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2016-03-30 15:00:00 -07:00
Class for constructing and holding the basic FDTD operations and fields
from typing import List, Dict, Callable
import numpy
import warnings
import pyopencl
import pyopencl.array
from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel
from . import boundary, base
from .base import type_to_C
class Simulation(object):
Constructs and holds the basic FDTD operations and related fields
E = None # type: List[pyopencl.array.Array]
H = None # type: List[pyopencl.array.Array]
eps = None # type: List[pyopencl.array.Array]
dt = None # type: float
arg_type = None # type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64
context = None # type: pyopencl.Context
queue = None # type: pyopencl.CommandQueue
update_E = None # type: Callable[[],pyopencl.Event]
update_H = None # type: Callable[[],pyopencl.Event]
conductor_E = None # type: Callable[[],pyopencl.Event]
conductor_H = None # type: Callable[[],pyopencl.Event]
cpml_E = None # type: Callable[[],pyopencl.Event]
cpml_H = None # type: Callable[[],pyopencl.Event]
cpml_psi_E = None # type: Dict[str, pyopencl.array.Array]
cpml_psi_H = None # type: Dict[str, pyopencl.array.Array]
def __init__(self,
epsilon: List[numpy.ndarray],
dt: float=.99/numpy.sqrt(3),
initial_E: List[numpy.ndarray]=None,
initial_H: List[numpy.ndarray]=None,
context: pyopencl.Context=None,
queue: pyopencl.CommandQueue=None,
float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64=numpy.float32):
Initialize the simulation.
:param epsilon: List containing [eps_r,xx, eps_r,yy, eps_r,zz], where each element is a Yee-shifted ndarray
spanning the simulation domain. Relative epsilon is used.
:param dt: Time step. Default is the Courant factor.
:param initial_E: Initial E-field (default is 0 everywhere). Same format as epsilon.
:param initial_H: Initial H-field (default is 0 everywhere). Same format as epsilon.
:param context: pyOpenCL context. If not given, pyopencl.create_some_context(False) is called.
:param queue: pyOpenCL command queue. If not given, pyopencl.CommandQueue(context) is called.
:param float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64. Default numpy.float32.
if len(epsilon) != 3:
Exception('Epsilon must be a list with length of 3')
if not all((e.shape == epsilon[0].shape for e in epsilon[1:])):
Exception('All epsilon grids must have the same shape. Shapes are {}', [e.shape for e in epsilon])
if context is None:
self.context = pyopencl.create_some_context(False)
self.context = context
if queue is None:
self.queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(self.context)
self.queue = queue
if dt > .99/numpy.sqrt(3):
warnings.warn('Warning: unstable dt: {}'.format(dt))
elif dt <= 0:
raise Exception('Invalid dt: {}'.format(dt))
self.dt = dt
self.arg_type = float_type
self.eps = [pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, e.astype(float_type)) for e in epsilon]
if initial_E is None:
self.E = [pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.eps[0]) for _ in range(3)]
if len(initial_E) != 3:
Exception('Initial_E must be a list of length 3')
if not all((E.shape == epsilon[0].shape for E in initial_E)):
Exception('Initial_E list elements must have same shape as epsilon elements')
self.E = [pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, E.astype(float_type)) for E in initial_E]
if initial_H is None:
self.H = [pyopencl.array.zeros_like(self.eps[0]) for _ in range(3)]
if len(initial_H) != 3:
Exception('Initial_H must be a list of length 3')
if not all((H.shape == epsilon[0].shape for H in initial_H)):
Exception('Initial_H list elements must have same shape as epsilon elements')
self.H = [pyopencl.array.to_device(self.queue, H.astype(float_type)) for H in initial_H]
E_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *E' + c for c in 'xyz']
H_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *H' + c for c in 'xyz']
eps_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *eps' + c for c in 'xyz']
dt_arg = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' dt']
sxyz = base.shape_source(epsilon[0].shape)
E_source = sxyz + base.dixyz_source + base.maxwell_E_source
H_source = sxyz + base.dixyz_source + base.maxwell_H_source
E_update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=E_source,
arguments=', '.join(E_args + H_args + dt_arg + eps_args))
H_update = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, operation=H_source,
arguments=', '.join(E_args + H_args + dt_arg))
self.update_E = lambda e: E_update(*self.E, *self.H, self.dt, *self.eps, wait_for=e)
self.update_H = lambda e: H_update(*self.E, *self.H, self.dt, wait_for=e)
def init_cpml(self, pml_args: List[Dict]):
Initialize absorbing layers (cpml: complex phase matched layer). PMLs are not actual
boundary conditions, so you should add a conducting boundary (.init_conductors()) for
all directions in which you add PMLs.
Allows use of self.cpml_E(events) and self.cpml_H(events).
All necessary additional fields are created on the opencl device.
:param pml_args: A list containing dictionaries which are passed to .boundary.cpml(...).
The dt argument is set automatically, but the others must be passed in each entry
of pml_args.
sxyz = base.shape_source(self.eps[0].shape)
# Prepare per-iteration constants for later use
pml_E_source = sxyz + base.dixyz_source + base.xyz_source
pml_H_source = sxyz + base.dixyz_source + base.xyz_source
psi_E = []
psi_H = []
psi_E_names = []
psi_H_names = []
for arg_set in pml_args:
pml_data = boundary.cpml(dt=self.dt, **arg_set)
pml_E_source += pml_data['E']
pml_H_source += pml_data['H']
ti = numpy.delete(range(3), arg_set['direction'])
trans = [self.eps[0].shape[i] for i in ti]
psi_shape = (8, trans[0], trans[1])
psi_E += [pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, psi_shape, dtype=self.arg_type)
for _ in pml_data['psi_E']]
psi_H += [pyopencl.array.zeros(self.queue, psi_shape, dtype=self.arg_type)
for _ in pml_data['psi_H']]
psi_E_names += pml_data['psi_E']
psi_H_names += pml_data['psi_H']
E_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *E' + c for c in 'xyz']
H_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *H' + c for c in 'xyz']
eps_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *eps' + c for c in 'xyz']
dt_arg = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' dt']
arglist_E = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *' + psi for psi in psi_E_names]
arglist_H = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *' + psi for psi in psi_H_names]
pml_E_args = ', '.join(E_args + H_args + dt_arg + eps_args + arglist_E)
pml_H_args = ', '.join(E_args + H_args + dt_arg + arglist_H)
pml_E = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, arguments=pml_E_args, operation=pml_E_source)
pml_H = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, arguments=pml_H_args, operation=pml_H_source)
self.cpml_E = lambda e: pml_E(*self.E, *self.H, self.dt, *self.eps, *psi_E, wait_for=e)
self.cpml_H = lambda e: pml_H(*self.E, *self.H, self.dt, *psi_H, wait_for=e)
self.cmpl_psi_E = {k: v for k, v in zip(psi_E_names, psi_E)}
self.cmpl_psi_H = {k: v for k, v in zip(psi_H_names, psi_H)}
def init_conductors(self, conductor_args: List[Dict]):
Initialize reflecting boundary conditions.
Allows use of self.conductor_E(events) and self.conductor_H(events).
:param conductor_args: List of dictionaries with which to call .boundary.conductor(...).
sxyz = base.shape_source(self.eps[0].shape)
# Prepare per-iteration constants
bc_E_source = sxyz + base.dixyz_source + base.xyz_source
bc_H_source = sxyz + base.dixyz_source + base.xyz_source
for arg_set in conductor_args:
[e, h] = boundary.conductor(**arg_set)
bc_E_source += e
bc_H_source += h
E_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *E' + c for c in 'xyz']
H_args = [type_to_C(self.arg_type) + ' *H' + c for c in 'xyz']
bc_E = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, arguments=E_args, operation=bc_E_source)
bc_H = ElementwiseKernel(self.context, arguments=H_args, operation=bc_H_source)
self.conductor_E = lambda e: bc_E(*self.E, wait_for=e)
self.conductor_H = lambda e: bc_H(*self.H, wait_for=e)