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Utility functions and types:
Type definition for buffers:
Custom exception type:
Search for a buffer inside another buffer:
search_buffer(needle_buffer, haystack_buffer)
Check if two buffers (ctypes objects) store equal values:
ctypes_equal(a, b)
from typing import List, Union
import ctypes
ctypes_buffer_t = Union[ctypes._SimpleCData, ctypes.Array, ctypes.Structure, ctypes.Union]
class MemEditError(Exception):
def search_buffer_verbatim(needle_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t,
haystack_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t,
) -> List[int]:
Search for a buffer inside another buffer, using a direct (bitwise) comparison
needle_buffer: Buffer to search for.
haystack_buffer: Buffer to search in.
List of offsets where the `needle_buffer` was found.
found = []
haystack = bytes(haystack_buffer)
needle = bytes(needle_buffer)
start = 0
result = haystack.find(needle, start)
while start < len(haystack) and result != -1:
start = result + 1
result = haystack.find(needle, start)
return found
def search_buffer(needle_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t,
haystack_buffer: ctypes_buffer_t,
) -> List[int]:
Search for a buffer inside another buffer, using `ctypes_equal` for comparison.
Much slower than `search_buffer_verbatim`.
needle_buffer: Buffer to search for.
haystack_buffer: Buffer to search in.
List of offsets where the needle_buffer was found.
found = []
read_type = type(needle_buffer)
for offset in range(0, len(haystack_buffer) - ctypes.sizeof(needle_buffer)):
v = read_type.from_buffer(haystack_buffer, offset)
if ctypes_equal(needle_buffer, v):
return found
def ctypes_equal(a: ctypes_buffer_t,
b: ctypes_buffer_t,
) -> bool:
Check if the values stored inside two ctypes buffers are equal.
if not type(a) == type(b):
return False
if isinstance(a, ctypes.Array):
return a[:] == b[:]
elif isinstance(a, ctypes.Structure) or isinstance(a, ctypes.Union):
for attr_name, attr_type in a._fields_:
a_attr, b_attr = (getattr(x, attr_name) for x in (a, b))
if isinstance(a, ctypes_buffer_t):
if not ctypes_equal(a_attr, b_attr):
return False
elif not a_attr == b_attr:
return False
return True
return a.value == b.value