from typing import List, Callable import numpy import jinja2 import pyopencl import pyopencl.array from pyopencl.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel from pyopencl.reduction import ReductionKernel # Create jinja2 env on module load jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__name__, 'kernels')) # Return type for the create_opname(...) functions operation = Callable[..., List[pyopencl.Event]] def type_to_C(float_type: numpy.float32 or numpy.float64) -> str: """ Returns a string corresponding to the C equivalent of a numpy type. :param float_type: numpy type: float32, float64, complex64, complex128 :return: string containing the corresponding C type (eg. 'double') """ types = { numpy.float32: 'float', numpy.float64: 'double', numpy.complex64: 'cfloat_t', numpy.complex128: 'cdouble_t', } if float_type not in types: raise Exception('Unsupported type') return types[float_type] # Type names ctype = type_to_C(numpy.complex128) ctype_bare = 'cdouble' # Preamble for all OpenCL code preamble = ''' #define PYOPENCL_DEFINE_CDOUBLE #include //Defines to clean up operation and type names #define ctype {ctype}_t #define zero {ctype}_new(0.0, 0.0) #define add {ctype}_add #define sub {ctype}_sub #define mul {ctype}_mul '''.format(ctype=ctype_bare) def ptrs(*args: str) -> List[str]: return [ctype + ' *' + s for s in args] def create_a(context: pyopencl.Context, shape: numpy.ndarray, mu: bool = False, pec: bool = False, pmc: bool = False, ) -> operation: """ Return a function which performs (A @ p), where A is the FDFD wave equation for E-field. The returned function has the signature spmv(E, H, p, idxes, oeps, inv_mu, pec, pmc, Pl, Pr, e) with arguments (all except e are of type pyopencl.array.Array (or contain it)): E E-field (output) H Temporary variable for holding intermediate H-field values on GPU (same size as E) p p-vector (input vector) idxes list holding [[1/dx_e, 1/dy_e, 1/dz_e], [1/dx_h, 1/dy_h, 1/dz_h]] (complex cell widths) oeps omega * epsilon inv_mu 1/mu pec array of bytes; nonzero value indicates presence of PEC pmc array of bytes; nonzero value indicates presence of PMC Pl Left preconditioner (array containing diagonal entries only) Pr Right preconditioner (array containing diagonal entries only) e List of pyopencl.Event; execution will wait until these are finished. and returns a list of pyopencl.Event. :param context: PyOpenCL context :param shape: Dimensions of the E-field :param mu: False iff (mu == 1) everywhere :param pec: False iff no PEC anywhere :param pmc: False iff no PMC anywhere :return: Function for computing (A @ p) """ common_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(shape=shape) pec_arg = ['char *pec'] pmc_arg = ['char *pmc'] des = [ctype + ' *inv_de' + a for a in 'xyz'] dhs = [ctype + ' *inv_dh' + a for a in 'xyz'] ''' Convert p to initial E (ie, apply right preconditioner and PEC) ''' p2e_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(pec=pec) P2E_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='P2E', preamble=preamble, operation=p2e_source, arguments=', '.join(ptrs('E', 'p', 'Pr') + pec_arg)) ''' Calculate intermediate H from intermediate E ''' e2h_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(mu=mu, pmc=pmc, common_cl=common_source) E2H_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='E2H', preamble=preamble, operation=e2h_source, arguments=', '.join(ptrs('E', 'H', 'inv_mu') + pmc_arg + des)) ''' Calculate final E (including left preconditioner) ''' h2e_source = jinja_env.get_template('').render(pec=pec, common_cl=common_source) H2E_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='H2E', preamble=preamble, operation=h2e_source, arguments=', '.join(ptrs('E', 'H', 'oeps', 'Pl') + pec_arg + dhs)) def spmv(E, H, p, idxes, oeps, inv_mu, pec, pmc, Pl, Pr, e): e2 = P2E_kernel(E, p, Pr, pec, wait_for=e) e2 = E2H_kernel(E, H, inv_mu, pmc, *idxes[0], wait_for=[e2]) e2 = H2E_kernel(E, H, oeps, Pl, pec, *idxes[1], wait_for=[e2]) return [e2] return spmv def create_xr_step(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function xr_update(x, p, r, v, alpha, e) which performs the operations x += alpha * p r -= alpha * v after waiting for all in the list e and returns a list of pyopencl.Event :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing x and r updates """ update_xr_source = ''' x[i] = add(x[i], mul(alpha, p[i])); r[i] = sub(r[i], mul(alpha, v[i])); ''' xr_args = ', '.join(ptrs('x', 'p', 'r', 'v') + [ctype + ' alpha']) xr_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='XR', preamble=preamble, operation=update_xr_source, arguments=xr_args) def xr_update(x, p, r, v, alpha, e): return [xr_kernel(x, p, r, v, alpha, wait_for=e)] return xr_update def create_rhoerr_step(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function ri_update(r, e) which performs the operations rho = r * r.conj() err = r * r after waiting for all pyopencl.Event in the list e and returns a list of pyopencl.Event :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing x and r updates """ update_ri_source = ''' (double3)(r[i].real * r[i].real, \ r[i].real * r[i].imag, \ r[i].imag * r[i].imag) ''' # Use a vector type (double3) to make the reduction simpler ri_dtype = pyopencl.array.vec.double3 ri_kernel = ReductionKernel(context, name='RHOERR', preamble=preamble, dtype_out=ri_dtype, neutral='(double3)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)', map_expr=update_ri_source, reduce_expr='a+b', arguments=ctype + ' *r') def ri_update(r, e): g = ri_kernel(r, wait_for=e).astype(ri_dtype).get() rr, ri, ii = [g[q] for q in 'xyz'] rho = rr + 2j * ri - ii err = rr + ii return rho, err return ri_update def create_p_step(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function p_update(p, r, beta, e) which performs the operation p = r + beta * p after waiting for all pyopencl.Event in the list e and returns a list of pyopencl.Event :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing the p update """ update_p_source = ''' p[i] = add(r[i], mul(beta, p[i])); ''' p_args = ptrs('p', 'r') + [ctype + ' beta'] p_kernel = ElementwiseKernel(context, name='P', preamble=preamble, operation=update_p_source, arguments=', '.join(p_args)) def p_update(p, r, beta, e): return [p_kernel(p, r, beta, wait_for=e)] return p_update def create_dot(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function for performing the dot product p @ v with the signature dot(p, v, e) -> float :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for performing the dot product """ dot_dtype = numpy.complex128 dot_kernel = ReductionKernel(context, name='dot', preamble=preamble, dtype_out=dot_dtype, neutral='zero', map_expr='mul(p[i], v[i])', reduce_expr='add(a, b)', arguments=ptrs('p', 'v')) def dot(p, v, e): g = dot_kernel(p, v, wait_for=e) return g.get() return dot def create_a_csr(context: pyopencl.Context) -> operation: """ Return a function for performing the operation (N @ v) where N is stored in CSR (compressed sparse row) format. The function signature is spmv(v_out, m, v_in, e) where m is an opencl_fdfd.csr.CSRMatrix and v_out, v_in are (dense) vectors (of type pyopencl.array.Array). The function waits on all the pyopencl.Event in e before running, and returns a list of pyopencl.Event. :param context: PyOpenCL context :return: Function for sparse (M @ v) operation where M is in CSR format """ spmv_source = ''' int start = m_row_ptr[i]; int stop = m_row_ptr[i+1]; dtype dot = zero; int col_ind, d_ind; for (int j=start; j