy[i + my]) * s_factor;