/* * H update equations * * Template parameters: * mu False if (mu == 1) everywhere * pmc False if no PMC anywhere * common_cl Rendered code from common.cl * * Arguments: * ctype *E E-field * ctype *H H-field * ctype *inv_mu 1/mu (at H-field locations) * char *pmc Boolean mask denoting presence of PMC (at H-field locations) * ctype *inv_dex 1/dx_e (complex cell widths for x direction at E locations) * ctype *inv_dey 1/dy_e (complex cell widths for y direction at E locations) * ctype *inv_dez 1/dz_e (complex cell widths for z direction at E locations) * */ {{common_cl}} __global ctype *inv_mu_x = inv_mu + XX; __global ctype *inv_mu_y = inv_mu + YY; __global ctype *inv_mu_z = inv_mu + ZZ; __global char *pmc_x = pmc + XX; __global char *pmc_y = pmc + YY; __global char *pmc_z = pmc + ZZ; /* * Implement periodic boundary conditions * * ipx gives the index of the adjacent cell in the plus-x direction ([i]ndex [p]lus [x]). * In the event that we start at x == (sx - 1), we actually want to wrap around and grab the cell * where x == 0 instead, ie. ipx = i - (sx - 1) * dix . */ int ipx, ipy, ipz; if ( x == sx - 1 ) { ipx = i - (sx - 1) * dix; } else { ipx = i + dix; } if ( y == sy - 1 ) { ipy = i - (sy - 1) * diy; } else { ipy = i + diy; } if ( z == sz - 1 ) { ipz = i - (sz - 1) * diz; } else { ipz = i + diz; } //Update H components; set them to 0 if PMC is enabled at that location. //Mu division and PMC conditional are only included if {{mu}} and {{pmc}} are true {% if pmc -%} if (pmc_x[i] != 0) { Hx[i] = zero; } else {%- endif -%} { ctype Dzy = mul(sub(Ez[ipy], Ez[i]), inv_dey[y]); ctype Dyz = mul(sub(Ey[ipz], Ey[i]), inv_dez[z]); ctype x_curl = sub(Dzy, Dyz); {%- if mu -%} Hx[i] = mul(inv_mu_x[i], x_curl); {%- else -%} Hx[i] = x_curl; {%- endif %} } {% if pmc -%} if (pmc_y[i] != 0) { Hy[i] = zero; } else {%- endif -%} { ctype Dxz = mul(sub(Ex[ipz], Ex[i]), inv_dez[z]); ctype Dzx = mul(sub(Ez[ipx], Ez[i]), inv_dex[x]); ctype y_curl = sub(Dxz, Dzx); {%- if mu -%} Hy[i] = mul(inv_mu_y[i], y_curl); {%- else -%} Hy[i] = y_curl; {%- endif %} } {% if pmc -%} if (pmc_z[i] != 0) { Hz[i] = zero; } else {%- endif -%} { ctype Dyx = mul(sub(Ey[ipx], Ey[i]), inv_dex[x]); ctype Dxy = mul(sub(Ex[ipy], Ex[i]), inv_dey[y]); ctype z_curl = sub(Dyx, Dxy); {%- if mu -%} Hz[i] = mul(inv_mu_z[i], z_curl); {%- else -%} Hz[i] = z_curl; {%- endif %} } /* * End H update equations */